7 — VI. NO. 4. CLEVELAND. O., MARCH 13, 4884 $2.00 Per ANNUM SInGcLE Copnss 6 CantTs ~ MROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND. The MARINE RECORD has removed to the Leader Building, 144 Superior-st. Lieutenant Harber, of Arctic fame, paid Cleveland a visit on Tuesday. The schooner Exile has been sold to Cap- tain Shaw, of Bay City. Consideration, $12,000, cash. Lieutenant P. H. Ray, ot the signal ser vice, was in the city yesterday inspecting the signal station. he schooner Erastus Corning, laying at Escanaba, with a cargo of” ore, has been sold at Buffolo for $22,000, to 8. H. Foster and R. Arnold. She will be commanded by Captain Arthur Foster the ensuing season. Moore & Bartow have sold the schooner James Couch for the estate of Henry Hal- sted, of Chicago, to Messrs. Duffy & Rourk ay Captain Willliam Mack, of Cleveland. Consideration $25,000. The James Couch has a registered tonnage of 843.84. A lighter broke away from its moorings in the river Tuesday night, and floated out into the lake as faras the ice would permit. It struck the docks at several places and damaged them slightly. ‘The lighter was recovered yesterday by a tug. Captain Webquish, the Indian pilot, and whom everyone connected with marine business had a high regard for, was buried on Tuesday from his residence on Courtland street. - He was a victim of appoplexy, this being his second attack. Captain Webquish had been engaged as master of the tug Dreadnaught. The annual meeting of the Cleveland branch of the Chicago Seamen’s Union was held in the rooms on East River Street. The only business transacted was the elec- tion of officers. President Lynch and Mr. John Moore were candidates for the presi- dency, but President Lynch was reelected unanimously. The other officers elected are as follows: Firat vice president, John Hughes; second vice president, L. A. Sweeney ; secretary, Christopher Mackin. William Larkin began suit in the Com- mon Pleas Court Saturday against Thomas Murphy, of the schooner Harvey A. Bissell. Larkin was ship keeper on board the Fred. A. Morse last summer, and as such was obliged to make his home on the vessel. He says that the Morse was lying near the Cleveland & Pittsburg railway docks, when the master of the Bissell asked leave to tie up between their boat and the wharf. ‘This request was granted, but Larkin says the crew on the Bissell left her hatches open, and that when he attempted to cross over from the Morse to the docks in the night, he fell into the hold and was terribly in- jured. He asks the court to give him judg- ment in the sum of $1,000. The Civil Engineers’ Club held its fourth annual meeting at the Windsor Club rooms on Tuesday. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, J. F, Holloway; vice-president, B. F. Morse; Corresponding secretary, A. Mordecai; re- cording secretary, M. W. Kingsley; assist- ant recording secretary, I’, C. Bate; member j of the board of managers of the Association of Engineering Societies, M. E. Rawson; Treasurer, G. A. Hyde. In his annual ad- dress President Holloway reviewed the pro- Sress of the club during the past year, show- ing that it is in a very prosperous condition, With a membership of one hundred and ! greatly in its praise : twenty-four, nearly all of whom take great interest im the regular meetings; that the financial condition was good. The Joval en- gineering events were noted, in his address, consisting of the completion of the break- water, the conimencement of work on the hew reservoirs and the projected opening of the old river bed by ship channel into the outer harbor. BUFFALO. Speciat to the Marine Record. F The American Ship Windlass Company will furnish, through their agents, Messrs. D.S. Austin & Co., ship chandlers here, a windlass and capstan for the steamer build- ing at the Union Drydock Company’s ship- yard for Ash & Danforth; also a steam cap- atan windlass for the steel steamer building by the same company tor the Union Steam- boat Company, and a windlass and capstan for the steamer building by R. Mills & Co., for Captain Cummings. Captain 8. B. Grummond and Captain 3. means of obtaining a light ever invented, and will supply a want they bave long re- quired. Messrs. Whiton Bros. & Co., of Boston, have sold several hundre¢ of them during the short time