Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 10, 1884, p. 5

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THE MA good pros} s vee. ‘There was a high wind at the time, & whieh was the principal cause of the disaster, The upward bound steamers to Lake Su- perior and Lake Michigan have, with few ex- ceptions, very light freights, and in fact are in ballast trim. There ig much complaint of late, on the part of the superintendent ot the St. Clair Flats ship canal, owing to steamers passing through that thoroughfare under full steam, thereby creating a heavy swell which washes away the banks on either hand. ‘There are instances also where steamers pass each oth- er While in the canal, creating commotion as well as confusion, Now all this is in direct defiance of the rules governing that thor. oughtare, Which are conspicuous en large signs at either end of the canal, ‘Tbe names ot some of these violators are on record, and in due time they will be brought to face the music. A Canadian has just informed me that there is ten feet of water at the entranceoft Port Burwell harbor at the present time, but as there is no call tor vessels visiting that place short of its being a harbor of refuge, the item has little or no interest, J.W.H. CAPE VINCENT’, Special to the Marine Record, The tug Proctor, Wm. Leonard, master, transported in the month of June from Charlotte, Fair Haven, and Sodus Point to St. Lawrence river ports 30,000 tons of. coal 16,000,000 teet of lumber trom Brockville to Oswego, beside doing a !arge portion of out- side towing. July 5th the tug Wm. L. Proe- tor took a party of gentlemen from Syra- cuse, Montreal and Ogdensburg to Brock- ville in fifty minutes and returnedin forty- five minutes, ‘a distance of twelve miles each way. A heavy northeast gale prevailed at this port Saturday, doing considerable damage. The schooner Hod Dodge, Captain W. Rich- ards, ran in here with her headgear carried away and leaking badly. Captain Tony Weaver will command the George Cofe this year, with Joseph Bearns, mate, : Passed up, propeller Monteagle and schooner Mystic Star. Passed down, Island Belle and schooner P. M. Rogers. H. W.R. LORAIN. On Saturday night the tug Jessie, with the schooner Wawanosh in tow, left here about 6:30. ‘They had got but about two miles out when they were forced, on account of the heavy sea and wind, toturn back. A heavy sea was running across the piers and the Jessie, unable to shorten her toW line, could not hold the schooner up against the heavy sea.and seeing that she was about to strike the east pier, cut the tow line. ‘The Wawanosh let go both anchors and rounded to just east of the east pier. The tug Cham berlain went out in answer to a signal from tne Jessie to assist in bringing the Wawanosh in, but tor some reason she did-not attempt to give the Chamberlain a line until after she had brought up outside of the pier. ‘The Chamberlain after hard work succeeded in getting her line trom the pier where it had caught when cut by the tug Jessie and started to tow her in. ‘The Wawanosh had paid out about fifteen fathoms of chain and stood ready to slip her anchors when it was ‘iseovered the Chamberlain had got the line in her wheel and was disabled. ‘he schoou- eriund tug both drifted toward the beach, the fifteen fathoms of chain allowing them totouch bottom but not hard. ‘They re- ‘nained in this position until about 10 o’clock When the sea had run down sufticiently to allow the Chamberlain, which had worked ‘round between the Wawanosh and the pier, 0 passa line to the pier and then to the Jessie. ‘The Jessie then ran outside and towed the Chamberlain into the harbor. The Wawanosh remained outside until morn- ing and was towed in about 9a, m. by the tug James Amadeus. ‘The Wawanosh was damaged but little. She is bound for Port Edward with her cargo of 817 tons coal. A (liver succeeded in removing the line from the Chamberlain’s wheel. SHEBOYGAN. The government steamer Fessenden struck “rock near Prentias Bay Tuesday night and immediately sank In twelve teet of water. Ste. ug off without dam- am pumps and a tug will be sent to her. | riv MILWAU Special to the Marine Record. Repairs have been completed at Wolf & Davidson’s yard, on the schooner America, in collision with the H.C, Richards recently, and she has departed for Manistee. Ore ftreights are on the basis of 90 cents from Escanaba to Ohio ports, and several charters were made at that rate, but shippers are not over anxious to secure tonnage. At 10 o’cloek yesterday the United States Marshal offered tor sale in the United States, Court room the lumber barge Saginaw. ‘The case under which the order of sale was granted was brought against the Saginaw on welaim for $500 by Captain Botsford. The wrecking tug Leviathan has released the schooner Lincoln Dall, which went ashore at Washington Island last fall, and is expected to arrive here with her in the morn- ing. ‘The Lincoln Dall was built at Chicago by Miller Bros. in 1869, is 206 tons burden, elassed B1, and valued‘at $5,000, The Independent ‘Tug Company purchased the wrecked