Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), August 21, 1884, p. 7

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‘ vw / H. J. WEBB & 00, Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) H J.Wesp&Co., willcharter Ve: sels for Lake Trade, 8 al attention given to C-artering Vessels in the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and single trip. ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE { Residence, ‘No. 1328, ~ SCOTT & BERRIMAN. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also given to the purchase and sale of Iron Ore, Telephone, No. 18. Office, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland, O. THOS. WILSON Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. CAPT. D. M. BECKER. CAPT, HENRY BROCK D. M. BECKER €& CO., Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Vessels chartered, purchased and sold; contracts mado for coarse and heavy freights, Lake Superior and Escanaba iron ore charters for sin- or season a specialty. Office, autism Cleveland, 0. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Clair Street, Room 27. CLEVELAND, OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank 8treet, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1616, DULUTH, MINN. Late Gen Ag’t for Collingwood Line of Steamers Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels. CAPT. J. W. MILLER. UAPT. R. B. MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTAGUE, DULUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Weighmen. Snecial attention paid to Chartering Vessels; al-o weighing and Trimming cargoes of grain. Correspon- dence solicited. ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Es Os pe wT ss Ba Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes of grain from this port will do well to confer with me. wil be glad to furnish information 1n regard to car- es, also in relation to docks, depth of water, etc., at uluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore port), Port Ar- thur, Was burn, Ashland, and all points near the west end of Lake Superior. Good gangs of men fur- nished on short notice fortrimming cergves of grain, loading and unloading all kinds of freight. KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe St Room 54 Chicago. ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance ~~ Law Office, Room 87, Merchants’ building, CHICAGO, ILL. A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange St. Buffalo, N. Y. te IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS FOR SALE, SEND FOR iT WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.E. Cor. Columbus Ave. & Water St., SANDUSKY, OHTO, BUTS COA COs (LimITED,] Only Miners of BUTTS CANNEL COAL, and dealers in Gas Coals, Nut Coals, and Steam Coal for Tugs, Barges, eic, CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND, 0. General Manager, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio > Gan, DAY’S A avi SN A. Yd TT WO pw int ‘ ee) cat 8 a ae —— es Builders of Iron and Steel Ves- sels of every Description. Builders of the lron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALLS SONS, ——MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE &* OAKUM. 3 of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very best qua‘ity made to order AT ONE OTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES P, DONALDSON &CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers - AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers’ Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. Dh ca COE AB ap ‘A "EE me 4) BBD Bc Be Se Patent Yawl Boats of ail Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DEAN & C0O., FOOT OF ST, AUBIN-ST,. DETROIT, ROSHL DOVWENER, SUB-MARINE DIVER, MICH, STERN BEARINGS REPATRED WITHOUT GOING TO DRYDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made for all Kinds of Diving. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAPTAIN DRISCOLL, CLEVELAND AGENTS. Sub-maiine Drilling and Blasting. G. 8. RAND. RAND & BURGER H, B. BURGER. SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH So aps gs ta om Yi ca ATTACHED TO THE WORKS, ALSO_PREPARED.,TOjDO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re- paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-four Lbs. Buoyancy AND FULL WEIGHT OF CORK, According to Requirements of U.S. Inspectors, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ALSO RING BUOYS. ‘LSG@AIVaGAnNO ‘LS@AVS Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER 146, 148 & 150 Worth St Near Center St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN’S SELF-ACTING METAL PACKING sess FOR PISTON RODS, j VALVE STEMS, Etc, Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Compa nies within the last eight yearsin this and Foreign countries. For full pare ticulars and references address L. KATZENSTEIN & CO 169 Christopher St, near West Street N, Y. CAFT, THOS. WILSON, Cleveland agent, a ty FI Cyctone STEAM FLUE. CLEANER 8 T BOILERS if FOR NDAIZONTAK AND, UREIgHY POHL Ay mo Et wi SOLE MA Le CLEVELAND, OHIO PENFIELD BLOCK Lockport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the — Celebrated “Anchor Brand” Tackle Biovks, ' ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH SELF-LUBRICATING 'PHOSPIHOR BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bushings is the Celebrated Phosphor-Bronza, the best —— bearing metal in the market, and being pe ts If-lmbricators they are fast su- cA \ | perseding all other styles, ‘For sale by SII? CHANDLERS every where ‘2 \ ASK FOR “ANCHOR BRAND" TACKLE BLOCKS, ) iz 2,.| The accompanying cuts represent the sleeve part, and a Phosphor-Bronz9 ) Self. Lubricating Bushing complete; the former as applied to Lignumyvitae and y/ and the latter as applied to iron sheaves, : a a Ilustrat,d Catalogue and price list mailed free onay plication, Sample orders solicited FOR SALE, Tews .r2com. Dus | _ Dimensions 78 feet long, 17 feet beam, 11 feet deep; draft, 9 1-2 feet; engine, 20x20, uew steel boiler 7 feet fh | diameter, 13 feet long, allowed 112 pounds steam. Three iron breast hooks forward, collision bulkhead forward water light bulkhead forward of boiler; iron goal bunkers, water tight bulkhead aft at shaft-gland, with water tight iron deck forming the floor of after cabin Iron decks, bulwarksand deck houses; iron tow Posts aft, Heavy angle iron frames, with reverse bars on al- ternate frames; 34 plate, steel floor plates; boiler, en- gine and bearing foundation of iron. For sale cheap when machinery can be completed by | AGENTS wanted for The Lives of all the Prositomta T of the US. The largest, handsomest, best hook ever “8 wiee our The fast- | est selling book in America Immense profits to agents All intelligent. people want if. Any one ean become a | successful agent. Terms free. Harerrr Book GC Portland... Maine ss fs Ae

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