3 ising it has no superior, as it circulates among a wee : advertising P » ‘(under the constitution) be ‘justly com- 4 THE MARINE RECORD. Ghe Marine Record. |" * ESTABLISHED IN 1878. Entered acco! ing to the laws of the United States a! the Post Office at Cleveland as second-cliss matter. Published weekly at No. 2 South Water strvet, Cleveland, Ohio, by the MARINE RECORD PRINTING COMPANY, BRANCH OFFICE, 244 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, postage paid...... Six months, postage paid Invariably in.advance. Le S ADVERTISING RATES. ‘Ten cents per line, nonpare ] measurement, or $1.20 per inch, ea:h insertion; four weehs $4.00; with a libera discount on orders amounting to $40.00 or over. Articles, letters and queries on all subjects are solici- ‘ted. e@r-The Editor assumes no responsibility for the opinions of correspondents. To insure‘notice, contributors must give name and -address, and write on one side of the paper only. THE MARINE RECOXD has an Agent in every port on the Lakes and Rivers, and will consequently circu late more or less in all of them. Asa medium for class of people that can be reached in no other way.. EDITORIA L NOTES. Carrain Ep. Kgiiey is going into the - vessel brokers’ business. — SHIPMENTS of coal from Cleveland to Chi- cago during the month of July aggregated 26,417 tons. No news has yet been received of the steamship Ludwig, now three weeks overdue at Boston. se Ameriean Association for the . ad- vancement of science will meet in Minne- polis on the 15th. —_—— ‘Mr. Pankuourst, of the Globe Tron works, ~who has been on a pleasure trip to Lake Su- perior, has returned and resuined his duties. 'THERE will probably be a regatta in eon- neetion with the G. A. R., reunion at Fair Haven on the 5th and 6th of September, and several Oswego yachts will enter. A TELEGRAM from Washington announces the sudden death of Major William M. Beebe of Hudson. Mr. Beebe has been for the last three years private secretary to General Hazen, of the signal service at Washington. A Fire last week at Amherst, Ohio, de- stroved eight buildings and two barns, mak- ing quite a desolate looking place of the Dasiness portion of the street. Citizens say that if the Elyria engine had not come to tieir reliet the entire town would have been destroyed. —— ‘Tae annual regatta of the Chicago Yacht Clib came toan end Monday with the sec- ond attempt of the schooners to win the Chi- eago Club Cup, which was altogether suc- cessful, as the Idler won the prize in the al- lotted time, seven hours, with six minutes to spare. Tae London ‘Times, reviewing the harvest prospects in England, estimates that wheat and barley will be below the average crop. Hi. F. Moore reports that the yield of wheat will be 814 per cent below the standard av- erage per acre, and that of barley 6 per cent below the average. ‘he yield of oats, he says, will be 6 per cent above, and that of potatoes 20 above. Heron, Ohio, is again looming up asa 1 ke port, regaining its commercial etatus of forty years ago. It is the Jake terminus of the Lake Erie railroad, which is depositing there large quantities of coal. The rare har- bor facilities of Huron are leading to the construction of docks with the most modern appliances for the safe and rapid handling of cargoes of coal and iron. Tux royal middy Prince George, son of the Prince of Wales, arrived at Halifax re- cently. He is a gentle youth, slender and about five feet two inches high, and has quite won the regard of his mates and the ood people with whom he has come in con- tact, He and his elder brother, Prince Al- bert, entered the royal navy a8 cadets in June, 1877, and both were promoted to midship- men in January, 1880. TUTIONAL? We are not of those partisan followere who believe in suppressing either side of the tariff question, ‘The most logical and prac- tical the: is the one that should win, and logie can not be arrived at by any: such manner of discussion, It is also a vital question and for that reason one with which the reader should be acquainted in all its aspects. It is well known that. Senator Bayard, in a letter dated last May, has called in question the constitutionality of a pro- tective tariff. ‘The chief points of his letter may be stated briefly. He doubts the right of Congress to lay any public burden upon the entire people for the benefit, protit or “protection”? of private individuals. If such a tight be admitted then, he says, privi- leged classes do exist in this country, aud although titles may not be allowed by the constitution, yet all the advantages and privileges of rank will be obtained without the name. He says that the party line should be drawn upon the position that public prop- erty can not be taken tor private use under any pretext. The ouly ground upon which any individual can be deprived of his prop- erty is tu benefit the community, and whenever such an exigency arises he must pensated.’”