THE MARINE RECORD. 3 of the tug Union as the basis for an order to over this point. He came upon a similar nano in Grand Haven a few days ago. ‘There was a tug engaged in towing booms of logs, and frequently, in fact, every day, had to carry the boom crews around the lake, He instructed the local inspectors to change her papers 80 88 to give her acrew of twelve men. He also said section 4,427 0f the Revised Statutes ought to be repealed, and section 4,426 amended. ‘The first section pertains to the inspection of tugboate and the second to yachts, ferries, ete. He would like to have the second amended 80 as to have It include tugs, which would permit them to tuke aboard persons outside of the crew. Right at this juncture General Du mont said: “Gentlemen, you need have no fear of being fined or getting intoany trouble whatever if the masters of vour boats per form a humane act by taking persons aboard. Whenever they save a 'ife you may be sure that they will get nothing but praise and commendation.”’ Mr. Gilman asked General Dumont if a tugboat would be liable for eai- rying a physician to a person in distress, The answer was returped that'she would not; at least no fine would ever be assessed against her if she was reported toa collector of custome for violating the law. ‘The gen- eral assured his listeners that he was with them so long as they kept within the etrict letter of the law. [le believed that some of the laws could be changed advantageously and without interfering with the ends of commerce. He said he had been all through the mill himself and he perfectly understood the needs of steamboatmen. He related the following interesting little story about an experience he had while engaged in the steamboat business: ‘‘During tne war my steamboat lay in New York being repaired, and when I did get her ready for sea I suc- ceeded in getting a aplendid charter. We loaded and started out of the harbor. Be- fore we got out to sea the boat stopped and the engineer came to ine and said there wae abig holeinthe boiler. ‘Canit be plugged up with a block of soft pine?’ I inquired, and when he assured me that he could make some sort of repairs if he had time enough, [told him to go ahead. ‘Then he went out. It was a big. risk to take, I know, but we had a good charter; a man will forget that he is in danger when there is money in it. Soitis with you gentlemen, and with all steamboat men.’’ General Dumont, in speak- ing of the law which compels passenger steamers to be’ provided with bulkheads, said that it applied to every kind of craft and it must be obeyed.—JInter Ocean. THE FIGHT ENDED. Ever since the season opened there has been war between the steamers running on the St. Clair riyer route. The steamer Ma- ry formerly ran on the Detroit and Toledo route, but she was taken from that route by parties who purchased her and placed her on the route between Port Huron and Algonac, At the beginning ot the seagon the Pick-up, asmall steamer, ran opposition to the Mary, but she proved to be no match for ber and the steamer Massagauga avas purchased for the route. It was thought that the Muagea- sauga, as she was a fleet little steamer, would be able to oust the Mary. It, how- ever, was svon ascertained that the Massa- sauga was not the faster boat, although she made her landings quicker than the Mary. The owners of the Maseasauga were «eter- mined to run the Mary off the route, if pos- sible, and secured the Pick-up to run in con- nection with their boat at reduced rates. The Mary was equal to the oceasion and also reduced rates. The war continued until abont a few weeks ago, when the Pick-up hauled off the route and the fight remained between the Mary and Massasavga. Early in the week the Mary again reduced the rates from twenty-five cents to ten cents for the round trip between Algonac and Port Huron, and arranged her time table so as to leave the wharf at exactly the same time as the Massasanga. It appears that the latter Steamer has been a source of expense to her owners during the whole time she has been running on the route,and it is evident from the following special from Port Huron that she could not withstand the last cut in fare the Mary made: Porr Huron, Anguat 28.—The long fight for local business on the St. Clair river, be- tween the two fast passenger boats, Mary and Massasauga,-is ended. ‘The latter haulec off the route to-night.