THE MARINE RECORD. 8 AMIBWIRLOAN SimiP wa ¥ PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only builders of the ‘ Providence” Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans and Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts, Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. os exnaver, 2a. \\ a cae ae A aaa oe The Providence Patent Steam Capstan. The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass. The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass, New Style. The Providence Patent Power Capstan.! The Providence Patent Pu | . SELLING ACENTS ON THE LAKES. D. S. AUSTIN & CO. - - - BUFFALO, N. Y.| JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO. : - - - DETROIT, MICH UPSON, WALTON & CO. = 4,,° - ‘= - CLEVELAND, O.| DUNHAM & HOI'T, - .- - - - - CHICAGO, ILL - TOLEDO, 0.|G. D. NORRIS & CO. - - ‘- - - MILWAUKEE, WIs M. I. WILCOX. - - - THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. SS Eo Se ECT Ge Ee Ec Se Wed? HE EWE ee Sse . We are prepared to furnish onf short notice Stationary orMarine,“elther High Pressue, Low Pressure, Con- Having provided our new boiler works with the most approved tools for riveting by steam, plan- ing the edges, instead of chipping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by steam power, we feel warranted in saying we can furnish the best work for the least money in the following kinds of boilers, which we can build of either Iron or Steel: Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, eithe: hor- izontal or vertical, Locen otive Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, Flue Boilers, Smoke Stacks and general plate Iron work, SUBMERGED TUBE densing or Compound,Engines, Horizontalo Vertical, with or without graduating cut off. Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. We keep all’sizes of vertical Zengines§in stock, which we.are prepared to sell at respective prices. Stution- ary engine includes Governor, Throttle, Cylinder, and Oiler,{0il Cups and Waste Cocks. Marine Engine includes Link and Reverse Motion, Circular Throttle Cylinder, Oiler, Oil Cups and Waste Cocks, same as stationary,—no governor or fly wheel. Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, have single cranks, with separate journal when used: with stationary engines. They are provided with good brass boxes in both ends of connecting rod and cross head, with best possi- ble provision made for taking up the wear. The Cyl- inder, Steam Chest and lower head are cast in one piece and the frame, slides, and one piece, = thereby lessening liability of derangement and first cost and insuring a durable machine. The Cylinders are neatly covered with cast iron laging. Slide valve with lur,e ports. Piston filled with good metallic packing. MARINES ° \ Material and workmanship guaranteed. Ww Ship. Chandler’s List. FULL TUDE BOILER. x Is ( ys ATTTTTTTTONTSN que AWE \\ ; Celebrated Chain Sheave Windlass, with Ama--~. . __ : zeen Beam. rhe Common Patent Windlass.c/ose Zon Works Patent Steam Windlars