? The form of the exaction is immaterial, and all taxation must be in the uname and for the use of the Government of the United States. With this principle once laid down, says Mr. Bayard, the rate for taxation will be easily’ measured by the public exigencies, and such a spectacle was Witnessed at the last session of Congress, ot a handful of men representing private in- terests ind controlling and moulding public laws of taxation to suit: those interests will never again be tolerated by honest public sentiment. ; In reply to these views of Mr. Bayard, Judge Lawrence, first comptroller of the ‘Treasury, has given an opinion on the con- stitutionality of a protective tariff. He Claims that the two first” points, namely; that a protective tariff! imposes. a public burden upon the entire people for the benefit of private individuals, and that the private individuals thus ‘benefited or protected con- stitute privileged clasees, are both erroneous, though Mr. Bayard urges them without reference to any conflict with the con- stitution. By private individuals must be understood those engaged in manufacturing, and a protection has never been urged ex- clusively tor the benefit of manufacturers. Revenue is generally an object of protective tariff and this is expended for all the people. But so far as a protective tariff law has an object additional to revenue, it has always been urged and justified on the ground that it would be for the benefit or protection of all the private individuals ot the whole country. And such has been the eflect, says Judge Lawrence. No individual is excluded, therefore the protection is intended for all. It is equally erroneous to assent that under protective tariff legislation “privileged classes do exist in this country.” What is a privileged class?. It is a portion of the people for whom the law provides some privilege, right, benefit or immunity which the law denies to others. When the law gives all an equal chance, there is equality before the law. Now no protective tariff law, says the Judge, has provided a privilege for any man or class of men which it denied to any other man or class of men- All who choose can, on equal terms, embark in any business affected by tariff legislae tion. But if only manufacturers are bene- fited this is no objection to such legislation, when no other class is injured by it. And in any event, nearly all legislation benefits some class. Farmers, who are more deeply interested in the owership, cultivation and use of land than in all other objects com- bined, and who are a close of people, and as to their lands enjoy an exclusive privilege, are protected in their ownership by legisla- tion. ‘They can manufacture if they wish, but manufacturers can not work the farmer’s lands if they wish. ‘The school laws bene- fit classes of people and give privileges which all can not enjoy. ‘Ihe object of all legislation is to benefit some one. As to Senator Bayard’s view that tariff legislation is unconstitutional because it takes public property for private use, he does not show how a protective tariff law has ever taken or ever can take public property for private do take public property fer private use be- cause they result in publie benefit. Public | money is appropriated for gehools, to. build up kvees in order to save pwblic property | from ruin, but is this objectionable? A rail- ;roud charter gives to a class an extensive privilege—public property for private Uee-- for the franchise is property and it is given by public authority yet such) franchises can not for this reason be denied, ‘The last clause of Senator Bayard’s letter reguding the constitutionality of a protective tariff liw ie treated as follows by Judge Lawrence: ‘The constitution provides that “Congress shaby have power to regulate Commerce -with foreign nations and among the several states, and with the Lndian tribes."? ‘This gives to Congress the power to ennct a protective tariff law. Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and debates in tne early congresses ure quoted in proof of this posi- tion. ‘The constitution is to be read in the light of history. Before its adoption the British parliament passed laws to protect and encourage mavutaetures in England avd to discourage manufactures in the colonies. Congress should: have as-much power as the British parliament to build up and protect manufagtures. Any other condition would jeave parliament armed with power to ruin our industries, and Congress. with. no power to retaliate. ‘The framers of our constitution knew that a tariff for revenue and protection is the usual form in whieh all nations have levied duties and they gave Congress power to do what all other nations did. If incidental protection results the power remains to provide for it directly. ‘The second act passed by the first Congress under the con- stitution.was a protection tariff act, approved by Washington July 4, 1789. Its preamble recites that it is “necessary, for the support of government, for the. discharge. of the debts of the United States and the encourage- ment and protection of manufactures, thet duties be laid on goods, wares nnd merchan- dise imported.” OBITUARY. ‘The funeral of the late S. 5. Coe was held trom the family residence, 270 Cedar Ave- nueon Saturday, August 4th. ‘The Cleve- land Board of ‘rade and the Board of Cleve- land Underwriters adopted resolutions of respect. Captain Thomas Dougherty, of the steam- barge Annie Laurie, was found dead in his bed just as the vessel neared the mouth of the river. ‘he cause of his death is ascribed to heart disease. Captain Dougherty was fifty-five years oll and leaves a wife and six children.