8 THE MARINE RECORD, AMOR OAL BLUQOP “WAY bas . PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only builders of the ‘Providence’ Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans, and Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts, Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry : Docks, Etc. VU ) The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass, New Style. The Providence Patent Power Capstan.! 1 The Providence Patent Crank Capstan. SELLING ACENTS ON THE LAKES. D. S$. AUSTIN & CO, = BUFFALO, N.Y.) JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO. 9-0 ee “ROTH UPSON, WALTON & CO.) = ==) CLEVELAND, 02) DUNHAM & HOT, = - ae 4 6 ee M. [. WILCOX. = : - TOLEDO, 0.|G. D. NORRIS & CO. - MILWAUKEE Wg 4 ? ~ THE GLOBE TRON WORKS. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. SS" EE” BOE BCS 4. Fe ES ' ‘TUBULAR Weare prepar'd to furrish on sbort notice Stationary or Marine, either High Pressu~e, Low Pressure, Con- | Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. — | BOILERS OF aie ALL SIZES. sof vertices] engines in stock, which TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. We keep allisiz or, Throttle, Cylinder, °° Mg | RBBB RSI pete ee aste Cocks. Marine Engine ular Throttle, and Waste Cocks, same as Shi Includes the \ ele- Pp bratedChainShea.o Windlass, with Am- red with cast iron Jaging. Sli ~| azeen Beam, and . new pred lar e ports. Piston filled with good metallic packing. MARINE ENGINES pais - Material and workmanship guaranteed. Wrought Iron shaft apaTiOnA RY I NGINE. § nea Pp EE EU Bess. and boxes, and Iron Having provided our new boiler works with the most, approved tools for riveting by steam, plan - L ing the edges, instead of chipping, dril.ing, punching, shearifig and bending by steam power, we feel Winch Heads and warranted in saying we can furnish the best work for the least money in the following kinds of boilers, which we can build of either Iron or Steel: Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, eithes hor. | Brakes. izontal or vertical, I.ocon otive Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, Flue Boilers, Smoke Stacks and general plate Iron work, FULL TUBE BOILER. SUBMERGED TUBE. VERTICAL BOILERS. For small power, where size and weight are The Common Pat- ent Windlass, includ’ ing all castings, wel- () ding butt : shackles. objectionable, we recommend these styles, | which we can furnish, made of C. Hl. No. 1 Tron or Steel, with or without Cast Tron Base | and Smoke Stacks and Trimming.