THE MARINE RECORD. eee ee eee SAMUEL PLIMSOLL, M. P. Special Correspondence of the Marine Record, New York, October 26, It was late last Wednesday night when your representative reached the Gilsey House, at the corner of ‘T'wenty-ninth street and Broadway, to have an interview with the great British philanthropist and author of what fs now known throughout the mar- {time world as ‘‘Plimsoll’s load Jine mark,” which consists of a disk painted white, on every ship’s ride, with a line running through it fore and aft(down to which a vessel may Joad, but no farther, without bringing upon her hend tLe wrath of under writera‘ and government officiale, who are compelled by this law, to respect the lives and ‘property of others. After sending up my ¢eurd, on the elaborately engraved silver platter! of that very fashionable hotel, I was reqtiésied to step up to the room occupied by the man who has ‘made a name and fame for ‘himeelf ‘by his humanitarian efforts in behalf of those who. go to gen in ships and tea'Kettles (steamers.)) Upon entering the room there appeured before me a tall, erect and ‘handsome’ man, of ‘xbout 50 years of ‘age,’ whose hend had. now com- menéed to bend’ under the snows of half a century’s active lubor. His forehend was high and massive, showing the wealth of brain beneath, and his eyes glimmered and sparkled with enthusiasm os he warmed to his subject, the question of safety at sen, which has been made a life study. His thin lips and firm mouth, go characterictic of bold and determined men, were here beautitully displayed, and his every step seemed to stamp upon the ear and mind of his auditors that‘the man before them was not one of the ordifary run of ‘men, but rather that he was possessed of indomitable energy and perse- verance, and faith enough to remove'a mountain when the seas were running high. When he had finished a few pleasant re- marks about various things that had occu- - pled his attention since arriving from Great Britain, I ventured to ask him about the auceese of his load line Jaw, and was pleased to,be informed from: his own lips that, a)- though«unserupulous ship owners and mas- ters had ‘‘cheated the rope,” ashe termed it, yet, the Jaw was being enforced now more suppessfully than ever before, and seamen were generally gratetul and happy that such arule-had been brought about. He com- pared the enforcement of his law:to that of the Dingley bill, which has abolished the payment of advance wages to enilois, in this country, but says that his effoi'ts to’ pre- vent ‘ships being overloaded have been crowned with far more success than have those of Senator Dingley, so far, to prevent “Jack” from being fleeced by boarding house keepers and others, who live by sucking his bloud (money.) Mr. Plimsoll was also proud to say that sailors on English ships were in- variably well treated, even theugh they had to drink “lime juice and vinegar according to the art,”? while eailors on Yankee ships were often subjected to the most abominable cruelty during long trips, such as a passuge from, New York to San Francieco, He hopes that when the new American steam mer- chant marine is bullt up it will be command. ed by officers who will treat sailors like men and not like dogs, as they did In the days of yore; and he thinks nothing will hasten that day more than the completion of de Lessepy’ Pithama cial. which is to sevér North and Séuth America. It will bring California nearer, to Liverpool by steam than New York was by gail quarter of a century ago, teside opening more extensive markets for this’ country’s products on the west coast of South America. During the next ten years he predicts that the United States will gain a great advance in iron shipbuilding, aud he paid a warm tribute to the spirit of Yankee enterprise which has turned out such floating palaces as the boats plying the Hudgon river and Long Island Sound, the Bristol and Provi- dence, to-wit. Another thing which he had notived particularly was, that our coasting ‘steamers were far supertor to those of his country,, not, only in their elegant furnish- bt a below deck, but also because they were all’ straight atemmed, thus saving sailors’ Ivés' from being sacriticed on the bowsheet peel in the jib, when the wind hauled ahend and the steamer driving, against It; and also admired the good sense, of Amert- can navigators In doing away with yarde, Whfch he considered more detrimental than useful to a steam-propelled vessel. He con- sidered our three and four-masted schooners the most graveful creatures afloat, especially when they Were beating to windward like a bird, and, as my knuckles have been wrapped several times by some of your contributors, “Chip” and