VOL. V. NO. 28. CLEVELAND, = DECEMBER 6. — * $2.00 PER ANNUM SINGLE COPIES 5 CBNTS AROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND. no arrivals at this port on There were Wednesday. H. B. Tuttle and Sarah E. winter at-L’ Anse. The propeller Benton will have her boil- ers repaired this winter. The barge Montgomery will be rebuilt at Bay City during the winter. The annual international convention of the seamen’s union will be held in Detroit next week. The schooner H. C. Richards, ashore on the North Manitou, has been released and taken to Chicago. The bodies of all the men killed by the explosion of the Erie Belle near Kincardine have been recovered. The Fort’ Wayne railroad bridge is again ready for traflic, the propeller Commodore having been pulled out. Captain Joseph Sheldon, late master of the David Dows, has been appointed cap: tain of the steambarge Iron Age. We call the attention of vessel masters to the fact that the river office of the custom house will only be open during the day for the. present. The propellers: Manistique and W. B. Jenuess were chartered, Tuesday, coal, Cleveland to Detroit, 40e. They will winter at Detroit. Sheldon wil Captain Norton, of theRaleigh is improv- His hands are not so badly frozen as Nevertheless, he will lose He is at the Huron ing. was. reported. two or three fingers. street hospital. The master of the barge Eureka expresses his gratitude to Captain Ole Groh and his life-saving crew at Sheboygan, in a card to the Inter Ocean, for efficient service during the distress of the barge recently. United States Commissoner Hall has com- menced a suit in admiralty against the own- ers of the lost schooner Cecelia. William Ryan and George Brooks, the defendants want pay for the repairs and materials put on the Cecelia. The burning of the Canadian steambarge Norman wipes out the last of the Norman Line from the lakes. ‘The schooner Norman went ‘ashore on Hogg Island reet, and the American steambarge’ Norman went. to pieces at Pentwater. The Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. is to make the steel angles ard deck beams for the new iron steamer now being built by the Globe Iron Works, for which purpose the Company is putting in rollers. {The same company will make the iron plates. The variation of the compass which is thought to have been the canse of the. pro- peller Il. J. Jewetvs going ashore is not supposed to be on account of her iron hull, ns at first stated, but trom a pile of 100 tons of pig iron, which were lying on deck. At the Globe Drydock, since our last re- port the S. J. Macey had ber stern bearings repaired, The R. Wallace also bad her stern bearings repaired. ‘The J. ,1. Johnson is having leaks stopped so that she can go to | dock and discharge her cargo of ore. Radcliffe has contracted with Wallace Bros., Gawn and others to build a barge with a capacity of about 1,600 tons, to go into the R. Wallace tow. ‘The new barge will have also built by Mr, Radcliffe, and is considered one of the finest barges on the lakes. The total grain receipts at this port from | the opening of the season to December 1, were 64,156,370 bushels, an increase of 14,- 196,550 bushels over last year. Canal ship- ments for this season wer 42,350,920 bushels, a gain of. 12,911,230 bushels over last sea- : son. Coal shipments by lake this year | amount to 1,253,940 tonsyan increase of 230,- 140 tons over last year, avd of. 428,700 tons over 1881. Advices trom Harbor Springs state that the schooner John Bigler, of Chicago, is ashore there, but in a condition to be easily released. Her master, Captain John. Dee- gan, has sent to Cheboygan for a steam pump and tug, and as soon as they arrive there will be no difficulty experienced in re- leasing the vessel. ‘The Bigler is owned by George. F. Finney, of Chicago, and is insured in the “Big Four” companies. She meas- ures 351 tons and is valued at $8,500. Captain C. FE. Benham tells a very inter- esting-story of his trip down from Marquette as master of the tug Samson, which arrived at this port on Sunday morning wi h the schooners C. G. King, Franz Seigel, Eliza Gerlach and C. H. Johnson in tow. A few hours after leaving Marquette, on the 24th of November, the wind shifted to the north- west, and