Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), February 7, 1884, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. ee 5 (Concluded from Ist page. ] It is reported that the name of the new steamer now being built at Clayton will be the Cape Vincent, : Two of the largest elevators in ‘Toronto were burned last Friday night, with 175,000 bushels of grain. Captain Hall of the tug Robb brings an action against Captain Hunter to recover $150. It appears that Robb was enguged to tow anumber of dredges to Presque Isle from Toronto, butin rough weather one of his scows went ashore at Port Darlington and Hunter refused to pay, hence the action. Itappears that the Dominion Salvage com- pany did not get paid for the services of Captain Donnelly in connection with the unloading of the sunken schooner Sam Cook, As the money was‘not torthcoming the case was put in Dr. Smythe’s hands, and he has seized the ore which wae taken out of the boat, and which is now lying at Brockville. The ore is valued at $1600 and is owned by Hall, of Ogdensburg, and the company’s claim amounts to $950. It appears that it was Captain Merriman who engaged Captain Donnelly, hence the difficulyy about the money. CHICAGO, Special to the Marine Record. William Harman, owner of the tug ‘Tom Brown, was fined $50 January 31st by Justice Foote for violating the smoke ordinance. The propeller Depere, of Goodrich’s win- ter line of steamers, arrived in Chicago from Manitowoc with a general cargo January 31+ The centre pier and abutments of Rush street bridge, will be rebuilt by Fitzsimons & Connell at their contract price of $53,500. Judge Drummond, appointed district judge ’ 34 years ago, will retire under the recent re, tiring act, which allows him full pay the rest of his life. A short time since there was argued before Judge Drummond in-the United States Cir- cuit Conrt, a motion for an injunction on a bill filed by the Goodrich ‘Transportation Company against the Peshtigo Company and the City of Chicago to restrain the Peshtigo Company from obstructing the northern pas- sage of the Illinois Central railroad bridge over the Chicago river, by mooring their large lumber barges at their dock, which forms the northern boundary of the northern passage of the bridge. Judge Drummond re- fused to grant the injunction at that time for One reason, among others, that he questioned | his jurisdiction because both the Goodrich ‘Transportation Company and the Peshtigo Company were citizens of the eame State— Wisconsin. Mr. W. C. Asay, solicito: for the Goodrich ‘Transportation Company, filed another and precisely similar bill in the United Scates Circuit Court against the Peshtigo Company, but making Albert E. Goodrich, who is a citizen of Illinois, com- plainant. In it Mr. Goodrich states that he is and has been for: over twenty yeara the owner of over four-fifths of the stock in the company and that he has devoted all his time during that period, and all of his ability, to the improvement and management of the business of the company, and has invested large sums therein to attain that end, aud that now his interest in the company isa very. valuable one, being worth over $400,- 000. He therefore asks for a perpetual in- junction to restrain the Peshtigo Company trom obstructing the bridge passage in ques- tion, In August, 1883, a judgment was recovered in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., in favor of Mra. Cornélia Hamilton, as administratrix with the will annexed of Elisha W. Ensign, against George W. Holt individually and as the surviving partner and as the executor ot Charles Ensign, deceased, for the sum of $617,000. Execution was immediately issued upon the judgment anda levy made upon one-half of the Marine Block in Buffalo which was sold under the execution for $75, 000; the propellers Cuba and Nebraska, of the Commercial Line of steamers, which line was owned by George W. Holt and the late Charles Ensign. The Cuba was sold for $90,000 and the Nebraska for $30,000. Be- fore a levy conld be made on the other steamers of the Commercial Line, being the propellers Scota. Russia, Ronaoke and Col- orado, they were assigned by George W. Holt to Isaae O. Crissh, the present Police Com- missioner of Buffalo, for the general benelit ot creditors, Karly in