Detroit, Flora, Saginaw, Idlewild, Pearl, City of Mackinac, Spartan, Alaska, Kewee- naw, Ivanhoe, Milton D. Ward. Propellers—Gazelle, Ontario, Pacific, Pas- saic, Atlantic, 8, F, Hodge, John Pridgeon, jr, R. J. Gordon, Nassua, Oconto, St. Paul. Steambaryes—Minnapolis, R. J. Hacket, Isaac May, Annie Smith, Salina, A. A, ‘lur- ner, Mineral Rock, Empire, A. Weston, Glasgow, Michigan, Geo. A. Marsh, Macki- naw, B. W. Jenness, Manistique, Alcona, W ‘lt. Graves, Don. M, Dickinson, Mary Mille, Otego. - Tugs—Champion Sweepstakes, Stranger, J. P. Clark, Crusader, L. L. Lyon, Bob An- derson, Balize, Michigan, Gladiator, Quayle, Oneda, I. U. Masters, Chas, Kellogg, O. Wilcox, Remorse, 8hoo-Fly, Kate Moffat, John Owen, Torrent, A. J. Smith, Oswego, Winslow, River Queen, Kate Williams (to arrive) W. A. Moore. Schooners—James Couch, L. 8. Hammond, I. N. Foster, Helvetia, Wm. McGregor, Swallow, Mineral State, Ferrett, San Diego, Wayne, J. C. King, Acontias, Geo. W. Case, J. F. Joy, Mona, Canton, H. Biseell, Don- aldson, H. H. Brown, Merrimac, Consuello, St. Lawrence, M. I. Wilcox, Middlesex, A. Body, H. W, Johnson, G. W. Adams, Reli- able, Louisa, Dauntless, Wm. ‘Tuttle, Ger- man, Towbarges—O. Cromwell, Waverly, Wyan- dotte, Lillie May, Magnet, Dickinson, Star of Hope, G. W. Bissell, W. H. Pringle, Lndia, J. M. Spaulding, Mary Hattie, 5. Morton, . Babineau, 8. Bolton, A. H. Moss, Superior, J. Ralston, M. R. Baker, Plymouth Rock, Vannetta, Dashing Wave, Sweepstaker, Mears, Mariner, Senator, Elma, Emerald, Fame, Virginius, Emerald. BAY CITY. Steamers—George L. Dunlap, E. M. Car- vington, Emerald, Metropolis, Luther West- over, Sea Gull, Propellers—Arundell, Saginaw Valley, C. A. Forbes, Jennie Sutton. Steambarges--Sanilac, George L. Colwell, Oswegatchie, Nelson Mills, Belle P. Crosse, Kittie M. Forbes, J. P. Donaldson, D.F. Rose. Tugs—Peter Smith, Sarah Smith, E. M. Smith, 8S. J, Rumage, A, Moiles, Mande S., | Harley, Clara, Irr, Laketon, Music, Cora B., 0. J. Mee, Lizzie, Shangraun, Witch of the West, E. V. Mundy, Willie. Brown, Chal- lenge, A. F. Bartlett, J. G. Hubbard, M. Teller, E. Haight, Geo. B. Dickinson, C. M. Farran, E. M. Peek, Toledo, W. A, Avery, J.P. Wilson, Roberte, C. C. McDonald. Schooners—H. C. Winslow, | Sylvester Neelon, Dreadnaught, S. P. Ames, Jordon Beebe, jr. . : an é Barges—Tailor, A.- Gebbart, Antelope, Wyoming, B. B. Icsman, A. W. Wright, Chicago Board of ‘Trade, Bay City, D. P. Dobbins, Racine, Bahama, Boscobel, Yankee, William . Lewis, J. L. Ketchum, Brightie, Henry W. Hoag, Amaranth, David Ferguson, Eliza, George H. Wand, S. Clement, Fannie Neil, Montgomery, Leader, Jupiter, Marine City, Ajax, Oneonta, Kentucky. Steamyachts—Handy Boy, Joseph Gordon, David Sutton, Colonel I. Camp. Yachts—Julia, Georgia. Scows—Joseph Enright, Canacian, Curlew, General Weaver, Lady Essex. EAST SAGINAW. Propellers—C. H. Green, Porter Chamber- lin, L. G. Mason, William Rudolph, W. R. Bunt, Mary Hess. Tugs—Stickney, J. Cram, Roys, Mildred, W. C. Calkins, E. Eddy, James Hay, J. P. Logie, R. Weldman, Giant, Robert Boyd, Annie. A. W. Wright, Tom Dowling, ‘Tom Maythem, Pickwick, Pilgrim, Daisy Lee, Laura