Your esteemed and valued cor- respondent, Captain John W. Hall, of De- trott, (J. W. EL,) in particular, for abbrevi- ating » three: masted echooner Into “three- and-after,””? I ventured to aak the learned Samuel what a two-masted schooner was generally called by British seamen, and the reply made “as as follows: “A two-masted schooner is now invariably called “two-and- after” by Englivh speaking sailore, the term having been coined about a dozen years ago by “deep water’ sailors, and it has now be- come the recognized expression in nautical parlance, In answer toa question relative to fix. fary steamers, Mr, Plimsoll replied that he thought a fleet of this type would be built for navigating the Panama canal in’ the grain trade with the Pacific coast, and he considered utilizing the main mast for a smoke stack the most novel product of gen- ins he had ever seen, as it proved highly ef- Ha ba and at the same time, very econom- ical. After paying a high tribute to the enter- prise of American journals and reporters in interviewing a stranger, he bad me farewell, hoping that I might aguin meet him upon bis return from a tour in the Bermudas, G. Foster Howe. A NEW TRANSFER FERRY BOAT. The Grand Trunk Company’s new trans fer ferry bout, the Landsdowne, is nearing completion now at Windsor. In the course of three or four weeks it is hoped she will be ready to go‘into commission. . Her gen- eral outline resembles that of the Great Western Her upper, works are modeled after that craft. But the design of the hull of the Landsdowneis different, heing of three- fourths inch iroti plates and designed ex- pressly' for keeping a passage clear in the ice. Her sheer is extreme, and as sheis a double-ender, equal speed can be made for- ward or backward. Her machinery and boilers are those tised in the old Michigan. The machinery was thoroughly overhauled and. tested before being placed in the Lande- downe. The two engines have a combined strength of 900 horse power, which it is es- timated will drive the versel through the heaviest ice forming in the river. She has two low pressure condensing engines with 60-inch cylinder and nine feet struke, ‘The wheels are twenty-nine feet five inches in diameter, built of ouk and sheathed with wrought fron. ‘he whole space occupied by the two tracks is open, so that she will carry as little weight as possible. On either side of the wheels are the officers’ rooms and waiting rooms, small but ample to meet all require- ments. ‘I'he pilot houses’ are most sub- stantially built, being elevated on wooden frame work and tied in with iron work. They are connected with each other by a long gallery. Her dimensions are 318 feet long, 41 feet beam, 72 feet over the guards and depth of hold, 15 feet. She draws seven feet of wa- ter on an even keel. ‘The hull was erected by. the Detroit Drydock Company at Wyan- dotte, the duty on which amounted to $13,000. ‘The boilers were placed In position and the whole Of’ the riveting done by John Mc- Gregor & Sons. Her engines and machin- ery, including her wheels,.were superin- tended by James Radclift. Dhe carpenter work reflects the greatest cr@dit on the fore- man, William Lane. ‘The whdle of the work was most ably directed by one of the engi- neers of the above company, the locomotive and ferry superintendent, W. O. Russell. It is hoped that she will make a much better and no worse an ice pioneer than the old Michigan.— Detroit Free Press. AN AWFUL STEAMBOAT COLLISION Out at the end of Vallejo strect wharfa schooner waa temporarily lying alongside. Four or five men Were lounging on the deck and one of them begun telling along yarn about steamboat life on the Sacramento river years ago. {Ie wasa vetran and _ his voice sounded like a broken windlass, ‘What I waa goin’ ’t speak ’bout fust hap. pened in ’66. We was goin’ up the river one night an’ run into an old freight steamer. It cut her smack in tow and toseed our pas- sengers nll out of their berths, for it was midnight, we were tuck back so lively. “Well, they got th’ boats out and picked up the fellers who’d swum off from th’ wrecked steamer. ‘They was only five or six o’ ’em on the old thing. “But you ought Ugeen our passengers, They thought our boat was goin’ to sink sure, an’? they run about th’? deck, men, women an’ children, all in their nightePothes, Them men an’ kids was a sight more scuirt than the women. One bald-hended chap was prancin’ up an’ down, holdin’ on t? th’ deck rallin’ and yellin.’ « ¢Mariar ! Maniar? “That meant his wife. She had her head stuck out of the cabin-window, tryin’ t’ peer into th’ darkness t? see what was th’ funeral. : “*Marlar! Mariar!’ th’ feller kep’ callin’ “ *What’s th’ matter with you?’ says his wife, very crcas.” ‘¢ Fp God’a anke, Mariar ! what’ll we do?’ “'*Do what!’ *« Why, th’ boat’s busted ; it’s goin’t sink ! Shall we jump? “Jump! y’ old fool. What a’ y’ want to jump fur? Y’ better come Inside an’ be drowned decent.’ “Old Sam Brannan was up in th’ cap’n’s room at th’ time, They war playin’ seven up, fur a gallen 0? whisky. When th? ’cliain come, th’ cap’d run out v see what was th’ matters an’ when he come back he found ’at old Sam had drank up th’ stakes in his ex- citement.’— The Ingleside. \ ‘| CAPT. J. W. MILILER, i ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, DULL U DEL. Owner: and ina ters of ve-sels wishing to get cargoes of are from this port will do well to confer with we. Will be glad-to furnish information in regard to car- goes, also in relation to «locks, depth of water, etc., at Duluth, Agate Bey tier iron ore port), Port Ar- thur, Washburn, Ashland, and all points near the west end of Lake Sierior Good gangs of men tur- nished on short notice for ‘rimming errg e3 of grain, loading and unloading all kinds of freight JAMES T. ROSE, | Vessel Agent and Broker, - BOX 1616, DULUTH, MINN. Late Gen Ag’t for Collingwood Line of Steamors Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels. APT. R. B. MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTAGUE, | DULUTH, MINN. | Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Weighmen. Snecial attention paid to Chartering Vessels; al-o weighing and Trimming cargoes of grain. Correspon- denge solicited. H. J. WEBB €&CO.,. . Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. (ESTABLISHEO IN 1856.) H J. Wxpp& Co., will charter Versels for Lake Trade. Spectal attention givon to Crartering Vessels n the bake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and single trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE { Residence, No. 1328, SCOTT & BERRIMAN. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also given to the purchase and sale of Iron Ore, Telephone, No. 18. Office, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland, O. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank 8treet, Cleveland, Ohio. MOORE and BARTOW, . Ship Brokers .and Agents, No. 101 St. Gair Street, Room 27. CLEVELAND, - OHIO. CAPT. D. M. BECKER, QsPT. HENRY BROCK D. M. BECKER € CO., Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Vessels chartered, purchased and sold; contracts mado for coarse and heavy freights, Lake Superior and Escanaba iron ore sharters for sin- at le trip or season a specialty. Ofer, esaieseenase Cleveland, 0. 953. ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 387, Merchants’ building, CHICAGO, ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange >t. Buffalo, N. Y. erik YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LIGT OF VESSELS “OR SALE, SEND FOR iT LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN , Commencing Sunday, May 11, 1884, at 12 o’clock noon the time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which ts thirty-three min- utes slower than Cleveland time roper: Eastward, No 4, Fast Limited Expre No8, N Y,B& A: Express No 26, Elyria Accommo:lation.... . No 35, Buffalo Ac’m via Sandusk tl No 35, ‘Toledo Accom via Norwal No 12, N ¥ & B Fast Express...... No 14, Special N Y & Bos Expres No 2, Night Ex via Norwalk... No 22, Night Ex via sandusky.. No 26, Conneaut Accommodation +4 ~~ 0 10 Westward. | Arrive, | Depart, No 1, Fast Limited Exptess.,.......)"11 55 a M/*12 05 a M No 23,Mich Express vie Sandusky! 2 15 AM] °2 35 aM No 8, Chicago Express via " ..| 4605 AM] 6 30AM No 2, Mich Accom Norwalk.. ae | TO 1AM No 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk 13 55 PM] 73:20PM No 6, St Louis Ex via Sandusky..|f12 15 PM] 12 40PM No 9,Chi P.c Fx via Norwalk.....| %6 06 PM] “6 2°>PM No 81, Elyria ac to Elyria only... 14 30PH No 27. Conneaut Accommodation] {8 10 A M]........ Sunday train for Nottingbam-. Depart 8:30 a. m, and 1:45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 9:05 a, m, and 8:45 p.m. Reference murks-—* Dally, daily, except Sunday, édally, except Monday, For full informa ton as to trting and counections ap- ply at the new city ticks toMec, corner Seneca and st, Mair streets, Lake Shore block, f' The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Trunk Line is ull new and is supplied with the latest appliances necessary to safe speedy und comfortable travel, ‘Trairs leave and ariive at the Union Denot, Van Buren street, Chicago, and N Y, LE & W R’y depot at Buffalo, Following is the time in effect Oct. 6, 1284, and un- til further notice: LV. AR |GOING WEST. GOING EAST. ... Chicago .. . Valparaiso. -Fort Wayne . New Haven ao Ce SERS