schooner ‘Iwo Brothers ag she lay sunk in the bay from Captain Wright and Monday afternoon tugs pulled the spars out of the bed, when she righted up. The old hulk was then towed on the beach abreast of the life saving station, where it will be stripped of everything and then abandoned. ‘I'he ‘wo Brothers has been in service on the lakes for forty-six years, and for a number of years was owned iit Chi- cago, She was built at Prescott by Weeks in 1838, and was 204 tons burden. The schooner North Cape, having received new spars and repaired the other damage sustained in the collision with the schooner Ahira Cobb, went to the elevator and re- loaded her cargo of wheat for Buffalo. Milwaukee Shipyard Co. ‘The new steam- barge building at the company’s yard is in frame and has considerable ot her outside plank on, she will be completed in Septem-. ‘ber. ‘The barge Monitor,. which was on the béach at the North Manitous, is in drydock getting general repairs. ‘The sloop yacht Idler, which was dismasted when about to take part in the yacht race Saturday, gota new mast. At Wolf & Davidsons shipyard. The schooner North Cape, H. Peterson has re- ceived new main and mizzen masts and mizzen topmast and some rail and stanchions on the starboard side. The steambarge Oscar ‘Townsend was in drydock and got a new fore foot, some new keel forward and aft, some new plank in her bottom, new stern post, shoe, rudder and rudder stock and some fastening and calking. ‘The ‘schooner America got a new fore mast, fore topmast and jibboom. The tiew schooner James Mowatc is getting her cabin completed and her spars put in. She will bea splendid vessel when ready for sea, no expense being spared to make as complete a schooner as any on the lakes. The yacht club regatta, held on Saturday last, resulted ina match between the two Chicago hts Wasp and Verve. The Idler of the Milwaukee yacht club also started but was soon out of the race through being dis- masted.. The Wasp sailed past the starting point at 11:36:20 the. Verve at 11:38:08, for a race over a triangular course of about eight teen miles, The Wasp steadily increased her lead and came in about 14 minutes ahead of the Verve after a very exciting race sailed in aheavy northwest gale. Both yachts were well handled and did their best to win and practically settled which is the better yacht. Captain Prindiville showed that he could outsall the sharp little cutter at every point when there was enough wind and sea to make good judgment and good seaman- ship a necessity. ‘he cause of the Verve’s defeat lav in the fact that she has not got enough ‘beam and carried too much sail. That her erew handled her well there is no disputing; they did more, perbaps, than any other crew could have done. But the fault lay in the bout. She would bury herself in the sens and her heaving boom, dragging with it the leach of the mainsail, would stick- | ing trom 20 cents per ton loaded to li cents | in the water three or four feet, Then the boat would almost lose her headway. The fact ot the matter is she has not enough hull, not enough displacement to be a success against such a boat as the Wasp, much less against the Idler and Countess. In perfectly smooth water and with a slight: breeze she would unquestionably outesail any of her als, because she can carry more canvas RINE RECORD. for the size of her bull than any of them, The Chieago yacht club will probably lose the Wasp, as Cuptain Prindiville is now con- sidering an offer of her purchase by two Mil- waukee gentlemen, ‘The Wasp and Verve will have another contest at the Chicago yacht club regatta on the 12th and will then be uble to decide which is the fastest, Ww. Tt. SANDUSKY. Special to the Marine Record. The steambarge Norma Captain Wheeler, ison the drydock at Captain Monk’s yard where she is having a new wheel putin. ‘The steambarge Ked Jacket is undergoing a through overhauling and repainting, Captain Wheeler of the steambarge Norma brought the imformation to the city on Mon- day that Charles Weinrich employed by Ohlemacher Bros. at Marblehead, was drowned at that, place on Saturday. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and three children in destitute cireumstances, Captain Wheeler says subseriptions were being raised for the immediate. relief of Mr. Weinrich’s family. The steamer R. B, Hayes, Wm. J. Slack- tord, master, will make regular trips to the favorite summer resort, Cedar Point, during the season, : The case of the State of Ohio vs. William J. Fagan was set for hearing in the Probate BUFFALO. Special to the Marine Record. The schooner J. 8, Austin, which was on the South Manitou some time ago, has gone into one of the Union docks tor calking. The schooner E. A. Nicholson is out of drydock and will complete her repairs oute side, The tug ball brought through the canal from New York by ‘Thomas M. Ryan, was hoisted out of the Evan’s slip at Gibsou’s shipyard, preparatory to a rebuild. The soldiers’ and sailors’ monument at this port, the corner stone of which was laid July 4, 1882, was unveiled on the 4th. The statue is eighty-five feet