Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), June 2, 1883, p. 6

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Kngineening. MECHANICAL INEERS. The local arrangements have been made in Cleveland tor the coming of this assocta- tion commencing June 12. The following committes are acting. Local arrangements: J. F. Holloway, Chairman, C.F. Brush, W. M. Barr, Ambrose Swa N. 8. Possons, W. H. ‘Thompson, Wellman, E. HW. Martin, John Walke ‘ D. Cox, Jr, W. R, Warner, F. H. Richards; Executive Committee: T.. Wellinan, Ambrose Swasey, J. F. Holloway, J.D. Cox, Jr. The Loeal Committees have extended an invitation to the Civil Eugineer’s Club of Cleveland, to be present at the opening, meeting, in order to add to the pleasure and the sociability of the occasion, Wednesday, June reading of professional papers and) general discussions, In the evening the citizens of Cleveland will give the association a recep- tion. Toorsday., June 14, the day will be de- voted to excursions by special train smoug the prominent iron and steel works : nd the large manufactories of the city. Among the places to be visited are the Otislrcm and Steel Works, Cleveland City Forge and Tron Company, Cummer Engine Cor pay, Union Screw Company, Brush bk eet‘ Company, Warner & Swasey, Clevela id Malleable Tron Company, the extensive tron and steel) works of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company, Eighteenth Ward, the Standard Oil Company, Central Furnaces of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company, Lron Ore Docks, City Water Works, ete. . Among the papers already in hand for the meeting are the following. “The Marine Engines of the Lakes, with a Device for getting them off their Dead Centers. By J. F. Holloway. History of the Winding and Pumping Engines of the Anthracite Regions. Balancing Vertical Engines. AMERICAN G- The Bower-Barlf Process. By W. F. Durfee. Standard in Pipe Fittings. By Wm. J. Baldwin. fugot Cranes. By Gram Curtis. ‘ Spiral Springs; Compression and ‘Tensile, By Oberlin Sinith. A New Method of Constructinga Crank- shaft. By J E. Sweet. A New Method of Casting Flange Pipe. By J. E. Sweet. : A Note on the Effect of Prolonged Strain upon Iron. By R. H. Thurston: . A Note on Water Hammer its Steam Pipes. By R. H. Thurston. Beton in Conjunction with Iron asa Build- ing Materal. By W. E. Ward. Cranes—A Study of Types and Details. By H.R. Towne. Shafting. By Chas. A. Hague. Other equally interesting papers are pro- mised. It is hoped that the place selected for the 13, there will be the} meeting, together with the date named, will | induce members, as far as possible, to bring ladies with them. Provision will be made for their. entertainment while members are engaged in the meetings or are away on ex- cursions. —— e THEORETICAL WATER, fhe theoretical power of water is the weight of the moving columi wultiplied by the velocity per second, and the production divided by 550, or if the veloc per tninute is used as a multiplier, the product obtained should be divided by 33,000, ‘The se area in inches of a moving colum of water re- quired to supply a water wheel is commonly referred to as the discharge of the wheel, or “square inches” used. This is not determined altogether by the measurement of the buckets or the chutes of water wheels. A’ wheel which acts by direet impart of the water, is an opstruc ion to the water, and the THE POWER OF amount can only be ascertained -by experi: | ment, A reacdion wheel—being simply a screw, cutting the falling water—diseharges a larger column of water than wonld be re- presented even by the measurement of its | bucket openings. A cubie weighs 62.425 pounds, and is equal to 6.24 gallons, The quantity of water supplied by astream i area of cross section by the velocity. The velocity should be carefully ascertained by repeated trials ina portion of the stream Where the current is even aud the section uniform for the distince measured. A loaded stick floating uprightand nearly touching the bottom is the best thing for showing the velocity of the water. [fa chip or stick on the surface of the water is used, from twenty to twenty-five per cent, should be thrown off from the result forthe difference between the surface and the average velocity.