6 THE MARINE KECORD. THE MERCHANT MARINE. Additional vessels laid up as follows: BUFFALO, Propellers—Badger State, Arctie, Milwau- kee, Empire State, Fountain City, Annie Young, St. Louis, Avon, Russia, Scotia, Nebraska, Colorado, China, Araxes, Wins- w, Arabia, Idaho, Philadelphia, City of Duluth, Blanchard, Japan, Nyack, Roches- ter, Edward ‘Townsend, . Schooners—W. 8. Crostwhwaite, P. R. Locke, Lizzie A. Law, D. 8. Austin, Marie Martin, Allegheny, Annie Sherwood, Iron- ton, Louise, Bedwing, John Wesley. Steambarges—City of Rome, Alpena, Nevada, Hecia, H. D, Coffinberry. Barges—Dan Rogers, Cyclone, Banner, Col. Brackett, I. Cohen, L. W. Drake, Annie Vought, John Breden, Golden Rule R. N. Rice. Harbor tugs—G. R. Hand, 8. E. Bryant, Edward Fiske, J. B. Griffin, Compound, B. F. Bruce, Lorenzo, Dimick, Mary E. Pierce, J. L. Williams, A. P. Dorr, Orient, James Ash, R. F, Goodman, J. F. Behn, Alpha, J. M. Moore. ANDUSKY. Steamers—R. B. Hayes, N. Walter, Ella G. J. W. Tutts. Tugs—P. L. Johnson, Myrtle, Mystic, Cal Davis, Annie Robertson. Steambarges—Ohio, Yosemite, Westford, Bessie, Red Jacket, I’, Shephard. Yacht—Clive. Schooners—Joseph Paige, Lucerne, King Sisters, Irene. ; Barges—Monitor,, C. N. Ryan, Fostoria, Wend-the- Wave, H. 5. Walbridge, Saginaw, L. B. Crocker, Emeu, Scows—Dawn, Mary Ellen, Morning Lark _and Cordelia. _ LORAIN, ; Steambarges—Lucky Boy. S. H. Hubbell. Schooners—Montealm, J. R. Pelton, J. Le ‘Quinby, H. A. Kent, Thomas Gawn, Suma- tra, Genoa, John ‘Libbetts, N. C. West, South- west, Conrad Reed. 2 Scow—M. O. Keys. REDNORSVILLE, Schooners—A, Stone, Forest Queen, OWEN SOUND. Steamers—Campana, Frances, Smith, Mag- net, Africa, Enterprise, Georgian, C._N. Pratt, A. E..Neff, iCendrick, Meteor, For- tune, Secord, W. ‘I’. Robb, Matham. ‘Schooners—Lilly Hamilton, Lady Mac- donald, Bentley, J. C. Woodruff, Annie Fos- ter, Restless Phcebe Catharine, Fairy Queen. _ BELLEVILLE, Steamer—Prince Edward, Schooners—A.-G. Ryan, Picton, LL. D. Bullock, George Suffel, Belle of Hamilton, Mary Foster, and Belle of Port Dover. Steamyachts—Rosamond, Ometa, Annie Gilbert. Scows—Glasgow, Frank Smith, and Pride of America. Tug—Eliza Bonar. SHEBOYGAN, Schooners—-City of Sheboygan, Oscar New- house, Evening Star, Charlotte Raab, J. E. Green, Eureka, Guido, Una, Maggie Johnson, J. A. Holmes, J. H. Sevens, Clara, Mary, Day Spring, Petrel, Dawn, Elva, C. Gordon, Industry, Jesse Winter, Waleska, Exchange, Island City, Eliza Day, Nancy Dell, Nellie Church, Silver Cloud. RACINE, Schooners—Z. G. Simraons, Rainbow, New- land, S. J. Holly, Caledonia, J.-V. Jones, Fearless, Kewaunee, Green Bay, Forest, Onward, Mollie. GRAND HAVEN, Steamer—City of Milwaukee. Tugs--New Era, Louisa Cummings, C. W. Moore, Grace Parker. Schooners—Driver. Apprentice Boy, Hun- ter Savidge, John E. Gilmore, Mary Amanda, Eveline, Presto, Golden Harvest, City ot Erie. and 8T. JOSEPH. Propeller—City of St. Joseph. B Schooners—Wamsetta, Lizzie Doak, Cora, Ada, Tri-Color, Libbie Carter. FAIRPORT. Schooners—M P. Barkalow, J. J. Hill. Scow—F. L. Jones. ; ERIE. Propellers—A laska, Juniata, Clarion, Ari- zona. Schooners--F. W. Gitford, Lafrinier, Cham- pion. PORT COLBORNE, Schooners— Craftsman, New Dominion, of Toronto, Jura, Grace, Whitney, and Albany. Tugs—Heetor, Booth, Mary, Clara, Maggie, S. Neelon, and Laughlin. PUT-IN-BAY, Steamers—Jay Cook, B. F. Ferris. OUCKAMA. Tugs—-Onward, Gem. OTTER CREEK, Schooner—Lilly Hatch. ESCANABA, J. 8. Richards and} Erastus Corning. SAUGATUCK. Steamers —Dougla:, J. 5. Seaverns, Steambaryes—A. R. Colborne, G. P. Heath. WINDSOR. Schooners—Benediet, Brittsh Lyon, Her- cules, Corsica, John Stevenson, R. Norwood. | WHITEHALL, Steambarge—Swallow, Schooners--Ellen Elleawood, Minnehaha, A.J. Coville, Arrow, FRANKFORY, Tugs—Boss, D. P. Hall, L. Q. Rawson, Jessie A. Slytield, Jay, Weston, Ruby, and a new tug not yet named. Schooner—George W. Westcot. PORT ARTHUR. Propellers—Acadia, Georgian, Argyle, E. M. Foster. Tugs—Vhree Friends, Salty Jack, Cham- pion, Sirkivit, Silver Spray. Schooners—Midland Rover, Mary Grover, Morrison, Belle Stephens, MT. CLEMENS. Steamer--Ida. Steambarges—J.S. Ruby, Handy Boy, Ida Burton, Windsor, S. P. Johnson, Florence. Tugs—Una, Nellie Abarr. Yacht—Pauline. Towbarges—F ulton, Elvina, Jeanette. Scow—Fex. Harrison, ‘TREASURY DECISIONS AFFECTING VESSELS. VESSEL—CLEARANCE OF FOREIGN, OWNED BY CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Novy. 