THE MARINE RECORD. tO EUROPE IN FOUR DAYs. Mr. A. M. G, Sebillot proposes to construct asteamer which Will accomplish the above result, New York Commercial Bulletin de- scribes him asa well-known French engi- neer with a large scientitic experience. French engineers are a trifle given to the poetry of finance, as those who have eub- scribed for shares in De Lesseps’ Panama Canal are certain to find out, Mr, Sebillot’s idea consists simply in adapting to ocean navigation, ona more acute and longer scale, the idea which models the North river steam. ers and New York City terryboats. It is that of having virtually two bulls, a lower and an upper, the lower in the center to be deep, long, narrow, and at the bows very sharp, reducing the angle forward by the line of the bows where they cut the water with the line ef the yessel’s motion from one of fifteen degrees, 18 now, to even three de- grees, ‘I'he lower hill will thus preserve a width from stem to stern of only a third of the width of the upper hull, and the latter will either be cut ot water, or, When the ves- sel is deeply laden, will barely rest upon the water. ; The following specifications are offered for an ocean steamer designed to obtain the maximum speed possible with the same dis- placemeut as that of the most recent large steame’s, say 12,000 tons: Total length of the lower hull 670 feet. Length of the upp:r hull 536 feet. Breadth of the lower hul 34 feet. | Breadth of the upper bull 100 fe Length of the protruding prow 134 feet. Depth of the Jower bull 18 feet. . Draft of the upper hull.. 7 feet. Cross-section immersed lov 550 sq. ft. Cross-section immersed, upper hull, 484 sq ft, Cross-section immersed, touu 1,03 47 q. ft, Total displacemeni ........ 000 runs. Angles of the lo hull on f bow 3 deg, the horizontal is... | Stern 4 deg. Angles of the upper hull on the horizontal 3 deg. Motive power... 3 ansnee ste aacesa se .. 20,000 horse. As compared with the. newest fast steam- ers, with 10,000 horse power, 1,200 feet im- mersed cross-section, and running. twenty knots per hour in calm water, the calcula- tions show that a speed of thirty-two knots will be obtainable, and possibly thirty-five knots. It follows’ that such a vessel could cross the ocean, in calm water, from New York to Europe, in about four days, This is by no means an extravigant sup- position, as the fineness of the lines is out of comparison with the usual lines fn fast steam- ers, and can be compared only with those of some fine race-boats renowned for their speec, and built either shallow and wide or narrow and deep, the new type partaking ot both these principles and carrying them to the utmost. It is possible experience might show that the shape of the prow will cause such a.vessel to be much less influenced by rough weather than the ordinary shape. A vessel of the above dimensions could have accommodation for 1,500 passengers, each one being provided with a separate state-room, and the saloon accommodation being on far greater dimensions than any- thing hitherto attempted. The treight capacity could be 1,500 tons for summer business snd 3,500 tons for winter. As tothe speed of such a vessel the in- - ventor claims that, assuming such a steamer as the Oregoh to make twenty kuote an hour, then taking the Oregon’s area of cross-section doubling the motive power, the resistance in his model being reduced between one-half and one-third, the speed of this vessel can be increased in the ratio of the cubic root of four to one, which would give.a possible speed of thirty-two or even thirty-five knots per hour, reducing the time between New ‘York and Europe to four days. A very numerous constituency will wish Mr. Sebillot’s experiment great success. Its effect would be to give rise to an order of purely passenger steamers, leaving the treight business to steamers essentially of the now prevailing models. 7 THE TERM “OUTWARD BUSINESS” IN CHARTER PARTIES. A Pennsylvania court has recently made a definition of the term “outward business” found in the charter parties that will some- what startle ship brokers, ‘The definition was given by a judgein a jury trial. A ves- sel was chartered to take a cargo from an Italian port to Philadelphia, and according to the terms of the charter party was to em- ploy at port of destination a certain firm of ship brokers “tor ship’s inward and outward business and) pay usual charges, under a penalty of fitty pounds Br, sterling fine.” The vessel arrived at Philadelphia and the firm mentioned in the charter party attend- ed to the entry of the vessel at the custom house, collected the freight and did all the work relative to the inward business of a vessel. ‘The shipmaster secured an outward freight for his vessel through another firm of ship bookers, and this firm received the commission for obtaining the charter. The first firm thereupon deducted titty pounds sterling from the inward freight: money, Claiming that it was due them as a penalty for fuking awny from them the ‘outward business” which they were trying to obtain forthe vessel, The dispute was carried in- to court for settlement. The judge in the case held that “Soutward business” simply meant clearing the vessel at the custom house and services connected with such work. ‘The tine he held to bea penalty whieh threw upon the brokers the burden of showing the actual damage which they suffered through not doing this ‘out- ward business.’