—Bos. Commercial Bulketin. The disaster of the Grayling has provoked a hot diseussion of the comparative merits ot the English and Ameirean form of yaehts. The English yachts are deep and narrow, while the Americiu are broad and shallow. It is not unlikely that a combination of the two will meet the fine) requisite of yachts- men. foot of water) determined by multiplying the | ‘yacht is painted black on the sides aud red ienced ina Jong time. Ile regrets that | Kingston is not better represented with ' YACHTING. Judge Brown, of the United States Court at Detroit, has made a decision interesting to yachtsmen, On last July 4 the yacht Diamond was run into, opposite the foot of Woodland avenue, in broad dayligbt, by the transfer steamer Michigan, ‘The yacht was demolished and several of the crew narrowly escaped drowning. ‘The railroad company refused to pay anything for the loss, and was sued for the value of the yacht, $1,200. In deciding the case, Judge Brown said the testimony plainly showed the accident could have been avoided, as the yacht was seen by the steamer to be lying immediately in her course, Waterlogged. As to her right: there the Judge expressed himself quite forcibly, announcing that pleasure yachts had the same rights of navigation: that vessels or steamers engaged in bussiness had, and that steamers must get out of the way of sailing craft. He also said that ifany deaths had resulted from the accident it would have gone hard with the Grand ‘frank Railr Company, Which owns the steamer. A judg- ment for $1,415 was rendered. A NEW STEAM YACHT, Last week we described V. A. ‘Taylor’s Sharpie yacht built av Detroit. This week we describe the fing new steam yacht of 5. V. Harkness being made at the Globe Lron Shipyard in this city. ‘The work is nuder the supervision of Captain D, Nickerson, the oldest steamboat navigator of the lakes. he bull was modeled by V. D. Nickerson, the marine artist. , The yacht is 66 feet over all, 60 feet keel, 12 feet beam, and 45 inches deep. She is flat bottomed, without even the suspicion of akeel, andis not what may be termed a sharp boat. Her lines are shapely, however, avd when afloat will probably look as pretiy fairy. ‘he hull is composed of au iron frame, on Which are bolted, layers, iron plates three-sixteenths of an inch in’ thick- ness. ‘his part of the work is done finely, snot a rivet head or the mark of a hawmer ean be seen on her sides or bottom, The paddle-boxes, of white matched pine, bolted loa frame of angle iron, are protected by a guard of strong wire network also secured by angle iron. ‘The object in view in’ hay- ing wire net guards, is to prevent the strain that would otherwise occur, every time a large wave was struck underneath thei. Tne cabin cove the entire boat, with the exception ofasmall ace at the bow and stern, and will bea marvel of beauty and elegance. ‘The frame is of white ash, and it will be finished inside with black waluut. The sides will be one -coutinuous row of plate glass windows, allowing the most per- fect view of the surroundings to those who tide inside. ‘Iwo girders run along both sides of the cabin iuside, where they will be utilized as seats, and are fastened to the bow and stern iu the form of breast-hooks. ‘Two ample companion ways have been left jast aft of the paddle-boxes. The boiler, which is of steel, ten ieet long and forty-four inches in diameter, wil! be placed just. for- ward of amidships, with the firerbox for- ward. [tis calculated to carry a pressure of one hundred pounds of steam. ‘Two high pressure engives, with avinternal diameter will be placed on either side of ‘the boile ana will connect with shat ‘The paddle wheels will be feathered. ‘The hull of the and stern are 1nd scroll work, eht is calculated on the bottom. The bow ornamented with iron sta which will be gilded. They todraw no more than one foot of water, She will not be launched fora few weeks yet, as the engines and boilers bave not been made knoown.—Leader. The sloop yacht Wasp at Chieago, May 27, owned by Captain John Prindle went out! on the lake -for a cruise.) Captain James Jackson was sailing her and had on board a party of fourteen Board of ‘Trade gentle- men. On returaing while of Lincoln Park under full canvas, the tall, beautiful unast wentout of her. They lay helpless fora while when the tag Snec same along and towed them into Chicago. 7 Captain Cuthbert says that the new yaeht he is building, the Tolanthe, is a twelve ton- er of beautiful model, and perhaps the fin- est second Class boat he has yet built. She will be very fast. He hopes to have her io the waier by Jane 1. ‘Phe captain ceelares that there will be the liveliest water con- test this season that yachtsmen have exper- yachts, A city with such a magnificent harbor should have acelass of boats that could no. oe beaten.