Gibbs, O. W. Cheney. Barges—Mattie U. Belle, Ross Sonsmith, Commodore, W. L. Peck, Wolverine, A. I. Bliss, Richard Martin, B. B. Buckhout G. W. Wesley, ‘I’. H. Cahoon, Mary Stockton, Nellie Mason, J. E. Sparrow, E. F. Gould, Matilda, D. H. Keys. J. A. McDougall, Harvest, Mary Birckhead, Norway, C. L. Davis. ; Steamyachts—Mary Belle, Florence. MILWAUKEE, Steamers—Andy Johnson, John A. Dix. Propellers—D. Ballentine, Nahant, Minne- sota, C. H. Stark, George Burnham, Su perior Monohassett, G. C. Markham, C. J. Kershaw, D. W. Rust, James Shrigley, Lewie Pahlow, W. H. Barnum, Massachusettes, Colin Campbell, Gorden Campbell. Schooners—Wallula, Emma Leighton, Tbree Belles, La Petite, Alvin Bronson, ‘I'wo Brothers, Adin, Alice B, Norris, 5S. P. Ely, Oli Otson, James Garrett, J. 5. Tilden, Napoleon, Oneida, L. A. Simpson, Fayette Brown Anna Maria, J. H. Mead, Nellie Hammond, William Aldrich, E. Scovill, Celt, Boar, Starke, ‘Thomas Parsonr, Spartan, 5. Thad, Lewis Luddington, ‘Three Brothers, W. W. Brigham, George Barber, G. 'T. Trumpff, Flying Cloud, J. B. Merrill, Lake Foust, Penobscott, L. A. Burton, City of Toledo, A. M. Nelson, Joseph, Duval, Stampede, Granger, David Vanee, Belle Laurie, L. W. Perry, Madonna, Challenge, Sandusky, Magsasoit, Eureka, Julia Willard, J.C. Bauer, Saveland, Reed Case, Transit, Monterey, ‘Tennie and Laurie, C. P. Minch, Pulaski, Pride, Black Hawk, Rob Boy, Elida, Eliza, H. M. Scove, ©. G@. Houghton, John Schuette, Richard Mott, Active, O. Amsden, C. C. Barns, D. C. Clint, L. C. Butts, Meta- comet, Scows—Hunter, Gladiator, M. N. Dunham, L. May Gutherie J. B. Prime, Albert Smith, Milton, Agnes, R. H. Becker, J. M. Hill, THE MARINE RECORD. Bine Belle, South Side, Sanday Morrison, Trio, Ahnapee, 'S upply. ASHTABULA. Propeller—A, Everett. Schooners—-M. F. Merick, Leonard Hanna, Montana, Reindeer, Fitzhugh, Narraganset, Verona, Edward Kelly, Charles Wall, Mont- blanc, Montgome ry. THE RECORD. NEW TONNAGE, SIDE WHEELS, Sappho... City of M Algomah... Where Built, $4: 0,000 Walter L. Fros Edward Smith, George T, Hop J, W. Weercott.. J. H. Almondenger. Athabage...... Belle Walke! do Buy City..., .|R. Bt. Claii Bay City-. R. ar Clair. Chitham - V alua- tion, 112,000 60,000 George E. Fisher. Sarah Smith ..... L, Dimmick...,. FL. Danforth A. Oddfellow.. J. W. Parmele Jessie May.. Golden Age... Laura Johneon: Detroit... oe River St. Clair . River St. Clair. River St. Clai 1,020 35 42: $50 $0. ae Eos | Seseseee $249,500 3,500 30,000 5.397 $344,800 9,494) 903,000 1,020) 249,510 5,397] 344,800 -|18,700181,897,300 LOST TONNAGE. STEAMERS, PROPELLERS, AND TUGS. Nam. Where lost. Tons Age V=lue, jueen Victoria......]. Yoames... | 349 lay 13,500 Suet of Toront P. Dalhousie | 512) 18 3u,000 Miunie...... Green Bay...| 23) 18 15,000 Mary Jarecki 12) 28,000 Glenfinlas.. 32) 0000 Osklund.. 43) * 5,000 Ontonagon 27 9,600 Kast Saginaw. li 24,000 Jas Davidso: g 60,000 Oneidu.... 21 3e,000" Norman. 19) 13.000 H.C, Ackley 2) 100,00 Mayflower 31 10,000 Eclipse... . 5) 5,000 Manistee oe 16) 20,00 Manitoty IR. Tham | 100) 13) 5,000 Norma \L. Ontariv ..