Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 13, 1884, p. 5

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THE MARIN and Dock Company, the same would be sub ject to toll aud be forever a tax upon the in- habitants of said village. ; Third—Said ordinance gives uurestricted rights to sald ‘Transfer and Dock Company to use and monopolize the streets of said village without any safeguards whatever to the rights of the village or its inhabitants, Fourth—No permission has yet been ob- tained from Congress to bridge said right-ot- way, and there is no pressing need for hasty action in granting said right-of-way. Fifth—We believe that said right-of-way and franchise is the property of the inhabi- tants of this village and they should have a voice in the disposition of said grant. * * * * * * * We most solemly and earnestly protest against your signing sald ordinance us may- or of the village of Duluth and would re- spectfully urge that you, as the reprentative of the people of Duluth and the custodian of their rights, hold the said ordinance in your hands until the citizens of Duluth have fair opportunity to maintain and enforce their legal rights. [Concluded from Ist page.] a NS from thence on to the interminable shriek- ing of the steam whistle on the rivers, which, on some occasions, is sufficient cause for a man to spring from his night moorings at home and wish he had never been born, and reminds me of a brief, though earnest con- versation which took place on the dock last fall: “Did you hear that infernal. shrieking whistle last night?’’ “What do you take me for, did you sup- pose I was dead ?”” “Who first started the machinery anyhow on the lakes ?”” “Don’t know. Ask the old man, he can tell you. Here he comes!’ “Captain, whence originated the steam- whistle, and what boat on the lakes first in- troduced it?” “The propeller Princeton, Captain Amos Pratt, was the first craft with a steam whis- tle, which was placed in use in 1846, and on the Missouri river in 1844. Its purpose was to be used in fogs, or on approaching land- ings on the lakes and rivers, but never in harbors where it is entirely unnecessary for the opening of bridges and similar purposes, for which other remedies could easily be de- vised and it is hoped will be ere long.” At Detroit they have been declared a nui- sance, and no steamer is allowed to blow her whistle while at landings. J. W. H. The propeller Mary, which plied last year between Detroit and Malden, will this sea- gon run on the river St. Clair in command of Captain J. P. Hodges, formerly of the Evening Star. ‘The latter steamer will, it is stated, be sailed by Captain Wm. McKay, for many years connected with the Detroit & Cleveland line, and latterly in command of the steamer City of Detroit. The schooner J. E. Bailey was sold at To- ledo, yesterday to H.J. Pauly, of Milwau- kee for $6,000. ERIE, Special to the Marine Record. Some of the wise ones prophecy that the opening of navigation will not occur this season until May 1st, owing to the unusual amount of ice visible in the lake. There is ocnsiderable stir around the docks, however, and every evidence of a prosperous season for vessel owners is apparent. The docks and warehouses are being put in good condition and the elevators are receiving proper atten- tion. The blast furnace dock will be rebuilt, under the direction of Captain Dunlap, as soon as the harbor is clear of ice. he Anchor Line steamers Alaska, Ari- zona, Clarion and Juniata are receiving ex- tensive repairs. The schooner Gifford, lying at Reed’s dock, has been chartered by Messrs. Scott & Co. for seven trips, coal up at going rates and ore down from Escanaba at $1 per ton. Captain Davis will command her. Considerable coal is becoming visible on docks ready for shipment at the opening of navigation. , Work on the extension to the east piers is being done under the direction of Assistant Harbormaster Kingsley and Captain Par- sons, ‘They intend to build on a rock bot- tom. S. L. Lynn has contracted with the city to do dredging in the slips at the rate of $7.50 per hour, W. W. Loomis is building for I. D. Car- ter and Bush & Co,, two fishing tugs. EAST SAGINAW. Special to the Marine Record. The marine event of Marriage ceremony at St. the season was a Mary’s church, | the coutructing parties being Captain George Ryan. of the steambarge William Rudolph, and Miss ENa Edgar, daughter of Captain Edgar, who sails the barge ‘I’. H. Cahoon. The feast, which vas elegant in every re- spect, was spread in the cabin of the Ca- hoon, which lies at Mason’s shipyard. All unite in wishing the young people a happy and prosperous voyage. MILWAUKEE. Special to the Marine Record. ‘The Milwaukee Ship Yard Company have rebuilt the schooner Ann Maria, at a cost of about $5,000. The schooner J. B. Merrill has had a thorough overhauling. ‘They are also rebuilding the steambarge Maggie Mar- shall, the cost of which will foot up some, $13,000, Captain Wm. Steed, who sailed the schooner Ann Maria last season, will sail the schooner Fearless the coming season, Captain James Bruce will sail the schoon- er Ann Maria next season. Starke Brothers’ tug Welcome will have a new steel boiler 71x16, with double fire- box, which is being built by Johnson Bros, at Ferrysburg, Mich. Starke Brothers will have a very ‘fine dredge, which will be one of the largest and best on the lakes. ‘The Pound Manufactur- ing Company, of Lockport, N. Y., are mak- ing the machinery. Chas. ‘Thompson, for many years a clerk on the steamer Sheboygan, has been ap- pointed