—Oswego Times The Jitde 2!'g-ton yacht sunbeam, of Kings- ton, will be sold immediately after the re- gatta at Gananoque, The first cruise of the season by the Os- wego Yacht Clab took place on the 25, The Cricket, with two jibs, mainsail and) topsadl in the wind soon took the lead and only paused when the new pier was left behind to lower her topsail. The Kingston Whig saya: “A citizen who owns a yacht a cross between a wagon box and avaft, was out for an exercise yesterday snd deseribes a race be had with a schooner, It was exciting, butonly after the yvaehr had yone to the front did the owner discoyer | that the schooner was at anchor,” NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. The three-masted schooner J, Boyce was burned to the water’s edge at North Mus- kegon on the 24, Loss, $17,000. During the dense fog of the 25, at Cheboy- gan, the schooner Nellie Gardner ran into the schooner J. H. Mead and stove in her quarter. The small steamer Pilot exploded on the 25, at San Francisco, und the loss of life was great. The schooner A. G. Morey, lumber laden, from St. Ignace for Chicago struck on a rock off Baily’s harbor Saturday night. She is on the rocks full of water and in danger ot going to pieces, Her master has tele- graphed to Sturgeon Bay for a tug. Cleveland Leader: The propeller Law- renee ran ashore Friday night on Round Is- land Point in the north channel to the en- trance to Mackinaw Island harbor, and_re- mained until 11 o'clock, Saturday morning, when the Algomah released her, She sus- tained no damage. The slocp Benicia Boy, of Sackett’s har- bor, which went to pieces by pounding against the dock at Cape Vincent, was an- chored near Carlton Island, She. dragged History of Russian Coronation, The first Russian Czar who intro- duced the ceremony of coronation into Russia was the mighty John UI. or Ivan IIL. (1462-1505), the contemporary of our Edward IV., Richard IIL, and Henry VIL. He married Sophia, the niece of the very last Imperial orthodox Emperor of Constantinople, and by this marriage claimed a sort of succession to the first Christian Cesar. It was in his reign, when the Turk became mas- ter of the ancient capital of Eastern Christendom, that the kings of Western Europe seem first to have become aware of the rise of the powerfal new Chris- tian monarchy in Eastern Europe, and began to send Ambassadors to Moscow. Ivan did not crown himself, but in 1498 solemnly invested his grandson.: De- metrius, with the Imperial Christian diadem and robe which had been brought from Constantinople, and had been worn by the Cwsars of the Eastern Empire. The ceremony of unction at the coronation was afterward intro- duced by Ivan IV., or ‘The Terrible,” jand has since remained ws it had all along been in Western Europe, an in- her anchor and the crew finally got it up} separable adjunct of the coronation. and made for the dock, She struck the dock | with terrific force and immediately went to pieces, ‘The crew saved themselves by mak- ing “pier head? jumps.—Oswego Palladium. Kingston News: Schooner Sweepstakes had 350 bushels over in a cargo of 24,000 bushels. ‘The captain, when the amount specified in the bill was elevated, ordered work stopped and retained what was left. It is probable that there avill be some litigation in the matter as the torwarder will not pay the freight unless the surplus 1s handed over. SUN TRACINGS. The following is a simple and effective method of copying plans and outlines, and is known as the blue print proces Tt has been adop’ed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. A piece of pure, untinted paper is taken nud made “sensitive? by means of ing of 114 ounces of a chemical wash, con ash and 1% ounces of red prussiate, of Pot eritie iron and ammonia, dissolved in 16] . This when applied to the | ounces of wal ; ° paper in a dark closet by means of a broad yellow surface. ‘This paper when dry is ready for printing. If at this stage a fern leaf is taken or a few sprays of grass or a teather or any drawing executed on translu- cent material, such as onion-skiv paper, it may be perfectly copied in every minute de- tail within the space of five minutes. The object is simply laid on tue paper and a piece of glass put over it to hold it in po tion and then exposed to the meridian sun, The yellow paper then turns rapidly toa dull blue, then toa light grey, whereupon, at the expiration of about three minutes it is withdrawn. But one thing remains to be done; the sensitive paper is given a bath in pure water, and instantly a perfect copy of the fern leaf, grass or drawing appears on the blue surface of the paper, in white, as if rneed by hand. ‘Ihe philosophy of the pro- is that the black lines of the drawing, the filaments of the grass or fern, are opaque, and consequently refuse admittance to the light, which operates upon the open, sensitive spaces, eausing them to undergo a chemical change.