—-Detroit Free Press. THE NAVIGATION COMMISSIONER. Hereafter owners desiring to change the Names of vessels will make their application ‘0 the commissioner of navigation, who, Under the late shipping act, has general su- Perintendence of the commercial marine and ‘merchant seamen of the United States. He shall be especially charged with the decision of all questions relating to the issue of reg- 'sters, enrollment, and licenses of veseels, 4nd to the filing and preservation of those documente, He is charged with the super- Vision of laws relating to the admeasure- Ment of vessels and the assignment of sig- al letters thereto, and of designating their oMicial number, and on all questions of in- lerpretation growing out of the execution of Jaws relating to these subjects, and relating 'o the colleetion of tonnage tix, and to the Tetunding of sueh tax when collected erron- ously or iNegally, and his decision shall be final, LIFE SAVING MEN. An exhibition was given at the life saving station to show the citizens of Buffalo what facilities they have for saving life and prop- erty. ‘The station is manne by eight surf- men and a captain, or keeper. In apparatus they had four lifeboats of different types and qualities, one fireboat with force pump und hose for fire protection to station and shipping, one ferry boat, one life-car, two mortar guns for firing line bearing projec- tiles or shot, one boat Wagon and one mor- tar cart, bawseis, lines, shot lines, purchase tackles, life buoys, lire lines, ete., all com: plete for actual service. ‘The lifeboats were first tested by pulling and capsizing with the crew, and with the following results: ‘lhe English double- banked life boat weighing nearly three tons, pulled heavily with eight Oursmen, Was cap- sized, righted herself nnd was free of water In three minutes ‘he Dobbins single- banked surf lifeboat, weight 1,600 pounds, pulled easily with six oarsmen, was capsized, righted herself and was free of water in twelve seconds. ‘The Dobbins double- banked surf lifeboat, weight 1,600 pounds, pulled easily with six oarsmen, righted her- self when capsized and freed herself of wa- ter in ten seconds, ‘The Dobbins open surf boat, weight 1,000 pounds, pulled swiftly with six oarsmen, righted when capsized, but would not free berself trom water, and remained sunk to her gunwale totally unserviceable until bailed out by hand, The English lifeboat is a good deep-water boat, but, having air chambers below deck, is liable, in case of being stove or leaking, lo fill up with water and sink to her gunwales, and thereby become unserviceable. ‘The two Dobbins surf lifeboats are yood surf boats: can be lnunched by hand from the beach, and being stowed solid with cork under deck, have no air spaces beluw water, and are not liable to being filled up with water in case ot staving, and are therefore totally unsubmergeable. The Dobbins ope: surf boat is doubtless as youd as an open boat can be. The rescue of life from shipwreck was shown by the firing of a line from shore over a supposed wreck 100 yards distant ana landing a shipwrecked mariner in six min- utes. ‘The rain put a stop to further opera- tione, and the contemplated rescue of other shipwrecked mariners with the life-ear, the fire protection drill and exercise with the fireboat, the resuscitation of the apparently drowned, an exchange of international code ot signals, and service operations with 4 bilged or stove lifeboat, were cut short.— Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. A Leader special suys on the 29th of April, 1877, the tug Belle King was sunk duringa storm on Peach Island reet, off Gibraltar Island. Last Tuesday, parties who had been at work for several days, succeeded in raising her so that her bows are now out of water, The captain of the tug Crawford, who visited her, reports that the machinery and boilers seem in good condition, but that the stern is badly crushed in. At the time of sinking, the King was on her way trom ‘Toledo to Welland Canal, with the dredge Champion and two ecows in tow, and under charter. of Wilcox Bros., who had a dredging contract on the constructions of the new canal. Be- Ing caught in a storm the King tried to make Put-in-Bay, the ecow broke loose and drifted away, but the dredge collided with the King, causing her to sink. She went down in about sixty feet of water and has remained undisturbed. At the time of the accident the King was owned by W. A Patchin, South Toledo, and commanded by Captain John Skeldon, of Toledo, and valued at $8,000. ‘The loss was settled, and the owner- ship of the King was looked upon as resting in M. 1. Wilcox, this city. About a year since, a diver went down to her, and being satisfied she could be raised, came to this city and offered to raise her for Mr. Wilcox for the sum of $500, but Mr. Wileox, not willing to invest that amount in what he considered almost worthless property, declined the offer, but told the parties they could go ahead and renlize what they could ont of the venture. The successful raising is evidence of the cor rectness gentlemen’s views, and now they are likely to get about $2,000 for their labor, as the King does not seem to stand in need of expensive repairing. The tug Winslow caught tire off Port Austin on the 13th. [t commenced with an explosion of coal gas, and very prompt and effective work by Captain Swain and crew is ull that saved the tug. Captain Swain was burned quite severely about the hands and arms. ‘he injury to the tug is not ex- tensive. See Ir is said that Captain Dang was betore the United States commissioner for running his tug witnout a master’s license. He was