? ‘Tbe interpretations made by the brokers und the judge are of course entirely different. ‘he brokers inferred that the clause gave tu them the privilege of securing an outward cargo for the vessel upon which they would earn a commi-sion, aud that in case this privilege was taken trom them they would be entitled to dam- ages Which would be collected by the pen- alty mentioned in the charter party. It possibly never occurred to them that ‘out. ward business’? meant anything else than this, especially in view of the general cus- tom in regard to to the charges for the work of entering and clearing at the custom house, vessels consigned to ship brokers and and agents. ‘They felt convinced, no doubt, that the clause in the charter party insured to them the outward chartering of the ves- sel ‘This saine clause has made many other brokers fee] just as comfortable und caused them to look upon the eflorts of rival bro- kers without fear. But the judge, it will be seen, takes no such view. He places the clause in an entirely different aspect and one that is certainly very sensible. He proba- bly based his interpretation of the outward business upon the class of work carried out in perforining the inward business. This work consisted simply in entering toe ves- sel at the custom. house and collecting the freight money. There was nothing in it connected with procuring cargo. ‘The ves- sel was to’ pay usual charges and as there was no ontward freight money to collect the work would be performed when ‘the clear- ance was obtained. The clause must stand. by itself and asa whole. ‘Taken as a whole, therefore, one part is. explanatory, of the other and the judge’s interpretation is the natural one. This will not be satisfying to those who see little of profit in attending to custom house work and who depend for business upon the right to secure the outward charter, ‘They who depend upon a clause worded like the above to secure them this right should see to it that the intent is more plainly ex- pressed in the future. It is possible thatan interpretation more in accord with that set up by the ship brokers in the ease may be made by another court, but the weakness in the clause “outward business’ as a guaran- tee of having charge of chartering the ves- sel is obvious. Charter parties are always of course to be liberally construed. The usage of trade and the intent to be gathered from the language of each charter are al- ways to be guides also, but as the parties in the above mentioned suit will give opposing testimony in regard to the usage regarding “outward business,” it is very probable that usage in such cases is not much of a guide. Maritime Register. THE OILED OCEAN. ‘The patented system by which Mr. Shields, of Perth, smoothes the broken surface of the sea is at the present moment being put up- on its trials at the entrance to Folkestone Harbor. ‘The chairman and directors of the Southeastern Railway Company have grant- ed the use of their pier to Mr. Shields for his experiments. -On the eastern side of the pier, where the entrance to the harbor is situated, a leaden pipe 1,0C0 feet in length has already been Jaid along the bottom of the sea. The pipe is furnihsed with a series of iron branches about two feet in length and some geventy feet apart. Each branch terminates in a valve and a brass rose like that of a watering-pot. The main leaden pipe is connected at its shore end with a Jorce-pump placed:on the pier. By means of the force-pump oil is driven through the leaden pipes and out of the small perfora- tions in the roses, ‘I'he oil then rises in mi- nute globules to the surface and rapidly spreads over a wide area. Monday morning a brisk easterly breeze and a strong tide made it rough enough to cause some hesita- tion as to sending the patentee’s steambarge out of the harbor. For the first time, there- fore, the virtues of the apparatus were test- ed. Some fifteen or twenty gallons ot cheap- est rock-oil (6d per gallon) were speedily pumped into the troubled waters. ‘The ef- fect was magical. In half an hour there was not a sign of broken water between the pier-head and Copt Point. The barge came off to the western side of the pier in smooth water. A curious fact was the permanence of the result obtained. Though. a very strong tide was running to the eastward, yet this small quantity of oil kept its origi- nal position for nearly two hours. Mr. Shields 18 now laying down a shorter length of pipe (460 yards) to the westward of the pier, where the foree of the waves is nuch greater. Experiments will then be tried on a larger scale on the next oceasion that heavy gales visit the co: The mortar and oil shells, Which are also inventions of Mr. Shields, are ready on the pier for this oppor- tunity.