6 rHE MARINE RECORD. GENERAL NEWS. Unienists recently attacked the non-union ship laborers at St. John, N. B., both at the docks and on the streets. Judge Brown, in the United siates Dis- trict Court of New York, on the 21st, award- ed $1,812.75 damages to. the libelant in the action of Warren Priest against the steam- tug Rotan and the schooner Edwin B, Kirk. On December 10, 1881, Mr. Prieet’s schoon- er Commerce was sunk throngh collision with the schooner, which was in tow of the tug. The passenger travel on the Long Island Sound steamboat lines.steadily increases de- spite the shorter time used by railway in getting trom New York to Boston. It is rumored that the Fall river line intend build- ing a still larger steamboat than any yet used. ‘The new boat is to be used for earry- ing passengers only, all freight being sent by other boats. This division of traffic will no doubt be profitable in the end, as there is enough business of both kinds to warrant it. Captain James B. Eads, the famous engi- neer who constructed the Mississippi jetties, says that his visit to England was for the purpose of interesting English capitalists in the ‘Tehauntepec ship railway. England has 60 per cent of the commerce of the world, and is alive to such projects. ‘The enterprise is in the hands of a wealthy syndicate, which is furnishing money for the preliminary work in Mexico. ‘The survey is completed and the road bed being constructed. It will be 130 miles long .and cost $50,000,600 to $75,000,000, according to the size of the ves- sels to be carried. The coffer dam method of. repairing in port in cases where it is not convenient to use a drydock has been so successful in New York that the Boston coffer dam company has been organized to build a coffer dam which can be towed about in Boston harbor and fifted to the bow or stern of any vessel which needs. repairs. A device to make ~ temporary repairs at sea would be extremely valuable. If a light framework of iron, covered with strong canvas, impervious to water, could be provided for atttachment to the stern or bow of a ship, so that one or two men could descend within it to repair the -screw or mend the breach, a great advan- tage would be gained. A fine seal, weighing something over 100 pounds, was caught ina net by fishermen in Henderson harbor on the 23d. Seals in Lake Ontario area rarity, though they have been caught in its waters before, and are now frequently seen. One was seen on the St. Lawrence near its head the past winter, and some people in Oswego thought they. discovered one in the harbor at that place about the same time, which is not improba- ble. FIRST VESSEL IN CHICAGO RIVER. “Since the publication of the local which appeared in this paper,’’ says the Pentwater News of a recent issue, “stating that Captain Eddy Irons, of Pentwater, sailed the first vessel up Chicago creek, we have been in receipt of numerous letters of inquiry for further particulars. In order to answer them we will briefly state thatin 1835 and 1836 Captain Lrons commanded the schooner Eliza Ward, 110 tons burthen owned by Jobn Wells, of Pulaski. That in August, 1885, he loaded at Otsego for Pike river (now Kenosha,) Chicago, Michigan City, and Grand river. At this time the vessel had to discharge her cargo at Chicago on lighters. The next year, 1836, in June, he made another trip loaded for the same places. Arrived at Chicago, he found a perfect jum of vessels anchored and tied up at the north pier. ‘Chere were some piles or the south side to commence the south pier, and he ran to them and tied to the piles, expecting to take a lighter from there. A wind from the northeast came up which finally became a terriffic gale, and pinched the vessel all in with no poseibllity of getting out. The Cap- tain found that the piles were injuring his vessel and slipped his fastening and stood out for the middle of the channel. She had asharp keel, and as she went on her side (some canvas being up) he noticed that she forged ahead. He then ran a haweer to an oak tree standing near Fort Dearborn, and took it to the windlass aboard and by heay- ing worked her ahead over the bar, and tied up to the bank in twelve or tourteen feet of wuter, from which place he unloaded the firet cargo from a vessel in Chicago river. The bill of Jading is dated Detroit, May 17, 1836, and is receipted June 18, 18386, by Hubbard & Co. Jt rained twenty-four hours, causing the river to rise so that he easily dropped out stern foremost, without touching bottom. A number of vessels out- side were badly injured, among which was the Julia Palmer, ‘I'he above is from Cap- tain Irons’ own lips, and he has papers and memoranda to corroborate it. STEAM VERSUS SAIL. Says the Detroit Evening News: It is said that when Fulton ascended the Hudson with his steamer an enthusiastic man in the crowd remarked: “The time will come when not a sailboat will be built.’ Tradition goes on to say that he was promptly laughed to scorn. And yet that time has come—not literally, but practically it has come as far the great lakes are concerned, for nearly every craft built: nownday is intended to be drawn or propelled by steam. A sailing vessel is a rare exception. As to the reason for the change, there are several theories advanced. One is that for- merly sailors could be hired for about the sume price as barge men, and wind being cheap meng, sails were a very Cheap manner of navigation, compared with steam. On the other hand, sailing has now become un- der the laws and customs a fine art, and sailors’. wages have gone up iz proportion to the increased finencees of the art, while the work of the targe men has not materially changed, and being always alow grade of work has drawn to it all the lower grades of sailors as well as many from the railroads, who were out of employment, so that the actual cost of navigation by wind—cheap as it wonld seem—has become greater than that of navigation by steam, Other theories are suggested, among which, of course, is the one that the times demand as -rapid transit as possible, even in the coarse freights. A NOTED SHIP. The following communication “ «appears in the Buffalo Courier, November 21st: “In- your issue of the 20th inst. you gave an ac- count of the remarkably quick run made by the bark Ogarita, on her passage down trom Chicago to this port—four days and two hours—as being the tastest on record. Now, allowing it to be a remarkably quick run, the said ‘O’Gar-ity’ will have to quicken ber timeat least ten hours to equal that made by the bark A. P. Nichols, in November, 1863. She not only made the run from Chi- cago to Buffalo in three days and sixteen hours, but sailed the entire distance with starboard tacks abourd, except while being towed from the mouth of the St. Clair river to Lake Erie. Several other vessels vould be mentioned that have made the pussage in less than four days, but that of the A.-P. Nichols is the quickest on record. MaRINE.”’ , The A. P. Nichols is lying at Madison street bridge fitting out for the season. When this vessel came out in 1861 as a bark- antine, she was about the finest clipper on fresh water. She has an excellent model (as is remarked to-day) and she. has made and can make very tast time. It is not many steamboats which can make the dis- tance between Chicago and Buffalo in three days and sixteen’ hours. ‘he Nichols was built by A. and D. C. Bailey at Madison Dock (between Cleveland and Fai) port) in 1861, and measures 476 tons—a very large craft for those days. She is now the prop- erty of Captain Clough and his. sons, and bas undergone large repairs the past winter, During her career thus tar she has madea fortune for several owners. She has had collisions and ‘has been stranded and isa noted craft generally, and the end of her ca- reer igs not yet. Captain (Jough has a his- tory himself, and in command of this his- torical craft he makes her of double interest. He is an old-time shipbuilder and navigator, The bark Clough, 80 long in commission on the lakes, was built by Captain Clough and his wile on Green Island, Green Bay. They occupied several years in building her, but they finally completed the job, and they af- terward sailed her together. ‘There was not an ounce of iron in the whole vessel. She was fastened and bolted and screwed and nailed entirely with wood, and yet she weathered many a fierce gale and lived to a good old age. Old navigators will all wish Captain Clough and the good ship A. P. Nichols every success.