bound over to the United States court ut Grand Rapids. Eopert 'T. SMiru, of Brookhaven, Long Island, and Captain Edward A. Sinith have been appointed by the Secretary ot the ‘Treasury to test the power of oil to still CURIOUS OCEAN PHENOMENON. The crew of one of the New York pilot- bouts reports having observed a remarkable phenomenon at sea, off Sandy Hook, Sat- urday night, the cireumstances of which are to be investigated by Lieutenant Wells L, Field and John N. Sherman, of the United States navy, in charge of the hydrographic bureau at the maritime exchange. It is said that, for a considerable distance all around the vessel, the sex was red, and upon inves- tigation it wus found to be caused by myriads of worms, two inches in length and a quarter of an inch in diameter. Similar instances have been observed in the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. ntral or Ninetieth Meridien time, 33 minutes slow an Cleveland city time, Until further notice trains will leave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as ‘Sl lows: ATLANTIC EXPRESS—(Da‘ ) Full es from 6.50 a, i. man sleeping gpa ho! iL eo: me Leavittshurgh 8:35 a, m. Yotk, Alba Bos! without change. Arnive at Mea le tt W:40 a, er oveun before, but they are of infrequent ov- currence. A case was reported to the vavy department in 1867, the facts of which are_briefly as follows: ‘The United States roles Toa vis had been or- dered to the. Asiate squadron. One night in September, when the vessel wag under gail in the Straits of Malacca, the sea as smooth as glass, and the vessel making barely steerage way, the officers of the deck observed that the water was milky white, Commander Earl English, now commodore and chief ot the bureau of navigation and detail, was in command, and the remarkable sight induced the officer of the deck to call the captain from his sleep. When he came on deck he realized that the condition ot the sea was caused by animaleula, an instance of which he had witnessed in about the same locality several years before when he was a midship- man. He immediately had every officer and man called on deck to witness the strange scene, and they looked over the rail for two hours until after the vessel passed through it. Schooner Oneida, loaded with wood at Rowley’s Bay Saturday and ran ashore in getting away from the pier. A tug was telegraphed for at Sturgeon Buy, and the A. W. Lawrence went to her assistance and got her off Sunday at 6 p. m. and towed her to Bailcy’s Harbor, where she went to anchor. She is not leaking and, not dainaged. TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. GRUMMOND’S t . . 4 Mackinac Line, For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, Port Huron, Detroit and intermediate lake and river ports. Steamer ATLANTIO, Oapt. D. Nicholson, Leaves Cleveland every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. During the warm weather and pleasure season the Steamer Atlantic Will extend the regular trip on to Petoskey, Harbor prings and Charlevoix. CLEVELAND FORWARDING CO., Agents, Office and Dock, Foot of Suyerior-st., Cleveland. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, Commencing Sunday, May 11, 1884, at 12 o’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time. which is thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time proper: Eastward. | Arrive | Depart. No 4, Fast Limited Express. *1 10a M12 054M No8, N Y, B & A- Express, | 6 35 A M| *7 00 A M No 26, Ekyria Accommodation... .] $8 05 AM) wu... eases No 35, Buffalo Ac’m via Sandusky 10 35.4 wie 50AM No 35, Toledo Accom via Norwalk}710 35 a 31710 50 aM No 12, N Y &B Fast Express...... *1 55 P M| "2 25 PM No 14, Special N Y & Bos Expres 5 00PM No 2, Night Ex via Norwalk No 22, Night Ex via Sandusky...| {9 42 PM No 26, Conneaut Accommodation +4 25 P M.. Westward. | Depart, No 1, Fast Limited Express, “12 05 A M | {10 00 Pat No 23,Mich Express via Sand *2 35 AM | No 3, Chicago Express via ‘ 6 304M No 25, Mich Accom Norwalk. § 10 AM No 21, Toledo Ex via Norw: 38 20PM No 5, St Louis Ex via Sandusky 5PepM| 1240 PM M| “6 30 PM t4 80P Ww No 9,Chi P ¢ Fx via Norwalk... and 1:45 p. m.; returning, leave m, and 3:45 p. m. i Reference marks—* Daily, { daily, except Sunday, | gdaily, except Monday. S For full information as to trains and counections ap- ly at the new city ticket office, corner Seneca and St. | Mair streets, Lake Shore block, } BEE LINE . CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOLIS. Commencing Sunday, June 8, 1884, trains of the | Bee Line—Clevelund, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indian- | apolis Kailway —will leave and arrive at Cleveland as | follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower | than Cleveland time: epart | 7:00 A M No. 3, Columbus, Cincinnati & Ind No. 23, Galion & Wheeling Express. E No.9, Col., Cin., Ind & St, Louis Ex. 40 PM No, 5, Col. Cin., Ind. & St. Louls Exp i235 PM No. 27, Gallion & C.L & W. Acc 4:00 PM No. 29, Massillon & Ulrichsvil! 