THE MARINE RECORD. ‘he Detroit and Sandusky route which was first entered upon in 1846, has the pres- ent, and for a few season’s past, been occu- pied by the steamer Alaska plying from Ashley & Mitchell’s dock, foot of First street. ‘Ihis steamer has, during the season, made 157 round trips and carried 26,000 passengers, ‘The route is, beyond a doubt, one of the most enjoyable on the entire chain of lakes. Besides the scenery on the Detroit river, her trips have been to and among the beautiful islands at the head of Lake Erie, thence to Sandusky. ‘The steamers City of Cleveland and Alaska are considered the feetest on the lakes, although in times gone by their time has been equaled, if not eclipsed, by boats plying in 1855, 1856 and 1857. In 1838 the fastest steamer on the lakes was the Cleveland, which made the run from Cleveland to Buffalo in fourteen hours, which was considered marvelous. ‘The steamer Chesapeake went from Buffalo to Detroit in thirty-six hours, prior to which date the Buffalo ran from Detroit to Buffalo in 103g hours. ‘The steamer Empire, Cap- tain Howe, made the run between Cleveland and Buffalo in ten hours; the steamer Queen City, from Detrolt to Buffalo in twen- ty-three hours; the S. B. Canada, the same distance in twenty-two hours. ‘he steam- er Mayflower’s time between Detroit ‘and Buffalo was sixteen hours. Bayfield’s chart computed the distance between Detroit and Buffalo at 224 nautical miles, which is equiv- alent to 258 statute miles, a nautical mile be- ing 6,076 feet. ‘he first passage between the two ports was by steam, five daysin 1818. Steambarge Bunker Hill was credited,in 1838 with having made-a quick passage between Buffaio and Chicago in six days. Yet the time for greatest speed has never been sur- passed which. was performed, as above nected, in 1855, by steamers City of Buffalo, West- ern Metrepolis, and others of that period. ESCANABA. Special to the Marine Record ‘The steambarge Geo. Markham, from Mil- waukee for ‘Thompson, for lumber, ran in here on Monday to repair damage to her machinery. y With the exception of afew loads to Fay- ette, weather, permitting, the ore shipping season closed last, Monday, the Wocoken and Osborn with consort, being the last to sail. ‘he total shipments show a large fall- ing off from last season, yet the prospects for next season are poorer still. The Erastus Corming sailed Wednesday last ore laden for Lake Erie, the last de- parture, The J.B. Pentield got away, light, on Monday, bourd for Pine lake to load pig iron. The captain of the Geo. W. Davis refused to take the schooner to Lake Erie and left her here. His place was taken by one of the mates of the steamer Osborn, named Porter, and Captain Graves, of the J.S. Richards took Porter’s place on the Osborn. _ The schooner L. C. Butts, for Milwaukee with coal, and Halstead, for Green Bay, ran in here for shelter last Tuesday, both leak ing. ‘The Butts lost a foreboom and her canvass is in rather bad shape. ‘The tug Del- ta towed the Butts to Milwaukee. The total of ore shipments from the Pen- insula, is 2,217,987 tons,-it may reach finally: two and a quarter million tons. More than one half has gone to market via Escanaba and nearly one half ot the total was produced by the younger mines, of Felch Mountain, Menominee, Wisconsin, Iron River and Crystal Falls range. The Chapin heads the list with an output of 254,313 tons. Ore shipments for week ending November 28, 1883, 11,770 tons, making a grand total from Escanaba for season of 1883, Including pigiron, from ore, and quartz of 1,426,239 tons. The shipping season is over, PORT HURON. The schooner New Dominion, two weeks overdue arrived safely on Monday. ‘he Castle, of the Moffat Line, took flre and burned off her upper works—part of her decks, deck beams. and ceiling are gone, Messrs. Smith and Davis, of Buttalo, held a tire risk on the hull, The tug Mocking Bird broke her shaft off White Rock, while towing the steambarge Saline aud barges. ‘The steambarge Manis tique towed her back to Sand Beach. The tug Castle will tow ber here for repairs. ‘The schooner Donaldson arrived down with grain ) carried away by the late storms, and an ex- trom Chicago, and will go into winter quarters here, PICTION, Picrion, Onr., December 1,.—The steam- barge Norman was burned in Priner’s Cove last Friday. The captain and crew arrived here this morning by the steamer Utica. The Norman left Cape Vincent light for the Bay to lay up, arrived at Priver’s Cove and stopped to take on some wood, but could not get to the deck owing to the steamer Utica being in the way. All hands had been up all the previous night. The captain decided to make fast to the bunk till morning. ‘The fire broke out about 11 p.m. while the crew were all asleep. When awakened by the fire they had just time to save themselves by jumping overboard. ‘The crew lost all their clothing. he captain lost $100 in cash, his watch, and all his clothes. ‘I'he Norman was built on the Rideau-Canal eleven years ago, Was burned in Oswego in 1880, her hull towed to Kingston and rebuilt. She classed A 2, was valued at $4,000, and insured for $4,000 against fire. She was owned by Hazel- ton Hicks and sailed by Captain Collins. The fire is supposed to have originated around the