THE MARINE RECORD. : eee eee 5 * COAST DEFENSES. General John Newton has submitted his \annual report on the coast detenses. He euknestly urges that the harbors of our principal seaports be made impregnable to attack by the addition of guns of heavy caliber aud other appliances known to mod. ern warfare. Past events, he says, by no means justify the assertions made that our cotton and grain have become so necessary to other nations that they could not engage in war with us fora short period without an interruption to their supplies of these articles. It seers to be forgotten thata descent upon our coast to hold our unpro- tected cities under the guns of a hostile fleet would consume buta few months, and in the meantime cotten and grain in sufficient quantities might be obtained elsewhere. The modern system is to make the/Deaten party pay the expense. ; ¢ : THE Board of Engineers iy Fortifications has prepared an approximateestimate of the cost of fortifications, including armaments, modern heavy guns and rifled mortars for. Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hampton Roads, New Orleans and San Francisco; and another estimate, likewise approximate, for the preliminary works of earth and masonry, without armor, machinery.and guns, to serve as emplace- ments for guns. Total estimate, including armaments, $53,588,000, The estimate for the emplacement of; guns, in- cluding armor, guns’ and ma- country, is $10,388,000. ‘hese estimates have been made with care, and Itis believed that the fortifications, includ‘ng guns, at all harbors on the coast of sufficient importance to tempt an enemy can be prepared at a cost not to exceed $60,000,000. The . following estimates required for 1885 and 1886 are made. For the defense of Boston harbor, $880,000; New ‘York harbor, $1,120,000; Philadelphia, $132,000; Baltimore, $132,000; Hampton Roads, $66,000; San Francisco, $900,000; modification of existing forts and batteries, $500,000; preservation of fortifica- tions, $175,000; purchase of sub-marine mines, $300,000, casemente, etc., $200,000; torpedoes, $60,000. The Luke Superior News eays the re- cepts of wheat at this port for the two months ending October 81st were 6,527,000 bnshels, which is within a million and a half of the entire receipts of last year’s crop. Shipments for the month just over were enormous, footing up a total of 3,150,000 bushels from elevators A and B which is not only much more than double what we ever shipped before in the same time, but is also much more than any other lake port has shipped during the month. Duluth leads the whole country in shipments for October. GHEBOYGAN LIGHTS. Notice is given that on and after Novem- ber{1, 1884, a fixed red light, of the fourth order will be shown from the lighthouse re- cently erected on the isolated crib at the end of the dredged channel into the mouth of Cheboygan river, Straits of Mackinac, Mich. ‘The apparatus lights the entire hori- zon, and the focal plane is thirty-five feet above the lake level. The light should be seen in clear weather from the deck of a ves- sel, ten feet above the lake, twelve statute miles. The structure is an octagonal tower painted red, surmounted by alantern. Mag- netic bearings and distances from prominent objects areas follows: Spectacle reef light- hovee, N. E. by E. 34E., 171g statute miles; Cheboygan lighthouse, E. by N., 2 statute miles; Point St. Ignace, N. W., 1714 statute miles. On the same date the Cheboygan river range lights will be changed to show as fixed red, instead of fixed white, as now shown. | ’ “Qrog boats” are sent among the British, fishermen off the coast ot York and Cleve land by eiterprising Hollanders. ‘These boats are fitted out like English barrooms, with all the modern improve- ments, including barmaids, so that the sailors and fishermen can go on long sprees without the trouble of going ashore. ‘These grog bonts area nuisance. ‘hey are de- moralizing the toilers of the sea. Mr. Gregory; agent of the Canadian De- partment of Marine, reporting upon the causes which led to the stranding of the &teamship Warwick, says the accident was due toa greater deviation in the compass titan was calculated for, in consequence ot which the steamer was about twenty-seven miles out of her course. SAULT STE. MARIE. The propeller Ohio went aground four miles from Detour light. without much trouble. She was released: DETROIT, Special to the Marine Record November 4.—The schooner Lucinda Van Valkenburg, which had been given up as lost with all hands in Lake Erie, passed up yesterday, apparently all right. She was nine days on the pagsage from Port Colborne © this point, a portion of which time she jad favorable winds, As she did not call I did not learn the cause of her tardiness, but it is presumed she was weather bound. Dean & Co., bont builders here, who were burned out a few days since, are undecided as to whether they will resume business again or not, so that tor the present matters remain in statu quo. The barge lian Rodgers, which was in trouble at the Straits some days since, ar- rived here on Saturday, waterlogged with steampump on board, and her cargo dis- charged. This craft was formerly the reve- nue steamer Fessenden, and is owned by Donnelly & Co., at Buffalo. ‘Lhe extent of her damages will not be known until after she is docked. ‘The weather in the rivers for some days past has at intervals been unusually foggy, causing more or less detention to the ehip- ping. Low water at the Lime Kiln crossing has at different times caused