Although Chicago stands preeminent as the largest and most important port on the entire chain of lakes, it has always been jeticient in wrecking appliances. Hundreds or vessels have been wrecked tn this vicinity, and may bave been abandoned and allowed <9 pound to pieces when they could have easily been rescued had proper assistance meen available, ‘he harbor tugs have already -endered unfertunate vessels such aid as their ‘jmited power and such appliances as could be picked up would permit, but in many in- stances their aid proved of but little value. None of the tugs are fitted out for that especial work, and when vessels get ashore yamps have to be obtained in one quarter, hawsers in another, and by the time a com- petent wrecking-master has been secured and the tug put to sea much valuable time islost. ‘This, of course, has only happened when wrecks occurred at this end of the lake; but a large number of Chicago vessels have been wrecked in Green Bay or on. the numerous islands and shoals in the vicinity of the Straits. In these cases assistance must necessarily come from other sources. The only wrecking outfit on the west shore of Lake Michigan was owned at Milwaukee, and when that was employed elsewhere, as wis often the case, the Detroit tugs were called upon or the vessel becomes a total Oss. : ‘he terrible disasters of late year combined with the limited resources for rendering aid have created a demand for an outfit at this point. ‘'he underwriters guaranteed to support.u local enterprise of that character, and J. S. Dunham, a prominent tugman and yessel owner, has promised to supply it. In fact his promises have already assumed a tangible form, and by June.1 Chicago will pave the most thoroughly equipped wreck- ing outfit on the lakes. A large and power- . ful tug will be built for the work, and it will be supplied with all the latest improved appliances. ‘The contract for building the tug was let yesterday to Miller Bros., of this port, and the work of‘‘laying down” was iinmediately commenced. She will be built of the best white oak from a model designed by Frank E. Kirby of Detroit, who-has the reputation of being the best marine architect in this country. Her dimensions will be as follows: Length over all, 82 feet; length of keel, 70 feet; breadth of beam, 1914 feet depth of hold, 1114 feet. Her hull is calculated to weigh about seventy-five tons, and her outfit and supplies including engine, boiler, and fuel, the same amount. She will have a remarkably flaring bilge, which will give her a large carrying eapacity, it being estimated that she will carry nine or ten. days’ supply of coal amounting to forty tons. Of the seventy tugs engaged in harbor work, there is but one that will carry over eight or ten tons of coal. Notwithstanding her breadth she will have fine lines at both ends. It is calculated that when she is fitted out she will draw 73g feet forward and 9% feet aft. She will be out of water forward 11 feet, and the distance from the water-line to the rail at the lower point will be 44g feet. Her house will be very low, and designed for especial use in the Chicago river, enabling her to pass under the bridges. The boiler will be built by John Mohr & Son of the be-t Otis steel, 744 feet: shell and 14 feet long, and will carry 109 pounds of steain, It will have a fore-and-aft steam- dome and two furnaces. The latter will be 6 feet long ané 3 feet wide. The engine is to be built by Robert Tarrant, and will be 175 horse-power. It will be high pressure, with a twenty-four- inch cylinder and twenty-eight-inch stroke. In addition to other important improvements _ there will be an adjustable cut-off and Dun- bar piston-packing. She will have an eight- feet propeller wheel, and is calculated to make twelve miles an hour. Her stern bearings will be bushed with lignum vite. When complete the tug will cost $15,000. The wrecking outfit will be very complete, the total cost will including tug, pumps, hawsers, and lifting screws, amounting to about $30,000. There will be four pumps. A fourteen-inch Worthington will be used, for water only. A twelve-inch, rotary. mannfactured by Silsby. of Seneca Falls, N. Y., will be used for water and grain. Mr. Danham has also secured an eight-inch centrifugal pump of different pattern than any ever used on the lakes. In addition to pumping water and grain it will pump coal, hetlarger than sevan inches in diameter, from the hold of a sunken vessel. Sabmarine divers and lighters will accompany an ex- edition when necessary, and the tug will be commanded by Captain Charles Roach, ‘in eficient and experienced wrecking mas- ter. When not otherwise engaged the tug Will be kept in commission at this port and engage in heavy towing. A warehouse at the Chieago drydock will contain the wreck- ws Apparatus, Captain James R, St. Clair ‘ts been appointed Superintendent of the e Azro Coff’s BUREAU OF ADVERTISING, 150 Nassau Street, New York. any Wertivements inserted in all the leading Papers Pie Magazines in the UNirED STATES and CANADAS i reasonable rates. Send for E. timates and Hand ook of Ready Reference. 