boilers, STURGEON BAY. The fishing tug Hahn, which recently picked up a log and a broke a blade from her screw, returned from Manitowoc on Monday with anew wheel from Raid & Burger’s that gives her much increase speed. The fishing tug J. N. Brooks, of St. Mar- tin’s Island, recently breke her wheel and started for Manitowoc to have it replaced. When off Ahnapee, on Sunday last she lost the wheel entirely, and was obliged to anchor and wait for a tow to the dockyard. The tug Tillson went to Milwaukee to have anew. sheriffs wheel put in and also have the bed plates tor a new engine fast- ened, ‘The engine is in process of building of Buflalo, second engineer, fell into the hatchway, and striking on his hea¢, was killed instantly. He was about twenty-five years old. ‘The Wilson brought the remains to this city and forward them to Buffalo. MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record. Chains and a steam pump are being used to raise the scheoner Guido, sunk at Sheboy- gan. The steambarge Hilton was at work on her. The barge L. C. Butts, coal laden, from Cleveland, arrived to-day after being out sev- eral weeks, during which she had a terrible experience, being at one time deserted by the crew on Lake Huron, She was towed here to-day from Escanaba by the tug Delta. The barge Eureka, which was sunk at Che- boygan, arrived to-day and goes to Rucine to discharge her cargo of coal. She will return here to go into drydock She is damaged to the extent of about $1,200. ‘The tug Sill, with the wrecked schooner J. 1. Case, put into Sturgeon Bay Tuesday. ‘There were some fears for their safety. ‘he schooner J. H. Mead, overdue at this port from below, is reported lying under St. Helena. ‘The schooner Lalla Rookh has been got off the beach at Pentwacer, A Green Bay dispatch says: ‘The steam- barge Minnie, owned, by Hogan & English, burned Tuesday at the Fort Howard ship- yard. Loss, $15,000; insurange, $8,000. The wrecked barge Eureka has been towed to Racine. MANITOWOC. The schooner H. C, Richards is-ashore on the South Manitou, having drifted on Tues- day night after losing both anchors and chains. Rand & Burger’s tug Gregory and steam pumps have been sent to her assistance. The Richards, which was built at and is owned in Manitowoe, is a vessel of about 700 by Ives & Son here, and it was found neces- sary to place the boat in drydock in order to remove the fastenings which hold the old engine in place. The new engine. will be 10x22 inches and much more powerful than the two double ones now in use. The Duputy Marshal has seized the schooner Westchester at Sturgeon Bay on aclaim, by seamen, amounted to $200. CHEBOYGAN. The propeller Lawrence landed her pas- sengers and some freight fer this place at Harbor Springs last Thursday. night. On Lake Michigan fire was discovered around her smokestack, which threatened her de- struction, but by prompt action and hard work the fire was extinguished, The schooner F. B, Gardner, two weeks from the rivers, coal laden, for Chicago, same in port to lay up. TOLEDO, Special to the Marine Record. Captain Huntley has sold his interest in the tuy A. W. Colton to his partner, S. V. R. Van Horne, for $8,000. Mr. Van Horne, thereby becomes the sole owner. Captain Root, of the propeller Hopkins, reports having seen a sunken schooner about twenty-five miles off Rondeau Point. Only two spars were visible. ‘The tug Belle has laid up for the season. She will have her boiler strengthened dur- ing the winter. A suit in admiralty has been instituted against the owners of the lost schooner Cecelia, ‘he defendents seek remuneration tor repairs and material put upon the boat. The steambarge Alcona and schooner San Diego, which arrived here last week with salt, were detained here by Sherift Harbeck on a claim for alleged non-fulfill- ment of contract in failing to bring ore from Escanaba. Bonds were given and the boats released, leaving for Detroit this morning. The Wabash boats have gone into winter quarters, DULUTH, The propeller Ontario arrived from Sarnia on ‘Tuesday, after a trip of three weeks’ duration, She was storm-bound much of the time. She reports two or three docks | tensive land slide at MeKay’s Harbor, by which several houses and docks were in- tons register, rates A 2, and is valued at $24,- 000. The tug J.N. Brooks, of Escanaba, was towed in here by tug Commodore Nutt with rudder and wheel broken. The scow Dunham, of Milwaukee, was towed the tug Gregory, waterlogged, The wrecked schooner M. L. Collins was towed in by the tug Welcome. The tug Kitty Smoke has been sold to Mus- kegon parties. : The tug J. N. Brooks, scow Dunham ard schooner M. L. Collins will be repaived at Rand & Burger’s drydock. 