VEKY MUCH NEEDED. An international law to prevent: two ves- sels from having the same name is very much necdec, ‘The existing practice in ves- sel nomenclature is a great nuisanve. It is highly misleading and in numerous cases nullities most of the effects of a distin. guished name. In naming — vessels — it is the rule to carry out the same ideas, to follow the same sentiments which obtain in naming persons, but with a contemptuous disregard of those differences in connection with individualizing members of the two classes Which make the hard and fast ap- plication of the rule a little misleading, The practice isa relic of an old custom sadly out of plece in these times and with no sound reason for its continuance, Family pride, tradition, policy, sentiment, ean, be followed to some extent in naming vessels, but not to the same extent asin naming individuals. In most cases the man gives the name prominence and raises it above the herd of similar names. If he does this then his life is passed in so contracted a circle that he is sufficiently individualized by his name to be distinguished readily from his acquaintances. Beyond that his name need not be known, Bat with a vessel the | case is entirely different. [t matters not how small the vessel miiy be, or in what limited trade, or on what regular route employed, the number of people who are comyelled for yarious causes to know something of her is comparatively larger than those who need to know the ‘individual, and a distine- tive name is necessary for the vessel inorder to distinguish her at once from thousands of the same class. ‘I'he larger the field in which the vessel is used the more necessary is this distinguishing badge. It wou!d be ridiculous to make ita rule that a certain number ‘cf men with Roman noses should be called Julius. Some othername in addition would have to be added. Yet scores and scores of vessels of the same rig are named-say Marie, or Maria, which after they leave their home port are with difficulty distinguished from each other. ‘The man remains home among his friends, where, he is well known.: His name probably appears only twice in the newspaper; on the occasion of his marriage and when his death is announced. The vessel goes away to other ports and forcign countries. Her name is constantly being mentioned in shipping reports, and while «comparatively few people see the vessel, hundreds are more or less interested in her keep track of her movements and her name is of first importance to them, as by that they hope to trace her movements. ‘This is most often a vain delusion.“ She has. been named the Neptune probably, or Gertrude Jane, or Queen of the Sea, but alas, there ure many more veszels of her nation.bearing the same name, often in the sume trade and her identity is very often hopelessly lost. ‘The name is then of little help in identify- ing her. Some other distinguished mark lias to be affixed. ‘The name of the master, the hailing port, the tonnage, the signal numbers, are all in their turn used to dis- tinguish this vessel which for all practical purposes might as well have no name. Names are excellent indicators when pro- perly used, but when sponsors of ships will use the same old names over and over again they soon lose their value. Then the variety of interests vitally concerned in the voyage ot a vessel are remembered the importance attached to her name as a means of identify- ing her is obvious. Is it not time, therefore that more common sense should be shown in the selection of names for vessels !—Mar- itime Register. TERRESTRIAL ‘TELEPHONING. M. Ritter, an eminent Bavarian philoso- pher and electrician, in the month of May, 1805, communicated to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Munich the fact of successfully magnetizing pieces of gold by Voltaic elec- tricity. That gold needles or compasses when thus magnetized “obeyed terrestrial magnetic influence for several months, dis- playing directive qualities,” ete. And William Sturgeon, a learned scientist ana author of that period, was led to make the following remarkable statement. the truth of which has recently been demonstrated at Washington Professor Sturgeon says: “This simple process of exciting electric currents, When transferred to the vast ap- paratus of nature, opens to view the most magnificent theory of te:restrial magnetisin that the mind of man can possibly conceive, The sum would thus become the exciting agent, whose uniform tide heat, sweeping the tropical zone, would be productive of an iinmense westerly circumflowing electrical flood, and convert this terrestrial globe into a great thermo-electric magnet. Thus the earth may be considered as equivaient to an immense pile of Volta, of which the poles are on one side sufficiently closed by the waters of the ocean. The action of this pile has produced great chemi- sal changes in the materials of the earth— changes which have differed according to the poles, and of which pile the poles at the other extremity have already such an abundance of electricity as to cause its splendor to appear in magnetic radiations in the vast spaces in the heavens, and usually termed Aurora Borealis.” The foregoing