99 row) TO COM oe VOL. V. NO. 51. $2.00 PeR ANNUM SINGLE Copixs 5 CENTS AROUNDTHE LAKES. CLEVELAND. The tug Bennett has been released by the tug Bualize. It is said the Manitoba was not damaged much by her detention on the beach. Captain . Donnelly, of Chicago, has taken a contract to raise the propeller Oneida. There is no prospect that the schooner Monitor, ashore at the Manitou, will be saved. It is thought that the wrecking tug Levia- than will not get the Regulator stranded north of St. Joseph. The schooner B, Parsons will probably be removed from the entrance to Charlevoix harber to-day. The schooner North Star, in distress off Waukegan, has been taken to Chicago. She is in bad condition, : The wreckage saved from the schooner Elizabeth Jones, on Racive reef, has been purchased by a Chicago firm, : The Inter Ocean says the schooner George C. Finney, rescued from Ford’s Shoals, is a total loss so far as the owner is concerned. - The insurance was $9,000; while the cost of rescuing her was $4,000 and her repairs will cost $8,500. cna as The officers of 'T, D. Wilson’s steambarge Wallula, Captain John Lowe, who arrived home last week, give an interesting account of the narrow escape they had from imme- diate destruction, while on their last trip, on the north shore of Lake Superior, coal laden from Buffalo for Port Arthur. After dis- charging cargo they sailed December 1st for return, and when about twenty miles out they were overtaken by a gale so fierce that |. they let go both anchors under Welcome Islands, but with the assistance of the en- gine which was going at full speed, they ceuld not hold, drifting badly, snow contin- uing to fall in btinding clouds until 3 o’clock in the morning, when there came « lull and the storm’ passed over. When bearings were taken the steamer was found to be within a quarter of a mile of ‘Thunder Bay Cape, a ledge of rocks so dangerous that there would have been no escape for crew or vessel had the storm continued but afew miuutes long- er, On raising the anchors it was found that the. smaller one, weighing about 2,800 pounds, was broken et the shank, both flukes being gone. ‘The Wallula is in winter quar- ters at L’ Anse. J. W. Westcott, of Detroit, has purchased V. D. Nicherson’s last work, a spirited night scene of Port Austin Reet Lighthouse, with a tug in the foreground. ‘The picture is fin- ished in pastel with mosaic lights and does much honor to the artist. : The smoke sighted yesterday at 3 p,m. to ‘the northwest over the lake probably arose from the Buffalo wrecker with the schooner Mary, bound for Sandusky. ‘The Mary was ashore near Conneaut, The steambarge J. C. Sehnoor, Captain Burroughs, arrived yesterday with aload of stone. At Globe drydock since our last report the Fred Kelley had her butts calked, received part new stem and had her stern bearing re- paired, Captain I. Simm’s tug Stark weather isin for arebuild. She will get new frames inside, ceiling, plankshear, and deck. ‘The Sophia Minch is also in fora general over- hauling. We take great pleasure in announcing the successful launch of the first iron tug ever built in this city, which took place at the Globe iron shipyard on the i8th inst. She went into the water without a hitch and set- tled herself as gracefully as a duck, and with her easy lines and stern shears she looks the | prettiest thing that floats. We have hereto fore given her dimensions but will repeat them as follows: Length. 78 feet, 17 feet beam and 11 feet deep. The frames are 214 by 3 inches, the keel and stern 6 by 1, the sternpost 5 by 1!¢ and the plating is from 3g to 5-16 iron. The model was made by Messrs... Pankhurst and Smith, and | the beauty of the tug testities in a favorable | manner to their knowledge and_ skill. The floors are: all steel plate;. the bulwarks, decks snd houses are fron. Her engine is of the most approved pattern and everything combines to make her powerful for her destined business. She is without a name and is for sale to the higest bidder. CHICAGO. Special to the Marine Record. In the jury Judge Blodgett in the important admiralty suit ot Jacob Johnson, owner of the schooner E. M. Portch, against, the schooner Negaunee, for damages for a collision off Kewaunee, Wis., on