6 THE MARINE RECORD. CAPTAIN OTTINGER’S PROPHECY. Captain D, P. Dobbins, superintendent of the ninth United States Lite Saving District, ina letter to the Erie Herald, says: My attention has been called to an article in your paper of January 21, 1884, headed “Captain Ottinger’s Prophecy,” which, being full of Misstatements and erroneous conclusions and well calculated to cast discredit and un- just reflections on the life saving service to which | have the honor of belonging, I claim the right ard privilege of vindication through your columns, ‘These misstatements are as follows: Ist. That Captain Ottinger’s mortar was used in throwing a line to the ship Georgia ashore on the Jersey coast some thirty years ago, 2d. That Captain Ottinger, in connection with Robert P. Parrott, inveuted a mortar in 1877, by which a line could be thrown a distance of 754 yards in ordinary weather and 500 yards in the severest gale known on the coast. 3d. ‘That, owing to the ineflicient manage- ment of the life saving service, many lives have been lost which might’ have been suved by means of the life saving implements and appliances. whieh have been placed in the hands of the Government for many years past, and which have been set aside by the present manayers of the service to gratify a spirit of jealousy and suppress from public knowledge the credit due to the-inventor of these appliances, Captain Douglas Ottinger, 4th. ‘hata breeches buoy, suitable only for the English cliffs where the wreck is far below the rescuing party has been substi- tuted for the life car, making it almost cer- tain death for any one to come ashore dur- ingastorm. And thata toy gun (Lyle’s), suitable only for a boy’s Fourth of July cel- ebration, has been substituted for the heavy Ottinger mortar for throwing lines to dis- tresse’l vessels; and which last substitution was demonstrated at a cost of fourteen hu- man lives from the British barkentine Elmi- na, onthe Jersey coust, January 8, 1884, thiough the failure of that gun to throw a line over that vessel,-although but 300 yards trom the beach. Sth. ‘That the piece of ordnance con- demned by Captain Ottinger, (Lyle gun,) failed to throw a line on board the steamer Fred Mercur, ashore on the Erie Peninsula, November 13, 1883, though only 400 yards from the shore. 6th. That Captain Ottinger invented, pat- in safety and without ever losing a single life, The life-car, bearing many vital improve- ments over the original Francis-Ottinger life-car of 1849, has been chosen by keepers as suitable for service at three wrecks and landed seventy-four persons in safety during the five years just past. The Ottinger sand tires for wagon wheels, with my own “detachable improvements,” were on my recommendation constructed at the Government expense and placed in service ut the Erie life saving station, some three years azo; and having failed to obtain an op- portunity to test thelr merits in actual ser- vice at that station, the “Board on Lite: Savy- saving Appliances,’? undertook to make a practical or experimental test on the sands of the Erie Peninsula, September 5, 1883, which, owing in part to the damp condition of the sand was not satistactory. ‘The tired wheels were then ordered to the Jersey coast, where they are now being put into actual sand beach service, the result of which will be reported hereafter, The charge that the destruction of four- teen lives on the bark Elmina is due to the inefliciency of the Lyle gun in failing to throw a line 300 yards to the wrecked vessel eannot be sustained; as the facts, disclosed are, that the Lyle gui threw three different lines over the vesses,..wo of which slipped off the rigging and yards and were revoy- ered, while the third was caught by the ill- ated crew with a loud cheer, the whip hauled.off and made fast with the bight around the toreyard, which of ceurse cut off all possibility of using it; then, a rising tide, with freshening gale, following, swept the last vestige of the ship with her living freight out of reach or sight-of mortal, and eight pog souls were humbered with the dead. . As to the attempt to firea No. 9 braided shot line 550 yards or more, in teeth of-a hur- ricane and blinding snow storm to the un- seen and stranded steamer Fred Mereur, No- vember 15, 1883, guided only by the sound of the steamer’s whistle, it will never be known how far beyond or how much short those two shots came of reaching that vessel. No eprouvette mortar or Parrott-Ottinger gun could have done better than the Lyle gun did on that occasion. The shot most probably fell beyond the wreck. The charge that life-saving appliances invented by Captain Ottinger and by him presented to the Government have been set aside by the present managers of the service. : with thetobject of excluding and suppressing ented, and three yeare ago built sand wheels by means of which the heaviest ‘appliances of the lite saving service could be transport- ed quickly and without fatigue to the crew toany distance over the loosest sands of the beach; and which wheels were presented to the Government by the inventor, and urged to be put into immedi- ate use; but which, to this day, have not been permitted to do