THE MARIN E RECORD. 3 her. He could not get it set and things be- an to look blue for the eafety of the crew. Mheir lives were in danger. About 5 o’clock she registered seven feet of water in the hold. They saw her settling, and thought it was time to abandon her. ‘Che sea was still run- ning high. The yawl was lowered with difficulty, and the captain and six men jumped in and started for simeoe light. Be- fore they got tar the yaw! began to fill and death seemed to stare them in the face. ‘hwo men were kept constantly bailing ont the yawl. As the crew had left nearly all their clothes on board the vessel they were nearly frozen, the mght being bitter cold. When very near Simcoe light the captain looked back and saw his boat sinking, He says she gave two lurches, first from one side and then to the other, and then went down, They arrived at Mr. Hlorne’s house at 8:30 p.m ‘They were used kindly by Mr Horne’s tamily, ‘he schooner is valued at $2,500, and was insured for $*,800, Captain Chambers paid $1,900 on her last: summer for his half.—AWingston News. Sa re A PROMISING REMEDY WRECK. The retorm which Mr, Chamberlain, pres- ident of the English Board of ‘Trade, wi] soon pronose in the law regulating marine insurance is well calculated to effect an an- nual saving of hundreds of lives and ships atset. His plan as given in the Herald ca- ble dispatch of the 4ch inst., is to embody in his new bill that marine insurance should never bea source of protit to: the ship owner, The nevessity for this reform has been strik- ingly emphasized by the British wreck sta- tistics of Jast year. « From 1877 to 1881 the average number of ships lost was 368, and of lives lost 1,531 per annum. But last year’s record shows a loss of 548 ships: and 2,883 lives by causes other than stranding or collision, and tnere were 65 cases of missing and foundered vessels. Without supposing that any ship owner would wantonly plan or connive at the loss of his ship by sending her to sea in an un- safe condition for the sake of reaping the profits of overinsurance, it is certain that when ships are over-insured less care will be taken in preparing them for the dangers they must meet. It has been suggessed that the enormous inerease of wrecks in 1881-82 was due to an unusual multiplicity of ocean storms and burricaves. But this is a bare assumption. ‘The great British gale of Octo. ber 14, 1881, was exceedingly disastrous. Nevertheless the statistics show that the to- tal wrecks in 1881-2 (collisions and missing vessels being excluded) attributable to “causes connected with the weather.”? were fewer than those due to similar causes in 1880-81, while the number was higher than the. average for six years, That more in- sured than uninsured vessels are lost is be- yonda doubt. In a paper read not long ago before the Society of Arts, Professor Kogers stated that about seven out of ten wrecks oc cur from preventable causes, ‘he London Nautical Magazine, commenting on this stateme it, adds that in 1868 there were in the Baltic 220 uninsured Swedish steamers, and in 1857 there were 215 British steamers insured and of these three Swedish steamers and seventeen British steamers were lost, while from 1857 to 1867 the ratio was 10 British to 3 Swedish = [tis hoped that Mr. Chamberlain’s plan will prove the basis of an international arrangement, which could not fail to reduce the large yearly list of marine losses.—-New York Herald. FOR SHIP- RATE OF MORTALIVY, The rate of mortality of males is one in forty, and of females, one in forty-two. The expectation of life ix thas reckoned at about five per cent. longer for women than tor men—and with these facets before us, why not try to keep a box of Swayne’s ointment ! in the house at all times? It gures itehing piles in one-half the.time of any other sini- inv preparation yalso all eruptions of the skin, Try a box. For sale at all the drug steres, A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., CLEVELAND, OHTO. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, nd r Were which will help you to more money in this All of either sex, suc hour. ad rari to fortune opens workers, absolutely 9 -e. Augusta, Maine. CONSUMPTION. havo A positive remedy for the above diseaso; by its nso thousands of cases of the worst kind and of loi have been cured, Indeed, so strong 1s my faith fy that I will eond TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VAL- VABLE TREATISE 09 this disease, to any sufferer. Give vress & P, O, address DR. T, A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl Bt., N. ¥. ed trom: first hefore the ry thing else | At once address, TREE & CO, | 'No. 64 Woodbridge Street Detroit, Michigan 36 Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. FO A GOOD Oo ZUNE ee FROM ALL Se GAZES AND PAINS: US 6) PILL PURIFY THE BLOOD ACT AS A HEART CORRECTOR And by cleansing, regulating, and strengthening the organs of digestion, secretion and absorption, cure Apoplexy. Fits, Paralysis, Nervousness, Dizziness, Debility, Biliousness, Bad Breath, Jaun- | dice, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lack of Appetite, Low