Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 12, 1883, p. 4

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4 THE MARINE RECORD. Ghe Marine Record. ESTABLISHED IN 1878. Entered according to the laws of the United States Post Office as second-class mail matter. ALANSON WILCOX, Editor and Proprietor, Published weekly at No. 2 South Water street, Cleveland, Ohio. Branch office, No. 244 South Water strect, Chicago. TERMS OF One year, postage paid,. Six months, postage paid Invariably in advance. ADVERTISING RATES, Ten cents per live, nonperiel measurement, or $1.20 per inch, cach insertion; tour weeks $4.00; with a libera discount on orders amounting to $40.00 or over. Articles, letters and queries on all subjects are solici- ted. 8@-The Editor assumes no résponsibility for the opinions of correspondents. To insure notice, contributors must give name and address, and write on one side of the paper only. THE MARINE RECORD has an Agent in every port on the Lakes and Rivers, and will consequently circu- late more or Jess in all of them. Asa medium for advertising it has no superior, as it circulates among a class of people that can be reached in no other way.. BSCRIPTION: EDITORIAL NOTES. The water in the lakes is reported to be higher than for years. The steamer M. C, Hawley ran ashore at Peninsula Point. Not much damage. Re- paired at Green Bay. F.J. Merryman has contracted to raise the sunken schooner Sam Cooke for Hall a Co., of Ogdensburg. The little schooner May Queen, lost last fall north of Menominee, has been found by some fishermen and will be raised. A REWARD is offered for the discovery of the body of Miles McCriskin, lost June 25 from the tug John Navaugi, Captain Black- burn, Oswego. ; ‘Tae Ameiizan brig Nettie be sold at Havana for violation of the custom laws at that port. ‘he Government refuses to in- terfere as the boat was plainly in the wrong. ‘THE business exhibit for the first week in July, as given through the exchanges, isa decidedly favorable one, as compared with that of last week and of the corresponding week last year, The captain of the propeller Boston, who beached h's boat in order to avoid a collision with the steamer Idlewild, the latter carry- ing an excursion party, showed great pres- ence of mind which the excursionists seemed to realize and appreciate. Yue Kingstown Daily News says that the the con:plete destruction of a town in Con- necticut adds another to the long list of ca- Jamities due to the cyclone this summer. "This alarming phenomenon is not restricted to any particular part of the American re- public, but it kindly keeps clear of Canada. Such is our reward for producing a Vennor and a Wiggins. : Ture Farmer’s Review publishes an ex- quaustive report on the condition of the crops, “based on returns from one thousand points in the west and northwest. <A general - change for the better has taken place in all the crop prospects, owing to the cessation of rain and the adyent of hot weather. ‘Yue Boston Daily Advertiser says that it ‘fg quite out of the question to say anything ‘which will set forth the folly of our present silver policy more elequently than it is set, forth by the fact that the quantity of silver dollars in the United States Treasury in- creased from $108,896,977 on the first day of June, to $111,914,019 on the first day of July, being an addition of $3,015,042, or at least haifa million more than the whole coinage. Supervisinc InsPEcTOR GENERAL Du- mont has prepared a circular to local in- spectors, notifying them to carry out the provisions of sec. 4,465 of the Revised Stat- utes with regard to.the number of passen- gers to be carried on the regular certificate of inapection. Inspectors are required to report weekly to Warhington, and any vio- Jation of the law by carrying more than the certificate allows, forfeits the passage money and $10 for each passenger beyond the num- - per allowed. A FRESH WATER MONSTER, QUARTER-SAWED YELLOW PINE. The appearance at our portof the ship] ‘here is no lumber that will shrink so Golden Age carries out and exemplifies the | Jittle and last so long as yellow pive, quarter- idea expressed in this paper a week or two| sawed. ‘This process is particularly applica- ago concerning the coming competition 07| ble to yellow pine flooring, a8 such flooring lake and railroad freightage. “I'he vessels | is generally laid where it is subject to heavy capable of carrying the contents of two or| wear. A badly sawed board, no matter from three elevators at a single load are the ones} what kind of timber it is cut, will wear destined to do the fresh water business in the | rough, and sliver, if it is in constant use for future. ‘I'he Golden Age is a monster. She} flooring and driveways. It would be im- will be able, it is said, to float 120,000 bushels possible to conceive of a harder, or more dur- of corn, or 3,000 tons of coal ona draft of | able floor than yellow pine would make if it fourteen and one-half feet of water, But for | were quartered. ‘The piteh it contains the low stage of water at certain points she | would give it an advantage over oak, ash or could be loaded four feet deeper. Her carry-| maple in point of durability for flooring. A ing capacity, therefore is practically unlim- | few of the southern mill-men are beginning ited. This immense tonnage is obtained by | to understand the merits of such flooring» dimensions correspondingly great. Her |and are selecting the few quartered boards lengwb of keel is 278 feet, but she measures | that