| 138) 14) 5,000 Enterp {L. Huron 9 11,00 Gardne |L. Ontario ll 12,000 Vulcan L. Krie..... g 15 25,000 Alert . Ontario 23 9 5.0 Huron 'L.t Ontario...| 40) 2) 8,000. Superior Georgian Bay| 37 ) 7,000 Erie Belle L. Huron......) 292 2. 11,000 Ontario... R, St. Clair. 76 3 Colin Munro. L. Huron....' 40 10) 4,000 SCHOONERS AND BARGES. Value 84.000 4.000 2,000 2,000 . 8,000 We Is burt 33,000 George Bo 12,000 McClell. 1/500 B. Parso 10,000 Seabire 1,500 Keeanal 16,000 Yankee Blade. 8,100 Sunnyside. 18,000 Picton 6,000. Peerless. 5,00) W.. If. Vanderbil 14,000 Explorer... 1,500 Starlight 8,100 Laura Bell. L. Superior 3 14,000 Minnehaha L. Mich ..... 11 3,000 Nellie Church. L, Mich. 15 3.60" Potrel ..cseseee L, Mich.... 36! 2.000 = Mary Nan. . f- 19 4.500 etchum .|L. t y Nellie Gardner... [Lt 10 16.000 vas g08 Monitor... ai 21) 12,000 8,00 Cc .{L. 20 10,500 «shore. 34 141,600 [L. 4 14,000 | © rgoes damiuged 39 119,900 Li. VW 1,£00 Sprung aleak.... ut 15,(00 L. 14 , 8,000 Heavy weather 5h 26,300 L 29 4,000} Stranded ... 2 106,300 16 22,00€ Foundcred. 8 68,000 L. 42 5,500 Fire 2 6,400 « |b 29) 3.000 | Ex 11,000 Flying Mis af 2) 8-400 $537,900 FIDBY seseeses . ; Florence Howerd: |: PH 500 LAKE ERIR AND WELLAND CANAL, Eureka .. L. 25 1.500 No, Valuation, Leadville... LE 4 16,000 Went ushore 33 $155,800 James Wade. Te 1 8,000] Stranded... 23 41; H. FB. Merry. L. 14 70:0] Collisions 29 19.1 i Fitagerald L 13) 14,000 | “Heavy weatier, 26 33/800 Maple Leaf L. 1s} $.090 | Sprung. leak .... 10 14,9 1 Px isable . China 20 5.000] Fire... 5 38°30 18} _6,500| Fuundsred. 5 32,600 VW} 12,000 | Exploded 1 25,000 a $.000 Cavsiz-d 1 4,000 ae Jargous ¥ ii 100 ‘ ‘ _ 119,186 6 0000 Total na seeussiues $523,686 15 2 800 LAKE ONTARIO AND 8T, LAWRENCE, 21 3000 eiarasl No. Valuation. i RY see 7 201 4,000 | Went ashore 23 #8 ooo 27 2'500 | Heavy weath- 15 15,600 Jobn Marsh 4 3°50] Disubled. .. 1 "300 Milwaukee YW 7,00 Collisions ... 2 1 742 4 7,000 Sprung aleak 3 7.500 17/4000] Foundered 3 9,100 9} 16,000] Fire... 4 49,500 2i| 3,000] Cargoes 29 94,600 $947,400 Total scien 18 $395,242 Vessuls passed Detr it as taken from the records BIVES*ST, SLATE. which are supposed to be correct: No. Valuation. No, steamers pissed up. 2,1 Disabled ve ‘ No. schooners passed up. 1,313 Collisions 6,760 No. barges pa-sed up. 1,752—Total . . ..:5,245 Stranded 8 3,500 o. steamers passed dewn..... 2,390 ie. 4 19,500 No, schooners p :ssed duwn.... 1,347 29 937.060 No. barges passed down........ 1,772--Total......5,059 TULA ssessesseeesstteseseemennsss ony 29 $37,060 Grand total both ways... seessteseeee 10,754 TONNAGE COMPARISON FOR SEVEN YRARB. Lost Tonnage. No. Lust, Tonnage, Valuation 85 27,'77 $1,049,000 672,100 18.986 384, 18.531 316,675 28,733 796,000 13,984 640,800 14.923 576,60 nnage. Tonnnge. Valuati: n 189:78 — $1.599,000 eh ae 130. 000 239.18 791,500 36.687 . 2,602,800 54.728 4,028,460 48.105 3,726,800 CASUALTIES—DAMAGE. The-following statement gives the num- ber of casualties in each month, with the total losses on hull and cargo: -LAKE SUPERIOR AND SAULT RIVER. No, Stranded......, ‘ Valnation, 7.000 74,900 15 f) 5 o 2 rs S $ e ~ Disb ed rung si Houndered. at mare cn ODES COD ~ g Total...corssererssese «2-2-2 37 $249,100 LAKE MICHIGAN AND THE STRAITS, No. Stranded. $991,915 N Valuation. $15,300 RIVER THAMES, No. Valuation, Went ashor 1 eae 8:0) Disabled. 