a delay of from twenty-four to thirty-six hours, ‘The scow L. M. Spaulding, while beating down the river on Saturday, struck a sunk- en pile near Wyandotte, and was run upon the bank to prevent-sinking. Yesterday she was towed up to the city for repairs. Sev- eral of her bottom planks are stove in and her damages are estimated at $200. There has been some changes lately in the command of some of the river steamers. ‘I'he Riverside is now in charge of Captain John Edwards, late of the Pearl, and the steamer City of Dresden in command of Captain H. J. Wigle, in the room of Captain John Wes- ton. ; The steamer Milton D. Ward, of the De- troit and Port Huron route, has been bought off by the owners of the steamer Idlewild for the remainder of the eeason. The Lake Superior ‘l'ransit steamers con- tinue doing a good business and have fair freights on the upward passage, but of course are not confined to regular days of sailing. ‘I'he same may be stated as regards, the movements of Ward’s line. The schooner Jura, a Canadian craft, was reported yesterday ashore above Port Stan- ley, laden with wheat. Being in Canadian waters, no tug from this side of the line could go to her relief. The vessel is insured for $8,500 and owned at Port Colborne. ‘The Canadian, propeller Armenia passed down Sunday from Lake Sujfrior, light, and is en route to Toronto to load grain for Mon- treal. : The tug Winslow, which left some days since to release the propeller Scotia, on Lake Superior, as noted in my last, hag“given up the job tor this season, and it may be taken tor granted that she will be a total loss. Her valuation is placed at $100,000, and she is in- sured for $60,000. The Winslow, after re- tiring from the Scotia, proceeded to Carri- boo island to release the echooner Lady Duf- ferin, stranded there. Freights rule the same as last quoted as re- gards grain, while there is a‘slight advance in lumber rates. Wheat, Detroit to Buffalo, 2c; to Lake Ontario, 43{c. The schooner Smith & Post, which, dur- ing the eisai sheg has been in the lumber trade between! Detroit and Alpena, brought twenty-four cargoes, each averaging 260,000 feet, and from this out ehe will probably make three more trips, which will be a good season’s trade. ‘The United States supervising and local inspectors of vessels have been obliged to re- move their quarters from the custom house building to the Merrill block, in order to af- flord better facilities for the postofiice functionaries, which were considered too limited. ‘The schooner Gerrett Smith, whigh strand- ed and sunk at Crawford's quarry, Lake Hu- ron, some three weeks since, has not yet been released and lies in six feet of water, Beside pumping, it will require strong pulling to get her afloat. Murphy Bros, have sent one of their wreckers-to-accomplish the undertak- ing, and with favorable weather will proba- bly succeed. ‘The vessel is 254 tons burden, twenty-nine years old and worth $5,000, ‘The ’longshoremen here are demanding 25 cents an hour for unloading vessels and will take no less. ‘The schooner John Tib- bitts arrived yesterday with wood, when the captain refused to accede to their demand, and after considerable parleying the captain succeeded in getting a gang of outsiders at 20 cents, when the storm blew over. The schooner Belle Hanscome arrived yesterday from Buffalo with only part ofa cargo of coal and galt. She was unable to secure the requisite quantity of the former as there was but a limited supply tu be had. Shortnges on grain cargoes of vessels at Buffalo which loaded here, are as preva- lent as heretofore, and there seems no ac- counting where the discrepancy arises, meanwhile there is loud complaint at both ends of the route. There is a strong sus- picion that the difficulty is at Detroit. ‘The schooners Horner and City of Green Bay arrived at Walkerville, Saturday, with corn from Chicago. Both vessels have been chartered to load wheat here for Buffalo at going rates, also the schooner Red Wing. Beyond thege charters there is no extra de- mand for freight room. ‘The tug Champion is undergoing repairs to her machinery at the Riverside works, and when completed, with the other wreck- ers belonging to Grummond’s Jine, will be kept in readiness to-attend to vessels in dis- tress. 3 The tug Martin Swain has just returned from Lake Superior and is now on -Lake Erie. The steamship City of Cleveland, of Brad- ley’s line; passed up this forenoon without her consorts. A dispatch was received at Detroit ‘lues- day stating that the schooner Huron, ashore at ‘T'ryconnel, had been raised by jacks, and that the tug Chardon had succeeded in mov- ing her ten feet towards deep water. ‘The Huron got aground last week in trying to get out of the ‘I’ryconnel Harbor. The water to-day at the Limekilns went down to thirteen feet six inches, the lowest point reached this season. It is now higher. The steamships Syracuse and New York sre delayed here by low water. Morley Bios’ new propeller, which was constructed in Morley & Hall's shipyard at Marine City, is at the Shears wharf at the Detroit drydock to receive her boilers and machinery. ‘The hull is a good model and is painted black. She will have four spars, three of which are already in, the forth to be placed atter the beilers are received. Her length over all is 250 feet length on the wat, er line 287 feet; br h of beam, 88 feet, moulded depth, 28 feet¥iI'he kell of the pro- peller was laid last fl. She is double- decked, her lower hold being 14 feet deep, and the space between