Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), July 10, 1884, p. 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. THE sCIENYIFIC PRINCIPLES OF SAFETY. Lockport, June 80. To the Editor of the Marine Record: Your editorial comments on my article in the May number of the American Aquatic Magazine, are to the point, but do not cover the whole ground, as the inference may be drawn, that it would cost more to build from scientific principles of safety, that it costs to build others as now used; or, in other words, that it would call fora sacrifice to add safety. But such is not the ease. Science is the fountain head of safety and economy, Which is proved by all Jubor sav- ing machines, the works of science. ‘The sufetv ship will be one of the highest order, and be posessed of the greatest degree of economy, ever inaship. In favt one halt of the power now used for propulsion will give ayreater degree of speed. ‘The principles to do this work will be found in the columns of the 1uture numbers o1 the American Aquatic Magazine, begining with the August number. ‘lhe question now is, what is the kindof work called for? The loss of the Can- adian brig Sherwood, reported a short time ago, throws much light on this subject. She went down in mid ocean, only one survivor. It is conceded or claimed that this disaster was caused from lack of stability. I quote from anarticle in the New York Herald «Professor Elgar, of the,London!Institution of Nava) Architecture, recently stated that evidence at the board of trade inquiries into shipwrecks, is constantly pointing to in- stability as cause of loss.” As vessels are now built and formed, how is stability attained ? ' no point better known by nautical men than that it is attained by ballast, loading ‘Vhis brig was loaded with coal, good ballast, und must have bad ali the stability possible to give her. ‘The cause of the disaster must be jooked tor from some other cause, as it is stated that she did not capsize. ‘The fact is clearly pointed out that she had encountered asevere gale, as thousands of others have done, and had become unmanageable, a CUYAHOGA WORKS, HEAVY MACHINERY. Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Rope and all Its Fittings. 202 to 208 South Water-st, CHICAGO, ILL. BODIFIELD & CO, 8 South Water-st Cleveland DEALERS IN RUBBER GOODS Agents for Akron Rubber Co.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, ete. helpless mass, and was destroyed from her own inertia; and had her stability been of sucha degree that if in still water her masts would) have been broken off before she could have been hauled down to her seuppers by them, It would not have helped her in the WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam and Sail Yachts, Hunting, Fishing and Pleasure Boats, Shell Boats, Spoon Oars, least, her stability would have been of no account, created ag it was by counterpoise. '‘T’wo more helpless things than an un- manageable ship and rolling waves do not exist. The wave has no control over its own motion; it must roll onward by the power that impels it, and is driven on to its _ own destruction when itmeets any thing that it can not resist; an unmanageable ship, as now formed, can not resist the motion ot the wave. -But science gives the safety ship a torm to meet the motion of the wave and subdues or quiets it. Also powers to help herself under all circumstances against the motion of the waves. Her power of motion will be steam, and auxiliary sail. Her power for protection will be rightly located buoy- ancy, and stability, not derived from coun- terpoise. In fact her stability will be at its aeme when she has no load, as it is derived from buoyancy only. A glance at the Sher- wood’s torm will make this clear. As she sane from the bands of the builder light and buoyant she had no stability. To give her stubility she must be ballasted, loaded; this must beat her bottom; in doing it a portion ot her buoyancy has been destroyed, driven up through her hatches, and when loaded with an eye to stability, she then has no buoyancy below the surface of the water, none that rough water can act upon to keep her sate; in fact itcan only reach it at her full extremities above water, and in doing so causes her buoyancy to be the agent of her destruction. Such was the condition of the Sherwocd, a helpless mass in the troughs of the waves. ‘he satety ship is on principles the direct. opposite of the Sherwood, her buoyancy is such as tu remain it tact at all timer, loaded or light, and is beneath the surtace, and above it in position to always meet all motions of the waves, in safety, and the wave can never mount it, vor strain it. In fact she is clothed with buoyancy. Her form is such that the wave can not come against her asit does against: a rock, or the side of a ship. On the contrary, as it reaches the ship she gently disposes of it and cuts off its crown, with her uonder water plongh of buoyar cy, and her above water wings of buoyancy cause it to recede from her to the hollows of the waves; or, in other words, to its level. This is now no longer a iyth to be talked about, no longer a mooted question; science has now settled it practi- cally, and aship can now be built inde- structible