agent for the Goodrich ‘Transporta- tion Company at Racine to, fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of G. W. Scanlan. " MARQUETTE, A little over a month more and we shal! be watching for the ‘‘first boat from below,”’ but those “dumb motions of the spring,” by | which nature is supposed to give premoni- tion of returning life, are not,yery distinctly perceptible in this latitude as yet. Neither does the iron mining industry. show any signs of consciousness that its busy shipping |. season is about to open. . Usually the mines begin to take on increased forces at this sea- son, but this year nothing of the sort is do- ing, and spring approaches without bring- ing the industrial activity at the mining lo- cations that in previous years so pleasantly heralded its coming. There is nothing in the condition of the ore market to justify the miners of this district in getting ready tor a large output next summer and they are making their dispositions accordingly. The prevalent opinion now is that the dis- trict will send to market less ore this year than in 1883, though it is conceded that last year’s production can easily be exceeded if a fairly strong demand should spring up by the time navigation opens. Lake charters will rule higher this year than last, from present indications, but the mines get the benefit of a heavy reduction in ore freights by rail, the Chicago and North- western Company having announced a re- duction to 80 cents per ton, 35 cents less than the tariff last year, which in itself represents a handsome profit. This will have to be met by the other lines competing with that road for the ore traffic of the Marquette range, and the competition gives our mines a pro- nounced advantage over others in the dis- trict in this important respect. ‘The differ- ence in lake freights between this port and Escanaba will be about ten cents per ton in favor of the latter, but the advantage of Mar- quette on rail freights ought to be sufficient to bring the bulk of the ore from the mines west of here, which have hitherto shipped via Escanaba, in whole or in part, one way, as the haul by rail is only about one-quarter as great, The outlook, is therefore, very flattering for the season’s business at this port, pro- vided the market doesn’t slip wholly fiom under us, KINGSTON. The marine examinations have closed, and the members of the board have gone to St. Catherines. : The St. Lawrence is said to be open below Alexandria Bay. Captain Booth has had two offers to bring eargoes of timber from Cleveland, but the figures are too low to accept. MANITOWOC, Captain Leith will take command of the | Erastus Corning. | The revenue cutter | have anew boiler. |. ( aptain ‘Thomas Riordan | Cheney Ames next season, Andy Johnson is to will sail the E RECORD. 5 STURGEON BAY, firins having withdrawn during the year. The Goodrich Transportation Company has | ‘The amount of cash on hand is $616, tuken the preliminary steps toward fore- closing the mortgage which it held on a large tract of land on Chamber’s Island. The property was purchased of the com. pany a number of years ago by Lewis J. Day, who held it on contract. Day failed to liquidate the indebtedness, hence the pro- ceedings on the part of the Goodrich peo- ple. The tract of land embraces about thir- teen hundred acres. It is probable that Captain Albert Kalm- bach will sail the little schooner Lettie May again next season. Last season she was chartered by two or three sailors, who run her on their own account, but’ with such re- sults that the owner would doubtlessly have made more money it she had remained in ordinary. The recent cold snap has again partly covered Lake Michigan with ive, and navi- gation is as difficult and dangerous as at any time the present winter. PORT STANLEY. A large and influential meeting was held in Captain Pollock’s hotel, on the 7th inst., to discuss the matterof a harbor of refuge at Port Stanley... The meeting was attended by merchants, veseel owners, master mar- iners and others in and- around the port, St. Thomas, Detroit, London and other cities. The desirability of this place being made a good and safe harbor was the unan- imous verdict, and ‘Thomas Arkell, ex-mem- ber of parliament of St. Thomas, and Alex- ander Hollock, of this place, was elected a deputation to proceed to Ottawa at once and lay the matter before the government.. Pe- titions from some of the largest marine in- terests on the lake from Toronte, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Windsor, Port Colborne and other ports, have been fowarded to the government, praying for this port to be made a harbor of refuge. CHICAGO, The directors of the Farragut Boat Club hella meeting on the 10th inst., in the oftice of L. B. Glover, President of the club, for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the erection of the new club- house. Some designs were shown, but nothing has been or can be adopted till the ground has been acquired. There are three or more lots which are offered the club, and the question of price is the one which is now being weighed. It is hoped that a lot will be decided upon before the next meeting of the club, after which various architects will submit plans for a $15,000 club-house. No action was taken. at the meeting last evening. . The average rate of freight on wheat by water from Chicago to New York in 1883, was 9 cents; lake and rail, 11.6 cents; all rail, 17 cents, These figures were com- piled by the secretary’s office and are given authentic. The thirteenth annual