September 19, 1880, the instructions given by the ceurt. were, in effect, that the jury should decide whether the collision was avoidable, and, so, whether or not both parties were blameable. {n that case, the damages would be assessed between them. In case’ the accident was ayoidable, and the Negaunee was wholly blameable, then she. should be muleted in the whole amount of the damage. If the accident was wholly unavoidable, then the libelant could not recover. The jury re- turned a verdict finding the Negatnee in fault. A motion for a new trial was made by the defence. The damages claimed are $16,000, but the amount will be determined by the Commissioner in Admiralty in case a trial is not granted. The only question be- | fore the jury was the question of fact as to | the liability for the collision, The admiralty case ot Griffin) vs. Mc- |S. Dunham; the Hood and Carpenter, of the | Vessel Owners’ ‘Tug Line, and the Alpena Arthur, Smith & Co., is on that trial before | Judge Blodgett. ‘The libel in the case sets forth that the Jibelant, as master of the schooner A. G. Morey, made a charter with the respondents to bring a load of lumber from Cheboygan to Chicago; thaton the way a storm overtook the schooner, in which she | became waterlogged and had to be towed into Menominee and pumped out and re- paired, and was afterward towed to Chicago and the cargo delivered to respondents, who refused to pay either freight or general average charge thereon. Hence the suit is brought to recover the amount alleged to be due on account of these, the damages being laid at $1,000. Captain H, Smith is giving new decks and a general overhauling to the schooner Lottie Cooper, The schooner C. A. King was in the Ves- sel Owners’ drydock for calking. She will load with corn immediately. The schooner C, J. Magill, of Chicago, Captain Henry Lovdall, is getting anew deck, plankshear, rail, stringers, hatch comb- ings, foremast and wire rigging thereto, At Miller Brothers’ drydock the schooner Henry C. Richards is getting new planking | in her bottom, part new keel, calking and other repairs; the Peshtigo Company’s | | barges Advance, Active, and Alert are get- into drydock for a thorough rebuild. The tug Alpena will have a new shoe and rudder. At the Chicago drydock the schooner John Bigler was in fora general overhauling, a new stern post and calking; the barge A. A. Carpenter is to be calked; schooner. News- boy is having her ceiling cleaned out fore and aft and will go in for a thorough re- build; schooner Eagle Wing has had her two masts taken out and shortened down about seven feet. A few steambarges, lumber laden, are continning to pay a visit to this port, but the snow and hard frost which we are now get- ting will no doubt puta stop to navigation entirely for the season. ‘There is already about three inches of ice in the river. The following tugs are in service here: The Iona, Brown, and Admiral. of the Union Line; the Paddy Murphy, owned by George Gilman; the Mosherand Miner, owned by J, of the Chicago Dredge and Dock Company. A portion of the-hnll, which was all that remained of the old tug Campbell, formerly of the Union Tug Line, was loaded with | rubbish and towed by the tug Tom Brown some miles out fem lake“ on Tuesday last. The Tom Brown then made a run at her stem on when her poor old ribs were broken and down she went to find a resting place at the bottom of the lake. The schooner Pewaukee was chartered Tuesday for 35,000 bushels of wheat to Bnf- falo at 53%¢. DETROIT. Special to the Marine Record. Derroir, December 18. The reports of disasters, although so near the close of the season, continue to come in. Some are of a sensational character, while others, I fear, will be fully borne out by act ual facts. ‘The first, which, as is usvally the case, was of an alarming nature, was that of the tug Mystic en route to the Sault freight- ed with supplies and twenty persons on board. She was too fleet in her movements, | however, and reached her destination betore as given to write up the usnal obitu- aries, ete., ete. The Sault river wasall clear and the steambarge Siberia was preparing to come on to Detroit, and if the captain wills it he can do so, It is true another cold snap has set in, but