5.00 PM Arrive. No. 8, Col, Cin, \nd. & 8t. Louis Ex No. 20, Uhriesville & Massillon Ex. No, 2, Col. Cin. & Indianapolis Ex No, 14, St, Louis, Inc . & Col. No. 22, Gallion Acc... 10:00 A No, 26. Wheeling Accom 4:30 PM No. 4, Col., Cin & N.Y. Expres tap AM Trains marked * daily, all other trams daily except Bunday E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Trafic Manager. M445 P General Manager. A. J, SMITH, Gicneral Passenger Agent. | 1 rough water at sea. CLEVELAND, OHIO, | workers, absolutely sure, ' Augusta, Maine. m, (dinner) Franklin at 12: . m, ON Gty 12:80 p, m, Cnr 12.25 p. m, Jamestown (Lake Chaufauqug 1.85 p. m , Buffalo 5:50 p. m. Rochester 8:20 p. m.; Horns ville 6:00 Pp. m. [Supper]; Coring 7:25 p. m. Elmira P m. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albany 5:00 a. m. :45 p. m.; arriving at New York 6:16 a.m. y) 0 LIMITED EXPRESS—Through 1 D Il. mao sleepin; New York, Arrives at town 8:47 p. m., Pull~ coach from Cleveland to leadville at 6:30 p. m , James- Salamanca 9:45 p. m., New York 10:10 a. m. ' NIGHT EXPRESS—(Dail. except 11:00 D, ll Sunday) Seeping coach from Clevelitha Hornellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at 1:50 a. m., Meadville 3:25 a. m., Corry 4:59 a. m. Jamestown 5,57 a. m, Buffalo 9:20 a. m., Rochester 12:58 p, m., Hornella, ville, 11:00 a m_, Corning 12:07 BB Elmira 12:40 » My Bingbampton 2:19 p m,, New York 9:16 p.m. Kerive at Pittsburgh 5:50 a. m., without change. 9:90 PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — . D I. zhrough without change, Parlor car ate tached. Arrives at Youngstown 5:00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p.m., Washington 7.09 a. m., Baltimore 8:19 a. m, 4'\] N MAHONING AOMMODATION — a D. « Stopping at all way stauions, arriving at “Youngstown 6:55 p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Sharpesville 8:10 p. m. A PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — 6:50 a. nh, Through without change. Arrives” at Youngstown 9..30 a. m., Sharon 10:30 a. m., Sharps- ville 10:40 a. m., Pittsburgh 12 45 m., Returning, leaves Pittsbuigh at 4:15 a. m., 7:45 a. m., 12:55 Pp m., and 3:45 p,m. 10 35 YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH d, Ill, acommopaTioN—stopping at all Way stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m.,Pitte: burgh, 5.45 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:15 a, m., 10.20 &. m; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, 8@-This isthe only route by which ngers can reach Corry Elmira, Binghampton, New York City and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New England Cities. Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tckets and information regardin the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bank s £ a at new Depot of N. Y.,P &0O RK R., South Water stot and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E, CLARK, Gen’) Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, Oo” J.M FERRIS, Gen’l Man’gr, Cleveland, 0. M.-L, FOUTS, Passenger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUD RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is all new and is supplied with the latest applianees necessary to safe, speedy and comfortable traval. At Chicago, passenger trains arrive at and leave from the Union epot, ‘Van Buren street, Following is the time in effect June 1, 1884, and un- til further notice; GOING EAST. 6:30 p. m., Ly. Chicago......... Arr. Valparaiso... 9.45 “Fort Wayne. 1.30 “| New Haven., 2.05 West Leipsic, 3.56 p.m. “ Arcadi 449 « “ Fostoria., 5.00 “ Green Springs 5.45 ‘* Bellevue. « Erie... © Dunkirk “ Buffalo. oe GOING WEST. Lv Buffalo.. .. 9 -m, Green Spring: Fostoria.. Through points are on sale at princi offices of the som pany at LOWEST RATES for any ¢ of tickets di sired, Baggage checked to destination For information, call on nearest agent of the Com- pany, or address B, F. HORNER, Gen’l Passenger Agent, LEV'IS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Cleveland, O. al . V. D. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST%¢ Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. GOL for the wording class. Send ten cents for pos tage and we will mail you free, a royal, valua- ble box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business, Capital not required. We will start you. oucan work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. Youcan easily earp from 50 cents Lo $ every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalled offer; to all who are not weil satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direc- tions, ete,, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to ¢he work. Great success absolutely sure Don’t delay Start now. Addrera Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, A PRIZE, 1c’ ; nd six cents for stage, and receive free, a costly box A eet which wif help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All of eit lier SOX, suegeed | from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the Atonce address jTRUE & Co.,