3, 1883. Sir :—Your letter of the 27th ultimo sub- mits the case of the Spanish bark Maria Vie- torina, of Santander, Spain, for instructiona as to her rights and privileges under the navigation laws. It appears that the vessel, laden with a]. cargo ot lumber, was attached at your port for cash advances made subsequently to her arrival, and that vessel and cargo, under a decree of the United States district court, were on the 26th ultimo,sold by the United States marshal. A.B. Wheelock and ‘I’. H. Darby became the purchasers. As they are likely to apply soon fora clearance for the vessel for a foreign port, with her cargo, you ask for instructions in. view of the anticipated action of her ewners, You are informed that Decision No. 1113. of May 2, 1872, covers the case. She may be cleared foreign, laden or in’ ballast, but she cannot return with a cargo without lia- bility to. forfeiture, nor without cargo, ex- cept under a liability to a tonnage tax of $1.30 per ton. The same tax.will attach to her at any port of the United States into which she may enter, should she engage in the coasting trade, she being an “undocu- mented vessel, owned by American citizens. (See sections 2,497, 4,219, 4,225, and 4,371 of the Revised Statutes, ‘To Collector of Customs, Cedar Keys, Fla. VESSELS—EXACTIONS OF TONNAGE-TAX. TREASURY DFPARTMENT, Nov. 6, 1883. Srr:—I am in receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, enclosing the protest of Mr. Da- vid Dall, of your city, against your exaction of tonnage-tax on the schooner Millard Fil- more, October 26, 1883, amounting to $83.14. [t appears from your statement that, on the 26th ultimo, Fdward Millin, the Master of the vessel, of which Dallis the managing owner, reported her arrival at Chicago fron: Collingwood, Ontario, and that the. tax had been last paid at Charlotte, N. Y.. on the 10th of October, 1882, as is shown by the certificate. The protest takes the ground that such certificate expired on the 10th ulti- mo, on which day Mr. Dall took a clearance and departed from Collingwood tor your port, and was, therefore, notengaged in for- eign commerce after that date, which allegation is.supported by an affidavit of the inaster, You state further that, in your opinion, it seems to be well seitled that itis the date of entry at the American custom house after the last payment of tonnage tax that gov- erps, and in this case the vessel having en- tered at Chicago on the 26th of October last, you collected the money. You are correct in your view of the prin- ciple which should govern in the decision of the case; and asthe vessel entered direct from a foreign port after the year had ex- pired tor which the tax had been paid. you regarded it as due, and the Department ap- proves your action in exacting it. Thecertificate of October, 1882, is returned herewith, as requested. To Collector of Customs, Chicago, Ill. VESSELS—EVIDENCE REQUIRED AS TO THE TRANSFER OF VESSEL’S PROPERTY BY WILL, ‘TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Nov. 19, 1883. Sir:—The Department is in receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, relative to the enrollment of the towing steamers Barnard and Hope an steamer Maggie Padden. It appears that the enrolmentof the Bar- nard, dated November 18, 1878, shows that Jacob Cramer owned 4-32 parts of the ves- sel, and that two other persons owned the remainder. Cramer died in 1880, and there being no will or administrator, and his estate being settled by his wife and children, you ask if the enrollment should» not be so changed as to show the names of all inter- ested, Second, The enrollment of the Hope shows that Cramer was also an owner with others; and as that docament was issued since his death in 1880, you ask if it is cor- rect to describe his interest as owned by hia estate, Third. The enrollment of the Maggie Paden, dated December 20th, 1880, shows that 10-24 parts of the steamer are owned by “some heirs of Jacob Paden, deceased.”’ and you ask if this description is too indefinite. You are informed that there isa “change of property,” that is, of ownership, when- ever a legatee, distributee, or next of kin takes the interest of the deceas?d owner of a vessel. And it is evident that the law in- tends that the name, place of abode, occupa- tion, and proportion of interest of each own- er shall be specified in the marine document, (See sections 4,142, 4,155, 4,170, 4,169. 