Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 8, 1883, p. 3

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water a long time, and finding the struggle hopeless, placed the baby in as safe a posi- tion as possible, and then resigned herself to the inevitable. ‘The Experiment has since had many ups and downs, and tor a number of years past has been owned and command- ed by Captain Betfel asa wrecking. vessel. She has experienced a great deal of trouble while engaged in the wrecking business, and itis thought that the present accident will end her career, CANADA’S WATERWAYS. On Monday night Mr. Hugh McLennan, President of the M. ‘I. Company, read a most interesting paper on the ‘Waterways of Canada” in Association Hall, Montreal. He reviewed the progress of navigation In Can- ada from the time of the discovery of the St. Lawrence. coveries of LaSalle, he alluded to the time when Ontario was opened for settlement. In 1809 the first steamer Accommodation, appeared on Canadlan waters, between Mon- treal and Quebec, and in 1813 the Swiftsure, 140 feet long, 24 feet beam and able to make the trip between the two cities in thirty two hours, was launched. ‘The honor of this en- terprise is due to the Hon. John Molson. The Frontenac, built near Kingston in 1816 and 1817, was the first.Jake steamer, and it was looked upon ar an experiment, as steam had never been used for lake navigation be- fore. ‘The Queen. Charlotte was built at Sackette’s harbor in 1818; her engines were built by Ward Bros., of Montreal. In 1821 the Prince Edward was built and with the Queen Charlotte formed a line up the Bay of Quinte. In 1817 or ’18 the first steamer was built upon the upper lakes at Buffalo, to ruu to Michilitracinac. The tea kettle was doing its work. ‘The improvements between Mon- treal and Coteau had proved very. seryloea- ble to the trade, larger boats. were used and the trips were made in much better time. In 1840 the Oldfield, Captain’ Shepherd, |- took the first passenger from Montreal to Kingston without transhipment. Other steamers were built,‘ which connected with lake boats. ‘hose were the palmy days of navigation. Every lake town had its fleet ot schooners, but the construction of the G.'T. R. greatly injured the St. Lawrence trade. He then named those who were prominent in the palmy days: Captain Patterson, of the Ireland, the first Canadian vessel that unloaded in Chicago, and unloaded in the canal; Captain Whitney, of the Great Brit- ain, Captain Richardson, Captain T'wohey. Captain Dick, Captain Sutherland of the ‘Traveller. Hon. Senator Hamilton, Captain Moses of the Bay of Quinte, Henry Gilder- sleeve, shipbuilder, and others. “I'he speak- er concluded by saying: When we think that in 100 years we have made such strides, what may we not expect in the next-100 years. PRACTICED WHAT HE PREACHED. A clergyman of New York State preached a sermon the other Sunday on ‘‘Fools,”’ and then blew out his gas at the hotel and went to bed to be suffocated. Glad to hear of one man who practiced what he preached—and when any person is afflicted with itching piles and cannot sleep a wink all night tor scratching, we feel pleased to learn that such an one has commenced the use of Swayne’- ointment. Rest and happiness will soon re- turn again. ADVERTISERS Can learntheexactcostof any proposed line of Ad- vertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newspaper Adv'g Bu- reau, 1oSprucest., N.Y. Boat washing and general laun- dy in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. DEAN & CO., BOATBUILDERS. DETROIT, - - ' MICH, After referring to the dis- | THE MARIN ! + ZG UNE tee FROM ALL PURIFY THE BLOOD ACT AS A HEART CORRECTOR And by cleansing, regulating and strengthening the organs of digestion, secre! ion and absorption, cure Apoplexy. Fits, Paralysis, Nervousness, Dizziness, Debility Billousness, Bad Breath, Jaun- dice, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lack of Appetite, Low Spirits, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Fever and Ague, Diarrhea, Dropsy Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout. Female Weakness, Urinary Dis- orders, and all Irregularities of the Spleen, Stomach, Bladder and Bowels. a ES AND PAINS, USE ge! AT HEALTH RESTON Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia, Pa, SK YOU R DRUGGIST FOR THEM. Price 25 Cts, Five hos 1” Sent hy Mall toany Address, TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co’s Magnetic Lung Protector ! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to LADIES, NTLE DREN WITH WEAK LUNGS; vO ease of 1 CROUP Is ever Known where these garments They also prevent and cure HEART DIF COLDS, RUEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, THROAT TROUB! DIPTHERIA, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDRED Df Will wear any service for THREE YEARS. Are over the under Clothing. © CATARRH It is needless to describe the symptoms 1 of this nauseous disease that issapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes. Labor, study ‘and research in America, Eurone and Eastern la: ds, have resulted in the Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- tarrh, a remedy which contains NO-DRUGGING OF THE System, and with the continuous.str i permeating through the afilicted org: THEM TO A HEALTHY ACTION. WE PL oO} for this Apphanee at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take all the charices, and, wE ECIALLY IMVITE th patronage of the MANY PERSONS Who have tried DRU ¢ THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT, EFFECT, HOW 10 OBTAT This Appliance. Go to your druggist and ask for. them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en- closing the price, in letter at ovr risk: und they-will be sent to you at once by mail, post pai Send stamp for the “New Ne Treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE,” testimonials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 218 State Street, Chicago, Ll. Note.—Send one dollar in postage stamps or curren- cy, in letter at our ri-k, witb size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insole:, and be con- vineed of the power residing in our Magnetic Appli- ances. Positively no eold feet where they are worn, or money refunded. A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE, Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., CLEVELAND, OHTO. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, Chartering aud Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty, | No. 64 Woodbridge Street Detroit, Michigan Phenix Paint Co, MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC \ AND CHIL- JMONIA we ture in Medical with thousands of OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Michigan St, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOR SALE, | | | Her length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, a | 10inehes. Boiler 17 feet long. 7 feet di flues, two Id inch and one 17 hh Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 1 miles light, land 9 1-2 loade Insurance valuation, $15,800, Ad- | dress Martine RECORD Oflice, No.2 South Water street, | Cleveland, 0. MIXED PAINTS. STHAMBARGE MILWAUKEE. E RECORD. | RAPID TRANSIT. ‘DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Steam Navigation Company. The $2.25 Route FOR DETROIT , Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest Weekdays at 9 p. m. from 23 River st. Steamers CITY OF MACKINAC, CITY OF CLEVELAND. From Detroit, Mondays and Saturdays at 1 1 P M . . Wednesdays & Fridays "9g 1 5 A M e es FOR MACKINAC, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, Sand Beach, - ‘ort Hur partures each week. T.F. NEWMAN, Agt, 23 River st., Cle C.D. WHITCOMB, G. P. & T. Agt., De TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE Conuects with sland, troit. SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, East ward. Fast New York Expr NY, B & A Expres: Elyria Accommodat ! Port Clinton Accomm Buffalo Accommodation | N Y & B-Fast Express. Conneaut Accommoda ottingham [~unday only} . Night Expres: teeeeeee Westward. | Arrive. | Depart. AM) *1 50a M 50 PM Mich Accom, Norwalk. Conneaut Accommodatior Nottinghi y Toledo ia Norwalk St Lou Sandusky C P Ex via Norwalk... Port Clinton Accommodation. Reference marks—* Daily, + Zdaily, except Monday. BEE LINE and Indian- Cleveland, Columbvs, Cincinnati apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with ‘Through Palace Coaches and Elegant, Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE, This isthe only line making Direct Connection | with al the principal Trunk Lines of the East for all Sovthern, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Louisand a:1 Railway Towns : MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadhbed and the Safest Road in the West. la Tickets by this popular route for sale at all regular Teket Offices. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, i General Manager. Traffic Manager. { A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. >», OHIO, ! CLEVELA y CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI: & INDI- ANAPOLIS, Commencing Sunday, Jun th, trains of the Bee Lin Cleveland, Columbus, © nnati & Indiauapo! Railway will !eave and arrive at Cleveland ag follows innati & Columbus Express napolis & Wheeling Eexpre cial Columbus & Cincitnati POL & Wo Galion 2 | Arrive. Col. & Cin 2 C &W.? Express | 10:25 AM Trains markec dairy, all other tains Wily except Sunday. Se Claw, Marine City, making four de- | | e710 AM) {> St, Louis & Ty 20 PM | Now ti, Col. Cin. & Tne {incon PM No, 4, Columbus & Cin 350 PM | No. 10, Wheeling Express 7PM] | No, 14, Cincinnatia N.Y 140A M t The Nickel Plate! _ | NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. _ The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is ull hew and is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to safe speedy und comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenver trsins arrive at and leave from the Union Dey ot, Van Buren street. Following is the time in effect May 14, 1283, and un- til further notice: GOING EAST, we B15 a 10.05 prings 6 12 6.40 Arr Cleveland | Ly. Cleveland | Arr Painesvil “ Ashtibula Ly Buffalo.. Aur Dun Er Conneaut Ashtabula. Painesvill Cleveland Ly Cleveland Arr Bellevue 10,15 a. mm. 11.56 ** 1.50 Ly Bellevu 400 “ Green 10.07 © Fosto’ 104600 Arcadia, West Leipsic. New Haven Fort Wayn Valpraiso. * Chicago.. S Trains run by Columbus time, which is twenty min utes faster thin Chicago time, five minutes ‘slower than Cleveland. and sixteen minutes slower than Bul- falo time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Come pany, or address B HORNER, Gen’l Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cleveland, O. River Accommodation departs at 7:5 tily]; 10:55 a.m. [Sund. -f p.m. [Sunday only); 7:00 p.m y only). id accommodation departs at 12:20 uly - m. [daily] except Sunday; 8:35 Sunda m. F, (Sunda, p.m, { New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. (Formerly A. & G. W. Railroad.) | NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, \ The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast, ; , Until further notice trains will leave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- | lows: ; 1 0 ATLANTI EXPRESS—(Daily) Pull- . a, I. man sleeping and hotel coaches from | Leavittshurgh 9:05 a. m. to New York, Albany and Boston without change. Parlor Car from Cleveland and Salamanca. Arrive at Meadville at 11:20 a. me | (dinner) Franklin 12:33 p. m., Oil City 1:00 p m., Cor- ry 1:00 p. m., Jamestown (Lake Chautauqua) 2:00 p. m , Buffalo6:15 p. m. Rochester 5:30 p. m.; Hornells- ville 6:40 p m. [supper]; Corning 8: » m. Elmira 8:57 p m. Binghanton 10:58 p. m., Al 50 a. m. Boston 2:45 p.m.; New York y) ‘AO LIMITED | —Through Pull« (Gs D. ll. mao sleeping coach from Cleveland to | New York. Arrives at Meadville at 6:55 p.m , James- town 9:13 p. m., Salamanea 10:10 p. m., New York | 10:25 a. m. 11:05 0. Hornellsville. NIGHT | EXPRESS— (Daily 1 Sund: Arriv. “ except ay) Seeping coach from Cleveland at Youngstown at 1:55 a. m. :20 a. m. Jamestown 618 a Rochester 10 P m., Hornells. 3 pm, Elmira 1:21 p. m., w York 9:25 p.m. m., without chang BURGH | EXPRESS — Daily — Jhrough without change, Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 5:00 p m., Pittsburg © 7:48 p.m., Washington 7:09 a. m , Baltimore 8: | 4:35 }. I. MAHONING | AOMM ODAT ville, 11:20a m | Binghampton 2:46 p m,, Ni at Pittsburgh 6:15 a 40 DM. PITTS! Arrive | | topping atall way stations, arriving at | Youngstown 7-25 p. m., Sharon 8:30 p. m., Sharpesville 8:40 p.m. Cconnects at Leavittsburgh with train No. 20 for Meadville and intermediate points. Arrives at Bienuville 11220. mh Bia 1 PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — 1:20 a. nh. Through without change. Arrives at Youngstown 1000 a. m., Sharon 11:02 a. m., Sharps- ville 11:10, Pittsburgh 1245 p= m., Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:48 a. m., 8353 a. m., 1:30 p. m., and 4:20 p m ll 05 YOU STOWN AND PITTSBURGH a iN A COMM ODSTION—Stopping at all | Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:45 p. in., Pitis- burgh, 6.10 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:40 a. m., 7:05 p. m., 10.55 a. m; 1:00 p. m., and 10:15 p. m, 8@-This {s the only 1oute by which passengers can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston-and New England Cities. | Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tickets and information. regarding the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bank street, and atn w Depot of N. Y.,P & O.R. R., South Waterstreet and Viaduct, Cleveland, 0. A. E. CLARR, Gen’! Pass'’r Ag’t C JM Gewl Man’gr, Cleveland, 0, M. L, FOUTS, Passenger Agent, 131 Bank St. Cleveland, O FOR SALE. Aniron steam vacht 34 feet long, 9 feet beam, 3 feet | deep; vuns very fast, and well found. Enquire of D.P.NiekeRsosx Enelid’ Avenue Station, FOR SALE. t long very finelly finished and 1-2. feet runs very Enquire of D. Py Niekerson (likes: Block Euelid Aves tation | furnished.

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