Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 12, 1883, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD, 7 PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS. John ‘I. Smith of 159 South Street, New York, is doing a large business in furnishing metallic lifeboats to his many friends. life rafts are advertised in the Marine Rec- ORD and we are glad to note his prosperity. A recent issue of the Sunday ‘Times, of New York, contains the following: The tiny cutter Dodge, which for some time attracted a great deal of attention at the shop of her builder, John ‘I’. Smith, 159 South street, was launched a short time since. She is 14144 feet over all, 34 feet heam, 3 feet draught and has one-half ton ballast. ‘The Dodge was fully rigged, sparred ‘and canvassed, and all sail was made immediately for Pottery Beach, Greenpoint, where she came to alongside her larger sis- ter cutter the Mona. Since then she has made several trips up Long Island Sound, and outside Sandy Hook, giving perfect sat- isfaction. She will go to Newport soon in charge of her owner, E. M. Paddelford, who has had her built principally for gunning and fishing parties. Smith has built a great many new boats this season for our erack yachts. ‘The gig for Mr. Rooseyelt Schuy- ler’s new yacht is an elegant specimen of a ship’s boat being finished in extra style in every respect. ‘Che metallic liteboat, of the largest size, which Smith is now bullding for the yacht Three Brothers, of Portsmouth, N. H., isan extra fine specimen of his pat- ent metallic lifeboats, She will be completed during this week. ‘The Bristow Life Raft is one of the best inventions yet offered the sea-going community for the preservation of life in cases of shipwreck. On Wednes- day last he shipped an A 1‘Bristow’’ to the owner of the handsome steam yacht Mer- * maid, of New Haven, Conn. The gig and cutter which are about finished for the steam yacht ‘Theresa, of New York, owned by Mr. Fiske, will bear the closest inspection. The same remark will apply to the gig, tender and barge intended for Mr. Alexander’s rack steamyacht Vision. The latter’ craft it may be remembered was built by Jacob Lorillard. ‘These boats are built without regard to cost; all the varieties of hard woods being used in their finish, and no ex- pense being spared in their brass works, up- holstery, etc. ‘The same description and re- marke are appropriate for the boats of Mr. Lorillard’s new steamyacht, as_ well as to those for the steamyacht Stranger. The lat- ter craft is one of the most elegant steam- yachts afloat in the waters of the United States in speed, model and equipment. She was built for the late Mr. Osgood, of the New York Yacht Club, and is the property of Mr. Jaffray. Tt ig understood that Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring will be appointed Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Department, to aucceed Commodore William H. Shock, recently retired. GLOBE IRON WORKS, lron Shipbuilders, Machinists, Founders aud Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. F. x H. BORN, PLUMBERS. | Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, aud Dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 428 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVLAND, O. Hook er, Crittenden & C6, Genin, Commission AND VEssEL BROKERS, DULUTH, MINN. Hs CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MANISTEE, MICH, — | oo Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, . Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, &e., To be had on short notice, by mail or telegraph. OHAS. GNEWUCH. Wrecking Master. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN & COMPANY’S DIAGONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH- INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU- PERVISING INSPEC- TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand, SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ; DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. ‘ [ILLUSTRATED] A. O. WHEELER, Manager. RICHARD HAMMOND $ JOHN COON, pull BOLLER Wy, es MARINE. ~ Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. Gasometers Salt Pans Smoke Stacks. OIL STILLS & = AGITATORS, And all kinds of Reavy Plate & Sheet IronWork. (ggSege# See a . See con] Repairing Promptly Attended to. os OrFICE & WORKS, @gSRr Set |. 4.248.248. 250.25 eerie TAL. ny? ca YO &9,000.BbI* B FEALO), RY, ESTABLISHED 1830. WM. WALL’S SONS. ——MANUFACTURERB OF—— CORDACE & OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA f. D DAY’S NOVICE. MANILA and Sisal BINDER TWIN, of the rary test quality: made: to order’ ATONE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N.Y. | SIGNAL LAMPS, —WITH— : Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers and Vessels, and are for sale in the principal ports on the Atlantic coast and Jakes. Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for catalogue. Manufactured by FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139:& 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Vesselmen soOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts Loo ——ON —. Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, ' Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Lading, Wages, &c. | The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, ,aud fine English cloth binding. Books of this kind generally cost $3.00, but we will send it to any address, postage paid for $1.25, or with the MARINI: RECORD for one year, buth for only $3.00. Address MARINE Recorp. Cleveland 0. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED All sufferers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS, These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure consumption and all diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indee:!, so strong is our faith in them, and al-o to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a Free Trial Box. Wedon’t want your money until you are perfectly sat- istied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS a trial as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10 00. Sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address. ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St.. Brooklin, M. Y. ” FINS, EPILEPSY, OR FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CURED—NO HUMBUG —by oneMonth’s usage of DR. GOULARD'’S Celebrated Infa llible Fit bowders. ‘Io convinca sufferers that these Powders will do all we claim for them _we will send them by mail, post, paid. a Free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard is the oily Physician that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in every case or refund your all money ex- pended. All sufferers should give these Powders an carly trial, and be convinced of their curative Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. by mail to any partot the United States or Canad receipt of price, or by express Cc. 0. D. Addres ASH & ROBBINS, power nt on | ——— | Montpelier, Ohio, MARINE ENGINE WORKS ROBT. TARRANT. MANUFACTURER OF s s ane s Marine .and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, 55, 57 &59 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without : HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Cireular giving full information to HOUCHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers: f 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For Mining, Ratlirond or Steamboat use, Paper Mill, Chemical or Gas Works Tannery, Brewery or Sugar Refinery, Draining Quarries, Cellars or Planta- tions, irrigating or Hydraulic Mining, Sinking Foundations, Coffer Dam, Sewer, Well Sinking and other Contractors’ Work, or Raising Water for any kind of Manufacturing or Fire Purpose, write for an illus- A. trated descriptive book on the NEW PULSOMETER, containing greatly reduced Sea prices, hundreds of testimonials. etc. Mailed free. Prices 100 per cent. lower than other. Every pump tested before shipment and guaranteed as represented, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsometer Steam Pump Co., 83 John St., New York City, U.S. A. Aa Sce Prices next issue of this Paper.-@a Bre widge, Mich Carrollton, Mich. OAR FACTORIES. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK — —IS NOW READY.— st. Ma 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD.

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