service. PER CONTRA, The indisputable facts as to the above mis- statements are as follows: 1st. There was nosuch thing in existence as mortar or gun designed or constructed by Captain Ottinger when the ships Georgia or Ayershire went ashore on the Jersey coast over thirty years ago. The mortar that threw the shot line to each of those ships, from which over 400 lives were saved, was the old- fashioned eprouvette, - twenty-four-pound round shot gun, with which each lite saving station has been supplied from the begin- ning. 2d. In the years of 1877-78 Robert P. Par- rott, of the West Point foundry, designed, and under Captain Ottinger’s superintend- ence, constructed an experimental gun or mortar weighing 538 pounds, which in a pri- vate trial, with favorable wind and clear weather (it is claimed by Captain Otiinger,) threw a thirty-three-pound projectile, with a small “last resort” shot line attached, some 631 yards; which gun Parrott patented as his own invention, and on Captain Ottinger’s recommendation sold to the Government for the life saving service, and which was im- mediately placed in service at a life saving station on Cape Cod, where it performed its Jirst and last service at the wreck of the schooner Sarah G. Fort, on Peaked Hill Bar, April 4, 1879, at.d where it utterly failed, in several trial-, to carry a line, large or small, the required distance of 440 yards to the wreck, and lives were lost in consequen¢e. Very naturally the Parrott-Ottinger gun, after this disastrous failure, was ‘laid aside” as not suitable for the life saving service, 3d. In the year 1879, at the request of the general superintendent of the life saving service, 8. I. Kimball, and by permission of the ordnance department of the United States Army, Lieutenant 1). A. Lyle, U.S. A., produced a bronze gun, weighing only 165 pounds, which, on official trial, threw a seventeen-pound projectile, with a No. 9 braided shot line attached, 67424 yards, measured distance, which gun, proving to be superior in portability, range, safety and durability, to the old eprouvette mortar and the later Parrott-Ottinger heavy gun or mortar, was adopted by the Government and immediately placed in service in each and every life saving station in the country, where it has been successfully used during the five years of its existence, at 87 wrecks without failing to reach and relieve. The breeches buoy has been chosen and used by the life saving crews, in preference to the life-car, to do service at eighty-two wrecks and brought 713 human beings ashore from public knowledge the credit due to the ‘inventor of those implements, cannot be sustained; and every station in the United States life saving service has for the last tive years been supplied with the life-car, ‘he breeches buoy, the eprouvette mortar; and the Lyle gun; which, in conneetion with their surf-boats, each and every keeper of the stations are permitted to use, in case of wreck, as, in their own good judgment, they may see proper. Finally, as to the fling that the general superintendent of the life-saving service “is merely a clerk in the Treasury Department,’ and being amere ‘‘land-lubber,” has no knowledge of his own regarding the wants of the service, I have to say that after eight years’ service under his management, I have yet to discover the first error of judgment on his part with reference to the life saving service. §. I. Kimball has made the success of the life saving service the study of his life, and given his personal attention to the in- spection and management of the stations and crews, as well as the office in Washington. And it would trouble the “senior captain’ or any other revenue marine or naval offi- cer that I have ever met (and I have meta few) to keep pace with our practical general superintendént in inspecting stations, crews and apparatus, or in drilling the men in the use of tie Deach and mortar apparatus—the management of the surf boat, the resuscita- tion of the apparently drowned, the swim- ming to the relief of drowning persons, and the use of the international code of signals— in all of which he is wonderfully proficient. ToS, I. Kimball, the country owes a debt of gratitude for his suceessful reorganization of the life-saving service and its attendant happy results. With the aid of the board of life-saving appliances (composed of such able, practica] men as Captains R. B. Forbes, Garrison, and Baby, ot the merchant marine service; Captain Merryman and Lieutenant Walker, ot the revenue marine service; Cap- tain D. A. Lyle, United States army ord- nance department; twovof the life-saving district superintendents, and one station keeper), the general superintendent has been enabled to select and adopt for the ser- vice the lacest approved inventions and ap- pliances for the saving of life from among a world of good, bad, indifferent and clap- trap offerings of ingenious inventors, which have been offered for the consideration of the board; and now presente to the conntry the best organized, the best equipped, and the most effective life-saving service in the world; as attested by the late London Fish- eries and Life Saving Exposition with its gold medal, and by the