Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 19, 1883, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD. 7 Ti A writer tothe Marine Journal, writing from Chicago with regard to our alien laws relating to commerce and lake traffic, a aub- ject at present interesting vo all marine men, Bays: “There is an old saying that sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. Now, for several years the captains, pilots and en- gineers, since they have become organized along the lakes and rivers bordering on the . shores of Canada, have been trying to get a Jaw passed to make all persons holding Uni- ted States licenses and employed on Ameri- ‘ean waters to live in the United States. “The reason we asked it is because we find about twenty per cent. of all licensed officers are men that live in Canada. ‘They sail one season, in any under capacity, on an Ameri- -can vessel, such as oiling, tiring,., wheeling, watching, etc. tention to become citizens, and get their li- -cense, but they never move here or become ‘citizens. In tact, they live, vote (when home) and own property in Canada. ‘They never buy a cent’s worth on this side, when they can help it. ‘Their taxes and their liv- ing come cheaper to them than to us. We ‘want them on the same plane with us. “Now, is there anything unjust in our de- mands? Yet we were defeated, believe, three times before Congress with just such a bill. Who defexted us? ‘The steamboat owners along the borders of Canada. But, behold you, the tables have turned, Up'to the present season it was always, supposed a Canada boat could not carry passengers between Americnxn ports, but our friends on the other side have found a weak pdintin -our law, and do carry passengers on certain routes between Atmerican ports. And what do we sce? -cun steamboat owners set up a terrible how], and declare they can’t compete with those boats because everything is cheaper on the other side. ‘Their ox is now gored, not ours, and they will come before Congress. at the next session to have the law amended. “IT say it behooves every captain, pilotand -engineer, that holds a license and lives on the American side, no matter to what part -ef the United States, whether it be Maine or Oregon, or any other point, to see their Con- -ressmen before they leave for Washington next fall, and see that they don’t vote for | the owners’ bill unless ours is with it Let ‘the cry be: There is no injustice in the demand. Both bills shonld-be:passed without a dissenting voice. Now, letall see toit, no matter whether organized or not. It is a duty we owe. one another. I would like to hear others speak on the subject. ——— - Wheie-are the fragments of the boy who “burst iuto teara?’’—Spur. ‘This for the late wet weather. : $$$ ___— Fruits of the seas-on—Wrecks. ‘Cutting up shines’’—-The worker in precious stones. GLOBE IRON WORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, Founders and Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. F. « H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, aud Dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 128 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. Hooker, Crittenden & Co, Crain, Commission, AND VEssEL BROKERS, DULUTH, MINN. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Chartering and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty. Office: Room 32, Second Floor, Moffat Block, DETRUIT, MICHIGAN. ‘They then declare their in- }- Why, a number of the Ameri- | ‘Help us and we will help you.’. accounts | CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MANISTEE, MICH, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, é&e., To be had on short notice, by mail or telegraph. A. O. WHEELER, Manager, CHAS. GNEWUCH. Wrecking Master, NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN & COMPANY’S DIAGONAL LIFE | BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF | THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IE PREFERED, HAS BEEN PERVISING INSPEC- TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand, SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ‘DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. (ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. | Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St.. New York, N. Y. Vesselmen soOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points. of MARINE LAW. gs de- | termined by the United States Courts BIGHARD HAMMOND, Paper Mill Bleachers & Gasometers ,Salt Pans Smoke eee e OFFICE & WoRKs,, And. 254. Perry St. a Sto 50.0 ‘TANK, ESTABLISHE MARINE. _ pull BOULER ) ia 78 JOHN COON, PORTABLE. 00.8b15: Se D 1830, OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing Prompily Attended to BUREALO, BLY, WM. WALL'S SONs. —— MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE & OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEM DAY’S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWIN. Office No. E. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. are for sale in the principal ports Send for catalogue. —WITH— onthe Atlantic coast‘and Jakes. * Manufactured by MARINE ENGINE WORKS ROBT. TARR ARRA MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. 55, 57 &59 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, {P of the very best quality made to order AT ONE 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. SIGNAL LAMPS, Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers and Vessels, and Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST,, BUFFALO, N. Y. ANT. NO ENCINEER Should be Content. to run a Boiler, stationary or ~ Marine, - —ON —+ Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, * Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Lading, Wages, &c. | The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, and tive English cloth binding. Kooks of this kind generally cost $3.00, hut we will send it to any address, postage paid for $1.25, or with the MARINE | RECORD for one year, buth for oply $3.00. Address MARINE Recorp. Cleveland 0. CONSUMPTION = POSITIVELY CURED | rom this disease that are anxious to be | s y DR. KISSNER’S CELEBRATED | CONSUMPTION POWDERS, These Powders are the | only preparation Known that will cure consumption and all diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS—indee dy so strong is our faith in them. ant also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every ! sufferer, by muil, post paid, a Free Trial Box- Wedowtwant your money wntuil you are perfectly sate | i istied of their curative powers. Vf your life is worth | saving, don’t delay in giving these POWDERS a trial | as they will surely cure you. Price, for large Box, $3.00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. Sent | to any part of the United States or Canada, by mail, on | receipt of price. Address. | ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St.. Brooklin. N. Y. | FITS, EPILEPSY, OR FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CURED—NO HUMBUG—by oneMonth's usage of DR. GOULARD'S Celebrated Infa llible Fit Kowders. ‘Io convince sufferers that these Powders will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail, post, aid, a Free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard is the ouly i aysicis un that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been pe manently cured by the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in erery case or refund your all money ex- pended, A 1 sufferers should give these Powders an carly trial, and be convinced of their curative power Price, for large Box, $3 00 or 4 Boxes for $10.00. nt by mail to any part of the United States or Canad on receipt of price, or by express C. O, D. Addres ASH & ROBBINS, | 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. PAIRS. It is PUREL It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- Y VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to HOUCHTON & Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, THE NEW PULSOMETER for raising liquids under and up f Special Care. Can be worked sus » boiler to ran it. Price 3,600 do. BL #225; 25.000 do. & do. $1,000. Compu Write for illustrated ¢ this w criptive st. Mary’s, Ohio. Montpelier, Ohio. OAR FACTOR sand, pulp, ete., without injury to its ps f 16,000 do. $150; 5; 45,000 do. PULSOMETER SiEAM PUMP Cv., 83 John St., 3 to 100 feet. pended by a chain. ts. Ions per hour, 10,000 du. 1 84100; ith any other Pump List. book with testimonia e, GOO Ex IES. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, No Mae hinery, No Oil, No Wiil pass grit, mud, Needs onty a steam pipe + 1,200 do. ; 18,€00 do. 50,000 do, ¥5U0; 120,000 Mailed free. fork City, U.S.A: ve, Mich Carrollton, Mich. CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, HARDWARE AND SHIP Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH MARINE CHANDLERS’ GOODS S8T., NEW YORK- GENERALLY THE MARINE LAW BOOK —IS NOW 1 tEADY.— SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD.

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