there is evidence to-day that it has spent its force and another open spell isathand. ‘This is what I predicted some time ago would be the marked programme of the fail and a late closing. There was a little floating ice in the Detroit river yester- day, but I do not think it has come to stay. From Chitago comes the report of the sup- posed loss of the schooner North Cape with eight lives, which may possibly be true, yet at present I take it with considerable salt. | She was seen off Chicago on Monday morn- ing apparently helpiess. In due time tugs went to her rescue, but she was nowhere. She was freighted with lumber from Muske- gon, a staunch built craft of 385 tons burden | and-ten years in service, The tug Kate Williams with the wrecking | consort H, W. Johnson in tow is expected | here from Lake Michigan to-morrow morn- | ing, when she will probably go into winter | quarters. Her efforts to rescue the schooner Monitor from the Manitou were unsuccess- ful, owing to adverse went) o 1 the ill- | fated craft may be included among the tota] at Cheboygan such was the reported condi- tion of the Sault river. In the present state of marine affiairs it would be unwise to attempt any annual re- port of events before the season has been closed anid vessels laid up. The-steamer City of New Baltimore ply- ing between Detroit and New Baltimore and Marine City is still running as. usual on al- ternate days, and this morning took ona full freight for up river points. She will continue plying as long as navigation is open. . The Riverside continues on her route be- tween Detroit and Malden and is doing a fair business. ‘The steamer Idlewild on, the Detroit. and Sarnia route has retired for the season. She has performed, since the opening of naviga- tion, 207 round trips. ‘The distance is 75 miles. She has a had ‘a successful season. ‘The steamer Milton DJ. Ward, vhich ocev- pied the Detroit and Port Austin route, has also gone into winter quarters. She has made 101 round trips; the distance is com- puted at 150 miles. She has met with no ac- cidents, and has been commanded by Cap- tain Phineas Kenyon lo, these many years. The steamer vexing Star, runmog ‘in’ the same line as the last two steamers, has been laid up for sometime. Her route was between Datroit and Port Huron. She made 87 round trips and was sailed by Captain J. P. Hodges. The steamer City of Detroit has got out her moorings and Captain D. McLachlan is packing his gripsack for his Canadian home. The steamer made during the season 1041 round trips; the distance is 120 miles and during her season’s career we are assured she bas met with no acccidents. This, when taking in view the difficult and intricate pas- sage of the Detroit river for eighteen miles which is made one way during darkness and frequently fogs, it may be considered a good record and well worthy of note in.the Ma- RINE Recorb. Her consort, the Northwest, came out later in the spring, but inade 96 round trips. Roth boatsare laid np in good shape and the company are well satisfied, The propeller” Auantic, belonging to Grummond’s line, plied between Toledo and Mackinaw, sailed by Captain D, Nicholson, and during the season made 30 round trips. The Flora (sideweel) her consort on same route recorded 27 round trips, commanded by Captain J. R. Jones. MT. CLAMENS, Special to the Marine Record. Navigation is over at this port, the river freezing on the 16th, which is about twenty days later than last year. The work on Chaptan & Lacroy’s steamer is progressing. She is all plankcd and the deck is on. The towbarge Fulton is having some re- pairs. She will receive a new covering board, new rail and bulwarks. ‘The tow- barge Elmira will receive about the same new work. Both barges are owned by the ‘Tonawanda Barge Line, FRANKFORT. The steambarge Robert G. Ingersoll, laden with winter supplies for Burnham’s Pier, came into port Sunday night. Wednesday morning she steamed down the pier, but the southward gale and snow forced her to return to Frankfort tor shelter. ‘The propeller D. G. Sandford departed for Man- istee with passengers and freights. The ting their top works cleaned out and will go | losses. She reports noice in the Straits and | pier head-light is still lit up nights, oe