—Jnter Ocean, ——— CURLOUS DISCOVERY. >While the workmen at Messrs, Gill & Son’s shipbuilding yard, Rochestet, were engaged in sawing a portion of an old ship’s mainmast, formerly belonging to a man-of- war at Chatham, a 32-pound iron shot was discoverel embedded in the mast, the aper- ture having been plugged up. ‘The mast in question had been lying fora considerable time at Chatham dockyard, and is believed to have belonged to Nelson’s Victory. It is worthy of note that 82-pounder shot was the largest in use for naval warfare during Nel- son’s time. It ig not long since the Victory’s mainsail was discovered safely stowed away at Chatham dockyard, where it had been lying for a number of years unnoticed, The sail was riddled with shot fired during the battle ot Tratalgar.— Marine Enqincer In a conversation with Mr. Hope, the manager of the Continental Insurance Com- pany, he says that, owing to the Dimick trouble, the company will not attempt to do much lake marine insurance this season, | either hull or cargo. The Continental goes into the pools if Mr. Dimick thinks best to do so. Until Mr. Dimick is proved to be guilty of the charges nade aginst him he nmiust be considered innocent, : Cc. E. BENHAM, S17 Detroit Street, KEEPS IN STOCK A Full Line of Vessel Supplies, Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK- ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. 1540. STEADY STARBOARD AND STOP AT Capt. Dahlike’s ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And Examine a Fine Line of Spring Goods at Very Low Prices. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. BODIELD & C0, 8 South Water-st Cleveland DEALERS IN RUBBER GOODS Agents for Akron Rubber Co.’s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. F. x H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactursrs of Hovel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, and Dealers in House Furnishing Goods, CLEVELAND, O. 128 SUPERIOR ST., TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing Sunday, November 18, at 12 o’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper and twenty- eight mtnutes slower than the time heretofore in use (Columbus time) by these roads. Eastward. | Arrive. | Depart. Fast New York Express. “107 aM) "1 22a M NY, B & A Express. 6 37 a M| *7 02 AM Elyria Accommodation. 8 07 AM)... co Port Clinton Accommodation 0 37am 10 87 a mifit *1 57 PM Buffalo Accommodation. N Y &B Fast Express. Cin.& St. Louis Express. Conneaut Accommodation, Nottingham (sunday only] Night Express............... Westward. Fast Limited Express... Mich Express vie. Sandusky Chicago Express via“ Mich Accom, Norwalk. Conneaut Accommodati Nottingham, [Sunday onl Toledo Fxpress via Norwal St Louis Ex via Sundusky.. C P Ex via Norwalk....... Port Clinton Accommodation. | 944 P | $9 42 Pm {10 O7 PM | Arrive, | Depart, 6 324M 3 02 PM 125PM ~ Reference marks—* Daily, { ¢daily, except Monday. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS, Commencing Sunday, November 18th, trains of the Bee Line—Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indian- apolis Railway —will !eave and arrive at Cleveland as follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 83 minutes slower than Cleveland time: y, except Sunday, No. 1, Cincinnati & Columbus Express No. 11, Indianapolis & Wheeling Express... No, 17, Special Columbus & Cincinnati Ex. No. 8, Specisl Ind & St. Louis Express.... No, 5, Col. Cin.. Ind. & St. Louis xpress. No. 7, Gallion & C.L & W. Ace... No. 2, Col. & Cin. & Ind. Express. 40 AM No. 8, Gallion & C, L. & W. A 9:10 AM No 12, St, Louis & Indiannpo 2:50 P M No. 6, Col. Cin. & Indianapolis Express 9:55 P M No, 4, Columbus & Cincinnati Express *8:20 P M No. 10, Wheeling Express 6:45 P M No, 14, Col., Cin, & N.Y 1:10 AM Trains marked * daily, ail other trame dail, cep! Bunday a sf ' ("Tickets by this popular route for sale at all regular Tcket OMece:. E, B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHTO, New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R, NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE KaAsr, The Shortest and Quickest Route te Pitts burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. Central or Ninetieth Meridien time, er than Cleveland city time. 56 rainntes alow Until further notice trains will leave from the Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- lows: ATLANTIC EXPRESS—(Dail . a, ih. man sleeping and hotel Sa rae Leavittshurgh 8:35 a.m. to New York, Albany and Boston without’change. Arrive at Meadville at 1 340 a, m. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p. m, Oil City 12:30 p m Corry 12.85 p.m, Jamestown (Lake Chautauqua) 1.35 a. m uffalo 5:50 p. m, Rochester 6:20 p. m.; Epaeted ville $00 pm (ue onli Corals 7:25 p.m. Eliniva 8:6. p m. Binghanton 10:05 p. m, wny 6:00 a. m. Bosto 1:45 p. m.; arriving at New York Gist -_ . 9:0 Nl LIMITED EXPRESS—Through Pull. ‘i D « mau sleeping coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 6:30 p. m , Jamea- town 8:47 p. m., Sulamanea 9:45 p. m., New York 10:10 a. m. ‘ NIGHT EXPRESS—(Dail 1:00 D. HIF Sunday) Seeping cdach from Clevalacd Hornellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at 1:50 a, m., Meadville 3:25 a. m., Corry 4:59 a. m. Jamestown §,) i m, Buffalo 9:20 a. m., Rochester 12:58 p, m., Toe: ville, 11:00 a m_, Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira 12:40 }}. m,. Binghampton 2:19 p m,, New York 9:10 p.m. Arrive at Pittsburgh 5:50 a. m., without change. 990 Nl PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — a D « Through without change, Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 5:00 m., Pitts 8:02 p. m., Washing!on 7:09 a.m, Baltimore’8:19 tune MAHONING .AOMMODATION — ° ' 41] D. I, stopping at all way s'ations, arviving at Rinnesonn 6:55 p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Sharpesvilie ' PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — 6:50 d, ih. Through without change. are at Youngstown 9..30 a.m., Sharon 10:30a. m., Sharpe ville 10:40 a. m., Pittsburgh 1245p m., Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:15 a. m., 7:45 a. m., 12:55 Pp. n., and 3:45 p m. a OUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURG 1038 a. ll ACOMMODA TION Stopping Me ons, arriving at Youngsto :40 p.m. burt file i an ig gstown 1:40 p. m.,Pitts- rains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15.a. m., 6: 10.20 a. m; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 Pp. m, 1:0) poms 8@-This is the only route by. which ngers can roast ‘Corry, Elmira, Binghampton, ew York City and intermediate points without change. to Boston and New England Cities. nee No puange: Baggage checked through to all points East Through tickets and information -regarding the route cag Be obiained! Ba us yonies 131.Bank street, and at new-Depot of N. Y. & O.R R., South Wi and Viaduet, Cleveland, 0. eee aterenee . E, CLA Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, O. J. M FERRIS, Gen’! Man’gr, Sleveland, 0. 2 M. L, FOU'I's, Passenger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Tr is all new Ane. is supplied with the latest Sapte necessary to safe speedy ae comfortable travel, jicago, passenger trains aniive at from the Union Depot, Van Buren street: Sud leare: 18, 1888, and un- Following is the time in effect Nov. til further notice: GOING EAST. Ly. Chicago......... 7.45 a.m Arr. Valparaiso.... 9.87 _ Fort Wayne. 1.00 p.m. ‘© New Haven.. 1.35 ¢ ‘West Leipsic. 3.45 “ Arcadia. 444“ “ Fostoria. 4.57 “ Green Springs 5.44 ‘ « Bellevue ... 6.10 ‘ 6.20 *“ 9.02 ¢ GOING WEST. Lv Buffalo.... ~« 9 Agr Dunkirk. Bellevue. “ Green Springs. 9.44 « “ Fostoria... 10.22 ‘* 4 Arcadia... 1034 " “ West Leipsic. 11,20 “. New Haven.. 135 p. -m. 2 Fort Wiyne. 1.50 “ » Valpraiso,, 5.55 =” §. Chicago. ” eee Trains run by the Ninetieth Meridian Time, which nine minutes slower than Chicago time, twenty-e' minutes slower than Columbus time, thirty-three m utes slower than Cleveland time, forty-four minutes | slower than Buffalo time, and sixty minutes slower | than the Seventp-fifth Meridien time. For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B. F. HORNER, Gen’l Passenger A, , LEWIS WILLIAMS, ip General Manager. Cleveland, 0. Rocky River Accommodation departs at 6/20 a.m and 2:15 p m. Euclid Accommodation departs at 7:30 am and 10:12 pm. All trains daily except Sunday. MARINE DIRECTORY © Of the Great Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the MARITIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKES. ONSUMPTIO F { a have A positive remedy for the above disease; by its 113» thonsands of cases of the worat kind and of long standing have beencured. Indeed, so strong is my fatth ints efficacy, that Ewilleond TWO BOTTLES FARES, together with a VAL- DABLE TREATISE on this disease, to any sufferer, Give Ex- oress & P, O, address, DR, T, A, SLOCUM, 181 Pearl Bt., N. ¥-