magnetic principle of our earth has remained for centuries prior to the appearence of human life upon the planet. Then, when comparing the progress of electrical science of the present with the THE past, the grain has been slow indeed, Pro- fessor Morse often speke of the earth mag- netisim, and in hes experiments in 1844, oper- ated a galvanometer attached to plates of metilin the earth, by sending a powerful current of electricity ucross a stream of wa- ter, So, tov, will the telephone of to-day re- ceive and transmit signals or sounds of va- rious kinds by powerful batteries connected to the earth without the use of wires, on this terrestrial telephonic principle of the mag- netism of the earth and atmosphere, The principle of the magnet is little under- stood; and now, when the telephone has only been in operation a few years, and hundreds of thousands of magnets formed and used in all manner of shapes and sizes, is itany wonder that we should be so anxicus to learn all about the law of magnetism that pervades each magnet handled, whether in the telephone or other electrical device? A proper education of the young in our colleges and seminaries in all branches of electrical science is x good field for educators to ex- plore. Let us hear from them. THE OLDEST STEAMSHIP AFLOAT. The following account of the old steam- ship Beaver is extracted froma work en- titled “The Resources of British Columbia,” and will doubtless prove interesting to many readers: While strolling along the city front and gazing upon the many objects of interest that cluster in and about the beautiful bar- bor of Victoria, our attention was directed to a staunch old craft: moored at Spratt’s wharf, whose quaint style ot architecture and weather-worn prow proclaimed a “life on the ecean wave’? at once long and eyent- ful. Desiring to learn more of the venera- ble’ steamer, her very name a synonym of industry, we determined to searcli fur facts, and to the courtesy of one of our most prom- inent citizens and business men, Henry San- ders, Esq., we are indebted for the leading features of this article. Nearly half a century ago, when the great problem of steam navigation was yet only in the experimental stages ef solution, when the telephone and electric light were not dreamed ol, a vast concourse of people gath- ered on the banks of the ‘Thames to. witness the launching ot a brave little steamship, that was destined soon to traverse the wa- ters of the two oceans, one of which was known to many only as being somewhere in the region of the sunset on the far western shores of the western world. , ‘The then rul- ing sovereign, William IV., and 160,000 of his subjects, including titled men and wo- men, were present, watchful opservere of the novel and interesting event. One of England’s fairest daughters, wearing 2 caro- net on her noble-brow, broke the traditional bottle of sparkling chrmpagne, and, like the priestess of Juno invoking the smiles of “Old Ocean,” baptized this fair child of the crested wave by the name of Beaver. She was built for the Hudson Bay Com- pany in 1838, and was destined to ply be- tween their several fur-trading stations on the Pacific coast. ‘he two engines, of 75- horse power, and the boilers were construct- ed by the firm of Bolton & Watt, the latter being a son of the renowned inventor, and the excellent condition of her engines to- day bear convincing testimony to the great mechanical skill of her builders. As it was not considered sate to use steam on the pas- sage out, she was rigged as a brig and fur- nished with six n'ne-potind guns, ‘Thus equipped, accompanied by a bark in. case of accident, and commanded by Captain Home, she salied down the ‘'hames, greetel by en- couraging cheers from the thousands who watched the progress from either shore, and which were heartily acknowledged by the booming salvos from the brazen throats of herown guns. Crossing the Atlantic and being the firet steamer that ever doubled Cape Horn, she sailed up the broad Pacific, and, leaving her companion far behind, ar- rived at the Columbia river fwenty-two days ahead. After calling at Astoria, then the chief town on the Pacific coast, and so called in compliment to John Jacob Astor, the New York millionaire, who was also exten- sively engaged in the tur trade, she got up steam and sailed for Nesqually, the princi- pal station of the Hudson Bay Company on the-Pacitic, and for years was employed in collecting furs and carrying goods to and from the company’s various trading posts on this coast. She next passed into the hands of imperial hydrographers, and a few days since was purchased by the British Columbia Towing and ‘Transportation Company, of this city, and, having been refitted for that service, is to this day regarded as a most seaworthy and powerful tug steamer. In conjunction with another steam tugboat this historical vessel had the ill-fated ‘Thrasher in tow at the time of the accident which gave rise to the very protracted litigation known in legal circles as ‘the ‘Thrasher case,’’ the merits of which have been sub- mitted for final adjudication to the Supreme Court of Canada. Doubtless few are living to-day who looked on