Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 31, 1884, p. 3

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THE MARIN F RECORD. 3 1 lite; propeller ‘Tioga, Luke Erie, 4 lives tug Crawford, at Chicago, 3 lives. 1864, Propeller Nile, at Detroit, 2 lives; tug Whip, at Chippewa, Ontario, 1 life; steamer Algomah, on Lake Michigan, 1 life; tug Seneca, at Detroit, 2 lives; propeller ‘Yonawanda, Chicago, 2 lives; steamer Pon- tiac, Grand Haven, 3 lives, 1865. ‘lug Success, Chicago, 1 life; tug Fanny White, Bay City, 1 life; tug F. Spat: ford, Chicago, 1 life. 1866. ‘lug Ellen O’Brien, Niagara river, 1 life; propeller Trader Lake Huron, 3 lives’ tug Red Jacket, Chicago, 3 liver, 1867. ‘Tug H. Johnson, Saginaw, 4 lives; tug W. K. Muir, river St. Clair, 7 lives. 1868, Propeller Governor Cushman, Buf- talo, 12 lives; tug Old Jack, Cleveland. | THE ETNA GRATE. 1869. ‘lug Asa Cowell, Cleveland, 1 life. 1870. Propeller Guiding Star, Port Mait- land, Lake Erie, 7 lives. lost; tug ‘Tornado, Oswego, 3 lives. . 1871. Propeller Lake Breeze, Bay City, 2 lives; tug B. B. Joner, Port Huron, 8 lives; propeller Maine, Ogdensburg, 4 lives. 1872. ‘Tug Niagara, Detroit, 1 life. . 1873. ‘tug G. W. Farran, Port Huron, 1 lite; tug E. Gallagher, Lake. Michigan, 1 life; tng E. L, Anthony, Milwaukee, 1 life. 1874. Tug Tawar, Lake Huron, 8. lives; tug Stark weather, Cleveland, 1 life; propel- ler Brooklyn, Detroit river, 14 liver. ‘1875.. Steambarge E. ‘Thompson,’ Bay City, 2 lives; tug R. R. Hifford,: Buffalo, 2 lives. 1876. ‘Tug J. W. Bennett, Mackinaw, 5 lives. : ca 1879. Steamer Alaska, Luke Erie, 3 lives; tug C. W. Parker, Chicago, 4 lives; tug Black Ball, Chicago 2 lives. 1881.. ‘Tug A. B. Ward, Chicago, 5 lives. 1882.- ‘Tug American Eagle, Luke Erie, 6 lives ; steamer Richelieu, river St. Lawrence, 4 lives; tug Wietzel, Luke Michigan, 3 lives. 1883, Propeller Colorado, Lake Erie, 4 lives; tug Erie Belle, Lake Huron, 4 lives. SOME EARLY HISTOY, The first United States light vessel for the guidance of vessels at the head of Mackinaw Straits, or passing Skillagalee was, the schooner Louis McLane, built at Detroit and launched trom Oliver Newberry’s dock in 1832, and stationed soon after at the atove place. The first attempt toward the construction of a lighthouse at Chicago was in 1831, and-was to have been completed in the fall of that year. It was a failure, owing to the quicksand over which it was built. One also at Thunder Bay Island the sare year was destroy ed before completion, owing to the near approach of the swells of Lake Huron, and the washing out of the mortar between the stones. ‘I'he loss of the schoon- er Supply is mentioned as having occurred in Mackinaw Straits, November, 1832, freighted with 150 pounds of salt. She bilged and sank in about three feet of water. She was owned by the mission at Mackinaw, and her loss was attributed to the inefficiency of the crew, who had but little experience in lake navigation. For the improvement of Cleveland har- bor, on Lake Erie, in 1827, $19,000 was ex- pended under the administration of John Q. Adams. And for the building of two piers at Oswego harbor, Lake Ontario, $33,348.64. On Lake Ontario in 1818, the steamer On- tario, the first on the lakes, was commanded by Captain Robert Hugunin, and in 1827 by Captain P. Ingalls. The agencies were C. Hotchkiss, Lewistown; O. Hathaway, Youngstown; Alvin Bronson and Matthew McNair, Oswego; P. Butterfield, Sackett’s Harbor; Ainsworth & Lee, Cape Vincent: A. Chapman & Co., Morristown; John C, Bush, Ogdensburg. Prices current at Detroit in 1818 were as follows: Flour, $8.50 per barrel; pork, $26.00 per barrel; whisky, $39.50 per bar- rel; beef, 10 vents per pound; corn, $1 per bushel; potatoes, 75 cents; turnips, 50 cents ; cheese, 16 cents per pound; lumber, $15 per M; butter. 25 cents per pound, and port wine 50 cents per gallon. J.W.H, The tirst Saneral repaie of the highways England was directed about the year ~ Boat washing and general laun- dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 18. of 12: G. C. BARNES, Agt This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Manufac’s., Uffice and Foundry, corner of Elm and & Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, O. oe (\y T FE. WILSON, SUB-M ARK DIWKR. All Kinds of Water Work ewDONE PROMPTLY TOORDER HEADQUARTER , Upson & Walton’s, River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. P OR WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor The metal in these Bushings is the Celebrated Phosphor-Bronze, the best beiring tal in the market, and beiny perfect lubricators they styles, For sale by sHIP CHANDLERS everywhere, ASK FOR “ANCHOR BRAND” . NOVEMBER 13, N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. FOR SALE, STEAMBARGE MILWAUKEE. r length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. 10 fect ioinahene Boiler 17 feet long. 7 feet diameter; three tlues, two 1éinch and one 17-inch. Engine 22x42. Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 11 miles light, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, $15,300. Ad- dress MARINE RECORD Office, No.2 South Water street, Cleveland, O. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co’s Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHIL- DREN WITH WEAK LUNGS; u0- Case Of PNEUMONIA OR CROUP 1s ever known where these garments are worn, They also prevent and cure HEART DIFFICULTIES, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, THROAT TROUBLES, DIPTHERIA, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES. Will wear any service for THREE YKARS. Are orn over the under clothing, CATARRH It is needless to describe the symptoms de of this nauseous disease that issapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes Labor, study and research in America, Eurove and Eastern la de, have resulted i ie Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- ine ee aly wh ns NO DRUGGING OF THE rrh, a remedy which contains 4 Suan M, and with the continuous sireim of Magnetism iny through the afflicte rg: MUST KESTORE hig i W & OUR PRICE THEM TO A HEALTHY ACTION. z for this Appliance at Icss than one twentieth of the price naked. by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and WE ESPECIALLY IMVITE the patronage of the MANY PERSONS Who have tried pRUG- GING THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT KFFECT, Di This Appliance. Go to your HOW T0 OBTAIN druggist and a-k for teats If ey have not got them, write to the proprietors, en- ie the ried in letter atovr risk and they will be sont to you at once by mail. post paid. 2 Send stamp for the “New Departure in Medical Treatment WiTHOUT ME with thousands of testimonials MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 28 State Strect, Chicayo, Il Norr.—Send one dollar in postage stam 8 or curren~ ey, in letter at our rik, with size of shoe usually worn, and try « pair of our Mrgnetic Insoles, and be con vineed of the power residing in our Magnetic Appli-~ ances. Positively no cold seet where they are worn, or FITS! noerain, Pmerrar ce’ borne or Bab ry rem INE,” money refunded. LGURE ' reOLS ENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the: Celebrated ‘Anchor Brand” Tackle Biovks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED TACKLE BLOCKS ; 1883. Illustrat d Catalogues and price list mailed free ona;-plication. Sample orders Solicited, Bronze Bushings. are fact superseding all o her PATENTED TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN Commencing Sunday, November 18, at 12 o’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is -thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper and twenty- eight mtnutes slower than the time heretofore in use (Columbus time) by these roads, Eastward. | Arrive. | Depart. Fast New York Express | 07 aM) “1 Q2aM NY, B & A Express.. *7 02a M Elyria Accommoilation, a Nottingham [sunday only] Night Express................ Westward. PM «. 79 42 PM | Arrive. | Depart, - Fast Limited Express. “11 55 a M12 05 AM Mich Express via Sandusky. "2 22 AM) *2 37 AM Chicago Express via “ « 26 U7 AM) 6 324M Mich Accom, Norwalku........csc0 |eseeesee sees f6 124M Conneaut Accommodation, TB IZAM . ww. Nottingham, [Sunday only]. 417PM 147PM Toledo -Fxpress via Norwalk . St Louis Ex via Sundusky C P Ex via Norwalk...... Port Clinton Accommodatior Reference marks—* Daily, “¢ daily. 2daily, except Monday. 252 pM! 73 02PM 102 PM *125PM {6 02 PM] “6 32 PM veel $4 82P Mt except Sunday, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbvs, Cincinnati apolis Railway, and Indian- Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. ("Tickets by this popular route for sale at all regular ‘T'cket Offices. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO, CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS. Commencing Sunday, November 18th, trains of the Bee Line—leveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indi apolis Kailway —will teave and arrive at Clevelant follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland time: Depart No. 1, Cineinnati & Columbus Express... No. 11, Indianapolis & Wheeling Expres No, 17, Special Columbus & Cincinnati Kx.. vecial Ind & St. Loms Express ot Cin. Ind. & St. Louis bxpr 7,Gallion & C.L & W. Ace... 40 PM Col, & Cin. & Ind. Expre lion &C.L.& WA 1, Louis & Indianapolis \ press d tare ter oat Ree Uiwil 6, Col Cing & Indianipolis Expres No, 4, Columbus & Cincinnati Express... No.10, Wheeling Express : } 1, Col., & N yst Li | both sexes, voung and old. New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. . Central or Ninetieth Meridien time, 38 minntes slow er than Cleveland city time Until further notice trains will leave from the new Central Depot, Sou.h Water sireet and Viaduct as fol- lows: 6.50 ATLANTIC EXPRESS—(Daily) Pull- FE a. ll. man sleeping and hotel coaches from Leavitts‘urgh 8:35 a.m. to New York, Albany and Boston without chang, Arrive at 10:40 a. m. (dinnvr) Franklin at 12:08 p. m, Oil City 12:30 p m, Corry 12.25 p. m, Jamestown (Luke Chautauqua) 1.35 p. m uffalo 5:50 p. m. «Rochester 6:20 p. m.; Hornelle- ville 6:00 p m [supper]; Corning 7:25 p. m, Elmire 8:05 p m. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albany ma. 2 1:45 p.m j arriving at New York 6:15 a. ) PI) Il LIMITED EXPREsS—Through Pull- ’ dD. + man slee| ing coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 6:30 p. m , Jumes- ‘own 8:47 p. m., Salamanca 9:45 p. m.; New York 10a, m. ‘ Nl NIGHT EXPRESS—(Daily' except H ’ « Sunday) Seep ng coach from Cleveland Horvellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at 1:50 a. m., Meadville 3:25 a. in., Corry 4:59 a. m. Jamestown 5,57 a. m, Buffalo 9:20 a.-m., Roches er 12:58 p, m., Hornelle. ville, 11:00 2 m_, Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira 12:40 p. m., Vinghampton 2:19 p m,, New York 9:16 p m. Knrive at Pittsburgh 5:50 a m., without change. 9:90 Nl PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — ‘ D. « Through without change, Parlor car ate tuched” Arrives at Youngstown 5.00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p.m., Washington 7:09 a. m , Baltimore 8:19 a. m. 41] F MAHONING — AO .MODATION — 1 D. » S'opping at all way s’auions, arriving at Youngstown 6:55 p. m., Sharon 8:0] p. m., Sharpeaville ‘8:10 p. m. ' PITTSBURGH | EXPRESS — Daily —, © 6:50 d. Ih. Through without charge Arrives” at Youngstown 9..30 a. m., Sharon 10:30a. m., Shai ville 10:40 a. m., Pit sburgh 1245p m., Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:15a m., 7:45 a. m., 12:55 p. m., and 3:45 p m 3 10 35 9 YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH ll ACOMMODATION—stopping at ‘all Way stations, arriving at Youngsiown 1:40 p. m.,Pitte- burgh. 5.45 p.m. : z rains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 a. m, 6: . mm. 10 20a m; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, sO Beit B@-This 1s the only route bs which sengers can reyeh Gory, Eimins, Binghumptn, ew York City and intermedinte points without change. to Boston and New Envland Cities, Be. Na cenanee Baggage checked through to all points East Thheugh uUckets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the office 13] Bank street, and atn w Depot of N. Y.,P &0 it R., South Water street ;end Niaduet, Cleveland, ne ‘ : . AKK, Gen’! Pass'r Ag’t Cleveland, O. J.M FERRIS, Gen’) Man’gr, ‘Cleveland, oO. M. L, FOU'TS, Passenger Agt, 13] Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! _ NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS. RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trua! is all new ne is supplied with the latest arpllaas necessary to safe speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenger trains anive ‘at and leave from the Union Derot, Van Buren street. Following is the time in effect Nov. 18, 1888, and un- til further natice: GOING EAST, Ly. Chicago... 7.47 a.m Arr. Valvarais 9.37 Fort Wayne. “ Green Springs 5 44 “« Bellevue Ly. Bellevue. Arr Cleveland. Ly, Cleveland. Arr Painesvill “ Ashtabula. Erie... Dunkirk,, Buffalo... Lv Buffalo... Agar Dunkirk ‘“« Erie... “ Painesvil Cleveland. Green Springs. . * Fostori F * Arcadia, West Leipsi New Haven. Fort Wayne Valpraiso, + Chicago... rt Trains run by the Ninetieth Meridian Time, which is nine minutes slower than Chicago time, twenty-eight minutes slower than Columbus time, thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time, forty-four minutes slower than Buffalo time, and sixty minutes slower than the Seventp-fifth Meridien time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B. F. LEVIS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cleveland, 0. Rocky River Accommodation departs at 6:20%a. m and 2:15 pm. = Euclid Accommodation departs at 7. pm. All trains daily except Sunday. GOL for the working class. Send ten cents for pos- taze and we will mail you free, a royal, vale ble box of sample goods that will put you in the of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We willstart you, You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to You ean sily earp from 50 cents to $5 every evening. Tha who want work may test the busine we make this unparalled offer; to all who are noi weil satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of w us. Full porticulars, direc- tions, ete,, sent fr ‘ortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to t-e work, Great suecess absolutely sure Don’t delay Start now. Address Stixson & Co, Portland, Maine aweek at be S66 An No risk. ( you want busines vouny vid work, with Ik. Hanuer HORNER, Gen’l Passenger Agent, 0am and 10:12 HP outtit rp. lay absolutely apital not required. Reader, if which persons of either sex, great pay all the time they uney, » for particulars to Portland, L& CO,

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