high to the top, and cost $50,000. A telegram to Messrs. Crosby & Gunning, on Monday, stated that the little Canadian steamer Erie Queen had sunk on the St. Laws rence river near Brockville, Ont, on Sunday night, in tourteen feet of water. She is loaded with wheat, and was bound from Whitby, Out., to a port on the St. Lawrence. The pool has a policy of $4,000 on the hull, and the Thames & Mersey a policy on the corgo. Captain George McLeod, of Smith & Davis’ office, left for the scene last night. The Erie Queen was built by Reyan, at Port y | ‘ | Bowan, in 1874, and is owned by Brann & Co., of that place, valued at $7,000, and was ratted at A231. She was 263 tous burthen, Court, Sankusky on ‘Tuesday Captain W. J. Fagan has been for many years master of some of the best craft on the lakes, and since the William Edwards was built was master of her up to the opening of the present sen- son. The case was brougtht by Valentine Fries, owner of'the Edwards. The warrant charged. Fagan with a breach of the peace. The case was called, and the defendant took not only the counsel of the State by surprise, but his own as well, by claiming his con- stitutional right in objecting to testimony in the form of depositions. He said he wanted to meet his accusers face to face. ‘These depositions being very material to the prosecution, they were unwilling to proceed to trial after Judge Merrill had décided In favor of Fagan’s objection, and asked a con- tinuance. Captain Fagan was ready for trial, but the prosecution insisted on a continuance, which was granted, the date being fixed October 7th. TRAVERSE CITY. Special to the Marine Record. Hannab, Lay & Co. now own three steam- ers. The largest, the City of ‘Traverse, runs between Chicago and ‘Traverse City, leav- ing Chicago every Saturday evening at7 o’clock, arriving at ‘I'raverse City Monday morning in time toconnect with the steamer; City ot G rand Rapids, running between Traverse City and Mackinaw. ‘The steamer Faxton runs from ‘Iraverse City to Petos- key, touching at intermediate points, makes three trips per week, and close connection every Wednesday evening with the City of Traverse, going to Chicago. S. ESCANABA. Special to the Marine Record. (t will occupy the balance of the week to load the vessels in port. As little work was done in the mines last week it will be quite a while before they catch up with the de mand. LUDINGTON. The schooner Yopsy, of Manistee, ladeu with shingles for Chicago, sprung aleak Sunday noon off Big Point Au Sable, and wus towed into this port and pumped out. She will be towed to Chicago, : OSWEGO, The United States signal station will be re- moved to the custom house, July 31, where there will be more commodious quarters, The yacht Maud, in getting out of the slip on the Fourth, struck a bolt in| Bond’s dock, filled and sank, The yacht will be re- paired at once. PORT COLBORNE, Messrs. Armstrong Matthews and Carter Brothers, tug owners of this place, have de- cided to-day, owing to the dull times and low freight, to reduce the rate of canal tow- | per ton, and from 16 cents per ton light to 12 cents per ton, MARQUETTE. The Forest City and H. HW. Brown arrived onthe 7th. The captain of the Brown re- ports the barge Magnetic, in tow of the | Continental, aground on the flats in the Sault river. A heavy wind was blowing at ‘the time. The Continental released her, i and has traded fron: this port. Charters. are now very light everybody . along the docks cotmplain of the pervailing dullness. ‘There is very little coal here-and but a lighttonnage, ‘The following engage- ments were reported yesterday; propellers Chisholm, Clyde, Oceanica, and Fred Mercur tu Chicago, 80 cents; propeller D. Ballentine nnd consort Northwest to Milwaukee, 80 cents; and schooner Senator -Blood, San- dusky, 30 cents. Canal freights were weak 344 cents being offered, and boatmen asking 334 with no loading. A smail amount of rye was shipped at 314 cents, but there was very little movement. ‘The barge R. J. Carney is taking on board the boiler for Captain James Davidson’s new steamer being built xt West Bay City. There ‘are two, each 8!; feet shell by 17 feet long, made of 9.16 inch’ steel. he engine for the vessel is a fore-and-aft com pound, 28 and 52 by. 45 inches. The Carney has just been thoroughly repaired at the Union shipyard, PORT HURON. The tug Robb, bound down with lumber barges, broke her cross head off Lexington last night, and was towed here by the steam- barge I, May. The cutter rigged sloop yacht Mable, from New York, was anchored in St. Clair river opposite the Port Huron & Northwest. ern railroad depot, Saturday, bound for Chi- cago but waiting for weather. LIFE SAVING APPARATUS. The Simplest and Cheapest ever Invented. Being Self-acting, it Requires no Attention After the Tube Keservoir has Once Been Filled with Sperm Oil, Manufactured and for Sale Only .by D.KAHNWEILER, DETLIN € CO. VESSEL AGENTS. General Marine Brokerage. Grain, Ore and Lumber Charters Negotiated, Room 2, 750 Washington St, | CHIGAGO, ILL,

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