Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 12, 1883, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD 5 ‘he following were the charters reported yesterday : Schooner David Vance, ore, Es- canaba to Cleveland, $1; schooner M. Stalk- er, coal, trom Cleveland to Escanaba, 55c; return, ore from Escanaba to Toledo, $1; schooner Charles Wall, coal from Lorain to Duluth, 95c; schooner Selkirk, coal, from ‘Cleveland to Green Bay, p. t.; schooner Hamilton Mills, coal, from Cleveland to Du- luth, 90¢, for two trips; return, cargo of ore to Ohio ports, $1.15, also two trips; schoon- er Walter Sherman, same as the last vessel and same number of trips. SANDUSKY. Special dispatch to the Marine Record. Schooner Emeu cleared with coal. Brrge Susan Ward cleared for Au Sable light. Barge Wend-the-Wave cleared light for Alpena. Schooner Theodore Voges cleared tor Lo- rain light. \@Steambarge. Good Hit left Marblehead for Cleveland with stone. Steambai ge Yosemite and her consort left here for Bay City light. Propeller S. J. Macey loaded stone at Kelleys Island for Portage. Schooner Julia Willard loaded stone at Kelleys Island for Erie. Schooner F. L. Jones loaded stone at Kel- Jeys Island for Detroit. Steambarge Schnoor loaded stone at Kel- leys Island for Cleveland. Schooner, Ispheming arrived light and -cleared with coal for Portage. Steambarge Macy will tow her up. Barge Emerald cleared with stone for Bay City. Anchor Line propeller Wissahickon ar- rived and cleared with freight for Chicago, Schooner Irene cleared with a cargo of ‘stone and fish kegs for Port Huron. Schooner J. L. Clark is due here witha eargo of grain from Chicago. Barge Icsman cleared from Bay City for ithis port with 350,000 feet of lumber. Schooner William Young arrived with 330,000 feet of lumber and cleared light. Revenue cutter Commodore Perry arrived at this port from Black River. Schooner M. Wilcox cleared for Port Hu- ron with 20 cords of stone from John F. “Hudson’s. | Barge Dolphin arrived from East Saginaw with 515,000 feet of lumber for the I. B. & W.R. R. Schooner E. C. Hutchinson cleared to carry coal from here to Green Bay at 60 cents. Ground has been broken for the erection! of the Pelee Club House on Sheridan’s Point, Pelee Island. Schooner Sunnyside has been chartered to carry coal from Black River to Green Bay at 65 cents. ‘Tug Cal Davis got out of the channel near Cedar Point on ‘Thursday night and stuck fast. The tug Robertson pulled her off., Barge Fostoria arrived from East Sagi- naw with 320,090 teet of lumber for Gilchee & Schuck. Cleared light. Schooner Corsican, which was wrecked off Point au Pelee last spring, was sold at marshal sale in Windsor, to John Quinn, the diver, for $1,350. Barge Lillie May arrived from Bay City with 375,900 feet of lumber for the Plum- mer Lumber Co. Cleared light. Steamer Keweenaw, which was pulled off Stave Island reef by the tug Castle, arrived at Detroit on Saturday. She was ‘placed in the drydock but was found not to be leaking. ‘he steamyacht Leila, formerly owned by the Toledo Club of Middie Bass, will run this season Between ‘Toledo & Lakeside, touching at Put-in-Bay and middle Bass. Steamer Eagle has commenced running be;ween Huron, Lakeside and Put-in-Bay, making connections at Huron with the W. & $. E.R. R. She will leave Huron daily, Sundays excepted, at 10:15 a. m., returning will leave Put-in-Bay at 2 p. M. and reach Huron at 4:20 p. m. Schooner Laura Belle, Captain Hugh Hastings, master, and Hugh Hastings and Charles Eldridge, of Milan, owners, has been rebuilt at Huron and goes to Cleveland into the drydock to have her bottom over- hauled. Four thousand dollars has thus far been expended on her and she is now in good shape. She will probably re-enter the iron ore trace, St »nmer Philadelphia, of the Anchor Line, called here on Monday and took on a large amount of freight at the B. & O. docks. She came in drawing 14 feet 9 inches of water and had not the least trouble in getting to the docks although the west wind had been blowing the water out of the bay all ‘day and the water was lower than usual. Messrs. Stannard and Fitzgerald, Govern- ment inspectors came up from Cleveland to examine the steambarge Sakie Shepherd, of Huron, now lying at this port, but the boiler not being in shape to be tested, nothing was done, MILWAUKEE, Grain rates firm, Shippers offering 2!ge on wheat to Buffalo, Damage to the Columbian is about $2,000. She will be repaired here. There will be a tug pulling match between the J. L. Miner, and Hercules at this port. The schooner Mary Lyon bound from Milwaukee te Kingston with wheat is in De- troit with her foremast sprung. Milwaukee bridgetenders go to sleep at 9 o'clock and only wake when a sailor goes ashore and shakes them up. ‘he Huntress in going out at midnight was an hour and a half getting through a few bridges. Captain Rounds, of the Underwriters’ Agency, will make an examination of the steambarge Mary Jarecki, ashore on Point Au Sable, to ascertain if it would pay to send an expedition to her. The schooner Eveline