H. C. Sprague, has had some general repairs. Captain R. E. Patterson has purchased a one-half interest in the tug A. Andrews and will run her again this season. Captain Brownie Chamberlajn of Detroit will command the tug A. W. Colton. The tug Crawford is being rebuilt by Hardy Brothers, her owners, The tug A. W. Colton, the steambarge La Fayette and the new fish boat J. K. Secor were inspected on ‘Tuesday by ‘I’. Fitzpatrick B. F. Stanard. LUDINGTON. Special to the Marine Record. ‘The past week has seemed like spring. ‘The schooner Mercury, Captain Louis Sterl- ing, is being painted and getting ready for business. ‘The steambarge Marshall F, Butters has made one trip and is loading the second cargo for Chicago. This vicinity was visited by a severe north easter on Saturday. Steamers F, & P. M. No. Land No. 2 are making regular or daily trips between Ludington and Milwau- kee. No ice visible any where on their course. ; The mills here seem in no, hurry to inake a start, the ice in Pere Marquette lake is still quite hard. \ PORT CLINTON. Special to the Marine tecord. W. J. Curtis is building a schooner on very fine lines. Length, 78 feet over all; beam, 21 feet; depth of hold, 6 feet.. She will be launched in July. i David S. Nashis building for Bell & Co., fish dealere, a very fine fish boat 40 feet in length, 9 feet 6 inches beam, 314 feet deep. BUFFALO. Special to the Marine Record. The first of the canal scows which are be- ing built for the State by James Mulhall, has been set afloat and is a very staunch and pretty craft. ‘ M1. Feltenhausen, of Buffalo, has bought the steamyacht Edward Hanlon. Of the the steamers formerly forming the @ommercial Line between Buffalo and Chi- cago, the Cuba was sold to Donalson Bros. for $85,000, Captain Gebhardt retaining one- eighth interest andthe command. The Col- orado, in her shattered condition by the boil er explosion on board, was sold to Captain Maythaum for $16,000. She has not yet been repaired. The Roanoke, Scotia, Russia, and Nebraska are in the hands of Mrs. Hamilton, and willall be sold. The Lackawanna Com- puny made bids on these boats, but their bids were so low that they could not be ac- cepted. The Lackawanna Company have the finest wharf in Buffalo, but as yet have no lake line. Old “Central Wharf’ has been cleared off and is all owned now by the Lackawan- na, That this’ company propose to have a lake line of steamers at an carly day is clear and evident. Smith & Davis paid $85,C00 peller Scotia. Captain George B. Dickson, for over twenty-five years master of Juke vessels and propellers, died at his residence in Buffalo, March 29. He was well known along the entire chain of lakes. Messrs. Palmer & Benham, of Cleveland, were in the city yesterday. ST. CATHERINES. Tne steambarge D. D. Calvin and four barges has been chartered to take coal from Charlotte to Duluth. Captain John Sullivan of St. Catherines, to cake charge of the steambarge Tecumseh the coming season. The work is progressing rapidly on Cap- tain Neelon’s new composite boat. Archie McMaugh is to be her captain. She will be ready for launching at the opening of navi- gation. for the pro- is CAPE, VINCENT. Spectal to the Marine Record. The ice here ts very poor and the channel from the mouth of the river to the head of Carleton Island is wide open. The steamer Pierepoint is expected here soon, and navigation will soon be in full force. Captains Sheley and Hinckley are busy getling their scows in shape for the season, and it is understood that Captain Hinckley has sold his scow and is about to build him- Self a new and larger one. Captain P, T.. Millen and Captain II. Howard are daily expecting orders to. start for Detroit to take charge of the fitting out THE MARIN and work of the new boats building at the Detroit Drydock Company’s yard. Tt 1s supposed thut the work on the new lighthouse to be built on the head of Carle- ton Island will soon begin. SANDUSKY. Special to the Marine Record. F. W. Merrick, ship carpenter, is giving F. Grech’s tug Myrtle a partial rebuild and thorough — overhauling, comprising new frames and shelt pieces, new deck beans and deck and a new house, Her engine and boiler are also receiving a thorough over- hauling and her boiler a covering at a cost of about $1,800. The tugs Cal Davis and Annie Robinson, owned by Biemiller & Co., have had a par- Wal rebuild and thorough overhauling. ‘The sideweel steamer Ella G., Captain J. G. Gillespie is receiving a new engine, the cylinder 18.inch bore by.4 feet stroke and new crown sheet, crown bars and flue sheet to her boilers, The engine is built by Klots & Kromer, under-Captain Gillespie’s super- intendence and the work on the boiler by B. B. Kuhn, : The tug P..L. Johnson, Captain J. Hurs- ley, is having a new fender rail, and general repairs. She will