every log sawed the old fashioned way 295 teet over all, with 39 feet 6 inches beam invariably has, and putting them in a grade and 22 feet depth of hold. Her net tonnage by themselves, It is a bad way of doing, as is 1,763 and she draws at present, without | the-balance of the flooring is depreciated in her outfit eix feet. She has four masts and a| value, and, in fact, sometimes almost worth- capacity of spreading four thousand yards | ese, for no man who is acquainted with its of canvass to the breeze. Notwithstanding | defects would think of making a floor of it. this, she will no doubt depend but little.en- | It would, probably, answer for a floor tliat tirely to her sails. A steamer will dance |is to be kept carpeted, but usnally such attendance on her, as out of -her immense | a floor is made of softer and cheaper wood. cargo receipts she can pay towage bills with |'The expense of quarter-sawing would .be but slight effect on the net profit. Captain | considerably in excess of the ordinary way Valentine Fries, her owner and builder, has ' of manutacture, but the flooring obtained alreudy, on more than one oceasion, made | would be richly worth the difference. Quar- the little town of Milan, Ohio, notorious for’ tered oak in large markets is worth on an the building of large craft, as several notable average ten dollars move than clear onk ones in this respect have come from his ship | gawed bastard, and there ought to be nearly yard. A few years ago the Charles Foster | that difference between the two kinds of yel- was consi‘lered of pretty good. size, as was | low pine flooring. A log, If quarter-sawed, the Atmosphere and others, but the appear- | does not yield as much lumber as if sawed ance of the Page capped the climax. ‘The | the other way, and sawing that way is much latter, however, is now cast so far in the| slower, Quartered flooring ought to be one shade by the Golden Age thatshe would ap-| of the productions of the southern inills. pear sinall alongside of. her. . Except that | Builderg, in our opinion, should not object the Golden Age has four masts and rigging] to paying athird more for it, when they to spread a large amount of sail, she does | come to know that its beauty and durability materially differ from other vessels, unless | are more than double as compared with the it be in the fact that she will have an iron | bastard-sawed, Everv intelligent builder balance rudder. She lacks only her outfit, | will soon learn the value of this process of which will include the celebrated Provi- | sawing by experience. dence capstan, to make her ready for work, and it is-expected that she will sail on her first voyage in a week or eight days. She will probably not be delayed, as Messrs. Upson & Walton are noted for promptness as well as substantial work, and they had been expecting the vessel some days previ- ous to her arrival. Captain Charles Hub- bard will take charge of the Golden Age, and Messrs. John ‘ikompson and Charles Wilson will serve under him as mates. ‘he steanibarge William Edwards will be her consort. hg pee LAKE FISH. W. H. Howells in a late article in the Lake Superior News calls attention to a matter which is deserving of the attention of all. Speaking of the fish in the great lakes, says; Fish are decreasing. The lakes and rivers have been over-fished. Fifteen years ago IT could cateh more dollars’ worth of fish with four little nets, close on shore, with prices at two and a-halfand three eents a pound for white and hard fish, than I ean to-day w th fifty nets, and make the price four and « half to five cents per pound. Fifteen years ago the fishermen would ask the dealer, “How many fish ean you use?” ‘Yo-day it is the reverse. It is “Send me all the fish TUGS AND SMOKE, The tug men at Chicago have been and still are experimenting in order to find seme means by which they may be enabled to consume the smoke on their tugs and thus comply with the Chicago regulations. The experiments thus far have not been very satisfactory. ‘The tug Mary McLane has been fitted out with the Chicago & Al-! ton R. R. smoke consumer at a considerable expense and the appliance tested. It con- sumes the smcke, but makes a great noise rendering it a!most impossible to hear either commands or beil signals. It was found impossible to keep up steam even when the boat was without a tow and inthe river. The officials who were on board seemed better pleased than the tug men, with the result of the experiment. It hardly seems right and to the ends o1 justice that the own- ers of the 60 tugs of Chicago should be put to the expense of fitting out their boats with smoke consumers until something is found which will do this and atthe same time enable them to do their ordinary work. ‘To expend the power of the boats in the consumption of smoke seems foolish. It puts a tax upon the commerce of the port which it can ill afford to pay. The city may come to a realizing sense of this after a time. The tug owners say that they are aware that the tugs, consuming as they do 330 tons of soft coal per day, makea great smoke which they will do their best to avoid. If this cannot be done by smoke consumers they must burn hard coal. About $1,000 have already been expended on the McLane in experiment. $a The Spartan is again afloat. She will be repaired at Detroit. you can get.” Fishermen had in those days to keep their fish in their nets until-a de- mand came, now under a decrcased supply, and which is constantly growing less, it isa serious question as