in the gate which followed the Jounson paried her line and was conipelled to seek shelter at Grand Island, the other vessels remaining with her until the morn- ing of the 25th, when they sailed as far as White Fish Point, where the wind again shifted, and they were met by a sou-sou east wind and they were obliged to lay to until the 26th. ‘The wind then sheered round to the northwest, accompanied by a heavy snow storm. They came on to Whisky Bay, how- ever, where they again sought shelter, the schooners letting go their anchors and the Samson going inside and freezing in during the night. One or two hours were passed in getting clear and the fleet sailed as far as the Sault, where the mate of the King was taken to the marine hospital. It would be well for the authorities who marked the channel through Lake George with stakes having bushes attached to them to read the artiele in another column of this paper on lighted buoys, as his system of marking out the course for navigatcrs is apparently ugeless, especially in a snow storm. In pass- ing through Saginaw Bay the wind became so violent as to again break up the tow, the Sampson coming through to the rivers with but one vessel the others arriving under-sail in due time. From the rivers the Sampson made this port with the fleet without further mishap. CHICAGO. Special to the Marine Record. The tng Protection, of the V. O. 'T. line. \is still on the beach at Saugatuck. | The tug Chicago went from this port last Thursday to:-Harboy Springs, to release the schooner Bigler, ashere there. Rosel Downer, the snbmarine diver went on the steamer Lawrence to Cross Village to examine the wreck of the schooner Luey | J. Clark, The Anchor Line propellers Lehigh, Del- aware, Conestoga, Lycoming, Conemaugh ! and Gordon Campbell and the schooner Schuylkill are laid up at this port. The steambarge Fred Mercur, after receiv ing necessary repairs, went out of the Vessel sier lines than tbe R. Wallace, which was | Owner’s drydock on Thursday Jast, and pro- ceeded to an Buffalo, elevator and loaded corn ey The first regular meeting of the season of the Marine Engineers’ Association, No. 4, of Chicago, was held at their hall, Nos. 57 and 59: West Randolph street, Tuesday evening, December 4, 1883, ‘The steambarge White & Friant is in Mi!- ler Brothers’ drydoeck for a new shoe, and the scow Moses Gage for a thorough rebuild. . Several veseels have already been char- tered here for winter storage, for which 2 cents is expected to be received. ‘The amount of storage capacity of the vessels*now laying up at this port exceeds 3,000,000 bushels. ‘The schooner Green Bay arrived on Mon- day, twenty-five days out from Collingwood. She experienced a very stormy passage and lost about 70,000 feet of her deck load of lumber during a heavy gale off the Mani- tous. : ‘The schooner D.E. Bailey arrived on Monday in tow of the W. H. Alley, and the barge Hazard in tow of the tug Leviathan. It is reported that Captain ‘T. D. McBride, formerly of the steambarge Milwaukee, has arrived at San Francisco, and that he has sent to his wife for funds to enable him to return home. At the Chicago Drydock Company’s dry dock the barge Mary E, Perew, of the Mari- nette Barge Line Co., has had a new main- mast and is comverted into-a schooner; the schooner Kate Darley, of the same line, has had her three masts taken out and they are being cut down 80 as to convert her into a barge; propeller City of Fremont had a gen- eral overhauling; propeller J. L. Hurd had some general repairs; propeller Peerless a general overhauling, and thetug J. C. Fred- ell had a leak stopped. The schooner H C. Richards arrived on Monday after avery rough passage of twen- ty-twodnys from Buffalo... She went ashore on the Monday previous at Manitou harbor, in a heavy stormand was released by « tug from Frankfort, and as she was leaking badly, the services of the tug John Grcgory and a steam pump were secured by the cap- tain, the tug Gregory towing her here. The propeller Commodore and the schoon- er E. P. Royce on Sunday afternoon got jammed in the draw of the Pittsburg and Fort Wayne Company’s railroad bridge in the South Branch of the river. Two tugs and the propeller Montana tried to move them on