meeting of the Lumbermen’s Exchange was held on the 10th inst., at the exchange rooms, No. 252 South Water street, about 125 members be- ing present. James P. Ketcham, the presi- dent, occupied the chair. Previous to the business portion of the meeting, an elegant junch was partaken of, prepared for the members at the instance of Mr. Addison Ballard. B. lL. Anderson, on behalf of the committee sent to Springfield some months since, in the interests of the high-license law, made a final report of the work accom- plished, and stated shat if it had not been for the action of the exchange there would be no high-license law in the State to-day. President Ketcham made a few remarks in place of an annual address, stating that the membership of the exchange was not as large as that of last year, owing to the fact that many non-resident firms had with- drawn from membership. The financial condition of the association was in a more satisfactory condition than last year, how- ever. The ‘report of the Secretary.showed that the total receips of forest products at Chicago during 1883 aggregated 1,897,815,« 000 feet of lumber, 1,185,108,000 shingles, 65,470,000 lath, 22,737 cords of wood, and 1,714,388 railroad ties, The total resources of Chicago for the year comprised 2,586,069,- | 657 feet of gles, of which lumber, and 1,459,905.000 shin- GTO,ATT SOL feet of and 161,930,196 shingles rematned ou land lumber atthe end of last year. The present mem- bership of the exchange is 131, twenty-five The subject of the election of officers then having arisen, a lengthy discussion ensued in relation thereto. At the regular meeting last week a minority of the ex- change only was present, and it was decided to elect officers for the ensuing year, and subject to the approval of the meeting. Some members desired that a new election should be had, while others wished matters to remain as before. After a number of speeches touching upon the subject had been made, the former course was decided upon. ‘he officers of the exchange at present are as follows: President, James P. Ketcham; Vice President, W. E. Kelley; Board of Directors, B. L. Anderson, J. O. Bryant, Thad, Dean, P. G. Dodge, W. AY Fuller, Addison Ballard, N. £. Kelley, J. P. Ketcham, J.S. Fredenburg, S. K. Mare tin, John dicCaren, Z. G. Morris, A. C. Soper; the Secretary and ‘Treasurer will be elected at the next meeting. DULUTH. Although the opening of navigation is probably about two months in the future, Duluth marine men have already very gen- erally made engagements for the coming season. ‘I'he tollowing appointments have been learned, the list of boats not being complete: Tug Eliza Williams, Captain Walter Burns, Engineer A. C. Robinson; tug Ella G. Stone, Captain Con. O’F lynn; tug T. H. Camp, Captain Antoine Paul; tug John Martin, Captain Eli Jaques, En gineer Fred Bushner; tug J. H. Upham Jr., Captain James Cole, Engineer Peter Dube; tug Amethyst, Captain Jake Hecter, Engineer Archie Kelley; tug Mollie Spen- cer, Captain Martin Wheeler; tug Rambler, Captain Sam Harris; tug Nellie Cotton, Captain Jack Jeffery, Engineer Simon Jeffery; propeller Agnes, Captain Munroe, Engineer F, B. Barrows; propeller R. G, Stewart, Captain Jas. Sullivan; steamer Dove, Captain Stover; tag Eviston, Captain Ed. Smith; tug’ Campbell, Captain Camp- bell; tug Hope, Captain Perey Coburn; tug Brower, Cuptain R, H. Palmer; propeller Queen of the Lakes, Captain Ed. Brown; Ferry Hattie Lloyd, Engineer Geo. Bell. mere, captain not appointed; tug Minnie La Mont, Captain William Jeffery. The appointments for the other boats of differ- ent classes, nearly as many as those named above, are not yet learned, some not being made. ' SANDUSKY, One theusand five hundred barrels of wine await shipment by the steamer Amerie can Eagle trom the islands, ‘Che steamer has all the freight she can handle for some time to come. IRON MARKET REPORT, CLEVELAND, March 12, The demand for pig iron has fallen off somewhat during the week, the market rul- ing dull but firm. We quote: CHARCOAL PIG IRON, Nos. 1 and 2 Lake Superior charcoal.. Nos. 3 and 4 Lake Superior Nos, 5 and 6 Lake Superior.. Nos, 1, 2,3, 4, 5, Salisbury. Southern charcoal...... Reported by E. L. Harper & Co., Cincinnati. The market continues in abont the same condition it has been for the past fortnight. Notwithstanding the curtailment of produc- tion of pig iron the stocks are ample for cur- rent demand, which is somewhat reduced. The prevalence of severe weather through- out the country has had a depressing effect upon business generally, and has retarded the putting in running order of the lately submerged mills and foundries of the Ohio Valley. ‘The return of sunshine and a gen- ial atmosphere will usher the trade intoa springtime of activity and growth. he sit uation at present, while unsatisfactory, is not discouraging. The opening of spring trade so nearly approaching gives promise of a healthy business, anda decidedly better feeling will prevailas the season advances. Prices are well sustained except for off grade lots. We quote as prices current: FOUNDRY, Hanging Rock Charcoal No. 1 Hanging Rock ¢ 1 No. Strong Neutral ¢ ..822 50 to $23 50 21.25 2995 1850 © 1900 - 1750 © 1800 «1900 to 1950 American Scotch, Neutral Coke... se S16 75 to 817 25 Cold Short... 16.25 16 75 CAR WI LAND MALLEABLE. Hanging Rock, strietly cold blast 3 27 75 id warm t.. ian 2400 " 24 Lake Super charcoal" all grades 2400 & 00 Southern Car Wheel, strictly cold blast... 26 50 ( 2756

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