A new patent, to prevent the foundering ‘of leaking vessels, called the ‘ship suction valve,” was recently recorded at the patent ‘office at Washington, D. C., as well as in the countries of Europe. A stock company for the purpose of supplying vessels—sail as well as steam with this really novel produc- ‘tion was formed and titled the “Ship Sue- tion Valve Manufacturing Company,” with Mr. Thomas Keating as President, Mr. Ed. Voege, Vice-President, and Mr. William Scott, General Agent of the New Haven Steamboat Co., Treasurer. ‘The patent con- sists of a valve fastened to the bottom of a vessel, about a foot from the keel, enabling the captain or any other officer, in case ot a leakage, to lower a small plate, which, while it makes a hole in the vessel, forms # vacu- um and forces the encroaching water out. “To illustrate the workings of the new patent a steamboat was chartered, and on Thurs- day last a number of scientists and members of the press were invited to accompany the vessel down to Newark Bay; N. J., where a very small scow (intended to be used to rep- resent a sinking vessel, though entirely too small tor experimenting purposes), witha 4-inch apparatus attached to her bottom, was allowed to fill with water. A tug then made ‘fast to it and dragged it through the water on a straight course at a very fast rate, and in an incredible short space ot time the scow was completely emptied of water. Another trial was attempted to show that a leaking vessel could be emptied just as fast when on a turn, but it was not successful. In slew- ing round against a strong tide, the scow, which was apparently a very old one, began to crumble to pieces, the boards breaking from the sides allowing the water to pour into her from every quarter, entirely sub- merging the remaining portions of the scow. ‘On this account the experiments made were only partially successful. In conducting any future trial of this suction valve the company would do well to select a much larger and stronger vessel than the one that was used, that they may be able to demon- strate more fully the usefulness of that in- vention. ‘I'he office of the company is at 86 Duane St.. New York. G. 8. RAND. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS @ LESSEES OF DRY DOCK. ALSO PREPARED TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE H, B. BURGER . Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re- paired n Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS. EARS roe 7 MILLION! Foo Choo’s Balsam of Shark’s Oil, ‘Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the On- ly Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as CARCHARODON RONDELETI. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Budhist priest about the year 1410. Its cures were 80 numerous, and many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Kmpire. Its use became so universal that for over 300 years no deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1 00 per bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say! It has performed a miracle in my case. Ihave no unearthly noises in my head and hear much etter diy bonedétod I have been grea ne} E My deatness helped a great deal—think another bot- tle will cure me. My hearing is much benefitted. I have Tecelved! untold /benent: hearing is improving. My giving good satisfaction. . Have been greatly benefitted, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. “Tts virtues Aare UNQUESTIONABLE and its CURATIVE CHARACTER ABSOLUTE, AS THE WRITER CAN PERSON- ALLY TESTIFY, BOTH FROM EXPERIENCE AND OBSERVA- TIon. Write at once to HAYLock & JENNEY, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing $1.00, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be per- manent. You will never regret doing so.’—EpDITOR OF RCANTILE REVIEW. eto avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by REGISTERED LETTER. ony imported by HAYLOOK & JENNEY> SOLE AGENTS FOR AMERICA, 7 Dey St., N. ¥ BIGHARD HAMMOND. Paper Mill Bleachers & Rotaries. OIL STILLS & Gasometers , Salt Pans Smoke Stacks. AGITATORS., And all kinds of Heavy Plate & Sheet ain : A Repairing Promptly Attended to, OFFICE & WORKS, = mt PSHE 5 To &0,000.BbIs ‘TANKS. ESTABLISHED 1830, WM. WALL’S SONS. CORDAGE & OAKUM. ’ BUREALO, MY, 244.246.248. 250.252. And.254. Perry St, OVICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL. STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; SIGNAL LAMPS, — —WITH— - Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers and Vessels, and are for sale in the principal ports onthe Atlantic coast and Jakes, Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for catalogue. Manufactured by FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. S SJ By) 5 3 9 9 Q J) ROBT. TARRANT,. MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHINERY. ‘| CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, ‘65, 57 &59 Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENCINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON’S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE- PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full information to HOUCHTON & Co, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, ~ "yy It You Want the Best STEAM PUMP fi ilroad or Steamboat use, Paper Mill, Chemical or Gas Works Tannen + Brewery on Su ar Refinery Draining Quarries, Cellars or Planta- tions, "Terisating or Hydraulic ining, Sinking: Foundations, Coffer Dam, Sewer, Well Sinking and other .Contractors’ Work, or Raising = Water for any kind of Manufacturing or Fire Purpose, write for an illus- trated descriptive book on the NEW PULSOMETER, containing greatly reduced wwe prices, hundreds of testimonials. etc, Mailed free. Prices 100 per cent. lower than other. ‘ Every pump teated before shipment and guaranteed as represented, ° ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsometer Steam Pump Co., 83 John St., New York City, U. 8. . Ae Ray Seo Prices next issue of this Paper.-@@ MARINE ENGINE WORKS Breckenridge, Mich OAR FACTORIES. [ Carrollton, Mich. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK —IS NOW READY,.—— SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. St. Mary’s, Ohio. Montpelier, Ohio. ‘| A. 0. WHEELER, Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, Founders and Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MANISTEE, MICH, mi Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very best quality made to order AT ONE Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, é&e., To be had on short notice, by mail or telegraph. CHAS. GNEWUCH. Wrecking Master. . NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN & COMPANY’S DIAGONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH. INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU- PERVISING INSPEC- TORS. Yaw! & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOR PRICE LIST. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. Hooker, Grilenden & 6h, Grain, Commission, AND VEssEL BROKERs, DULUTH, MINN. F. x H. BORN, ‘PLUMBERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, and Dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! 128 SUPERIOR ST, CLEVELAND, O. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Chartering and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty, Office: Room 32, Second Floor, Moffat Block, DETRUIT, MICHIGAN, MECHANICAL NEWS. (ILLUSTRATED) $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. ¥, Manager.