against the forces of nature, And in point of cost lesa than ships as now built cost, and be run at greatly reduced cost, from what they now are ran. In them will be found the acme of speed with equal power, and equal displacement. Yours, Truly, JosErH W, Norcross, | tug; good as new’ Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y Established in 1834./A Full Line of Vessel Supplies, C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, KEEPS IN STOCK Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK- ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.) TELEPHONE NO. 1540. From 10 to 25 per cent Saved BY BUYING SUPPLIES AT JOHN SCHEUFLER’S | Cash Crocery, OPPOSITE FRED GROCH'S COAL ‘OFFICE SANDUSKY, OHIO. MARINE SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. STEADY STARBOARD AND STOP AT Capt. Dahlke’s ONE PRICE BOOT ANDSHOESTORE And Examine a Fine Line of Spring Goods at Very Low Prices. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. CRUMMOND’S Mackinac Line, For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, Port Huron, Detroit and intermediate lake and river ports. Steamer ATLANTIC, Capt. D. Nicholson, Leaves Cleveland every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. During the warm. weather and pleasure season the Steamer Atlantic Will extend the regular trip on to Petoskey, Harbor prings and Ch rlevoix. CLEVELAND FORWARDING CO., Agents, Office and Dock, Foot of Superior-st.,"Cleveland. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. | DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio Ww. W. LOOMIS, Erie, Fa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Fishing Tugs, Wrecking, Repairing and Pier Building with Most Improved Facilities. All Work Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited. N. C. PETERSON . Boat Builders, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. BUTLES-COALCcO. [uinrreD.] Only Miners of BUTTS CANNEL COAL, and dealers in Gas (‘oals, Nut Coals, and Steam Coal for Tugs, Barges, e.c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND. O. FOR SALE, One-half Interest in a New Steam Yacht. To an ENGINEER who will give his own services For full particulars address, DEVLIN & CO., Marine Conveyancerr, 156 Washington-st Chicago. FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOIL! R, 44 inches di- ameter, 43 tubes 3 inches diameter and 12 feet long, steam drum 30 inches diameter, 40 inches high; tront grates, filtings and breechings; good order. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER, in good order; Shell, 7-16 inch iron plate; diameter, 9 feet 6 inches. length, 418 feet; 129 tubes 4 inches in diameter, 11 feet 4 inches loug, three flues 18 inches diameter; two flues 16 inches diameter, two flues 10 1-2 inches diameter; fire box, 6 feet long, 4 feet high; steam chimney, 7 feet high SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 inch tubes 60 inches long, cast iron breechng, good as new. SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE; double direct- acting 8x8 inch cylinder, shaft and wheel for yacht or ’ E depart No, 3, Columbus, Cincinnati & Ind .| 700 AM No. 28, Gahon & Wheeling Express, 6:40 AM | No.9, Col., Cin., Ind & St. Lows E | *6:40 PM TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Commencing Sunday, May 11, 1884, at 12 o’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper: ae | Arrive e | Depart. AM*12 054 ™ AM “7 004A M pr 08, N Y,B& A- Express.. No 26, Elyria Accommodation No 35, Buffalo Ac’m via Sandus 10 50A M No 35, ‘Joledo Accom via Norwalk 10 50a M No 12, N Y & B Fast: Express. ‘ "2 25 PM No 14, Special N Y & Bos Expres| 5 OU PM No 2, Night Ex via Norwalk 9 40 710 00.P M ze P No 22, Night Ex via sandusky...| {9 42 P No-26, Conneaut Accommodation +4 25 PM, Westward. | Arrive. No 1, Fast Limited Express, 1155 aM No 23,Mich Express via Sandusky} *2 15 AM _Depart, "12 05 A M "2 35 AM No 3, Chicago Express via “ °..; 2605 AM) 6 304M No 25, Mich Accom Norwalk eae ve | T610A™M No 21, Toledo Ex via Norwal 73 20PM No 5, St Lonis Ex via Sundusky 5 12 40PM No 9,Chi Pve Fx via Norwalk “6 06 P M| “6 38° PM No 31, Elyria ac to Elyria only. 74 80 Pie No 27. Conneaut Accommodation} {8 10 4 M Sunday train for Nottingbam-- Depart 8:30 F and 1:45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 9:05 a, m, and 3:45 p. m. Reference marks—* Teily, } daily, except Sunday, ¢daily, excent Monday. For full information as to trains and counections ap- ply at the new city ticket office, corner Seneca and st ‘air streets, Lake Shore block, BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS, Commencing Sunday, June 8, 1884, trains of the Bee Line—Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indian- apolis Kailwas —will teave and arrive at Clevelani as follows. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland time: 35 PM 4:00 PM 5.00 P M Arnive. "6:40 A M No, 5, Col Cin,, Ind. & St. Louis Expre: No. 27, Gallion & C.L& WL A No. 29, Massillon & Ulrichsvil 2 No. 8, » Cin, ind. & St. Louis Exp No. 20, Uhriesville & Massillon Ex. No, 2, Col, Cin. & Indianapolis Express No, 14, 8t, Louis, Ind.. Cin. & Col. I No. 22, Gallion Acc., No, 26. Wheeling Accom No. 4, Col., Cin’ & N.Y. Expres: Trains marked * daity, all other tram: Bunday E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Traffic Manager. General Manager. ‘New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts. burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast, Central or Ninetieth Meridien time. 33 mi er than Cleveland city time. nntes slow Until further notice trains will leave from the new | Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol. lows: ATLANTIC EXPRESS—(Dail 6.50 a, I. man sleeping and hotel Goats Full. Leavittshurgh 8:35 a. m. to New York, Albany and Boston without change. Arrive at Meadville at 10:40 m. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p. m, Oil City 12:80 p. a, Corry 12.25 p. m, Jamestown (Luke Chautauqua) 1.35 ,” m_, Buffalo 5:50 p. m. Rochester :20 p, m.} Hornell. ville 6:00 p m. [supper]; Corning 7:25 p. m. Elmira 8:05 p 1m. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albany Ler a.m, Boston 1:45 p. m.; arriving at New York 6:15 a.m. ) ‘0 i) Nl LI aED pnw eae Pull. mano sleeping coach n New Y ork. ‘Arvives at Mea‘ ville at 6:3 Sy eland te town 8:47 p. m., Salamanuea 9:45 p, 10:10 a. mn, ‘ NIGHT EXPRESS—(Daily exc, ; ’ i. Sunday) Seeping coach from Clevalen Hornellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at. 1:50 a. m, Meadville 8:25 a. m., Corry 4:59 a. m, Jamestown 5,37 a. m, Buffalo 9:20 a. m., Roches: er 12:58 p, m.,~Hornells, ville, 11:00 a m_, Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira i2:40 p.m Bingbampton 2:19 pp m,, New York 9:16 p.m. yard at Pittsburgh 5:50 a_m., without change. 9:90 PITTSBURGH | EXPRESS — Daily — j D. ll. ‘Through without change, Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 6:00 p m., Pittsbur, 8:02 p. m., Washington 7:09 a. m , Baltimore 8:19 a, ne Ai] nN MAHONING AOMMODATION — . }. stopping at all way s'ations, arviving at poungslown 5p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Sharpesville :10 p.m. i PITTSBURGH. EXPRESS — Daily — 6:50 a. n Through without ‘ change. Aen at Youngstown 9.30 a.m., Sharon 10:80 a. m., Sharps- ville 10:40 a. m., Pittsburgh 1245p m., Returning leaves Pittsbugh at 4:15 a. m., 7:45 a. m., 12:55 p. m., and 3:45 p m. 10 35 YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH d Il, acomMopsTION—stopping at Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m.,Pitte. burgh, 5.45 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 a. m., 6:30 p.m. 10.20 a. m; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, 2 8@>-This is the only route by which Dgers can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City | and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New England Cities. Baggage checked through to all points East Through tickets and: information regarding the route can be obtained atthe office 181 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y.,P & O R R., South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK, Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t. Cleveland, 0. J.M FERRIS, Gen’l Man’gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOU'I'S,Passenger Agt, 13] Bank St. Cleveland, The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO «& ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is ull new une is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to safe speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenger trains arrive at and leave from the Union Depot, Van Buren street. Following is the time in effect June 1, 1884, and un- til further notice: GOING EAST, m., New York Ly. Chicago......... Arr. Valparaiso... 9.45 “Fort Wayne. “* New Haven. West Leipsic. Arcadi . Fostor : Green Springs Bellevue . . Bellevu . Lorain.. Ly. Cleveland Arr Painesville. “ Ashtabula “ Connedut, “ Erie... © Dunkirk, “ Buffalo. "520 GOING WES' Green Springs. “ Fostoria. Arcadia, Si West Leipsic. New Haven.... Fort Wiayne. Valpraiso Chicago... Through tickets to all points are on sale at principal offices of the company at LOWEST RATES for any Class of tickets desiree Buggage checked to destination For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address a oe HORNER, Gen’ Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS . Cleveland, 0. a= General Manage GOL for the working class. Send ten cents for tage and we will mail you free, a royal, valua- ble box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not require!. | We will start you. ‘ou ean work all the time or io spare time only. The work is: universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You ean cusily earp from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalled offer; to all who are not weil satisfied we wil] seud $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direc- tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work Great success absolutely sure Don’t dela ptart now, Address | StINson «& Co., Portland, Maine. A PRIZE Send six cents for postage, and receive » free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. Atonce address, TRUE & Cov, Augusta, Meine. WILLIAM FORDE, | SHIP BROKER, A. 3. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. ! N.E. Cor. Columbus Ave. & Water St., | SANDUSKY, OHIO, Pp. m , James. .

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