in admiring wonder when the gallant Beaver took her first plunge in the yielding element. ‘Ihe ruby lips that opened to ut- ter her name in baptism are forever closed, and the gallant captain who proudly com- manded on her first voyage has long since walked the rounds of his last watch and sleeps the sleep that knows no waking. Still, with that tireless industry characteristic of its prototype, the Beaver works and works, MARINE RECORD, ENGINEERING AND MECHANICAL. Mr. William Wythe, of Red Bank, ¥. J., has added to his list of patents recently ob- tained an improvement upon clutch pulleys, This mechanism is tobe used with pulleys with hoistiug drums for engaging and dis- engaging a prime mover, and at the same time holding the object being raised at any elevation desired, A device for operating air compressor valves, which obviates the necessity of em- ploying spring valves, which are apt to get out of order, and which eaables the cylinder to be more properly filled, has been patented by Mr. Charles A. Bennett, ot Dover, N. J. ‘This device opens and closes the inlet valve of the compressor automatically, and is oper- ated at the same time by the machinery of the compressor, Mr. Joseph ‘Torras, of Red River Landing, La., has patented an improvement in levees for preventing low lands from inundation, and which are built in sections, consisting of metal plates having ong end set in the earth aud supported in an inclined porition by a suitable frame, ‘he invention consists of a supporting frame combined with the in- clined and partially imbedded plates, and consisting of a base having uprights and in- clined burs secured to the uprights and to one side of the base. Mr. F. D, Hill, of New York City, has patented an improved burglar alarm which ie constructed with a spring clamp connect- ed with a bar joiuted to a suspended frame carrying a clock work and gong, and a slid- ing rod provided with a spring, and having hangers to engage with the escapement an- chor, and a catch attached to the suspending bar, whereby the alarm can be readily sus- pended from a door knob, and will be sprang by the movement of the knob. A device for removing piston rods from cross heads has been patented by Mr. James E. ‘Worswick, of Montgomery, Ala. ‘This invention is designed for the purpose of re- moving piston rods from cress heads with- out the injury of any part, and it consists in a base piece having «a threaded projection, provided with a bore, and a cylinder formed with an internal nut screwing on the pro- jection. and connected to the cylinder by feathers and adapted to bear against an an- nular shoulder in the cylinder. A patent has peen granted for a mechan- ism for raising lines to the upper parts of buildings to enable ladders or other escape mechanism to be elevated in case of fire. ‘This mechanism is designed to be clamped to the top of a ladder or telegraph pole, and by manipulating the crank a long rod bear- ing one end of the rope at its extremity will be elevated until the window or roof from which the people are desiring to escape has been reached. Mr. George O. Daw, of New York city, is the inventor of this device. What is represented as a successful at- tempt to utilize the bisulphide of carbon to drive. a steam engine is described in the Lowell (Mass.) Daily Courier. With the engine and heater In use the improver, Mr. W.5S. Colwell, gets an expansive force of 51 potinds per square inch at the heat of 2129, which in the steam engine, with vapor ot water, is nil. ‘he claim is made for this mo- lor that the objections ‘heretofore urged against the use of disulphide of carbon are all removed by Mr, Colwell’s methods, which have been carried beyond the experi- mental stage. , Mr. Fletcher Joyner, of Glens Falle, N. Y., is the patentee of an improved center board for sailing vessels. ‘This invention consists of an improved arrangement of contrivances for raising and lowering the center board, and for holding it upin the trunk of the ves- selin such position that when the vessel heels over by the force of the wind, the cen- ter board will maintain a position perpendic- ular to the surface of the water, and thus have better power to keep the head of the vessel up to the winc than when the com- non center board is used, which inclines with the motion of the vessel. An improved device has lately been pat- ented for ascertaining the flow of electrical current in a circuit, and for recording such flow. ‘his device is called an electrical me- ter, and is especially applicable for indicat- ing the current in a system for running in- candescent electric lamps. An electro mag- net will be employed in conjunction with a recording mechanism, and the number of revolutions made by the motor will be ex- actly proportioned to the flow of the cur- rent. ‘Che inventor of this device is Mr, Ed- ward Weston, of Newark, N. J., and the patent has been assigued to the United States Electric Lighting Company, N. Y.