went ashore on Plum Island Sunday last but, got off afte her deckload had been jettisoned. She after- wards sprang a bad leak, and the ‘Two Riv- ers life Saving crew discovered her signal of distress and remained. on board of her until she reached Manitowoe. R+CINE. The schooner .Columbian, damaged ina collision with the Sophia Minch, arrived on Saturday. She was towed in by the tug -] Welcome and was leaking badly. On Saturday an unknown three-and-atter was seen aground at Manitou Island. PORT HURON, The Schooner Elvira ran aground near Point Edward. ‘There is to be a new r fog horn at the Har- bor of Refuge, asiren whistle. The steamer Mary now gives excursion trips to Marine City daily. Three fishermen were found by the schoon- er Chapelle, in.a small boat and brought in here Saturday. DULUTH. The tug Camp now carries the United States mail to Port Arthur. The tug Nellie Cotton lost a large raft oa | the south shore the other day and she is now engaged in picking it up. ‘The Duluth Times says: The tug Agate has been chartered by the Omaha road to tow in barges at Ashland and Bayfield. Lake News: ‘The Wocoken is said to have the deepest sounding whistle on the lakes. Joe Lloyd bas bought the Eva Wadsworth and has put her on the ferry route in con- nection with the Hattie Lloyd. Captain Alec. Macdougal has the contract to unload 60,000 tons of rails for the Cana- daian Pacific railroad at Port: Arthur, the first two cargoes of which have just been shipped from Buffalo. He has leased a hoisting engine from the elevator company and will go over there in a few days. A Pugh, of St. Paul, the gentleman who has rented the Duluth Lron Company’s. dock and preparea to start in the coal business at this point, arrived in the city this morning tosee what progress is being made in re- pairing the dock. Mr. Pugh has extensive coal yards at Minneapolis, St. Paul and other points in the Northwest and he intends to make Duluth the chief distributing place. If he can secure a location he will start a yard up town for tLe purpose of supplying the local demand. OSWEGO. The schooner McGee isin with corn for Kingsford from Chicago. The schooner Blanche takes coal for Con- secon, the Cornelia for Ogdensburg, and tle barge Michigan for Montreal from the On- tario & Western trestles. Captain Walt Colwell of the schoone: Caroline Marsh has returned from’ Port Lope, to which he was called by the sick- negs ot his wife. The schooner is receiving extensive repairs and in the mean time the ‘The ‘Times says: Captain Snow of She- boygan, who was master of the tug Wood when the towing’ bill caused. the seizure of the schooner Pride of America, is in town to testify on the trial now going on before P. W. Cullinan. Yesterday a number of gentlemen of this city, captains, builders and others were examined as to the value of the schooner and their figures ranged from $600 up to $6,000. ‘The dredge Giant is at work at the N. ‘I. dock. ‘The tug Cummings went on night watch Jast evening. ‘The schooner St. Peter is on Mitchell and Gallaghers drydock for minor repairs, ‘The Conqueror arrived last night and is now being placed on the marine railway, Her damages will amount to about $5,000. In her starboard side there are two holes, one aft of the wheel and the other well tor- ward. Her stern is badly broken, so much so that she was towed here with her forward compartments full of water. Her cabin-out- fit is entirely destroyed. CHICAGO. Spesial dispateh to the Marine Record. Harry Newhous, who had his leg crushed on May 9thon board the schooner Rouse Simmons, died at the Marine Hospital from exhaustion. ‘The schooner Advance arrived on Sunday, she had lost nearly all her deck load of telegraph poles in a squall off Grosse Point on Saturday night. ‘rhe propeller ‘'acoma had but one bucket to her wheel when she arrived here on ‘Tues- day; she was 16 hours making the run be- tween Milwaukee and Chicago. ‘The schooner North Cape which left here on Friday might for Sandusky with ‘corn, was struck by a squall and lost her foretop- mast and was obliged to run back. The bodies of Edward Hanlan .and John White, two of the crew of the Wells Burt were recovered on Sunday, they were buried at Calvary on Tuesday by the Sea- man’s Union. ‘The Golden West went ashore on Manitou Island on last Friday night and was obliged to jettison 5,0C0 bushels of corn. No damage except the breaking of her shoe. She was released by the steamer Champlain. The Canadian propeller Prussia, with passengers from Chicago for Cleveland and other American ports below, left the,harbor Saturday. ‘The department decided. that there was no law against the Canadian steamers carrying passengers from one American port to another. The Inter, Ocean speaks: of the Spartan says the Spartan is iron, rated A 1 34, andis valued at. $48,000. She is Canadian, but Americai’ tugs. are good enough to rescue Canddain craft—when their own tugs are unable to do the work. ‘I'he rescue is 2 big plume in-the cap of the capa of the Wins: low. The body of Captain Fountain of the Wells Burt