THE QUESTIONS ON 'THE STEAM ENGINE Where is the velocity of the slide valve} greatest ? The slide valve hus its greatest velocity at! the middle of its travel. } What must be the maximum bridge width ? ‘The least admissable bridge width is half the travel, less the sum of the steam-por width and the outside lap. Thus, port width 1 inch; outside lap 34 inch; travel 5 inches, ‘Then the bridge musi be more than 2'4¢—3(/—1=34 inch. What is the effect of small laps where the eonnecting rod is comparatively short? | The effect of small laps where the con- necting rod is comparatively short, is to eause unfavorable distribution of steam. What practical rule may be laid down for slide-valve adjustment? ‘The lead should always be made the same on both sides, What is the link motion most generally used for locomotives ? Locomotives generally have the Stevenson | Tink motion. What is the link motion? ‘The Stevenson link motion has a curved shot, the radius of which is che length of the eccentric rod, and the link itself is raised and lowered. : What is the Gooch link motion ? The Gooch link motion has the slotted link fixed and sliding block adjustable in height to change the valve travel. What is the peculiarity of the Gooch mo- tion? The Gooch mouion gives the same lead for all grades of expansion. i What is the radius of the slot in the Gooch motion ? In the Gooch motion the slot in the link must be curved to a radius equal to the length of the radius bar. What is the special feature of the Allen link? : The Allen. link has a straight slot, and it and the radius rod are raised and lowered simultaneously. * ? What is the most simple link motion ? The most simple link motion is that of Fink (1857) ffi which a curved link is at- tached to the eccentric and the block is ad- justed in this slot. What is the objection to the Fink link mo- tion? The objection to the Fink link motion is that the angularity of the 2onnecting rod has its unfavorable influence when the crank is furthest from the dead points, and :the steam. distribution most eftective.—Mechan- teal Engineer. At the Union Drydock Company’s yard a ‘keel is being laid for,a large steamship to be built for F. L,. Danforth and others, of Buf- talo. ‘The dimensions will be: Length of keel, 259 feet; over all, 270 feet; beam, 37 feet; hold, 23 feet. ‘The engines and boilers will be somewhat larger than those of the Clyde. ‘The new vessel is to be completed by the opening of navigation next year, — A TRUTHFUL SIMILE. We daily speak of vice as “a monster of so frightful mein, as to be hated needs but to be seen,” yet we disregard physical affliction whose “trightfal mein” appears even worse than vice, and invite its presenee among us, until ‘“‘yet seen too oft, familiar vith her face, we first endure, then pity, then em- brace.”? ‘Thus it is with itching piles. An utter disregard of the plainest laws of health provokes the affliction, causing intolerable itching when in bed, and unless you apply Swayne’s Ointment it must continue, The Neversink Cork Jacket Twenty per cent. more buoyancy than any other Life-Preserver in the market. Is tne SAFEST and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER in EXISTENCE, as proved of the late wreck on the Pacitic Coast, ot the Pacific Mail Steamship, ‘City of San Francisco.” RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. “LSGAVGHO Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver, VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Cireulars. D. KAHNWEILER 146, 148 & 150 Worth St. Near Center St., New York. peculiarity of the Stevenson | PILLS Known To MEN OF FAMc AND SciENCcE FOR REMOVING ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acknowledged a Grand, Pleasant, and Efficient Cure for CONSTIPATION stress at stool, bad breath, 9 dull face, heaviness, known by irregular appe- DYSPEPSIA, tite, sour belching, welgnt and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. LIVER Complaint, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and ‘ever, causl ing soreness in bac! ‘and ‘side, also bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen- sations.eyes dull, dry congh, stifled and obstruct- ed_feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APOPLEX Epilepsy, Paralysis,dim sight, sound in ears. giddiness, confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before eyes, loss of memory. Diseases of Bladder and KIDNEYS urine dark or light, red deposit: —————’ burning. stinging, bearing down sensations, frequent des! to urinate, uneasiness, inflamed e: lark circles, thirst. Disenses of HEAR vere pains, fluttering or weight near 9 héart, more ‘so on moving quickly and When lying on left side; out of breath on exertion. HEADACHE dull or sharp -pains in temples, 7 eyes or head; faintness, nausea, Dropsy is caused by watery fluid. Rheuma- tism, &e., by uric acid in blood. Bowel Dine orders by corrupt matter, Worms by the pests within. @olds by choking of the ‘secretions SWAYNE P jy by gentle action, removes: the cause, making a permanent cure. Sent by mail for 25 cents bax of 3) Pills; 5 boxes, $1.00. (In postage- atame Address, DR. SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia, Pa, Sold by Druggists. TO PRESERVE. THE HEALTH: Use the Magneton Appliance Co’s Magnetic Lung Protector ! PRICE ONLY $5. | ‘e priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHID= INGS; UO Case Of PNEUMONIA OR CROUP Is ev. ¥ Known where these garments are worn, They also prevent. und cure HEART DIFFICULT COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NECRALGIA, THROAT TROURL DIPTHERIA, ¢ RR, AND ALL KINDRED DIs! Will wear vice for THREE YEARS, Are ay xe over the under Clothing CATARRH I is needless to describe the symptoms 1 of this nauseous disease that is sapping the life and’ streng: lr of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes. Labor, study ‘and research in America, Europe and Eastern la: ds, have resulted in the Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- tarrb, a remedy which ¢ i ‘ 3GING OF THE System, and with the continuous +: re1m of Magnetism neating through the aiilicted organs, » : THEM TO A HEALTIVTY ACTION. WE PLACE OUR PRICE for this Appliance at less than one twentieth of the price usted by others ‘for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and WE ESPECIALLY IMVITE the patronage of the MANY PERSONS Who have tried DRUG- GING THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT KFFECT. your 1) This Appliance. HOW 10 0B TAIN druggist and aek for them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en- closing the price, in letter at ovr risk, and they will be sent to you at once by mail, post paid. . Send stamp for the ‘New Departure in Medical Treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE,” with thousands of testimonials, THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 218 State Street, Chicago, Ll. Notr.—Send one dollar in postage stam. 8 or curren- cy, in letter at our ri k, with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Eusoles, and be con- vinecd of the power residing in our Magnetic Appli- ances, Positively no cold feet where they ure worn, or money refunded. gents, cany 's and club rais- 500,000 a ited to represent and read the Girls’ National Reformer, an illustrated Temperance, Literary, and Agricultura journal, dovoted to reformation in’ education, society und government. Circulation guaranteed to exceed 200,000 in twelve months, The only Temperan The Girts’ NATIONAL MER is the outgrowth of tue Girl’s Own Paper and tne National Retormer, ,and is made up and handsomely illustrated by new | artists and suppiiea with additional writers, thus mak- ing it altogether the most superb periodical of the kind j issued, It appears now as a 64-column quarto, pasted jand cut, rendering it easil ible to the readers. Each number is accompan by a four-page Musical Supplement (filled with choice vocal and instrumental music) given as a special premium to subscribers. Valusble premiums to Club raisers; liberal paying commissions to agents. The Gints’ NATIONAL REFORMER admirably covers itschosen