~] Kine @®IGHARD HAMMOND. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. JOHN COON, -~A Canadian has invented a method of putting glass in sash without the em- ployment of putty. —A paper watch has been exhibited by a Dresden watchmaker. The paper is prepared in such a manner that the watch is said to be as serviceable as those in ordinary use. —Glass shingles are now being man- ufactured at Pittsburgh, which are said to be more durable and impervious to rain than slate or any other material.— Pittsburgh Post. ‘ CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, 7 MANISTEE, MICH. ——— —(} — —A German patent has just been Tugs, Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. OIL STILLS & taken out for the manufactare of bot- Gasometers ,Salt Pans Smoke Stacks. AGITATORS Hawser ° tles, etc., from cast iron, containin 8; < * : twelve per cent. of silicon, a compoun Light And all kinds of Heavy Plate & Sheet IronWark. ‘ 1 Repatring Prom) tly Attended to, bleh is = to resist action of the ighters, OFFICE & WoRKS Sie = P strongest acids. » % ~— Hive dies od sanhey Lina indents Steam Pumps, 844. 5 Rs. BUPREALO,, MY are estimated to exist as there are spe- Lifting Screws, Perry St. ‘TANKS. cies of all other living creatures to- ESTABLISHED 1830. ; gether. Four hundred and fifty species &¢., are fostered by the oak tree alone, and two hundred by the pine. Humboldt, in 1849, estimated that between 150,000 and 170,000 species were preserved in collections, and it is now supposed that the number may be something like 750,- 000. With how large a part of Na- ture’s production in this one field can any single individual hope to become familiar? To be had on short notice, by mail or telegraph. WM. WA LL . ON @ UFACTURERS OF—— ; —MAN owns ouserren | CORDAGE & OAKUM Manager, Wrecking Master. s s of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN alg of the very beat quality made to order AT ONE NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWIN VESSEL OWNERS. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. —After along consideration of means for stopping Hi ship suddenly when|DEAN & COMPANY'S DIAGNAL LIFE Factory, B rooklyn, N. Y. emergenc requires, a German has LOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF adopted the principle of a recoil of a THE sible gees pak IF MARINE ENGINE WORKS gun as the only feasible basis for ex- PR ; 5 5 S 5 5 § 9 TT periment. He proposes to fasten on AOE TUN. Ar yee a B f rr os ( 2 ARR EK N ww the front of the ship an immense can- BOARD OF SU- = = © ES. PPP —> —_ YD non charged bye some powerful ex- pe tba MANUFACTURER OF losive and ready:to be fired by elec- ‘ : . . . Picity ata moment’s notice. He ae MORE: ; Marine and Stationa ry E ngines, poses that the recoil would exactly | Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. counterbalance the momentum of the ’ e | CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, 55, 57 &59 Michigan st. CHICAGO ILL. D FOR PRICE LIST “DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. ee ea NO ENCINEER MECHANICAL NEWS. (Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR Marine, without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, ship, the armament, of course, being proportioned to the tonnage. —In a letter to a friend in Berlin, Prof. Nordenskjold lately wrote as fol- lows: ‘‘As for my expedition to Green- land, it is my intention, starting from Axion on the west coast in’ sixty-eight degrees thirty minutes north latitude, to push into the interior. Re- lying at ge rer tiry eet ot evo V V ith Premium. Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the = . F liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- - are dry and comparatively warm, Ibe-| Sample Copies Free. Y PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and lieve, contrary to the prevailing opin- Absolutely Safe ion, that the interior is free from ice....I JAMES LEFFEL & co. Send for Circular giving full information to ~ . further believe that, under the meteor- ological conditions now existing south of eighty degrees north latitude, ice- covered continents are a physical im- possibility.” —The increasing scarcity of tallow of animal origin has attracted the atten- tion of candle and soap manufacturers to a vegetable grease introduced into Ene toward 1848, and the use of No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. z H Ce] U Cc H TON & co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers Vesselmen 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, SHOULD HAVE THE NEW PULSOMETER OUR M ARINE LAW BOOK, A, CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, HOST SIMPLE COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL : : ET, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- for raising liquids under and up to 100 feet. No Machinery, No Oil, No termined by the United States Courts Special Care. Can be worked suspended by a chain. Will pass grit, mud, we - oy ee in ence and ~ ON = sands pulp, ote menue sary bo.tts parte. Beew a pare ra . allow tree 18 0: rom boiler to run it. rice, gallons per hour, 50; Oe oneine it ave ie rs oe. Grete cae Seamen, Owners; Lest 3.800 do. 8100; 6:000 do. $150; 10,000 do. 8175 518,600 do. C vie ay ae heen. introduded ies Froights, petri 225 ; 25,000 do. #275; 45,000 do. 8400; ‘60,000 do. #500; 120,000 ‘oO r i. South Carolina, where it has been cul- Collisions, tnroliments, do. 61.000. Compare rigiive hook wich iectimonila: Bey Hailed fet. ! General Average, Common Carriers, PULSOMETER SlEAM PUMP CO., 83 John St., New York City, U.s-4 tivated for ten years. It produces a fruit the core of which is covered witha layer of thick tallow, and contains a yellowish aromatic oil, used in the same country as a heating agent. After the Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &e. MECHANICAL BOOKS The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, aud ‘tine English ‘loth binding. Books of this Kind generally cov for, 81,50, 01" with the MARINE MECHANICS ENGINEERS AND VESSELMEN. lucking, which takes place in July in eet sth The south and in Ootober in the neti See ey aaine ear, both, for only $8.25. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS A'’ REDUCED PRICES. of China, hot water is poured on them | : & CO. 171 SUPERIOR ST, - - - - CLEVELAND, 0. and the grease is skimmed off after get- EE —eerhvwOwOosv Mi” ting cold with spoons; the tallow, St. Mary’s,. Ohio. OAR FACTORIES. Breckenridge, Mich. molded into the form of bamboo canes, CONSUMPT ON Montpelier, Ohi . Carrollton, Mich. is directly brought into commerce. 108 ee —_ They Settled. Two men were wrangling in front of the City Hall the other day, when one of them called out: “J tell you I don’t owe you no five dollars!”” ai “I say you do!” “And Pwon't pay it!” “Then I'll sue you!” At this point a pedestrian halted and inquired of the one: POSITIVELY CURED DeGnAUW, AYMAR & CO., ‘All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be . : . cured should Ox DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF OWDERS, These Powders are the consumETiOn row that will cure consumption and all diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indeed, so strong is our faith in them. and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every j 5 j sufferer, by mail, post pal id, a Free Trial Box. We don’t want your money until yu are perfectly sat- ih tne in Bo hse POWDERS ral Wie Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Sent RUSSIA BOLT-RO PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on recelpt of price. Address: MARINE HARDWARK AND SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY ea encregh J re mae ASH & ROBBINS. Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK- Le) 2. . SIT: “And will you sue him for five dol- 360 Fulton St.. Brooklin, N. Y. THE CLEVELAND lars?’’ he asked of the other. “I will!” “Give him seven dollars,’? continued the pedestrian to the debtor—‘‘give him seven, and be glad to. _If he sues he’s sure of a verdict, and your ex- penses will reach at least ten dollars. Give him seven and be thankful that you are beating two lawyers, a justice and a constable, six jurymen and two witnesses out of their fees.”’ A satisfactory settlement was made on the spot.—Detroit Free Press. ” WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. FTTS, EPILEPSY, R FALLING SICKNESS ANENTLY CURED—NO HUMBUG—by see h’s usage of DR. GOULARD’S Celebrated oneMonte it FS ders. Toconvince sufferers that these Powders W Ngo all we claim for them we will send them by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard is the oily Phys: ician that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been ermanently cured by the use of these Powders: we will guarantee a permanent nevery case OF Te nd your money ex- ded, All sufferers should give these Powders an Lt y trial, and be convinced of their curative power ———= Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. nt : a 0 tr layed | b: it part of the United States or Canad on MANUFACTURERS OF San canine be. anes récetptof price, or by express C. 0. D. Address) ALL KINDS OF WHEELB ARROWS AND TRUCKS Y ‘America, She touched at Petos- ASH & ROBBINS, OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., ey and will soon arrive at Milwaukee, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. ror ALL FURPOSES 20, Mention this Papers