4 MODEL WRECKING OUTFIT, — | Ihe Meee RECORD. SIGNAL LAMPS, Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. —_—— GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps give a more brillant light than apy Signal Lamp now in use. are for sale in the principal ports onthe Atlantic coast and lakes, French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam- ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Felthousen & Russell, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N, Y. Send for catalogue. THE TNA GRATE. G. 0. BARNES, Ad This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Manufac’s. Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and BRECKENRIDGE, MICH Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, O. ie: g 7 TOY OAK FACTORIES. CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO, MONTPELIER, OHIO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers’ Goods Generally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. ~ ROSELL DOWNER, SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-maiine Drilling and Blasting. STERN BEARINGS REPATRED WITHOUT GOING TO DRYDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made for all Kinds of Diving. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, WARNER & DRISCOLL, CLEVELAND AGENTS, If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For Mining, Railroad or Steamboat use, Paper Mill, Chemical or Gas Works ® Tannery, Brewery or Sugar Refinery, Draining Quarries, Cellars or F lan ta- tions, irrigating or Hydraulic Mining, sinking Foundations, Coffer Dam, Sewer, Well Sinking and other Contractors’ Work, or Rais .ng Water for any kind of Manufacturing or Fire Purpose, write for an illus- trated descriptive book on the NEW PULSOMETER, ccntaining greatly reduced prices, hundreds of testimonials etc. Mailed free. Prices 100 per cent. lower than other. Every pump tested before shipment and guaranteed as represented, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsometer Steam Pump Co., 83 John St., New York City, U.S. A. Aa See Prices next issue of this Paper -G% TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH | Phoenix Paint Co., MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Michigan St, CLEVELAND, OHIO DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOM TIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Use the Magneton Appliance Co’s Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHTL~ DREN WITH WEAK’ LUNGS; 00 case Of PNEUMONIA OR croup 1s ever known where these garments are worn. They also prevent and cure HEART DIFFICULTIES, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, THROAT TROUBLES, DIPTHERIA, Will wear any service for THREE YEARS. over the under clothing, CATARRE It is needless to describe the symptoms ) of this nauseous disease that issapping the lite and Strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes Labor, study and research in America, Eurove and Fastern lands, have resulted in ) the Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for Ca- tarrh, a remedy which contains No DRUGGING OF THE SystEM, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism M A R I N E A RTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge. Cleveland, O. TARRH, AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES. Are .orn A HEALTHY ACTION. WR PLACE OUR PRICE Tor this. A »pliance at less than _one-twoatieth of the price asked by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and WE ESPECIALLY IMVITE the patronage of the MANY PERSONS who have tried DRUG- permeating through the aMicted organs, MUST RESTORE They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers and Vessels, and | Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all | Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Rope and all Its Fittings. 202 t0 208 South Water-st, CHICAGO, ILL. N. C. PETERSON. Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater st.. Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. FOR SALE TWO FISHING TUGS. Both well adapted for fishing boats or tugging. Fol- lowing ure the Uimensions of No. 1; 1 ensth, 49. feet; br adth. 11 feet; depth, 5 feet; engine 10x12; new steel boiler; built in 1882. Price $3,500, cash, » No. 2: Length, 42 fe t; breadth, 121-2 feet; depth, 5 feet; built in 1881; engine 14x14, new boiler. Price, $4,000, cash, ‘ . i Also one double marine engine 14 1-2x20 inches; 7- foot Philadelphia wheel; in Al condition. Price, $1,300 cash. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE, FOR SALE, STEAMBARCE MILWAUKEE, Her length is 135 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. .10 feet 10inches. Boiler 17 feet loug, 7 feet diameter; three tues, two 16inch and one 17-inch. Engine 22x42. Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. Speed, 11 miles light, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, $15,300. Ad- dress MARINE RECORD Office, No.2 South Water street, Cleveland, O. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug, Dimensions of hull 65 feet over all, 16 feet, beam, 8 feet hoid, avd measures 46 tons with 7 feet draft; can be made 6 feet draft. The engine, 18x20, is in first-class condition, with all new brasses, new rings in cylinder and turns a -foot wheel, which was new last season. The boiler is one year old, is large enough to burn wood or coal and is allowed 100 pounds of steam. Price $4,700, and must be sold inside of thirty days, Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE, FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. One of the bes: canal schooners on the lakes, sound in every particular and straight A2. Capacity, 600 tons iron ove or 21,000 bushels of wheat. Can be purchased for $7,500. One-third tu one-half cash, balance on easy terms. Address MARINE RECORD OFFICE. FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILFR, 44 inches di- ameter, 43 tubes 3 inches diameter and 12 feet long, steam drum 30 inches diameter, 40 inches high; front grates, fittings and breechings; good order. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER, in good order; Shell, 7-16 inch iron plate; diameter, 9 feet 6 inches. length, 18 feet; 129 tubes 4 inches in diameter, 11 feet 4 inches long, three flues 18 iuches diameter; two flues 16 inches diameter, two flues 10 1-2 inches diameter; tire box, 6 feet long, 4 feet high; steam chimney, 7 feet high SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes 60 inches long, east iron breechng, good as new. SEC (ND HAND MARINE ENGINE; double direct- acting 8x8 inch cylinder, shaft and wheel for yacht or tug; good as new’ SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE, high pressure, 98x26 in good condition and formerly in the steambarge J.S. Fay. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Creat Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO. The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the MARITIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKES. GING THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT RFFEQQS, fai e Working class. Send ten cents for pos- 1 This Appliance. Go to your] (Ip HOW 10 OBTAI druggist and ack for them. ul GOL taxe and we wt ee eu Sree, a royal, va ua- i tors, en-| ble box of sample goods that w put you in the way they have net oe St ae Aice haa ee {11 be of making more money in a few days than you ever closing the price, in letter a ovr ped and they w t to you at once by matl. post paid. *gend ani: for the “New Departure in Medical Treatment WITHOUT MEDICIN gE,” with thousands of ials . teatimon ‘THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., 2'8 State Street, Chicago, Il. Send one dollar in postage stam 8 or curren ep tuictier at our ri k, with size of shoe usually worn, 5 thought possible at any business. Capital not require. We will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earp from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalled offer; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writingus. Full particulars, dinec- tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those 1 i agnetic Insoles, and be oon . city br} eae in our Magnetic Appli- who give their whole Smee tne work: gatent sucess Fy y nM absolute! sul » ow. ances, Positively no cold feet where they are worn, or avo 7, Co, Portland, Maine. money refunded, ONSUMPTION. ®T have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its us» thonsands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have beenoured. Indeed, soatrong is my faith inits eMcacy, that I willeend TWO BOTTLES F! EE, together with a VAL- UABLE TREATISE on this disease, to End sufferer, Give Rx- oress & P, O, address, DK, T, A, 8BLOCUM, 181 Pearl 8t., N. Y. A PRIZE Send six cents for postege, and receive » free, a oostly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything elan in this world. \ All, of either sax, suoceed from frat hour. The broad toad to fortune opens bafose tha workers, absollitely sure. Atonce addrem,, Truk & Co , Augusta, Maine.