they have patented the torchlight, to vesselmen for use on the sea. D. Caldwell, vice-president and general manager of the Western Transit Line has made the following appointments: Edward L. Kimberly, cashier, Buffalo; P. P. Miller, superintendent of repairs and machinery, Buffalo; Theo Vosburg, freight agent, Buf- falo; M. W, Cole, chief steward, Buffalo; G. L. Douglass, agent, New York; J. L. Gil- more, agent, Boston: T. N. Bond, agent, Chicago; G. M. Tibbitts. agent, Milwaukee. Agents at Cleveland and Detroit will be ap- pointed hereafter. In April last a hbel was filed by Felix La- rigne. against the propeller Ontonagon for services rendered as engineer. After the an- swer was filed and the boat bonded the own- ers settled with the claimant. An action is Murphy, both of Detroit, paid a visit to this city last. week. Charles Eldred, Charles Hester, and 8. C. Cummins, of Chicago, were in the city last week, Mr. Louis Dimick has returned from a five weeks’. visit to Cuba, where he has been with his brother, Lorenzo Dimick, agent of the Continental Insurance Company. The lat- ter is at the Windsor hotel, New York, much improved in health. Smith & Davis have chartered their steam- barge Coffinberry and towbarge H. R. New- comb to carry iron ore from Escanaba to Chicago for the next three seasons, p. t. W. W. Tyler sold the schooner Sam Flint to C, Eldred, of Chicago, for $15,000. The steambarge Huron City, owned by Tyler & Galvin, is getting extensive repairs done to her hull and boiler. - Captain R. F, Parsons, who commanded the Huron City last season, will next season command the Alpena, and will tuw the barges Flint and Wenona in the Lake Su- perior trade. Captain IT’. Wilson, of Cleveland, and W. Eagan, of Chicago, were in this city on Fri- day last. Messrs. Whiton Bros. & Co., of Boston, have patented a new torchlight which must prove of very great advantage to mariners, and will no doubt entirely take the place of the old method of lighting the swab by the use of matches, etc., which wasted so much valuable time in the hour of danger. The new torchlight comprises a five chamber Winchester repeating revolver, the barrel of which is put through a hole on the outside now brought by the proctors for the libel to determine ‘whether the claimant has the right to settle with the parties upon whom the claim is made, and thus avoid payment of clerk’s marshal’s and proctor’s costs. The ease will come up before Judge Cox at Utica. x DETROI: Special to the Marine Record. Detroit, March 12. The most important item of news I send you with this correspondence, and which will interest your many readers in several lake cities, is the invention of a smoke con sumer, destined to do away with the smoke nuisance so much complained of at Chicago, Detroit and other places. That it will prove a success there is no reason for doubting. It was gotten up by A. Backus, Jr., of the firm of Backus, Bros., of Detroit, who carry on extensive planing works. In explaining its modus operandi I cannot do better than to give it in Mr. Backus’ own words as related to a reporter in this city. “The fuel being fed through ashute or hopper into a furnace, the whole width of the boiler, is met by a current of air at the point where combustion takes place, giving a closer intense blaze. There being no door to the furnace, no cold air is allowed to strike the boiler or flue, to suddenly contract and thus injure them, Besides the danger of explosion is reduced to the minimnm, and one furnace can feed a battery of six boilers with ease. The an- nihilation of the smoke nuisance is an estab- lished fact, practical and economical.” Messrs. Morgan & Rice, vessel brokers, of this city, have just sold the schooner Mary and fastened with a nut on the inside of the of a can containing turpentine, the handle of the revolver forming a handle for the cover, A swab which reaches to the bottom of the can, by means of a piece of wire, is affixed to the cover of the can inside. The barrel of the revolver, which is loaded with No. 82, short blank cartridges, points in a direct line to the swab, and as soon as the cover is re- moved from the can and the trigger is pulled the charge from the blank cartridge imme- diately ignites the swab. Messrs. Howard fH. Baker & Co., ship chandlers, are the sole agents