THE MARINE RECORD. 3 Plymouth, and later became master of the Hunter, which was wrecked en St. Clair riv- er. In 1851 he fitted out the iron passenger steamers India, China and Jupan, of the Anchor Line, and took command of the Chi- na. He remained on her until 1876, achiev- ing considerable popularity. In that year he was appointed Government local inspec- tor of steam bulls, which position he filled atthe time of his death. Captain Dickson was regarded asa careful, competent, and reliable navigator, and was well Known and respected at nearly all the lake ports. His sailing record is first-class, and as Govern- ment inspector he was efficient and trust- worthy. Personally he was of a genial, open-hearted nature, and strictly honorable in his intercourse with men. He leaves a widow but no children, and a brother, Cap- tain William Dickson. THE AUTNA GRATE, We desire to call the attention of our read- ers to the merits of the tna grate, a cut of which is presented in another column of this issue. ‘his grate, whichis very durable and easily cleaned, is adapred to burn the most inferior quality of slack coal, and being a shaking grate, produces a steady dratt which obviates the necessity of cleaning fires so often, and consequently saves coal, and is easily adaptacd to any furnace, and can be set in without anv extra expense. As an evidence of the esteem in which these grates are held tor marine purposes we are permitted to refer to the following list of steamers on which they have long been in tise and have given entire satisfaction : Steamer Egyptian,in use 5 years. Steamer Co: morant, in use 4 years, Steamer Wocoken, in use 3 years, Steamer City of Rome, in use 2 years. Steamer Cumberland, in use 2 years. Steamer D. W. Rust, in use 6 y: ars. Steamer H. D: Coflinberry, in use § years. Steamer I, B.Hale, in used years, Steamer H, M. Chisholm, in use 8 years. Steamer John N Glietden, in use 2-1-2 years Steamer Smith Moore, in use 3 years. Steamer William Edwards, in uge 4 years. Steamer Robert Wallace, in use 1 1-2 yeare, Steamer §S. E. Everett. in use 2 years, Steamer Colonial, in use 1 year. Steamer Continental, in use 1 year, Steamer Buffalo in use 3 1-2 years, Steamer Chicago, in use 2 1-2 years. Steamer Progress, in use 2 years, Steamer Oscar Townsend, in use2 years, Steamer Mayflower, in use 2 years. Steamer City of Concord, in use 3 years Steamer Garden City, in use 3 years. Steamer R. B, Hayes, in. use 4 years. Steamor Sparta, in use 1 year, Steamer Vienna in use 2 years, Steamer Havana, in use ] year. Steamer H. C. Schnoor, in uge 6 yearg. Steamer Ohio. Steamer of City of Cleveland. The steamer building at St, Clair for Woods, Perry & Co. The two steamers building at Quayles for Captain Thos. Wilson, Sidewheel steamer Sea Gu™l, Tug Relief, in use 2 years. Tug Alanson Sumner, in use 1 year, Tug Bennett, in use 5 years, Tug Effie L., in use 6 years. Tug Goodman, Tug Joe Harris. Tug Music. Tug Annie Moiles: They have also beeti placed in most of the public baildings of this city, including the public schools. All orders should be addressed to G. C. Barnes, care Globe Iron Works. THE STRAITS OF MACKINAW. There is much speculation as to the date when craft can get through the Straits of Mackinaw this spring. Vessel owners are in no hurry for the opening, but when it comes the shipping will at once commence to move. ‘The steamer Algomuh is making regular trips across the Straits ina channel cut for her, but the ice in the Straits, and all the way from the Lake Michigan and Lake Huron entrances is very heavy. If there is mild weather, with warm days now and then, copious rains, and heavy windstorms, the thoroughfaré wi'l be open so that steamers can pass by April 15.h. The win- ler has been the coldest tor many years, and:the ice is much heavier than usual ac this time. The following table shows the dates on which steamers first passed the Straits each spring for thirty years: March 14 Apri] 23 April 5 A FRESH-WATER WHALE, The latest sensation is the fact that the crew of the fishing tug Geele caught a sturgeon off Muskegon a few days ago that meaaures 11 feet 6 inches in length, 5 feet in cireumference, and weighs 1,173 pounds. Booth, the Chicago oyster man, is credited with having secured the monster and it is to be brought here by one of the east shore steamers. It is more than likely that the curiosity men of the various muse- ums will make a scramble for it. No such fisb has ever before been seen in fresh water and the