8T. JOSEPH, The schooner R. B. King, light from Chi- j cago to. Muskegon, was beaehed here, south of the south pier. The damage is slight so far. Captain J. C. Dunbar and three men were saved by the life crew here. ; ERIE, The Anchor Line fleet are all in port safely and laid up as followa: At Erie, propellers Alaska, Juniata, Wissahickon, and Marion. At Buffalo, propellers Philadelphia, India, Chicago, Japan, Annie Young, Arizona, and Winslow, and the schooner Alleghany, and Annie Sherwood. At Chicago, schooners Schuylkill, propellers Lehigh, Delaware, Conestoga, Lycoming, Conemaugh, and Gordon Campbell. GREEN BAY. The steambarge Minnie, owned by Hogan & English, burned ‘Tuesday at Fort Howard shipyard. Loss $15,000; insurance $8,000. SANDUSKY. The barge Wend-the-Wave will lay up at, this port for the winter. ‘The schooner King Sisters on her way up passed the spars of .a sunken schooner twenty miles off Ashtabula. The spars were nearly upright, and were out of water about ten or fifteen feet. . OSWEGO, The small master, was Sandy Creek is a total loss. schooner Clara Hill, F. J. Rose wrecked at the mouth of Big at 3:30 o’clock. ‘The schooner She was leaking badly and was covered with ice. Captain Rose says the weather was very thick, with snow squalls, attended by a heavy sea which caused him to run for this harbor. Failing to make it, he went on the beach. Loss §1,- 000, no insurance the men were saved by the jured. The total loss of property by storms on the north shore of Lake Superior the last three weeks will reach $100,000. While the barge D, M. Wilson was at Port | Arthur Thursday afternoon Charles Ryan, life saving crew. The schooner Vision, wrecked near the Lime Kiln pier, has been washed farther up by the late storms. ‘The bottom appears to have been knocked out of her and the spars are beginning lo go, HANCOCK, One of the Manistee’s boats found tour miles west of Kagle Harbor. Package of butter found little below Eagle River. Have ordered search continued, JOHN ‘I'RELEASE, Agent. BUFFALO, Special to the Marine Record. Captain Fagan, of the Edwards said they had a fair run down, encountering no ice and but one snow storm, and that of short duration. He was quite sick on the way down, from neuralgia, from which he bad suflered before leaving Chicago. On arrival he was hardly able to stand on the pilot- house. A doctor attended him in the after- noon and later he felt considerably better. Nothing daunted, and notwithstanding the lateness of the season, Captain Fagan made inguiry for a coal cargo to Chicago. It would not be surprising if he should make an attempt torunup again, ‘here wasa fall of snow this evening, but the weather is by no means severe. The owner of the Ed- wards and her consorts has been carrying his own risks, und of course would not place any insurance on Her bows have been sheathed with iron and there would be atair show for her getting through, She could get $1.50 freight. It is not likely that any other vessel will leave here. President William Thomas, of the Buffalo branch of the Seamen’s Union received a despatch from Port Rowan stating that the keeper of the lighthouse on the east end of Lond Point fonnd the body of a man Wednesday, one west of the light and de- cently interred it. ‘The body was that of a man about five feet five inches high, with light complexion, dark sandy hair and mustache. The tigure of a woman was tatooed on the right arm, with wreaths on her head. An anchor was on the back of each hand. <A badge marked “B, B., of C. S. U-, No. 2,486,”? was in his pocket. The body is believed to be that of Charles Bing- ham, 26’years of age, of Norwichville, On- tario. He was a victim of the Fitzgerald dis- aster. . The steel steamer Athabasca is out of Un- ion drydock, her riveting being completed. The two sections of the Algoma were. docked Wednesday morning. ‘The managers of the seaboats have not fully decided where to put on their cabin work, which is being made in Montreal. About 10 o’clock Tnesday morning a small fire occurred in the engine room of the steamer City of Rome, lying at foot of Wash- ington street. A gallon of ‘black’? oil, which had been dravyn for cleaning the boiler, caught fire from the contact of its gas with the flame of alamp. The crew, with the use of the pony pump, extinguished the fire. Beyond a scortching to the adjoining woodwork, no damage was done. Barges H. J. Mills and W. A. Sherman, lumber laden from Pentauguishene, arrived in tow of the tug Gladiator. ‘The Mills had lost part of her deck load, and was leaking considerably. She brought down extra men to work the pumps. ‘hese barges, as well as the 8. D. Hungerford, bad a rough time of iton Lake Huron last week. They broke away from the Gladiator, and nothing has thus far been heard from the Hungerford. There appears to be doubt that she is lost with all hands. She was commanded by Captain William Moore, of this city, and besides a mate anda femele cook carried three men. She is owned by Captain Robert Drewery. GRAND HAVEN. The tug Arctic arrived with the schooner Norman, which she pulled off the beach at Travers Bay. On her trip down she was caught cut in two storms, but made Frank- fort and Ludington with her tow safely. The Arctic leaves again for Pentwater to pull the schooner Luling off the beach and bring her in. 1 The Captain and crew of the schooner Ottawa felt thanktul yesterday. ‘'hé owners, Buswell, Cairns & Company ordered the schooner laid up and presented Captain Ratter with a gold: watch, the mate with a silver one, and each of the sailors $25 cash. ST. IGNACE, The steambarge Enterprise is ashore on Green Island at the head of Lake Iuron. She is loaded with, flour, pork, and sugar, and is in bad shape, the bottom completely stove in. Another steambarge took off her deck load. Pump and lighter have been sent for.