Spirits, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Fever and Ague, Diarrhea. Dropsy, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout. Female Weakness, Urinary Dis- orders, and all Irreguiarities of the Spleen, S‘omach, Bladder and Bowels. | Prepared only by Pir. SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia Pa ie ASK YOUR PROGGIST FOR TH Po SR et Rie < Mailtonny Address. | TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co’s Magnetic Lung Protector ! PRICE ONLY 85. They are priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHIL- DREN WITH WEAK LUNGS; uo case of PNEUMONIA OR cROUP 1s ever Known where these garments are worn They also prevent and cure HEART DIFFICULTI COLDS, RUEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DIPVYHERIA, CATARRH, AND A Will wear any service for ‘THE over the under Clothing. CATARRH It is needless to describe the symptoms ’ of this nauseous disease that issapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes Labor, study and research in America, Europe and Eastern wit have resulted in the ‘Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- tarrh, a remedy which contains No DRUGGING OF THE SysreM, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the afflicted organs, MUST. RESTORE, THEM TO A HEALTHY ACTION. WE PLACE OUR PRICE for this Appliance at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and WE ESPECIALLY IMVITE the patronage of the MANY PERSONS who haye tried DRUG - GING THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT EFFECT, HOW T0 OBT I This Appliance. Go to your A druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en- closing the price, in letter at ovr risk. und they will be sent to you at once by mail, post paid. Send stamp for the “New Departure in Medical Treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE,” with thousands of testimonials BELTIANC = CO., Ch THE MAGNETON 218 State Street, Nore.—Send one dollar in postage stam 8 or cy, in letter at our ri-k, with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our M#gnetic Insoles, and be con- vineed of the power residing in our Magnetic Appli- ances. Positively no euld seet where they are worn, or money resunded, AGENTS wanted for ‘The Lives of all the Presidents y of the US. The largest, handsomest, best book ever sold for le-s than twice our price. ‘The fast- est selling book in America _ Immense profits to agents. Allintelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. Hatvrerr Book Co., Portland, Maine. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Chartering aud Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty, enix Paint Co, MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY | Boat washing and general laun- dry ina few hours. CLEVELAND | STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair | Street. Telephone 118. GOLD «: ble box of the working ela Send ten cents for pos- and we willmail you free, a royal, vali t you in the w Hays than, yon eve thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you, You ean work all the time or in | spare time only. ‘The work is universally adapted to | both sexes, young and old. You ean easily carb from | for the tr 50 cents to Srevery evening That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalled offer to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 thle of writimeus. Full particulurs, direc- tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will he made by those who give their whole time to $e work, absolutely st Don't delay STINSON & COL, y Great sucecss | Start now. Address | Portland, Maine: Night Expre RAPID TRANSIT. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND. Steam Navigation Company. The $2.25 Route FOR DETROIT | Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest | Weekdays at 9 p. m. from 23 River st. Connects with Steamers - CITY OF MACKINAC, CITY OF CLEVELAND. From Detroit, Mondays and Saturdays at 1 1 P M | e . Wednesdays & Fridays "9g 1 5 A M . s FOR MACKINAC, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Al Oscoda, Sand Beach Port Ifurot, Sc Marine City, making four de- partures each TP . NEWMAN, Agt, 23 River st., Cleveland, C.D. WHITCOMB, G.P. & I. Agt., Detroit. TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. © MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, LAKE SHORE & Eastward. | Arrive. | Fast New York Expr NY, B& A Expres Elyria Accommodation Port Clinton Accommos Buffulo Accommodati NY & B Fast Conrevut vottinghant tie only] Wes | zimited Express,. M Express via Sandusky. Chicago Exp svia * “ Mich Accom, Nor 15.PM 30 PM 50 PM 00 PM 00 PM cept Sunday, Port Clinton Accommodation Reference marks—* Daily, f daily, Z daily, except Monday. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbvs, Cincinnati and Indian- apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio | and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with ‘Through Palace Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, | INDIANAPOLIS | TERRE HAUTE |: —AND— ST.LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. This is the only line making Direct Connection ; 4° with al the principal Trunk Lines of the East for all Southern, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Louisand all Railway Towns | MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, | NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COA Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. (@Tickets by this popularjroute for sale at all regular Teket Oflices. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Mar or, ‘Tratlie Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. AND, OHIO, cl LAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATE & INDI- APOL Commencing Sunday, June _ trainsof the Bee Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnath & Indianapolis vay will leave and arrive at Cleveland ag follows: | De t Cincinnati & Columbus Express 800 AM apolis & Wheeling bexyp 7AM e Columbus & Cinceinn x 150 1 M ial ind & St. Louis Expre 215 PM Cin, Ind. & St. Louis bexpre : 1PM o& W.& Gallion Acc 5am POM Arrive, No. 2, Col, & Cin. & Ind. Express...) TO AM Nos, C. L& We Ace. i ‘ 1025 AM St, Louis & In vipolis Expr | 320 PM No.6, Cin. & Indianapolis Ex pre: leno PM No. 4, mbus & Cine | 3:)0 PM No. 10, Wheeling Ex pre a as yon pM No, 14, Cincinnati A N.Y. Fast Line 140 AM Trams marked “daity, allother trams daily except | Sunday. | 145 p.m ; arriving at New York E A220. Mian | to Boston and New England Cities. New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, ‘The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. Central or Ninetieth Meridien time, 33 minntes slow- er than Cleveland city time, Until further notice trains will leave from the new ventril Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- Ws: 6.60 a mat Leavittssurgh 823: Boston without ch: TI EXPRESS—(Daily) Pull. leeping and hotel coaches from a.m. to New York, Albany and ng’. Arrive at Meads ille at 10:40 a. fat 12:08 p m, Oil City 12:30 pm, Jamestown (Luke Chautauqua) 1.35 p. 50 p.m Rochester p. m.; Hornells- ville 6:00 p m [supper]; Corning p.m. Elmira 8:05 p m. Binghanton 10.05 p m., Albany 5:00 a. m. Boston 1m, —Through Pull- h from Cleveland to (6:30 p.m , Jam op. m., New York m. (dinner) Fra IX PRI ring, coy adville New York. town 8: 10:10 a.m. NIGHT EXPRESS~— (Dail except 11:00 D. ll ay) Seepiig coach from Cleveland Horpellsvil Youngstown at 1:50 a. m. Meadville 3:25 a. m., Corry ya. m. Jamestown 5,57 a. m, Buffalo 9:20 a m., Rochester 12:58 Pp, m., Hornells. ville, 11:00 a m_, Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira 12:40 p-m., Binghampton 2 ew York 9:10 pm. Arrive at Pittsburgh 5. thout change. . PITTSBURGH — EXPRESS — Daily — i D. Il. Through without change; Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 5:00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p.m., Washingto 9 a.m , Baltimore 8:19 a, m. 4] I nN NING AOMMODATION — bs oil, g S'ations, arriving at cue stown p. m., Sharon 8:0] p. m., Sharpesville 210 p.m. ' PITTSBURGH — EXPRESS — Daily — 6:50 a. I Through without change. Arrives” at Youngstown 9.30 a. m., Sha on 10:30 a. m., Sharps- ville 10:40 a. m., Pittsburgh 12 45 irning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:15 a m., p. m., and 3:45 p m Arriv 10 34 4 YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH Il, acomMovaTioN—Stopping at all Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m., Pitts- burgh, 5.45 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 a. m., 6:30 p. m., 10.20 m; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, 8@-This isthe only route by which assengers can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City andintermediate points without change. No change Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y., P & O.R R., South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. . A. E. CLARK, Gen’ Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, O. J. M FERRIS, Gen’l Man’gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOUTS, Passenger Agt, 131 Bank St. C eveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW Pde CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line isall new and is supplied with the latest appliances to safe speedy and comfortable travel, assenger trains arrive at and Jeave nion Depot, Van Buren street. Following is time in effect Nov. 18, 1283, and un- til further notice: “ Buffalo. Ly Buftal Agar Dunkir! “ Erie.. “Conneaut “ Ashtabu “ Paine: Arr Belley Ly Bellevu “Green Trains run by inetieth Meridian Time, which is nine minutes slower than Chicago time, twenty-eight minutes slower than Columbus time, thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time, forty-four minutes slower than Buffalo time, 1 sixty minstes slower th Meridien time. , call on nearest agent of the Com- B. F. HORNER, Gen'l Passenger Agent, and 2:15 pom Euclid Accommodation departs at 7 pom. All trains daily exeept Sunday. FOR SALE. An iren ste yaebt 35 feet long, 9 feet beam, 3 feet deep; runs very fast and well found. Enquire of DOP. NiekeRSON, Eneclidl Avenue Station FOR SALE. Ap Tron yacht 3 ‘tlong very finelly finished ani urnished, Dratt 2. fect runs very fast, Enquire of I. P. Niekerson Harkness Block Euclid Ave Station DEAN & CO., BOAT BRUILDERS DETROLT, - 2 = = MICH +