fishermen and sailors express great wonderment. Some of them insist that it is not a sturgeon at all, but is a species of fresh-water whale. eae sll ao File your Marine Recorps for reere:.ce. SIGNAL LAMPS, —WITH— Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. C—_——— GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. They have been adopted by the priucipal Ocean and Lake Steamers and Vessels, and are for sale in the principal ports onthe Atlantic coast and lakes, French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam- ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Felthousen & Russell, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N, Y. Send for catalogue. THE TNA GRATE. G. 0. BARNES, Agt This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Trou Works, Maunfac’s., Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and BRECKENRIDGE, MICH Spruce-sts, CLEVELAND, O. OAR PACTURIES. CARROLLTON, MICH ” DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS: OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers’ Goods Generally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW PULSOMETEK CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for raising liquids under and up to 100 feet. No Machinery, No Oil, No Special Care. Can be worked suspended by a chain. Will pass grit, mud, sand, pulp, ete., without injury to its parts. Needs only a steam pipe frem boiler to run it. Price, 600° gallons per hour, %50; 1,200 ds. R75; 3,600 do. 8100; 6,000 do. B15; 10,000 do. #175; 18,400 do. 225; 25,000 do. 8275; 45,000 do. 8400; 60,000 do. g5u0; 120,000 do. $1,000. Compare this with uny other Pump List. Write for illustrated descriptive book wih testimonials, &e. Mailed free. PULSOMETER 8: EAM PUMP CO., 83 John St., New York City, U.S.A SMITH’S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TEE BEST AND OCEEAPEST. SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH’S BOAT WORKS, 159 South Street, New York. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Phoenix Paint Co., Use the Magneton Appliance Co's MANUFACTURERS OF Magnetic Lung Protector!; ELASTIC price oxty = (MIXED PAINTS. They are priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHIL- OFFICE AND FACTORY DREN WITH WEAK LUNGS; 00 Ca@-@ Of PNEUMONIA OR Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Rope and all Its Fittings. 202 to 208 South Water-st, CHICAGO, ILL. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YAOHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater st.. Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. FOR SALE ~ TWO FISHING TUGS. Both well adapted for fishing boats or tugging. Fol- lowing are the dimensions of No: 1; Length, 49 feet; br adth. 11 feet; depth, 5 feet; engine 10x12; .new steel boiler; built in 1882. Price $3,500, cash, No.2: Length, 42 fe t; breadth, 12 1-2 feet; depth, 5 feet; built in 1881; engine 14x14, new boiler. price, $4,000, cash, ; Also one double marine engine 14 1-2x20 inches; 7- foot Philadelphia whe-l; in Al condition. Price, $1,300 cash, Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE. FOR SALE, STEAMBARGE MILWAUKEE. Her length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. 10 feet 10inches. Boiler 17 feet long; 7 feet diameter; three flues, two 16 inch and one 17-inch. Engine 22x42. Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 11 miles light, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, $15,800. Ad- dress MARINE REGORD Office, No.2 South Water street, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of hull 65 feet over all, 16 feet, beam, 8 feet hoid, and measures 46 tons with 7 feet draft; can be made 6 feet draft. The engine, 18x20, is in first-class condition, with all new brasses, new rings in cylinder and turns a six-foot wheel, which was new last season. The boiler is one year old, is Jarge enough to burn wood or coal and is allowed 100 pounds of steam. Price $4,600, and must be sold inside of sixty days, Address Max INE RECORD OFFICE, FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. One of the best canal schooners on the lakes, sound in every particularand straight A2. Capacity, 600 tons iron ore or 21,600 bushels of wheat. Can be purchased for $7,500. One-third to one-half cash, balance on easy terms. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE, FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILER, 44 inches di- ameter, 43 tubes 3 inches diameter and 12 feet long, steam drum 30 inches diameter, 40 inches high; front grates, filtings and breechings; good order. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER, in good order; Shell, 7-16 inch iron plate; diameter, 9 feet 6 inches. length, 18 feet; 129 tubes 4 inches in diameter, 11 feet 4 inches long, three flues 18 inches diameter; two flues 16 inches diameter, two flues 10 1-2 inches diameter; fire box, 6 feet long, 4 feet high; steam chimney, 7 feet high, SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes 60 inches long, cast iron breechng, good as new. SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE; double direct- acting 8x8 inch cylinder, shaft and wheel for yacht or tug; good as new‘ SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE, high pressure, 28x86 in good condition and formerly in the st ambarge J.S. Fay. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Creat Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Compete Guide to the MARITIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKES. CROUP 18 ever known where these garments are worn. eye They also prevent and cure HEART DIFFICULTIES, 46 Michigan At. . CLEVELAND OHIO. COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, THROAT TROUBLES, iu DIPTHERIA, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES, Will wear any service for THREE YKARS. Are orn VID BARNHISEL A ent over the under Clothing. ’ § ; It is needless to describe the symptoms CATARR y of this paussous disease. that iséapping,| DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL he life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes welts atidy and research in Cleveland Ohio America, Europe and stern lands, have resulted in 7 >} Ye Y the Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- Y. D. NICKERSON, tarrh, a remedy which contains No DRUGGING OF THE SysTEM, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism A R I N E ARTIST permeating through the afflicted organs, MUST RERTORE THEM TO A HEALTHY AORION:, Wr SEACH ous Ce this Appliance at less than one twoatieth of the H pics asked by others ioe remedies upon which you Rear of Central Tug Office, Main take all the chances, and WE KSPECIALLY IMVITE the . patronage of the MANY PERSONS Who have tried DRUG- St. Bridge. Cleveland, 0. GING THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT KFFEKCR, - This Appliance. Go to your GOL for the working class. Send ten oents for pos- HOW 10 OBTAIN druggist and ask for them. If taye and we will mail you free, a royal, valua~ they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en-| ble box of sample goods that will put you in the way closing the price, in letter at ovr risk. und they will be | of making more money in a few days than you ever sent to you at once by mail, post. paid. thought possible at any business. Capital not required. Send stamp for the ‘New Departure in Medical] We will start you. You can work all the time or in Treatment WITHOUT MEDICINE,” with thousands of | spare time only. The work ia universally adapted to testimonials both sexes, young and old. You can easily earp from THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work 218 Btate Street, Chicago, II]. may test the business, we make this unparallod offer; Nore.—Send one dollar in postage stam) 8 or curren-| to all who are not well satistied we will send $1 to pay cy, in letter at our ri-k, witb size of shoe usually worn, | for the trouble of writing us. [full particulars, direo- and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles and be oon | tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those vinced of the power residing in our Magnetic Appli- | who give their whole time to t4e work. Great succesr ances. Positively no cold feet where they are worn, or absolutely sure Don’t delay Start now. Address money refunded. , . Sttvson “& Co., Portland, Maine. CONSUMPTION. /AVO A positive remedy for the above disease; by its uso thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have beenoured. Indeed, 80 strong is my faith inits efficacy, that I willsend TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VAL- UABLE TRBATISE on this disease, to any sufferer, Give Ex- oross & P. O, address, DR, T, A. BLOGUM, 101 Poati Bt., N. Ye A PRIZE. tv 1 six cents for postage, and receive box of goods which will help you to more mon shi away them anything elee in this world. All, of ether sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, ab-o'utely sure. Atonce address, TRUE & Co Augusta, Maine.