—London Pall Mall: Gazette. ae epee MARINE PAPERS IsSUEKD UNDER A BILL OF SALE, . The Secretary of the Treasury has made y roling that where av 1 has been eon- demned ina State court in an action in rem, and sold under the judgment, if the vendee presents «proper bill of sale under section 4,193, Revised Statutes, the collector should not decline to issue marine papers on each bill of sale because in bis opinion the State court has tiken admiralty jurisdiction ina ease Which could only de brought in a dis- trict court inthe United States. | STATE ALD ‘TO SHIPBUILDING, The United States 1s notthe only country which has suffered from the encroachment of Great Britain upon its merchant marine. The Austrian consul at Milan shows that of from Italian ports by steam vessels 2,133,133 British fag. Of the steam movement in Bel- covered by the Belgium flag, while that of England monopolizes the balance. * The Freeh flag only covers 40 per cent. of the steam wovement of cargo to and from French ports, and the consul says, referring to these tacts, that the preponderance of us to encroach upon the portion of every European State. ‘The interest on capital for maritime u-es is less in Great Britain than on the continent of Europe. She has also an advantage over other nations in the cheap- ness of coal and shipbuilding materials In discussing this subject the consul declares that Italy, France, Germany and Austria have each tried the free ship policy without beueficial results. This is the policy which tree traders are so anxious to have this country adopt, and how much better, we miay ask, willit succeed in our ease than in that ot others. England has built ap her merchant marine through State aid, and un- til this policy is adopted by the United States our carrying trade will remain in the hands British vessel owners. ‘Ihe consul very properly says that where there is no ship- building people there can be no sea-going people. History does not furnish an exam- ple to the contrary. trade, we must engage in shipbuilding in- stead of buying vessels abroad. Flourishing DEA & COo., BOAT BUILDERS, ‘Patent Yaw! Boats of all Lengths on Hand, 2,904,969 tons of merchandise carried to and] pLeasuRE AND HUNTING BOATS, SAIL AND STEAM YACHTS; ALSO, tons were moved by steamers carrying the| Life Boats that Pass Government Inspection and Cost Less than any Life Boat in U. 8S, A. gium ports only 22.9 per vent of cargo is] FAOT OF ST, AUBIN-ST.. DETROIT, MICH, N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, Great Britain in the carrying trade is such | PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETO, 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. A Valuable Discovery for supplying Magnetism to the Hu man System. Electricity and Magnetism utiliced as never before for Healing the Sick. THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO,’S Magnetic Kidney Belt * FOR MEN IS WARRANTED 10 CURE tne Motiowing diseases without medicine:—PaIN IN THE BACK, HIPS, HEAD OB It, then, we hope to be LIMBS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LUMBAGO, GENERAL DEBIL~ a maritime people, and retain our carrying | IY, RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, SPINAL DISEASKS, TORPID LivER, Gout, Seminal Emissions, Impotency, Asthma, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipa- shipyards says Consul Crain, levy a tribute | tion; Erysipelas, Indigestion, Hernia or Rup- upon the skill, labor, and resources of a country, and direct its attention and, ener- ture, Catarrh, Piles, Epilepsy, Dumb Ague, ete. When any debility of the GENERATIVE OR-~ GANS occurs, Lost Vitality, Lack of Nerve Foroe gies to sea-going eaterprises as nothing else | and Vigor, Wasting Weakness, and all those Dis- van, ‘This Is the view now taken of the mat- ter by Italian statesmen, and their aim is to eases of a personal nature. from whatever cause, the continnous stream of Magnetism permeating through the parts, mus! restore them to a healthy action. There infuse life and vigor into shipbuilding estab- | is no mistake about this appliance. lishmentes. It was to this end that the par- liamentary commission recommended that the government, should hereafter have all| Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration of the. war sbips built by Italians, and the motive machinery construzted in the machine shops of the country. ommended the granting of large premiums for the construction of iron and steel steam- ships, and that the minister of marine should be empowered to augment the premiums for steamships built »pon plans to fit them for war purposes, a system of subsidies, and it is quite as im- portant that the United States should be as liberal in granting aid in building up an American commercial marine as it has been in granting suosidies to transcontinental lines of railway. It is claimed thatiron and steel vessels can be constructed nearly as cheaply here England, and_ it only re- quires fair treatmeut and the modernizing of our antiquated navigation laws to place the American flag once more in the ascend- ant on the great ocean highways.