December following, pon ap= plication of Mrs, Hamilton on her judgment Judge Daniels, of the Supreme Court of Buffalo appointed F.L, Danforth, of the Bank of Attica, Butftalo, receiver of the propellers Russia, Scotia, Roanoke, and Colorado, pending a decision as to the valid- ity of the assignment to Crissy. Under this state of facts Mr, Danforth, the receiver as above, filed in the Cireuit Court of Cook County recently a Dill against James L. Beckwith, of Chicago, Issac O. Crissy, and George W. Holt individually, as surviving partner and executor of Charles Ensign, to set aside a mortgage given by Holt in the above capacities for $8,000 on the propeller Roanoke to James L. Beckwith under which he seized her ard advertised her forsale. In the bill itis charged that Holt had not the power under the will of Charles Ensign to make such a mortgage, and that the mortgage isa cloud upon the title of the receiver to the Roanoke. ‘The attorny for Mrs. Hamilton, Massrs. Roges, Locke & Milburn, of Buffalo, have made a proposition to M. C. Kneip, solicitor for George W. Holt, which if accepted by Holt and the Charles Ensign estate, will satisfy the whole of the $617,000 judgment by the transfer of the propellers Scotia, Russia, Roanoke, and Colorado to Mrs. Cornelia Hamilton, she also to retain the Cuba and Nebraska, which she has already purchased at the execution sale under her judgment. On her part Mrs. Hamilton is to ussign to Issac O. Crissy, as ussignee, her certificate of sale of the half ot the Marine Block in Buffalo, as well as the Ensign homestead in Buffalo, valued at over $50,000, and all other personal property belonging to the Charles Ensign estate and George W. Holt, consisting of stocks, bonds, mining properties, patents, etc. By this settlement, if made, all creditors of George W. Holt and the Ensign estate will be paid in full, and a residue equal to about $100,000 left to Holt and the Charles Ensign estate. In connection with this litigation some interesting facts may be given. George W. Holt was the uncle of Ensign, Charles En- sign, and Mrs. Cornelia Hamilton, nee En- sign. Early in the fifties Charles Ensign, who had been admitted as a member of the Buffalo bar, being a very bright and promis- ing young man, and the favorite of his uncle Hoit, was taken by him into his steamboat business and give an interest, becoming ina few years the head of the firm ot Ensign & Holt. Shortly thereafter Ensign & Holt started Elisha W. Ensign, a brother of Charles, in business as a contractor, and assisted him financially up to within a few years of his death, they being consulted in all of his matters. E. W. and Charles En- sign afterward built the Cleveland viaduct, as well as thousands of miles of railroad through the Kast. ‘hey were interested jointly in a large number of other matters. Late in the fifties Elisha’s wife obtained a divorce from him, but married him, again during the war ofthe rebellion, She again obtained a divorce from him, but they were agait. married. She again in the seventies petitioned for a divorce, which action was pending at the time of Ensign’s death. In making his will Elisha W. Ensign made his sister, Mrs. Cornelia Hamilton, his sole devisee. Shortly atter his death his wife gave birth toa child, which died in infancy. After the judgment of $617,000 was obtained by Mrs. Hamilton, the widow of Elisha W. Ensign petitioned the Surrogate Court of Erie County, N. Y., to set, aside his will, claiming that the posthumous child was his sole heir, and that she as the mother was the only legal heir of the child and entitled to his estate. A hearing was had and her prayer refused, but the matter is still pend- ing on an appeal to the Supreme Court ot New York. The matter of the bill of Danforth, re- ceiver, against Captain J. L. Beckwith, to restrain the sale of the propeller Roanoke, came up again before J udge Drummond in the United States Circuit Court February bth. Mr. Franklin D, Lock, of the well- known Buffalo law firm of Rogers, Lock & Milburn, was also present on behalf of the receiver, and asked for a four weeks’ stay of proceedings, but refused to deposit the $10,- 000 required by Judge Drummond for a re- lease of the Roanoke. Judge Drummond re- fused to grant the stay of proceedings, and ordered Captain Beckwith to advertise the propeller over again for sale. Leave was | given to amend the bill of the receiver so a8 to charge Beckwith’s knowledge of the in- solvency of the Commercial fine at the time of taking his mortgage, and a wotion will probably be again made for an injunction on the bill as amended prior tothe sale of the vessel. The Roanoke will be advertised for the sule at her dock here at 3 p.m. on the 16th inst., subject to all admiralty liens. Captain Beckwith is represented in this by M. C. Kneip and Leonard Swett.