still more eloquent fact that whereas, before the service was re- organized by Mr. Kimball, one person out ot every twenty-nine persons on. wrecked veasels were lost on our const; now the av. erage is less than one person lost out of every 118 wrecked; or, a decrease of nearly 75 percent. What more convincing proof could be given ot the wonderfully increased efMiciency of this branch of public service ? Without Medicine. A Valuable Discovery for supplying Magnetism to the Hu man System, Electricity and Magnetism utilized as never before for Healing the Sick. THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO,’S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS RRANTED 1 CUR Or MonrY REFUNDED, WA the following diseases without medicine:—PaIN IN THE BACK, HIPS, HEAD OR LIMBS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LUMBAGO, GENERAL DEBIL~ ITY, RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, SPINAL DISEASKS, TORPLD LIVER, Gout, Seminal Emissions, Impotency, Asthma, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion; Erysipelas, Indigestion, Hernia or Rup- ture, Catarrh, Piles, Epilepsy, Dumb Ague, etc. When any debility of the GENERATIVE OR- GANS occurs. Lost Vitality, Lack of Nerve Force and Vigor, Wasting Weakness, and all those Dis- eases of a personal nature, from whatever cause, Lhe continuous stream of Magnetism permeaing through the parts, must restore tuem to a healthy action. ‘there is no mistake about this appliance. l ' f you are afflicted with 10 THE LADIES a"""Lame Back, Weakness of the Spine, Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhea, Chronic Inflaxymation and Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irre,;ular Menstrua- tion, Barrenness, and Change of Life, this is the Best Appliance and Curative Agent known. For all forms of Female Difficulties itis unsur- passed by anything betore invente:, both as a curative agent and as a source of power and vitalization, Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles, $10, sent by express C, O. D., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send measure ot waist, and size of shoe, Remittance can be made in currency, sent in letter at our risk, : The Migneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, not next to the body like the many Galvanic and Electric Humbugs advertised so extensively, and should be taken off at night. They hold their POWER FUREVER, and are worn at all seasons of the year. Send stamp for the ‘‘New Departure in Medical treat- ment Withont Medicine,” with thousands of testi- monials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO,, 218 State Street, Chicago, Il. Nore.—Serd one dollar in postage stamps or currem cy, in letter at our risk, with size of shoe usually worn, andtry our Magnetic Tnsoles, and be convinoed of the ower residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. gsitively no cold feet when they are worn, or money refunded. CONSUMPTION. ®I haves positive remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have beencured. Indeed, sostrong is my faith inti efficacy, that I willeend TWO Bi 'LES F! together with a VA! “DISEASE CURED | SAIS EGhithae Be aeatSaa ae RE TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE 8HORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing Sunday, November 18, at 12 0’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper and twenty- eight mtnutes slower than the time heretofore in use (Columbus time) by these roads. Eastward. | Arrive. | Depart. *1 07 AM) “1 22a mM “6 *7 02 AM Buffalo Accommodation, N'Y & B Fast Express, Cin.& St. Louis Express. Conneaut Accommodati: Nottingham (Sunday only Night Express 7 Westward. Fast Limited Express, PM « 19 42 PM t10 07 PM | Arrive, | Depart, 11 55 a M12 05 4 M Mich Express via Sand *2 22 aM) “2 374M Chicago Express via “ 26 07 AM) 6 324M Mich Accom, Norwalk... eee «| 7612 AM Conneaut Accommodation. Nottingham, (Sunday only Toledo Fxpress via Norwalk. St Louis Ex via Sandusky C P Ex via Norwalk Port Clinton Accom: Reference marks—* Daily, } daily, except Sunday, édaily, except Monday. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- apolis Railway, Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. (Tickets by this popular route for sale at all regular Tcket Offices. E. B. THOMAS, - 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager, A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO, CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS, Commencing Sunday, November 18th, trains of the Bee Line—Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indiau- apolis Railway —will leave and arrive at Clevelan! as follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland time: No. 1, Cincinnati & Columbus Express No. 11, Indianapolis & Wheeling Express No. 17, Special Columbus & Cincinnati No. 8, Special Ind & St. Louis Express No, 5, Col. Cin., Ind. & St. Tnuis Exp Ni Gallion & C.L & W. Ace, No. 2, Col. & Cin. & Ind, Express. No. 8, Gallion & C, L. & W. Ac No 12, St, Louis & Indianapolis Ex prea: No, 6, Col. Cin. & Indianapolis Express, No, 4, Columbus & Cincinnati Expresa No. 10, Wheeling Express No, 14, Col., Cin & N.Y rains marke 1:10 A airy, wilother trams daily except | Bunday. New York, Penusylvania & Ohio R. R. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. Central or Ninetieth Meridien time. 33 minntes slow er than Cleveland city time. Until further notice trains will leave from the new Gontral Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- lows: 6 AO ATLANTIC EXPRESS—(Daily) Pull. PB dl. Ih. man sleeping and hotel coaches from Leavittshurgh 8:35 a.m. to New York, Albany and Boston without change, Arrive at Meadville at 10:40 a. m. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p m, Oil City 12:30 Pp. m, Corry 12.25 p.m, Jamestown (Lake Chautauqua) 1.85 p. m , Buffalo5:50 p. m. Rochester 6:20 p. m.: Hornells- ville 6:00 p m. [supper]; Corning 7:25 p. m. Elmira 8:05 p'm. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albiny 5:00 a m. Boston 1:45 p. m.; arriving at New York 6:15 a.m, 9 ‘0 Nl LIMITED EXPRESS—Through Pull- At dD. + mao sleeping coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 6:30 p. m , Jumes- town 8:47 p. m., ‘Salamanca 9:45 p. m., New York 10:10 a. mm. ’ NIGHT EXPRESS—(Daily except 11:00 D. Nl. Sunday) Seeping coach from Clevelatd Horvellsville Arrive at Youngstown: at 1:50 a. m, Meadville 3:25'a. m., Corry 4:59 a. m. Jamestown 5,57 a. -m, Buffalo 9-20 a. m., Rochester 12:58 p, m., Hornells. ville, 11:00 a m_, Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira 12:40 p. Binghampton 2:19 p.m,, New Dork 9:10 p.m. bp ee at Pittsburgh 5:50 a ‘m., without change. ‘ PITTSBURGH | EXPRESS — Daily — ‘ 1 il, Through without change, Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 6:00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p.m., Washington 7:09 a. m , Baltimore 8:19 a, m. A] Nl MAHONING AOMMODATION — 5 D. « Stopping. at all way stations, arriving at Youngstown 6;55 p. m., Sharon 8:0] p. m., Sharpesville 8:10 p. m. 1 PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — 6'50 a. lh, Through without change. Arrives” at Youngstown 9..30 a. m., Sharon 10:30a..m., Shai ville 10:40 a. m., Pittsburgh 1245p m., Retarning leaves:Pittsburgh-at 4:15 a. m., 7:45 a. m., 12:55 Pp. n., and 3:45 p m. YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBUR 1035 4. i. ACOMMODATION—Stopping at en Way stations, arriving at Youngstown THO p. m.,Pitte burgh, 5.45 p. m. , ‘Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 a. m., 6:30 p.m. 10.20 8. m; 1:05 p, m., and 9:45 p. m, FE 8@e-This isthe only route by which ssengers can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New Eagland Cities. s Baggage checked through to all points East Through tickets and information regarding the conte ean be obtained a me ome’ 131 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y., .R R., South and Vieduet, Cleveland, 0. : biewiisaal . E, CLARK, Gen’) Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, O. J.M FERRIS, Gen’l Man’gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOUTS, Passenger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. CY The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. . The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is all new and is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to safe speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenger trains arrive at and leave from the Union Depot, Van Buren street. Following is the time in effect Nov. 18,1883, and un- til further notice: GOING EAST, Ly. Chicago... i Arr. Valparaiso.... 9.37‘ wa Fort Wayne. 1.60 p. m. “© New Haven. 1.35 ¢ % West Leipsic. 8.45 “Arcadia... - 444 “ Fostoria... 4.57 ‘* Green Springs 5.44‘ “ Bellevue. 6.12 “ 6.22 9.02 ¢ Arr Painesville. “ Ashtabula. “* Conneaut, “ GOING WEST, 947a.m. ., 11.24 «* A 1,23 p.m. “ Painesvill Cleveland Lv Cleveland. Arr Bellevue. Bellevue.. ‘* Green Springs. “ Fostoria. * Arcadia, . “ West Leipsic.. “ New Haven.... © Fort Wayn ”” Valpraiso * Chicago... Trains run by the Ninetieth Meridian Time, which is nine minutes slower than Chicago time, twenty-eight minutes slower than Columbus time, thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time, forty-four minutes slower than Buffalo time, and sixty minutes slower than the Seventp-fifth Meridien time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen’l Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, ss Bent, General Manager. Cleveland, 0. Rocky River Accommodation departs at 6:20 a.m and 2.15 p m. Euclid Accommodation departs at 7:30 am and 10.12 pm, All trains daily excep Sunday. GOLD for the working class. Send ten cents for taye and we will mail you free, a royal, valua- ble box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. oucan work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earp from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direc- tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to tre work Great success absolutely sure Don’t dela Start now. Address STINSON & Co, Portland, Maine, $66 a week at home. $5 00 outfit tree. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader, if you want business at which persons of either sex, young or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, Write for particulars to H. Hatter’, & Co,, Portland. Maine