was brought in on Sunday by J. Ss. Dunham’s tug A. Miller, he will be buried with his s0n Dan on Sunday next, at the chureh of the Ascension, under the auspices of the Cleveland Masonic Lodge, Captain Fountain was a member. The following are the shipments of grain by lake trome Chicago for the week ending July 7: 137,285 bushels of wheat, 1,315,689 bushels of corn, 27,940 bushels of rye, 322,- 544 bushels of oats, 17,949 barrels of flour, 845 barrels of pork, 5,660 tierces of lard, 200 barrels of lard. At Miller Brothers Drydock the steamer Lord went into drydock for some holding down bolts. ‘The schooner Petrel went into drydock and was calked. The tug A, B. Ward went into drydock to get a leak stopped. ‘Ihe steambarge Annie Laura was in drydock fora new stem. ‘The propeller ‘Tacoma went into drydock for a new wheel. At the Chicago Drydock Company’s yard the schooner San Diego went into drydock for some new bottom planking and recalk- ing. ‘The echooner Red, White and Blue is getting an overhauling. The steambarge Monitor was supplied with anew mast. ‘The steumbarge Queen of the Wess got come new stanchions and rail. The schooner H, C. Potter had her centerboard box calked and some other repairs. ‘Ihe propeller Peerless is getting an overhauling. crew have hired a house in the first ward and are keeping house, The go called ‘tswoke nuisance” has not yet been abated by the tugmen, several de- vices have been tested at considerable ex- pensa but without success. Mr, ‘Thayer’s is no doubt the best smoke-preventer, but it also prevents the tugs holding up sufficient steam to enable them to do their work. The tugmen have done their best to abate the nuisance and ought not to be persecuted in this free country. The schooner H.C. Potter of Algonac Captain James B. Mitchall arrived here on the 3d, inst. with lumber from ‘Thompson Michigan, leaking badly, she sprang a leak off North Bay, Michigen on the morning of the 1st. ‘'he Captain made for ‘I'wo Rivers, where some of the crew of the lite saving station got on board and took charge of the pump, and by their kind aid the schooner was brought safely to Chicago. The captain speaks very highly ot the excellant service rendered to him by the life saving crew. EAST SAGINAW. The barge McDougal! finished loading at A.W. Wright’s mill. The propeller Bay City, Yosemite and Birckhead are due this port. The tug Moore brought up the barge Wal- ton to Jerome’s mill where she 18 now load- ing. Propeller Jenness with two barges Wyan- dotte, Sweepstakes and Banner came in ‘Tuesday. ‘The propeller Benton and barges Walton, Furguson and J. 8. Austin came in ‘Tuesday noon. ‘Transportation is wanted for 50,000 tons of soft coal from Buffalo to Prince Arthur’s Landing. . DETROIT. The schooner Accasia is chartered and is now, loading Hemlock railroad ties. Fish. ing Islands to Chatham freight 10c. on rail. The Captain ot the schooner E.G. Ben- edict says. ‘If you shuuld hear of a jibtop- sail flying any where arourd the lakes it is ours. Lost it on the 4th off Fishing Islands in a white squall or cyclone or something o¢ that kind. The yacht Lelia will probably pass into the hands of Detroit parties. There is. likely to bea big lawsuit be- tween the owners of tugs, Mocking Bird and Gladiator, which collided nearly a year ago. BUFFALO, A resolution was adopted by the Buffalo Grain Shovelers’ Union that no union man shall work on a vessel where the steam- ‘shovels are used between decks unless the men are paid the full price, $4.50 per 1,000. Coal: searve and freights dull. The fore part of the week boats were being offered for Chicago at 50e. Coal charters—Propeller Clyde, schooners Michigan, E. A. Nicholson, Chicago, at 50c; schooners F, A. Georger, ‘Red Wing, to Milwaukee at 50ce; schooner A. M. Peterson, Green Bay, at 50¢; sehoon- er Monitor, Prince Arthur’s Landing ate $1.40; schooner Pathfinder to Milwaukee at 50c; schooner Dauntless to Kincardine, 50c. TULEDO, Schooner Canton from here to Kenosha at 80 cents. Schooner Anna P. Oswego at 4c. The United States Perry is in this port. The schooner Red, White and Blue echar- tered from Escanaba to this port at $_. ‘The snags in the bay have been removed. ‘The schooner Sea Gull has been chartered to curry Wheat to Oswego at 4 cents. Grover takes corn te steamer Commodore ESCANABA, Ore rates are tirm. ‘The steamer Minneapolis and schooners George Worthington, J. D. Sawyer, Save- lind and Laura have arrived. LUMBER NOTES. Fire destroyed $70,000 worth of lumber at Churchill’s wharf, Alpena. Insurance, $18,- 000. The lumber shipments from Muskegon last week amounted to 17,800,000 feet, and for the season 171,200,000 feet. A large raft for the Cleveland Sawmills & Lumber Company was towed in on Friday morning by the tug Balize. Eau Craire, Wis, July 7.—While enBy{ gaged in slucing logs on the main dam of the North Fork of Eau Claire river yester- day, an employe of the Eau Clair Lumber Company named James La Croix fell into the river and was drowned.—Jnter Ocean.

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