—Jnter Ocean, BUFFALO, Dan A. Christy of Duluth, agent for the Lake Superior Transit Line, isin Buffalo consulting with the owners of the line in regard to next season’s business. R. Mills & Co. bave sold the steambarge on the stocks in their yard to M. J. Cum- mings, Captain Patrick Griffin and Captain Wm. Griffin, all of Oswego, for $96,500, com- pleted. Mr. Cummings’ was fortunate enough to lose last season several of his canal schooners which were insured. ‘This ‘class of veesel is worth but little nowadays, being too small for profitable service. ‘The steamer in question is 250 feet long, thirty- five feet in beam and twenty-three in the hold She is double decked and will carry abeut 1,700. She will have a compound engire with cylinders of 26 and 48 inches and 42 inches stroke, and steel boilers each 8 by 16 feet. She isin frame and ceiled, ready for the iron strapping, and will be finished by the opening of the next season, Captain Patrick Griffin, who was in the schooner Leadville for some years, will command the new craft..The sale was made through Rogers & Brown. ‘ MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record. Wolf & Davidson are building a schooner length of keel, 164 feet; breadth of beam, 33 feet; depth of hold, 12 feet. She will havea raised floor with extra floor timbers and futtocka up tothe bilge. Her frames will be soaked in hot brine and she will be iron strapped. She will be specially built to earry grain to Canada and bring back cedar. Her capacity is to be 15,000 cedar ties, 32,- 000 bushels of wheat, or 900 tons of ore. They are also doing general repairs on the schooners Reed Case and Waukesha and the wrecking tug Leviathan. PORT HURON. Captaing Cowan and Hutchinson have pur- chased the schooner Young America. Captain W. F. Morley’s large steamer, now in process of construction at his docks at Marine City, promises to be a magnificent vessel. She will be 250 feet long, 38 feet beam and 22 feet hold, and will cost about $100,000. : Captain Frank Hebner and Mr. W. F. Botsford’ have purchased a halt interest in the steamer F. J. Dunford. Captain Merriman has undertaken to open a channel across the St. Lawrence at Brock- ville, for the car ferrics, and he’ll do it. The Algomah, Captain L. R. Boynton, broke her wheel in the ice while crossing the straits to St. Ignace on Monday, and now lies helpless in the ice. A gentleman connected with the river traffic. told a Commercial scribe this week that he had lived in this city for forty years, and that never in all that time was the ice in the St. Clair as thick as it is this winter. Captain John Buzzard will sail the schooner L. L. Lamb. The steambarge Alcona will be com- manded by Captain Chamberlain, of St. Clair. The schooner Snow Drop, lying near Well’s mill, is loaded with hay for Com- stock & Co., of Alpena, and will leave port as soon as navigation opens, with Captain Geo. Buzzard still to the fore —Commercial. PORT ARTHUR. The steambarge J. S.Severns has been purchased by Walter Ross & Co., of Port Arthur, Canada; price $12,000. She is to be used as a passenger boat. Mer upper ‘orks will be entirely remodeled before she leaves for the north.” BAY CITY. The steambarge Montgomery, which has been for years under the command of Cap- tain Swartout, of Algonac, has been repaired to the value of 85,000 in the drydovk here, and is now in good condition for the opening of navigation, SANDUSKY. The of the stenmer Hayes, lying at this port, is being overhauled and machinery repaired, and the boat is being strengthened by the addition of a number of timbers. OWEN SOUND. The C. P. R. Co, are erecting a large elevator and other buildings at Owen Sound, which is to be made the shipping point in- stead of Algoma Mills, ‘I'he company