proceed to Detroit and go on the drydock and get her bottom calked and ironed for the ice. She will take ona steam pump there tor wrecking purposes, and will go on to her station at Pequaming, near L’Anse, Lake Superior, about the 25th. The Johnson was purchased in January last by the Hebard & Thurber Lumber Co. from F. Groch, of this city. She. will be re- named the Dan Hebard when she arrives at her new port of destination. A. Mathers is making a complete set of new Sails.for the steambarge Westford and a number of sails for other vessels. The schooner Wend-the-Wave, Captain James S, Ellis, is fitting out ready to: start for Detroit with coal as soon as possible. Captain W. P. Wheeler, who. has been running the steambarge Red Jacket for Olemacher Brothers for the last four anda half years, will take command of the new steambarge building for them at J. E. Monk’s shipyard. The sidewheel steamer R. B. Hayes, Cap- tain W. J. Slackford, has been strengthened and has received new bilge: kelsons and a thorough overhauling. She has had a new water table to her boiler, and her. boiler newly braced and strengthened. She com- mene¢ed running on Monday. The sidewheel steamer B. F. Ferrie, Cap- tain A. J. Fox, commenced running on April Ist. we f The steambarge Ohio, Captain J. C. Estes, has bad a new rail, a general overbauling and a re-calking. The barge Ryan, Captain Walker, has been refastened and had a gen- eral overhauling. ‘The steambarge Yosemite, Captain Wm. Neil has had a general over- hauling and refastening. The schooner Emeu, Captain John Hern, has had exten- sive repairs, recalking and some new canvas. The steambarge Sakie Shepherd was on J. E. Monk’s drydock and got her wt eel tight- ened and her bottom painted. The schooner Irene, Captain W. W. Collins, has been get- ting new catheads, stanchions, hatch comb- ings rails and calking. On Saturday, about 8 p. m., the tug An- nie Robinson went ashore on Cedar Point and immediately filled. She had the barge Garfield in tow at the time and was taking her from Kelley’s Island to Sandusky. A tug went to her assistance from Sandusky, on Sunday, with a pump and lines, The sidewheel steamer Jay Cooke, Cap- tain Geo. A. Brown, is being fixed up ready to start on excursion trips to the Islands about the 5th of April. The sidewheel steamer P, TH. Walter, Cap- tain J. Weidenhofer, has been having some repairs and a new smokestack, and will commence running in the stone trade be- tween the islands and Toledo at once. MANITOWOC, The schooner C. H. Burton, which went on the rocks at Bailey’s Harbor and nearly proved a total loss, will be the next placed | in drydock for athorongh rebuild, She will have an entire new bottom, new frames, new | keel, new stanchions and rail, The Burton, was rebuilt from the hull of the old schooner | Glenbulab, which was burned at Chicago during the great fire, | The repairs and rebuild on the upper! works of the propeller’ Menomonee of the | E RECORD. 5 Goodrich Line are rapidly approaching completion. Since the close of navigation there have been thirty-eight transfers of vessel property aggregating $262,780 recorded at the Mil- waukee custom house. In the custom house at Chicago there were thirty transfers, ag- gregating $148,590. Rand & Berger have just completed a contract for a new three-masted schooner to be built during the summer for Jonathan Boyce, of Grand Haven, Mich. Her dimen- sions will be 134 feet keel, 294g feet beam and [0 feet hold, and will be completed about the first of August. A large force of men are engaged in get- ting the Goodrich boats ready for the open- ing of navigation, One day last week a force of nearly forty painters was at work. Some of our vessel men are overhauling their rigging in store, preparatory to fitting out for the epring. = CHICAGO. The Steamship Iron Chief, which sank in the river two weeks ago and damaged her cargo, will be docked at Miller Brothers’ shipyard Monday for repairs. The cause of the leak has not been determined. S. A. Murphy has purchased the barge Pringle and: will turn her into a Canada bottom. The new compound engine of the tug Michigan will be placed in her, and she will be fitted up in Al shape to attend to Canadian wrecking. ‘The propeller Douglas towed over the hull of George Gilman’s new tug, and the Jatter laid near Wells street during the day, and was much admired by all. who saw her. ‘The new craft is well and beautifully: built, and reflects great credit on Mr. Martel, her builder. Machinery and boiler and finish- ing touches will be furnished here in Chi- cago. The handsome colors on the new craft indicates her name to be the John Gordon. She is named in honor of the well known agent of the Anchor Line of steam- ers here. Captain Charles McCarl wi:] com- mand her. Two more important vessel sales