—Trade Review. CA HARDENING LOW STEEL. There are a number of pr s for case ! hardening low steel or iron, [tis desirable does not evaporate or oxidize quickly at the temperature required for dening. As the prussiate of potash contains in its anh drous stare, only about 19 per cent. of ear- bou, while the potassium, iron and nitrogen are ne 80 per cent, it follows that it too weak dn carbon, to be ve effective in ease hardening. As boiling water takes up nearly its own weight of prussiate of potash, n saturated solution may be made, to which is added as winch bone charcoal, bone black, or charcoal from leather or horn it up the solution, or as much as can be made wet, the mass is then spread out nnd thor- oughly dried in an oven. It will ther be ready to mix with whatever may be used to make it adhere to the steel, such as. oil, grease, or any othersticky substance, Bone, seather, or horn ebareoal can be made by roasting it ata low heat in a closed vessel, so close that no airean iajare the product, A erucible or iron box, covered with clean sand will do. — = DRAG FOR SIPS. An automatic drag tor ships has been in- vented by John McAdams, of Boston, Mass, wherein clastic fins or blades pivoted at one edge to the sides of the boat are connected with meehaniasm by which they can be simultaneously turned on their pivot edges to swing their free edges. ‘The progress of the boat forces the water between the hull and the fits, throwing them ina position transverse to the sides of the boat, and fis retarded. The elasticity of the fine permits them when notin use to conform to the sides of the vessel when folded by suitable mechanism. } i i \ | | i ; ter the biblical precedent. + In |} Ivan [V. was the first Czar who received the Eucharist at his coronation. Mich- ael Theodrovitsch insisted upon being anointed, not only.on his. forehead anc over his lips, but on his beard also, af- earlier | times the clergy of the Russian Church played a greater part than they do at present in the coronation ceremony. As it-was held almost indispensable alike in England, France and Germany that the National Primates, the Archbishops of Canterbury, Rheims and Mainz, should ‘‘consecrate’’ the national mon- arch to his office, so it was in Russia with the Patriarch of Moscow. The Prelate was supposed to be the peculiar steward and minister of the sacramental rite of coronation. He gave the divine confirmation and unction to the pre- sumed free choice of the people. The voice of the people was thus supposed to become the voice of God. The no- tion of a divine right inherent in the head of a reigning family wes a com-. : + Ou | HNaratively late conception in Russia, as eloth brusb, gives a perfeetly rich, glistening , Pp au U : well as in the West. This appears, however, to be now the predominant notion both of the Russian Czars and the Prussian Kings. _ The present Ger- man Emperor took the crown.from the altar and placed it upon his own head. Similarly in Russia the representatives of the Church now play quite a subor- dinate part in the coronation of the Czars, being little more than minister- ing servants and assisting spectators. Formerly the Muscovite Patriarch stood in much the same relation to the Mus- covite Monarch as the Roman Pope stood to the Roman Emperors through- out the Middle Ages. | The thrones of the Czar and the Patriarch stood upon an equal level, and the Russian secular and ecclesiascal chieftains represented the ancient theory of ‘‘the Two Swords.’ -—London Echo. ——24 Rough on the Bishoz. A well-known Bishop, eminent in his position and in personal dignity, dur- ing the exercise of his official duties was once quartered upon the wealth- | iest resident of a certain village, whose iv have carbon covering or envelope that | wife chanced to be away from home. The Bishop, with grim humor, frequent- ly complains at being put into the spare | room, which is opened especially for him and the encouragement of rheuma- tism. He is withal a slim man, and on this occasion, when his host inquired how he had slept) and hoped: he had passed an agreeable night, he snswered with some vehemence, ‘No, I did not; I passed a very disagreeable night indeed!’ The Bishop departed, and when the wife of bis host returned she naturally inquired who had been in the house in her absence. ‘Bishop P--—,” said ‘the husband. dishop P.——!"" ex- claimed the good woman. ‘And where did you put him to sleep?’ “In the spare bed, of course.”’ “In the spare bed!” shrieked the horrified matron. “Why, I put all the silverware under the mattress before I went away!?— N.Y. Tribune. 1G en —This original composition was pro- duced by a promising youth of Virginia, The subject: was “Interprise:’ — *én- terpr a good thing. Columbus en- terprised America. If Columbus hadn't done it we should -be nowhere, for no- body knew anything about America but the Indians and they wouldn’t tel)” ~ —— <r - The cost of repairs to the sehooner Ketchum, recently ashore at Pilot [sliund will be about $2,000, which will be borne by the owner, the underwriters having insured her against total loss only.

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