Have already begun laying down their spring freight. Captain John MeNabb will sail the Campana, and Neil Campbell, late mate, will take charge of the City of Owen Sound this year, Captain Anderson takes one ot the C. P. R. boats. . SAULT STE, MARIE. The suitef Emma Clinton, of Saginaw, agalnet Root & Miller for $10,000 damages for having her leg broken while getting off their boat resulted in a verdict of no cause of action, A new pump has been put aboard the Argyle. It was made by Mr. P. M. Moore: DULUTH. Captain E, E. Napier has gone to Mil- waukee, where he is endeavoring to pur- chase a large steamer for the Agate Bay route. : Captain John B. Haycock, of Winnipeg isin the city. Captain Haycock is one of the best known steamboat men in the North- west and during the past season has been sailing the fast steamer Northwest on the. route between Winnipeg and Brandon. He formerly commanded the Centennial on the Mississippi. New ribs have been put in the tug Nellie Cotton in place of those broken at the time she was wrecked. ‘Two rows of iron plates have already been put on and riveted and several patches made near her keel. ‘I'he present work will make..her nearly as good us she ever was and will cost about enough to buy anew tug. New upper works and machinery will be put in and by spring she will be ready for use. The U.S. Coast survey schooner Drift, ly- ing at the New York navy yard, isto replace her present windlass with a Providence iron pump brake windlass from the Amerie van Ship Windlass Company. ‘The steamer Knickerbocker, of the Cromwell Line, is al- s0 to replace her present windlass with a. Providence steam windlass of the new style, sameas put on the steamer Hudson, of the same line, last year. LIFE RAFT. Mr. David Kabnweiler, the inventor and manufacturer of the world-wide known Neversink Cork Life Jackets; has invented a life raft, combining as he claims, the qual- ities of very great buoyancy, extreme light- ness, durability and simpicity, which can be sold at less money than any other life raftin the market at the present time. It has been submitted to the board of supervisirg inspec- tors, now in session at Washington, for ap- proval, which being obtained, he will at once begin their manufacture on a large scale,— Nautical Gazette. MARINE DIRECTORY. We have now in course of preparation a complete and comprehensive guide to the shipping interests of the great lakes. The large amount of capital invested, and the importance of the various interests ene gaged in the lake navigation of the United States and Canada, warrant the publishers in the belief that a reliable work containing full information regarding these important matters, will be of great service to all those engaged in trade on the great lake system. The work will contain a complete list of all vessels navigating the lakes, arranged alphabetically, and showing the name, class or rig, tonnage, trade, where and when built, and by whom, port of hail, owner’s name, ete,, carefully compiled from official sources and corrected to the latest date, Also a noe tice of every port on Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior, and their connecting rivers, showing their situation, population, principal directory of all inter= ests connected with navigation that are lo-~ cated at that port, viz.: the names of all ves- sel owners, shipping agents, ship brokers, marine insurance companies and their agents, marine reporters, shipbuilders, ship chandlers, sail makers and riggers, block and tackle makers, ship smiths, ete., and of all trades connected with the shipping in- terests in all their branches, In addition lists will be given showing all custom houses and customs officers, United States Revenue cutters, marine hospitals and surgeons, and the regulations pertaining thereto; lights and lighthouses and the keepers thereof; docks, wharves, drydocks, life saving distiiets and stations, signal serve ice stations, customs tariffs, distance of yvae rious porta, etc., ete., forming in fact, a coms plete epitome of information relating to the | navigation interests of the great lakes. The patronage of all interested is respeet= | fully solicited, HW... Pork & Co., publishers, Tribune buiiding, Detroit, Mieh, i

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