were consummated on the 26th. John Kelder- house sells to J. C. Gilchrist, of Vermillion, Ohio, the fine schooners W. S. Crosthwaite and B. F. Bruce, the consideration for both being $50,000. ‘The vessels are sister ships, are of the same age, measure the same, and rate the same. They were built in 1878, | measures 671 tons and rate A2!g. It is generally conceded that Mr. Gilchrist gets a great bargin. Captain Olof Olson will sail the Bruce this season. The tug Bismark is now owned by Cap- tain Harry G. Blanchard, and. will tow be- tween Bay City and Buffalo. The new propeller A. B. Taylor, which arrived is a fine little craft?) She was built at Saugatuck by R. T. Rogers, her master, and measures 51 tons. She will receive her finishing touches - here. . The excursion steamer Grace Grummond leaves Chicago. Captain Ed Napier has secured her and will run her between Duluth and Agate Bay. The Anchor Line has secured the whole dock line from Clark to Wells street on the north side of the river, and will have plenty of room this season for their propeller. The Linsted, Buffalo and Ogdensburg Line will have a dock, freight houses, office, ete., near Rush street. The wood repairing on the propeller St. Paul will be completed next week. ‘The principal portions of the main and promenade decks are new, and the cost of ther repairs when finished will be over $16,- 000. She will be used exclusively as a freigh boat, and will ply between Buffalo and Duluth. She will be commanded by Cap- tain Scott, of Toledo. Vessel sales recorded on the 28th: Steam- er Bret Harte, Philip Miltan’ to John C. Meyer, one-half interest, $1,200. Meyer is now sole owner. The tug Wilson Brothers, Timothy Tobin and Charles Schlacker to Jolin Hamler, two-thirds interest, $1,266.. Hamler is now sole owner. ‘The hull of the tug Martin Green, EK. Van Dalson to Robert I. Reed, the whole, $125. ‘The hull is to be given new machinery and boiler, and wiil be called the Bob Reed, Work has been commenced on the new | American lighthouse at Bar Point. Hl. L. Shaw and others have bought the | barge Star of the North for $1,200. | bushels of wheat from Duluth to Buffalo at four cents, The Canadian propeller Armenia, Cuba, and California will run between this port and Montreal. : Captain Charles McInnes, late owner of the propeller Oneida, is negotiating for the purchase of a new steamer, The Steamship J. P, Donaldson and tow and C. H. Green and tow will probably be engaged in the Lake Superior business this year. MILWAUKEE, F. C. Maxon, M. C, Parker, and John Saveland, of Milwaukee, have purchased the schooner A. B. C. F.M. of Mr. Merrill, of Chicago, fer $3,000. Captain Lewis Larsen has purchased one-half of the schooner Leo, of Grand Haven, for $1,000. AMHERSTBURG. The steambarge Ada Allen is carrying block stone trom White’s dock to Windsor, Captain E. C. Gatfield is fitted out the tug Crusader, and Captain Joe Biron, the tug Hercules. : . W, Danger of the U.S. engineers, was in town last Saturday. He has been engaged during the winter surveying the Saginaw river. : Navigation has again opened and tugs and tows are again traveling our gieat water highway, and the wolves come aut to sun themselves, The City of Dresden will make her first trip down the shore of Lake Erie: and to Pelee Island as soon as the lake is clear of ice. “She will make. semi-weekly trips. to Sandusky. : : hee The tug John Martin will be sailed this season by Captain P. Cailno, who sailea the Salina last season. The Martin will go to Detroit this week. She will be engaged in towing barges from Bay City and Saginaws to Ohio ports. The steamer Riverside came down from Detroit Sunday afternoon. Several blasts from her whistle brought hundreds to the dock to receive her, and fora time Engineer Simmons held a reception, She commenced her regular trips on Monday morning, leav- ing here at 6:45. m., and returning, leaving Detroit at4 p. m. Captain C. Hughes is again in command, with Mr. Noble as clerk. Mr. Simmons, the popular engineer, is again ‘at his old post.. The Riverside is somewhat improved, the cabin has new carpets, and her furniture given a general touching up, while she has been re-painted outside. A saloon has been built on the lower deck, forward, which will bea convenience. Take her all uround, she is in better shape than ever before. CUYAHOGA WORKS, Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENCINES AND) HEAVY MACHINERY. Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0. cae Te a SORTS BODIFIELD & CO, 8 South Water-st Cleveland DEALERS IN RUBBER GOODS Agents for Akron Rubber Co.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. MORGAN & RICE, ‘Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT; MICH, Contracts have been made for 200,000 | Special attention paid to Chartering Vessels,