—Leader. QUALIFICATIONS OF A SEA COOK. From the Century tor February we ex- tract the following: ‘Asea cook is a pecu- liar character, requiring. a special training. He must know how to prepare a sea hash out of asalt horse flavored with onions, in- crusted with the variegated browns of ma- hogany, and savory enough to create an ap- petite in a stomach that the tossing waves have rendered as sensitive as the needle ina compuss, He must also understand how to make an eatable bread, and take his duff out of the kettle on Sunday as lightas cotton and as delicate as sponge cake. Besides thia, he must know how to economize in the use of water and provisions, and more difficult yet, he must contrive to keep the crew sat- istied with the mess he cooks for them, while at the same time he looks out sharply for the interests of his employer and the captain. He must also be proof against the worst weather and undeviatingly punctual to the hours of nieals, It goes without saying that it Is not an easy thing to find such a paragon in the galley, but when he is there he is, next to the captain, by far the most important character on board. FOR SALE SIEAMBARGE DAISY DAY. Length 112 feet, beam 21 feet, depth of hold 8 feet; engine 16x18; good steaming boiler 5 feet in diameter, 10 feet long, Carrying capacity 130 M pine lumber, or 100 cords of wood, or 7:00 bush wheat. Address, CAPTAIN JOHN ANDERSON, 134 North Center Avenue, Chicago, Il. FOR SALE, DTEAMBARGE MILWAUKEE, Her length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. 10 feet 10inches. Boiler 17 feet long, 7 feet diameter; three flues, two 16 inch and one I7-inch. Engine 22x42. Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 11 miles light, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, $15,300. Ad* dress MARINE RECORD Office, No.2 South Water street, Cleveland, O DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. | DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio 10 THE LADIES 1 f you are afflicted with : .""tame Back, Weakness of the Spine, Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhea, Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irrezular Menstrua- tion, Barrenness, and Change of Life, this is The same commission rec- | the Best Appliance and Curative Agent known. For all forms of Female Difficulties itis unsur- passed. by anything betore invented, both as a curative agent and as a Byurce of power and vitalization, Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles, $10, cent by express C, 0. )., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send. measure ot waist, and size of shoe, Remittance ean be made in France has already adopted | currency, sent in letter at our risk. The Mugneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, not next to the body like the many Galvanic and Electric Humbugs advertised so extensively, and should be taken off at night. They hold their POWER FOREVER, and are worn at all seasons of the year. ” Send stamp for the ‘‘New Departure in Medical treat- meus eee Medicine,” with thousands of testd- monials. : THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO,, 218 State Street, Chicago, DL Nore.—Send one dollar in postage stamps or curren- cy, in letter at our risk, with size of shoe Usually worn, andtry our Magnetic Insoles, and be convince of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively no cold feet when they are worn, or mone refunded. 2 : pid Hooker, Crittenden & Co, Grain, Commision, VEssEL BROKERS, DULUTH, MINN. Vesselmen sHoOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts - —ON Seamen, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Registry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. The yolumn is handsomely bound in stif’ Board covers, and tine English cloth binding. Hooks of this kind generally cost $3.00, but we will send it to an. address, postage paid for $1,00, or with the MARIN RECORD for one year, both for only $3.00. Address MARINE RecorD. Cleveland 0. Capt. D. S. Webster VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Chartering and Fr-ighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty. No. 64 Woodbridge Street Detroit, Michigan ONSUMPTION. *T havea positive remedy for the above disease; by its uso thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long Btanding have beoncured. Indeed, sostrong is my faith in eomicecy that I willeend TWO ROPERS FREE, togethor with a VAL. UABLE TREATISE on this disease, to ony sufferer, Give Ex- vress & P, O, address, DK, T, A, SLOCUM, 181 Pearl Bt., N. Ye