decks 7 feet. Her bottom plank is six inches ‘thick and her sides 4 inches. ‘The frames are 6-inch flitch and the floors 20 inches in the britch, 18 in bilge and 7 at the top. The ceiling is6 inches and the floors 4 inches thick. She is iron strapped after the manner of all first class propellers. ‘The weight of all kinds of fastenings which are used in her construc- tion is over 110 tons. She has seven keelsons five of which are 13x14 inches and two 13x13 inches. ‘The floors of both decks are four inches thick and her centerboard is twenty feet long. It is estimated that her carrying cnpacity, on an even draught of fourteen feet of water, will be about 2,000 tons net. Her boilers sre 10x16 feet, and are con- structed of the best steel, to stand a steam pressure of 100 pounds. She will have a fore and-aft compound engine with cylinders forty and forty-four inches with forty inchea stroke. It is probable that the propeller will not be completed early enough thie fall to engage in the lake traffic, but on the opening of navigation next spring will take her place among the finest wooden propellers on the lakes. . The storm signal is up to-day and a shift of wind from southwest to north, though at the present quite moderate. J. W.H. GOODRICH. The schooner Grace Amelia, from Serpent river with a cargo of lumber, while making this port missed the piers and nearly went ashore on the north side. A heavy sea was running at the time, but the crew suceeded in getting out the anchors which held with- in a short distance from the shore, where she remained until released by the propeller Armenia. ROCHESTER. The extension of the river piers into the lake has not worked to the advantage of shipping. ‘The action of the waters deposite mud and. sand on the river bettom, espevially at the sides, from the old light- house up to the steamboat landing so that vessels drawing more than seven feet ot water cannot get up to the docks to unload, or even for protection from the weather. It is also feared that bars are forming near the mouth of the river, and the people of Charlotte are agitating the subject of secur- ing an appropriation for the dredging of the river, and they feel that the work cannot be done any too soon. Luke navigators have been making bitter complaints about the condition of the harbor, and say that they dislike to take the risk of entering the river, CHARLOTTE, The extension of the Charlotte piers into the lake has not worked to the undivided advantage of shipping. The action of the water deposits mud and sand “on the river bottom, especially at the sides, from the lighthouse up to the steamboat landing, so that vessels drawing more than seven feet of water cannot get up to the docks to un- load, or even for protection from the weather, It is also feared that bars are forming near the mouth of the river, and the people of Charlotte are agitating the subject of secur- ing an appropriation for the dredging of the’ river, and they feel that the work cannot be done any too soon. Lake navigators have been making bitter complaints about the * condition of the harbor, and they say they dislike to, take the risk of entering the river. MILWAUKEE. “The disabled steambarge M. R. Warner will be given a new rudder and lower can- vas here and will be towed to Cleveland. It is said that she will be rebuilt during the winter. Ten feet of her stern will be cut off, and she will be lengthened twenty feet to give her a better sheer. She will be con- verted into a double decker. Tho steambarge Fayette took fire off Man- istee and was damaged to the extent of $1,000. e The schooner E, P. Royce, Jight from Chicago tor Black River, came in here ina leaking condition, and was docked. When entering Black river she struck on the flange of her anchor and stove a hole in her bottom. EAST TAWAS. Steambarges Iron Age and consort S. P. Sheldon and-Ely, bound down from Lake Superior; 8S. Hubbell. A. H. Moss and 8S. A. Irish, all sheltered from the very violent northwest gale. The Iron Age parted a new nine-inch hawser rounding to in the sea. ‘ AMHERSTBURG. ‘The schooner Venice, with coal, sailing up, brought upon the rocks west of the works near the black buoy on the Lime Kilns, this afternoon. She is eighteen inches out. The tug Phoenix is working at her. ‘The water on the-croasing is down to thirteen feet nine inches, the lowest this season. The steamship William Chisholm, drawing about fifteen feet, is sitting in the mud atthe dock here; also at dock are the propellers Cuba, Niagara, City of Concord and consort. WHITEHALL, The tug Wim. Richards, owned by Walt- man & Lanford, of Montague, was damaged by fire this morning to the extent of $1,500. She is fully insured. The Richards was built at Manitowoc by Richards in 1873 and measures 19 tons. She is valued at $3,000. OSWEGO. Ata meeting of the Oswego yacht club held last evening the following officers were elected for the coming year: “Commodore, John 'T'. Mott; vice com- modore, Wm. B. Phelps jr.; captain, Allen Ames; secretary, Wm. KE, Lee; treasurer, James Henderson; measurer, Captain A. Fitzgerald; fleet surgeon, A. M. Tully, M. D.; board of directors, J. B. McMurrich, J. B. Donnelly and C. A. Worts.—Times & Express. » CHEBOYGAN, All the buoys west of this port in the Straits have been taken up by the steamer Dahlia. The Gerrett Smith was pumped out on the 4th, and allowed to fill again as the wind in- creased from the northeast, and the tug Smith came here for shelter. The tug Moore took the Fillmore and went down with her.