Monday, but were unsuccessful. Great inconvenience has been caused to the railway company, as no trains have been able to pass, Captain Lra H. Owen, of Chicago, has been’ at Detroit for several days, and has contract- ed with Jobn Oades & Son, shipbuilders, to tuild a passenger steanier of the following dimensions: Length over all, 145 feet; breadth of beam. 26 feet; with two-foct guard built concave from hull, making ex- treme breadth 380 feet; depth of hold, 10% feet. The engine is to be built’ by the Riverside Lrou Work slinder 80x36, low pressure; boiler, Otis steel, 8'5 teet in diam- eter by 15 feet 9-foot wheels. The long; ; new steamer will have cabin room for fifty passengers; speed to be fourteen miles per hour. She is to be completed by April. 15, 1884. The steamer will run between Esca- naba and Manistique and Green Bay ports, and owned by Tra Hl. Owen others of Chicago. and HARBOR SPRINGS, The body of the mate of the schooner Luey J. Clark was cast: up by the waves Saturday morning at this place. wreeked | DETROIT, Special to the Murine Record. Derrorr, December 4. The difficulties which have surrounded the propeller St. Pant for more than a month past have in a measure been finally overcome, After being scuttled steam pumps were set to work to relieve her o* water in order.to place herin drydock for repairs, but after a week’s trial there was not the slightest perceptible change any more than there would be in an endeavor to pump dry thé Detroit. river. There was a screw looce somewhere, and to solve that mystery a diver was sent down to examine her bottom and found several boles that required plugging. ‘here was a repe- tition of searches made, and on Saturday night the steam pumps became the victor and the noble craft, thongh sadly begrimed, was once more on the top of the water and ready” for removal to drydock. Mr. Daniel Finlayson, first mate of the St. Paul, who sustained injuries while the boat was on fire, by inhaling gas, died on Thursday, quite unexpectedly to those at- tending him. He seemed to be improving up to almost the very moment of his death, but it seems that he was far worse injured than was supposeu, and he suddenly passed away. His funeral took place on Sunday and was attended by a large circle of friends and acqintenees, seven years. The steamer H. J. Jewett, after having undergone temporary repairs in the drydock here, proceeded on to Buffaloon Satur- day, where the repairs will be completed. The schooners Hercules and Morwood, of Port Burwell, have been laid up at Wind- sor, and many vessels are being laid up on this side of the stream. The. complete list will at the proper time be made out anda copy forwarded. The Bar Point lightship has been laid up for the season. The steamship H. E. Packer, upward bound with coal, got ashore during a snow storm at Presque Isle, Lake Huron. Tugs were immediately dispatched to. her relief, and the steamer got afloat atter jettisoning 300 tons, sustaining io serious damage. During the latter part of the past week the schooner Mariner, coal laden, stranded in Lake St. Clair, near the canal. Her stern post was carried away and she was also leak- ing badly. She was attended to and pro- ceeded on to the first port for repairs, which will not amount to much, The propeller Pacific, one of A, brough, Esq.’s line of vessels, has, after a profitable season’s business, been laid up at her owner’s dock in good order and condi- tion. The schooner New Dominion has had her obituary written up within the past few days, with all hands lost, owing to her not having instead of vessel time. She sailed from Georgian Bay, and while on Lake Huron fell in with gales and, of course, hunted out ales. being heard of atter was deemed Chees- made steamboat severe Not abserce of seven days, it certiin that she was swallowed up. Tt has turned ont dim rently, however, as she has sinee arrived at Am- herstburg, her Even bad tine weather prevailed, the tine made was rea- sonably fair. Phe barge H. fl. sort of the steambarge Forest City, whieh met with disaster in the Sault river, but was afterward released and brought to this city for repairs, took fire at Springwell’< dry- destination, Brown, con- (Continued an deh page|. His age was thirty-” 7 Re