4,322, 4,320, and 4,324, Revised Statutes.) If the precise description of individual owners were not insisted upon in the new documents, it would give an opportunity to evade the reatrictions as to alie: ownership. In the case of the owner of a vessel dying intestate, the evidence of the court should be produced showing the right of the claimants to succeed to the interest of the deceased. When an owner other than a managing owner dies, and his estate passes to the ex- ecutor of his will or the administrator of his estate, redocumenting may not be insisted upon until after the distribution, But after distritution and evidence thereof has been produced from the executor, administrator or surroga e, the vessel must be redocument- ed, and the collector must be able to identi- fy the claimants as distributees of the de- ceased owner. : : To Surveyor of Customs, Wheeling, W.Va. VESSELS—TONNAGE-TAX ACCRUES ON AMERI- CAN TUG RETURNING FROM HAVING TAKEN A TOW TO A CANADIAN PORT, ‘TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Nov. 30, 1883. Srr:—I am in receipt of your report of the 22d ultimo, on the appeal of Washing- ton Moore, master of the tug Kate Williams, ot Detroit, from your exaction of tonnage tax on said tug amounting to $33, under sec- tion 4.219 of the Revised Statutes, It appears that the tug, which is engaged in the towing and wrecking business, took in tow two sailing vessels at Detroit, and de- livered them at the Canadian. port of Prince Arthurs Landing, their. destination; that thereupon the tug cleared from Port Arthur, Canada, direct to your port, without freight or passengers and without a tow, and that on her arrival you exacted tonnage-tax as atoresaid, Upon this state of facts, the Department decides that such towing was completed on the arrival of the tug and the delivery of the vessels towed at the foreign port, and conse- quently cannot operate to bring her within the provisions of section 3,123, Revised Stat- utes, exempting steamtugs from report and clearance (and vonsequently from such tax,) “when exclusively employed in towing ves- sels,’’ the tug not being so employed on her return trip, Which terminated at your port. Your action in the premises is therefore affirmed, and you will please notity the ap- pellant To collector of Customs, Marquette, Mich. LOG OF THE HUNGERFORD. The schooner S. D. Hungerford, of Buf- falo, lett for ‘'obermoray November 25, bound to Buffalo in tow the tug Gladiator; wind northeast, weather fine; at 3p. m. the tug got disabled and broke up the tow; we made all sail and. continued on our voyage till 9 p. m. when the wind freshened, blow- ing hard from south southeast; shortened sail, and discovered ‘the vessel leaking very fast; kept away and run before the gale, and commenced throwing the deckload over board. The heavy sea breakiug over the stern awept away the boat and wheel house; binnacle gone, aud no: compass to steer by. November 26, 2 p. m,—Wind veered to west, with snow, blowing a hurricane; six feet of water in hold; 4 p.m. weather cleared off; saw Manitoulin; ran under southeast sound and let go anchor; pumped her next day and got all ready for sea; came on gale from southwest, vessel dragged anchors ashore. We lived on the Island nineteen days in a tent, short of provisions; left on Sunday, 16th inst., in an old fishing boat for Tobermoray, and arrived the same evening allright. [ wish you to give my kind re- gards to the people of Canada for their kindness to us in our trouble. WiLL1aM Moors, Master, And crew, six all told. FOR SALE, STHAMBARGE MILWAUKEE, Her length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. 10 feet 10inches. Boiler 17 feet long, 7 feet diameter; three ftues, two 16 inch and one 17-inch. Engine 22x42, Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 11 miles light, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, $15,300. Ad- dress MARINE RECORD Office, No.2 South Water street, Cleveland, O. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio Boat washing and general laun- i in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS, SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOIL! R, 44 inches di- ameter, 43 tubes 3 inches diameter and 12 feet long, steam drum 30 inches diameter, 40 inches high; front grates, filtings and breechings; gcod order. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER, in good order, Shell, 7-16 inch iron plate; diumeter, 9 feet 6 inches; length, 18 feet; 129 tubes 4 {nehes in diameter, 11 feet 6 inches long, three flues 18 inches diameter; two flues 14 inches diameter, two flues 1 1-2 inches diameter; flre box, 6 feet long, 4 feethigh; steam chimney, 7 feet high, SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes 60 inches long, cst iron breechng, good as new. SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE; double direct- acting 8x8 inch cylinder, shaft and wheel for yacht or tug; good as new. N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETO. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts - —ON —s Seamen, Owners, Freig hts, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, ~ Enrollments, General Avernge, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, ro Bill of Lading, Wages, &c. The volumn is handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, and fine English cloth binding. Books of this kind generally cost $3.00, but we will send it to an address, jsostage paid for $1,00, or with the MARIN RECORD for one year, both for only $3.00. Address MARINE RECORD. Cleveland 0. M. V. BORGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) : Detroit, Mich. Most Centrally Located. Street cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute’s walk toL S & M S, D & M, and Wabash Depots. Rates $1.50. to $2.00 per day. DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. A Valuable Discovery for supplying Magnetism to the Hu- man System, Electricity and Magnetism utilized as never before for Healing the Sick. THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO,’S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS WARR ANTED 10 CURE OR Monry REFUNDED, the following diseases without medicine:—PaIN IN THE BACK, HIPS, HEAD OR LIMBS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LUMBAGO, GENERAL DEBIL- ITY, RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, SPINAL DISEASES, TORPID LivER, Gout, Seminal Emissions, Impotency, Asthma, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion; Erysipelas, Indigestion, Hernia or Rup- ture, Catarrh, Piles, Epilepsy, Dumb Ague, etc. When any debility of the GENERATIVE OR- GANS occurs, Lost Vitality, Lack of Nerve Force and Vigor, Wasting Weakness, and all those Dis- eases of a personal nature. from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the parts, must restore them to a healthy action. There is no mistake about this appliance. 10 THE LADIES ' f you are afflicted with """lame Back, Weakness of the Spine, Falling of the Womb, Leucorrh@a, Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irre;ular Menstrua- tion, Barrenness, and Change of Life, this is the Best Appliance and Curative Agent known. For all forms of Female Difficulties itis unsur- passed by anything betore invented, both as a curative agent and as a source of power and vitalization, Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles, $10, gent by express (, 0. D., and examinstion allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send measure ot waist, and size of shoe, Remittance can be made in currency, sent in letter at our risk. The M1gneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, not next to the body like the many Galvanic and Electric Humbugs. advertised so extensively, and should be taken off at night. They hold their POWER FOREVER, and are worn at all seasons of the year. Send stamp for the “New Departure in Medical treat- ment Withont Medicine,” with thousands of testi- monials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO,, 218 State Street, Chicago, Tl. Note,—Send one dollar in postage stamps or curren- cy, in letter at our risk, with size of shoe tisually worn, andtry our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. nonitively no cold feet when they are worn, or money refund: d. When Tsay enre bdo net mean af stop then timo and thon have them return again, [mean aradies . I have mado tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY er FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. Iwarrant my remedy to cura the worst cases. Becansy others hav falled ts no reason for Not now receiving acuro. Sendat onc) for_a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy, Give Express and Post Onice. It costs you nothing for a trial, and [ willenre yon. Address Dr, I. G, ROOT, 183 Pearl 81., Now ork, ’