at Buflalo for the new torehlight, and will sell it: with can, swab, revolver, and fifty No. 32 short blank caitridges complete for $4. A large number of veaselmen have called on them during the past week to see the new torehlight tested and they all speak ind say it is the best Hattie to Captain E, B. McKay, of Sebe- waing for $3,500. The schooner Star of the North, recently purchased by Captain J. W. Surles and othr Morgan & Rice have received the ageney of the Fireman’s Trust Co., of New York, for the year 1884, The schooner John Stevenson has been raised above the surface of the water suffi- cient to determine the nature of her injuries caused by deing run into by the steamer Great Western, referred toa short time since, They are of such a character as not to war- rant a rebuild. The propeller Atlantic, of Grummond’s line is having a new mast placed in her. The tug O. Wilcox, owned by A. Cheese- brough, Esq., is being thoroughly over- hauled and placed in first-class condition. Marine painting is becoming one of the leading arts of the times, and many paint- ings recently placed. on exhibition show a high order of skill. A painting is at pres- ent to be seen in the window of a leading es- tablishments here, giving a view of the tug ‘Torrent as she appeared ina terrible gale last fall on Lake Huron, with a large vessel in tow, which, despite the perils of the occasion for many hours, was brought safely into the rivers. The painting was executed by Mr. S. A. Whipple, and cannot be rivaled, no ers, has been sold to Captain Davis, of Port Huron, Consideration $1,200. Captain H. G. Blanchard, of Detroit, has purchased the tug Bismarck at Chicago. The price is stated to be $10,000. The steamer Algomah, so long imprisoned in the ice at Mackinaw, has finally been re- leased and taken to dock, where her new wheel is being placed In her, Captain Dan Ingraham, of Painesville, O., isa recent visitor here, and Captain Hiram Estelle, whose genial countenance has not putin an appearance here for some time past, showed himself up from the far distant west, Where he has been seeking fields and past ures new, matter what others may say to the contrary. The St. Clair Navigation Company has entered a suit in the United States District Court hers agein& ti Merthaut & Trader’s Bank, of New York, for $5,000. It appears to have originated as follows: Last spring the propeller James Davidson, the property of complainants, was insured for $45,000 in eeveral companies, the Merchant & Trader’s holding $5,000 on her. The steamer, it will be remeinbered, was wrecked in October last on an island in Lake Huron, while on a voyage from Buffalo to Duluth with a cargo of.coal, and was a total loss. All the other companies paid up but the Merchant &‘T'ra- der’s, hence the suit. Another admiralty suit has just terminat- ed in the same court here. It is a suit which has been on the boards for some weeks past, an outline of which was furnished you ina former issue, relative to the propeller Jay Gould vs. the tug Martin Swain. The facts were presented to the court as then de= scribed and it seemed that a briet conference was all that was necessary to determine the case, especially when it is known that the court was provided with two marine experts to aid in arriving at a correct decision, and on whose opinion, presumably, it chiefly re- lied, yet the decision was that both steamers were at fault, and the matter was referred to a master to assess the respective damugess Notwithstanding all this, the eountry is safe. Captain Harry Whitaker, whose serious illness was noted in last issue, is still hover- ing between life and death Captain George Foster, who has been dana gerously ill with lung fever, in this city, is in a fair way to recover. The Lake Superior Transit Company have not us yet given out the appointments to their steamers tor the coming season, as Lam informed by Mr. Whiting, the gentlemanly agent in this city. A heavy rain storm setin last night, fos lowed to-day by warm sunshine, expressive of on April day, with the complete removal of sleighing, and clean side walks, for the first time during the year 1884. With a brief continuation of such weather it: will not be long when the sound of the calking mallet will be heard in the various ey ards, {¢ ontinued on 5 h page.