field, and no one interested in Temper: Literature, Agriculture and Art (either pictora 3 an afford to miss its vists. Price $1.00 per an- ALL regular minis » Temperance nd and Granges where the paper is kept on file in the lodge room, will receive a -copyfor one year at Fifty Cents I; annum, JOSEPHINE CULMORE, Publisher, vis Street, Houston, Texas. Phenix Paint Co, MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC Go to mor ers w paper in Teras, OFFICE AND FACTORY (36 Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO M. V. BORGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Most Centrally Located. Street cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute’s walk toL S & M 8, D & M, and Wabash Depots. ' Rates $1-50, to $2.00 per day. | Weekdays at 9 p. m. from 23 River st. ; Port Clinton Accommod: | Buffa'to Accommodation MARINE RECORD. 3 RAPID TRANSIT. The Nickel Plate! _ DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Steam Navigation Company. The $2.25 Route FOR DETROIT } Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest Connects with Stean CITY OF MACKINAC, CITY OF CLEVELAND. From Detroit, Mondays and Saturdays: at 1 1 P M e e Wednesdays & Fridays "g 1 5 A M s s FOR MACKINAC, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena Oscoda, Sand Beach, Port Hurot Clay, Marine City, makirg four de- partures eae! eek, T. RF. NEWMAN, Agt, 23 River st., Cleveland, C.D. WHITCOMB, G.P. & T. Agt., Detroit, TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE SHORE & MICHIG — - ‘ Fast New York Expres NY, B& A Express. Elyria, Accommodation N SOUTHERN, | Arrive. } Depart. N Y & B Fast Express. Conneaut Accommoda Nottingham [sunday only Night Expres 23 Westward. "2 .| 4 PM 50 PM 9004M 710 35 PM 10 05 PM to 10 PM Fast Limited Express. AM™2 33 AM Mich Express via 5: OAM 2 OF AM Chicago Express via“ BS AM, 7 00AM Mich Accom, Norwalk... .| T6 4am ; Conneaut Accommodation. AM) « sesseee i“ 4h PM) 215 PM Nottingham, [Sunday only]. “] 25 B 30 *] 25 pM $3 30 PM ‘Toledo Fxpress via Norwalk St Louis Ex via Sandusky, *1 30 pM #1 50 PM C P Ex via Norwalk... T6 30 Port Clinton Accommodation Reference marks—* Dail Zdaily, except Monday. BEE LINE Cleveland, . Columbus, Cincinnati apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO 'TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave , Cleveland. with Through Palace Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND— ST.LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE, 15.00 pw »tduily, except Sunday, and Indian- This isthe only line making Direct Connection with ali the principal Trunk Lines of the East for all Southern, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Louisand all Railway Towns MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, ‘TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE + PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern: Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest | Road in the West. (@" Tickets by this popular route for sale | at all regular Teket Offices. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, MIXED PAINTS.' ‘| i | | | | General Passenger Agent. | CLEVELAND, OHIO, CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS, | Commencing Sunday, ¢ 4th, trainsof the Bee Linv— Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indiauapoli: Kail will feave and a at Cleveland ag follows: No. 1, Cincinnati & Columbus Express No. 11, Indianapolis & Wheeling Eexpre | No. 17, Special Columbus & Cincinnati Ex., | No. 3, Special Ind & St. Louis Express i No, 5, Col. Cin,, Ind. & St. Louis bxpre: | No.7, CL & W.& Gallion Ac h , St, Louis & Ind No. 6, Col. Cin, & Inc No, 4, Columbus & Cine No. 10, Wheeling No, 14, Cincinnat rains marked * Sunday. 7M 1:40 AM daily except | 11105 a. ml. | Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:45 p. m.,Pitte- | burgh, 6.10 p.m. NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is wll new and is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to safe speedy vnd comfortable travel. At Chicago, passenger tr-ins amive at and leave from the Union Devor, Van Buren sti eet. Following is the time in ettect May 14. 