—Scien- tific American. A SECRET WORTH KNOWING, Simultaneously with the budding of Spring all nature awakens from an apathetic state. Especially is this the case among those interested in out-door sports, the oars- man, cricketer, base ball player, reinsman, all prepare for the season’s work. ‘I'he in- activity of the winter’s recess has its effect upon the body, and when exercise is first in- dulged in a weakening sensation ensues fol- lowed by sick headache, billiousness and general lethargy. <A few doses of Swayne’s pills will speedily remove all such com- plaints and restore the system toa healthy and elastic condition, THE NECESSITY FOR HOLIDAYS. ‘That a holiday is a necessitv, and not merely a luxury is a fact which is especially behooves members of vur hard working profession to remember in the regulations of their own lives, us well as in their dealings with their patients. For the brain worker, periodical remission of accustomed toil has always been a necesgary condition of con- tinued vigour; for him, the heightened tension of modern life has especially accentuated the need for occasional periods devoted to the recreation aud the re-ac- cumulation of energy.. ‘he cogent physi- ological principles and practical purposes of systematic holidays are generally admitted, All workers, if they are to last, must have holidays. For some persons and for some occupations, frequent short bolidays are best; with other natures, and in other circumstances, only comparatively long periods of release from routine are of service. Few real workers, if any, can safely continue to deny themselves at least a yearly holiday. Mere reat, that is mere cessatien from work, while it ix better than unbroken totl, does not recreate the fairly vigorous so thoroughly as does a complete change of activity from accustomed channels. For the strong worker, either with brain or muscle, diversion of activity recreates better than rest alone, The whole body feeds as it works, and grows as it feeds. Rest may cheek expenditure of torce, but it is chiefly by expending energy that the stores of energy can be replenished. We mostly need: holidays because our ordi- nary daily life tends to sink into a narrow groove of routine exertion, working and wearing some part of our organisin: dispro- portionately, so that its powers of work and its faculty of recuperation are alike worn down, [na well arranged holiday we do not cease from activity, we only change its chan- nels; with such change, we give a new and saving stimulus to assimilation, and_ the transmutation, of its products in to force. As a rule the hardest workers live longest, but only thore live long who sufliciently: break their wonted toil by the recreating variety of well-timed and well-spent holidays.—British Medical. Journal. LOVE SICK. A love-sick swain, in describing a kiss, says it is a draught that passes through the system like a bucket of water through a bas- ket of eggs—but when you feel drowsy, stupid, lazy and your head avnes and your liver don’t seem to do its duty and you are costive and occasionally you have billious- ness, you need a dose or. two of Swayne’s. pills—and remember they will put your sys- tem pie order before you are'aware of it. “All druggists keep them at 25 cents per box, or five boxes for #1. ‘'ry them. RAPID TRANSIT. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Steam Navigation Company. The $2.25 Route FOR DETROIT Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest Weekdays at 9 p. m. from 23 River st. Steamers CITY OF MACKINAC, CITY OF CLEVELAND. From Detroit, Mondays and Saturdays at4 1 P M Wednesdays & Fridays tg 1 5 A i . a FOR MACKINAC, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, Sand Beach, Port Huror, Si. Clair, Marine City, making four de- partures each week. T. F. NEWMAN, Agt, 23 River st., Cleveland, Cc. D. WHITCOMB, G, P. & T. Agt., Detroit. A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE, Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., CLEVELAND, OHTO. Connects with more agents, canvassers and club rais~ ers wanted to represent and read the 500,000 2's’ Girls’ National Reformer, an illustrated Temperance, Literary, and Agricultura journal, dovoted to reformation in education, society and government Circulation guaranteed to exceed 200,000 in twelve months. . The only Temperance paper in Texas. The Girts’ NATIONAL REFORMER is the outgrowth of tue Girl’s Uwn Paper and the National Retormer, and is made up and handsomely illustrated by new artists and supplied with additional writers, thus mak- ing it altogether the most superb periodical of the kind issued, It appears now as a 64-column quarto, pasted and cut, rendering it easily accessible to the readers. Each number is accompanied by a four-page Musical Supplement (filled with choice vocal and instrumental music) given as a special premium to subscribers. Valuable premiums to Club raisers; liberal paying commissions to agents, The Gtris' National REFORMER admirably covers itschosen field, and no one interested in Temperance, Literature, Agriculture and Art (either pictoral or dec- orative) can afford to miss its vists. Price $1.00 per an- num, in advance. All regular ministers, Temperance organizations and and Granges where the paper is kept on file in the lodge room, will receivea copy for one year at Fifty Cents per annum. ‘ JOSEPHINE CULMORE, Publisher, 65 Travis Street, Houston, Texas.