to where the future needs of the people are to come from. ‘The only way now to inerease the supply is by restrie- | by law are in complete working order for immediate use; and the fact of the exercise of the crew, us herein contemplated, shall be entered upon the steamer’s log book, stating the day of the month and hour when go ex- ercised, and any neglect or omission on the part of the offleer. in command of such steamer to strictly enforce such rule shall be deemed cause for the revocation of the li- cense of such officer. Upon navigable rivers the captains of all passenger steamers shall be required to maintain a strict discipline ard organize the officers and permanent crew 60 as to act with promptness in ex- tinguishing tire; and the captain shall cause to be prepared at least two station bills, as- signing the ofticers and permanent crew to definite places; such bills shall be conspicu- ously placed under glass, near the inspection certificate, YACHTING. Cleveland in the years that are passed has not shown as lively an interest inthe line of yachting as other cities on the great lakes, but lately we notice a marked change in this respect and considerable interest is be- ing manifested in this direction. The recent regatta awakened some enthu- siasm in this line and this together with the growing interest previously manifested will do muzh toward interesting others in this healthy and pleasure inspiring amuse- ment, : There is-something in the influence of a large body of water which is at once ex- hilerating and at the same time tends to draw out the finer feelings of mans nature which render the influence of yachting and boat riding far ahead of horse racing, base ball and other kinds of ammusement. It is with pleasure theretore that we note this growing interest. y Se a tg AROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND. The R. P. Ranny is in with ore. Dredging is in progress between the pieré. The Sophia Minch injured near Racine will be repaired here. Rates on coal to Chicago are 70c, to Mar- quette, 65, ore back, $1.15. . : ‘The steamer Saginaw gave a moonlight ex- cursion on the lake last night, ‘The schooner Laura Bell is at the Globe drydock to have her bottum overhauled. The Globe Iron Works are preparing a spool windlass for Donaldson & Co., of De- troit. The sehooners Emina C, Hutehinson, C. C. Barnes and steambarge Superior arriyed light at Lorain, Captain Robert Greenhalgh, George War- ner and W. A. Seott took a trip to Chicago this week on business, You. ought to see the Golden Age. She lies at the whart of Upson Walton & Co., to be fitted out. See description on the edito- rial page. ‘he schooner Helvetia left for Duluth on Wednesday in tow of the steambarge C berland. ‘ um- She goes from Duluth to Mar- tion by law and through the hateheries, and | Guette and loads ore. unless we enn pass laws and enforce them to guard the spawn beds of Lake Erie and the rivers entering therein, it will be only a question of tme-when the supply of fish will be exhausted and this excellent food disappear from the tables of our people. DISCIPLINE OF CREWS. We give below a copy of aiuch needed rule which has been -upproved and sent to local inspectors for distributton, A crew, in order to do good work in times of trial and danger, must be trained every man to his post, and this rule if carried out, will prove beneficial. ‘The following is the rule: Rule 57. It shall be the duty of the mas- ter of every inspected steamer carrying pas- sengers on the ocean, lakes, gulf(s), or bays, when such steamer ia under way, to cause to be prepared a station bill for his own de- partment, and one also for the engineer’s department, in which shall be assigned a post or station of duty for every person em- ployed on board such steamer, in case of fire or other disaster; which station bill shall be placed in the most conspicuous places on board tor the observation of the crew. And it shall be the duty of such master, or of the mate or officer next in commanfi, once at least in each week, to call all hands to quar- ters and exercise them in the discipline and use of the fire pumps and all other apparatus for the safety of life on board such vessel, and to see that all the equipments required The tugs Patrick Henry and James Amadius had hard work on Wednesday in towing one the ‘eribs of the breakwater. ‘he crib touched bottom occasionally, With what a look of unutterable disgust the would-be fishermen turned from the roll- ing sea on Sunday morning and wended their way back home without having violated the Sabbath. One ot the Forest City Ive Com barges went onto Smith’s drydock yesterday but came off late last evening and with its mate both were towed by the tug Cal Davis to Sandusky for ice last night. ' A collision occurred on Sanday between the propeller Pacitic and the schooner netic at the mouth of the river, The acci- dent was the result of the high sea running at the time. Not much damage was done. Captain Hearnes, formerly of the J, R. Pel- ton, a well-known and much respected gen- tleman, has retired tohis farm Where he wag found by a MaRINE Recorp reporter last evening, drawing in hay on his buggy. The seamen’s union held a meeting Tuesday evening in their hall on East River street, President Peter Lynch in the chair After considerable discussion bro and con it was resolved that the Wages of seamen for the remainder of the season st inetead of $1.50 per day. SHOU Bo:81s70 pany’s Mag-

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