1 2.000 Stranded. 4 3,300 Sprang 2 500 Cargocs 1 100 r 2 18,500) ad 3 1 GEORGIA . Valuation. Went ashoro. $26,000 Stranded... 12,400 fleavy weathe: Cargoes...... QUICK TRIPS, But little notice has been taken of quick trips during the season. The followmg have come under our notice: Steamer H. J. Jewett, Detroit to Chi- cago, 21 hours. ; Steamer Thomas W. Palmer, Chicago to Buffalo, 4 days 11 hours, Steamer City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Grand Haven, 4 hours 53 minutes. Propeller Nashua, Lake Erie to Lake On- tario, 10 1-2 hours. Schooner Angus Smith, Milwaukee -to Port Colborne, 4 days 5 hours. Schooner Charles Foster, Chicago to Buffalo, 4 3-4 days. 3 Schooner Sunrise, Milwaukee to Chi- cago, 5 hours, Steamer W. L. Frost, Detroit to Toledo, 4 hours 50 minutes. Schooner Bavaria, Grand. Marie, Lake Superior, to Kingston in 7 days. Propeller Russel Sage, Buffalo to Toledo, 20 hours 15 minutes. : VESSEL SALES FOR 1883, The following are among the more import ant sales which took place during the year. Those of a minor character or of part inter- ests we have not placed on record, and it ig possible that others have been omitted: Schooner Red Wing,. Jones estate to Smith & Davis, Buffalo, $22,000. Schooner W. B. Tavlor, underwriters to Captain H. Buckley, Chicago, $4,500. Schooner D. R. Martin, Wells & Van Schaick to Marinette Barge Line, $6,500. Schooner Kate Darley, same parties, $11,- 000. Schooner Mary E.. Perew, same parties, $7,500. Steamer City of Milwaukee and propellers Wisconsin and Michigan, A. E, Goodrich to Grand Trank railw Price stated, $550,000. Schooner Berti kins, ‘T. G. Elwell to Peter Hanson, C 0, $12,000. Barge Norway, C. Hamilton to Charles Turner, Buffalo, $5,000. Propeller Roanoke to L. O. Crissey, Buf- falo, $40,000. Barge Mable Corray, Wolf & Davidson to Marinette Barge Co., $12,000. Schooner Frank Perew, to Perrin & Do- ver, Bay City, $17,000. Propeller Agnes, to C. J, Donahue, Ma- rine City, $8,000. Propeller Lawrence, W. W. Elsworth to S. S. Burk and others, $12,000. Steamers [Jlewild, and Evening Star, Star Line to Moflatt and others, $70,000. Tug A. J. Smith, Rice and others to Mur- phy Brothers, Detroit, $20,000, Tug John Gregory to Rand & Burger, Manitowoe, $6,000. Schooner Ellen Sp Gardner, Chicago, $15,000. Propeller Oconto, G. T’. Co. to Geo, Col- well, Harrisville, Mich., $17,000. Tug Thos, Spear, W. Baptist Spear, Green Bay, $6,000. Steamer Keweenaw, W, Warriner to Cap- tain Ward and others, Detroit. $10,000, Schooner D.-E. Bailey, H. Hf. Gardner to Johu Spry, Chicago, $10,000, Schooner Geo, M. Case, Case & Conger to N.S. Whipple, Detroit, $14,000. John Spry to H. IL. to Thos. NAVIGATION INCIDENTS. The following prominent incidents took place during the navigation of 1883, and will be important as matter for future reference : March 26—Navigation open between De- troit and Malden, April 16--Navigation along the west shore , of Lake Michigan, April 18--Navigation open between Detroit and Port Huron,