Painesville... Ashtabula Conneaut we Erie .,.. mbt SC~A16e om s¥eper esas 419] cessse| Through tickyts to all points are on sale at pi offices of the company at LOWEST RATES for at Tass of tickets desired, iggage checked to destibation For information, eall-on nearest agent of ‘the.Com- pany, or address B. KF. HORNER, tes Gen’l Passenger Agent, LEY’IS WILLIAMS, s . General Manager. Cleveland, O. - BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI! & INDI- ANAPOLIS. Commencing Sunday, June 8, 1884, trains of the Bee Line—Cleveland, Humbus, Cincinnati & Iudian- apolis Kailwa\ —will tvave and arrive at Clevelant as follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland time: : P! 700 AM 640 AM nd. & St. Louis E: cae Pa ; R . Lou! ress... |*5 No. 2h, Galion’ & CL. & W. Ace,...<-, 4:00 PM No. 29, Mussillon & Ulrichsville Ex. 5.00 PM x Arnve. 0.8, Col, Cin, ind. & St. Louis Exp., No. 20, Uhricsville & Massillon Ex ae 0 a M No. 2, Col. Cin. & Indianapolis Express. 9:50 P ¥ No, 14, 8t, Louis, Ind.. Cin. & Col. Ex 4:45 PM No. 22, Gallion Acc., 10:00 A M No, 26. Wheeling. A 4:30 PM No. 4, Col., Cin. & N.Y Wb AM ‘rains marked * daily, all other Sunday E. B. THOMAS, _ 0. B. SKINNER, Traffic Manager. General Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passen; CLEVELAND, OHIO. aor Agent New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitts- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southenst, Central or Ninetieth Meridien time, 33 mi: er than Cleveland city time. antes alow Until further notice trains will leave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol- lows: ATLANTIC EXPRE8S—(Daily) Pull. 6.50 a. lh. man sleeping and hotel Coats from Leavittahurgh 8:35 a. m. to New York, Albany and Boston without change. Arrive at- Meadville at 10:40 a, m, (dinner) Franklin at 12:08 p- m, Oil City 12:80 p. m Corry 12.35 p. m, Jamestown (Luke Chautauqua) 1.85 . m, Buttato 6:50 p. m. Rochester 8:20 p. m.; a! [a ville 6:00 p m. {eupperli Corning’7:25 p. m. Elmira 8:05 pm. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albany 5:00 a. m. Boston 1:45 p. m.; arriving at New York 6:15 a.m. ) ‘00 1 Nl LIMITED EXPRESS—Through Pall- ' o il. man sleeping coach from Cleveland to New York, Arrives at Meadville at 6:30 p. m , Ji town 8:47 p. m., Salamanca 9:45 p, in ‘New York 10:10 a. m. ’ NIGHT EXPRESS—(Daily ‘exce) 11:00 I. ll. Sunday) Seeping coach from Clevolaea Hornellsville. Arrive at Youngstown at 1:50 a. m. Meadville 8:25 a. m., Corry 4:59 a. m. Jamestown 5,57 a m, Buffalo 9:20 a. m., Rochester 12:58 p, m., Hornella. ville, 11:00 a m., Corning 12:07 pm, Elmira 12:40 p. m, Binghampton 2:19 p m,, New York 9:10 p.m. Arrive at Pittsburgh 5:50 a. m., without change. 9:90 PITTSBURGH | EXPRESS — Dafly — ' D. lh. Through without change, Parlor car at- tached. Arrives at Youngstown 6:00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p. m., Washingion 7:09 a. m_, Baltimore 8:19 a. m. Al] MAHONING AO uUMODATION — . D. nh. Stopping at all way s'ations, arriving at Youngstown 6:56 p. m., Sharon 8:0] p. m., Sharpeavilte 8:10 p. m. ’ PITTSBURGH EXPRESS — Daily — 6:50 a. Il. Through without change. Arrives at Youngstown 9..30 a. m., Sharon 10:80 a. m., Sharpe- ville 10:40 @. m., Pit'sburgh 1245p m., Retnrning, leaves Pittsbuigh at 4:15 a, m., 7:45 a, m,, 125 p. m., and 8:45 p m. 10 35 YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH a I, ACOMMODATION—Stopping at all Way stations, arziving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m.,Pittre burgh. 5.45 p. m. Trains arrive at Oleveland, 6:15. m., 6:80 p. m., 10.208 ™; 1:05 p. m., and 9:45 p. m, ‘his isthe only route by Which passengers can rene Corry, Elmira, Binghampton, ew York City and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New England Cities, id . Baggage checked through to all points East Through tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y.,P &O R R., South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK, Gen’! Pass’r Ag’t. Cleveland, O.§ J, M FERRIS, Gen’! Man’gr, Cleveland, 0. M. L, FOUTS, Passenger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland, A PRIZE. Send six cents for postage, and receive » free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything clee in this world, All, of either sex, succeed from first hour, The broad road to fortune opens before the workera, absolutely aure. Atonce addresajTRur & Cos, Augusta, Maine. 66 aweek at home. $5 00 outfit tree. Pay absolutel sure. Norisk. Capital not required. Header, it you want business at which persons of either sax, young or old, can make great pay all the time they @_ w ork, with absolute certainty, write for particulars @ MH: HAtLET>, & Co,, Portland. Maino, “\