— Chicago Times, Saturday. The sudden death of Captain W. J. Don- aldson was announced on the 5th instant, at his residence, 121 Liberty street, of infla- mation of the bowels. He has sailed from boyhood and was but sixteen years of age when he was placed in charge of the sow E. Bailey, the same vessel that his father, Captain David D. Donaldson eailed before his death. By his sterling qualities he was soon advanced to the command of the scow Sassacus, which entailed still greater re- sponsibility upon him; but-which was suc- cessfully met until the time of his sickness. Ue was an industrious young man, with good character and is sincerely mourned throughout marine circles, MANITCWOC BUSINESS. We take great pleasure in noting the amount of business now being done at Man- towoc, Wis., especially as it is not all old work. It evinces not only that vessel own- ers are able to have extensive repairs and new work done, but that our friends Rand & Burger share in the prosperity, as the fol- lowing item shows: Rand & Burger have been doing a great deal of work for the Goodrich Transportation Company, giving a thorough overhauling to the steamers Co- rona and Sheboygan and also to the propel- ler Depere; also to the propeller Favorite, and barges Bronson and Butcher Boy, at an expense in the aggregate of $64,000, as fol- lows: Corona, $6,000; Sheboygan, $10,000; Depere, $20,000; Favorite, $10,000; Bronson, $8,000; and Butcher Boy, 10,000. ‘They have also built for the United States Government one dredge and two scows, and one scow 140 feet keel for carrying logs from Peshtigo to this place for George Pankratz & Co. ‘They bought the tug John Gregory, and will be PROTECTIVE TARIFF CONSTI-, use. ‘There are lawe, wad wise laws, which | prepared, after the 15th of this month to do towing und wrecking in adh its branches, We find the folowing aecoynt of the new Depere in the Chicago Tribune, July 28th: A critica) inspection of the handsome pas- senger boat Dying at the Goodrich docks last evening failed to diseloze but litle semvblanee | tothe wrecked propeller Depere, whieh went ; ashore last December. By that unfortunate ‘accident she was badly broken up, and after spending four months on the beach was finally released the Jitter part of April, an@ j towed to Manitowoc, ‘There she was imme- ‘diatety placed in the Qrydock, and after a aurvey had been held the company aecided to give her a comple e rebuild. ‘Three of the finest boate of the Goodrich line had just been disposed of, and the intentions of the company were to make sueh alterations ow the Depere as would plaee her in the front rank of passenger steamers. ‘They have suc- ceeded beyond their expectations, as the De- ) pere is among the most elegant craft in ev- ery respect: that erter ‘this port. Almost everything about heris new, and everything that would promote the comfort and safety of her passengers has been done. - Her life- saving apparatus is extensive aud complete, and the passenger cabins and staterooms modeta of elegance und comfort, equalling all and surpassining many of the fine pas- senger boats on the lakes. She will com- mence to-day making regular trips bet ween Chicago, Escanaba, and Green Bay ports, leaving every Saturday, and returning every Friday. Her officers are as follows: Cap- tain, J. C. Raleigh; clerk, W. D. Rosey; first engineer, Mivhnel Mulvey; steward John Duffev; first mate, John Wilson; sec- ond mate, Augnst Mackey. A Burravo special to the Inter Oeean says the latest information regarding the Com- mercial Line troubles ia that the propeller Cuba, whieh was bid in’ by Mr. Rogers, the plaintiff’s attorney, will run independent un- til come definite plan is consummated. Cap- tain Gebhard, who is one-tenth owner, . will have full charge of her—so far as managing her freights. She is taking a cargo of pack- age treight at the Lackawanna docks for Chicago. ‘The Nebraska which was also se- cured by Mr. Rogers. will remain at the docks tor a while. The Russia, Colorado, and Scotia will cortinue in the Commereial Line under the management of Assignee Crissy. , THE MAIN BEAM. Editor Marine Record: . Mas . Derrorr, Aug. 7, 1883. The “forward side of the main beam’? is what puzzles yours truly. We have been knocked about from pillar to-pcst for the past twenty-five vears; sailed in all kinds of crafts, from a frigate down to a dingy—or a birch bark canoe—and as yet we have never been fortunate enough to discover the muin beam, We have eeen the fledgling trom Annapolis strut. and talk learnedly of par- to a certain part of our vessel and say that’s the place. Our thoughts at such times were ‘What fools these poor mortals be.” At our cottage home we know where the “breast hook”’ is, as also the “spanker,” and go too does our darling daughter. What we most desire new is to Know the location of the main rafter. If some of the revenue cutters’ offi- cers will please call and point that out we think we could die happy. NavtILus, AROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND, Captain B. Lemhan is to command the barge Pacific. The tug 8. 8. Stone, after a through over- hauling at the Globe Iron Works i ready for business. 2 ee ‘The Star Line eteamers have taken a new clearance. Hereafter neither wine ror beer will be sold on any of the steamers of the line. Captain J. W. Conden, has been sworn in as master of the steambarge Alpena which is owned by the Hebard & Thurber Lumber Company. The tug D. L. Babcock, sold by the United States Marshal on Saturday and bought by Captain Edward Dahlke for $1,015 will ran hereafter in Dean’s line. Captain William Kelley is at the wheel. While a raft was being towed up the river yesterday a portion of it came in such close contact to the tug Ida M. Sims that it struck breaking the stern and pulling out her rudder. ‘The break was repaired without further loss than the delay, The following were the charters reported Tuesday: Steamer Alcona and consort Santiago, ore, from Escanaba to Erie, $1.10; steamer Onoko, ore, from Escanaba to Cleve. allax, right ascension, declination, then point