1283, and un- til further notice: GOING S81 Ly. Chicago Arr. Vali at * Fort Wayne. “New Haven.. 2. ‘© West Leipsic. 4.15 “ Areadia. ‘ Fostoria. “ Green Springs “ Bellevue .. Jv. Bellevue. Arr Clevelan¢ 1.50 251 e 4.25 4 6.00 “ GOING WES. 10.15 a.m... 11.56 : “ Bulfalo Ly Buffalo. Aar Dunkirk, “ Erie..... 50) p.m. “ Conneaut. 2. af “ Ashtabula. 317° ‘© Painesville 41h ' Cleveland 5.200 4 Lv Cleveland - 5.25" Arr Bellevue, 755 ** Ly. Bellevue. “ ‘ “ o “ “ ” & Trains run by Columbus time, which is twenty min- utes faster thin Chicag» time, five minutes slower than Cleveland. and sixteen minutes slower than Buf- fulo time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B, EF. HORNER, * Gen’l Passenger Agent, LEV'IS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cleveland, O. » [daily ouly]. parts at 12:20 aily); 5:45 p. m. [daily] except Sunday; 8:35 p.m, {sani only }° p.m, New York, Penusylvania & Ohio R. R. (Formerly A. & G. W. Railroad.) NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast, Unti) further notice trains-will leave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- lows: ATLANTI EXPRESS—(Daily) Pull- . 0 i. man sleeping and hotel coaches from Leavittshurgh 9.05 a. m. to New York, Albany and Boston without change. Parlor Car from Cleveland and Salamanca, Arrive at Meadville at 11:20 a. m. (dinner) Franklin 12:33 p. m., Oil City 1:00 p. m., Cor- ry 1:00 p. m., Jamestown (Luke Chautauqua) 2:00 p. m , Buffalo6:15 p. m. Rochester p. m.; Hornell:- ville 6:40 p m. [supper]; Coming 325 p. m. Elmira 8:57 p m. Binghanton 10:58 p. m., Albuny 6:50 a. m. Boston 2:45 p.m.; arriving at New York 6:50 a.m. 950 LIMITED EXPRESS—Through Pull- ' D. Il. man sleeping coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 6:55 p. m_, James- town 9:13 p. m., Salamanca 10:10 p. m., New York 10:25 a, m. 1:05 NIGHT _EXPRESS—(Daily except ‘ ). i. Sunday) Seeping coach from Cleveland Hornellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at 1:55 a. m. Meadville 3:50 a. m., Corry 5:20 a. m. Jamestown 618 a m, Buffalo 9:45 a. m., Rochester 1:10 p, m., Hornells. ville, 11:20a m, Corning 12:53 pm, Elmira 1:21 p. m., Binghampton 2:50 p m,, New York 9:25 p.m. Arrive at Pittsburgh 6:15 a m., without change. 9:40 PITTSBURGH — EXPRESS — Daily — ’ D. Ih. Through without change, Parlor car at- tached, Arrives at Youngstown 5:00 p m., Pittsburg 7:48 p.m., Washington 7:09 a. m , Baltimove 8:19 a. m. 4:35 MAHONING AO lMODATION — ‘i D. Nl. Stopping at all way s'ations, arriving at Youngstown 7:25 p. m., Shavon 8:30 p. m., Sharpesville 8:40 p.m. Cconnects at Leavittsburgh with train No. 20 for Meadville and intermediate points. Arrives at Meadville 11:20 p. m. 7:20 PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — é a. Nh. Through without charge Arrives at Youngstown 1000 a. m., Sharon 11:02 a. m., Sharps- ville 11:10 a. m., Pitisburgh 1245p m., Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:48 a. m., 3a.m., 1;30p. m., and 4:20 p m. YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH A COMM ODATION—Stopping at all Trains arrive at Oleveland, 6.40.4. m , 7:05 p. m., 10.55 a. m; 1:00 p. m., and 10:15 p. m, 8@-This isthe only toute by which assengers can reach Corry Elmira, binghimpton, New York City and intermediate points without c! ange. No change to Boston and New England Cities. Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bank street, and atn w Depot of N. Y.,P & 0.1 R.,South Waterstreet and Viaduet, Cleveland, O, A. E, CLARK, Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, O. J.M FERRIS, Gen'l Maa’gr, Cleveland, O. M. L. FOUTS, Passenger Agent, 131 Bank St. Cleveland, O FOR SALE. An iron steam yacht 35 feet long, 9 feet beam, 3 feet deep; runs very fast, and well found. Enquire of D, P. NickeRSON, Euclid Avenue Station. FOR SALE. Av Iron yacht 35 feet long very finelly finished anu furnished, Draft 3 1-2. fect runs very fast, Enquire of D. erson Harkness Block Kuclid Ave Station