a teel Ves- sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, lron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALLS SONS, ——MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE &* OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the very best qua'tty made to order AT ONE DAY’S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE, Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N.Y. — JAMES P, DONALDSON &CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN : Mill, Railway and Manufacturers’ Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO... EB ap @ EE ESE UC) HE EOP Ec Be So Patent Yawl Boats of ait Lengths, Pleasure and. Hunting : Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. aN ISLS BLeocE co., Lockport, N. Y. - ANCHOR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, - Stove and Warehouse Trucks, r ALLSTEEL ROLLER BUSHING, |G “Ancterranaten PHosphor Bronze Self-Lubricating Bushings. Block, No. 511. GOODS FOR SALE BY PROMINENT DEALEKS EVERYWHERE. Ask for Anchor Brand Blocks. ilnstrated Catalogue and Price List Mailed on Application. — ROSHL DOMENER, Single, In- side Iron Strapped, No.7 ST. MARY’S OHIO, OAR FACTORIES. MONTPELIER, OHIO. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & C0,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Cordage, Oakum, Wire Rope, Chains, Anchors, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers’. Goods Generally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. The Neversink Cork Jacket|WM. HINGSTON & SON, AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Boat Builders Warranted Twenty-four ‘Lbs, Buoyancy steam and Sait Yachts, Hunting, Yistng ana AND FULL WEIGHT OF CORK, Pleasure Boats, Shell Boats, Spoon Oars. According to Requirements of U.S. Inspectors, Foot of Porter Av, Buffalo, N.Y SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ALSO RING BUOYS. W. W. LOOMIS, ; Erie, Fa., SHIP AND. BOAT BUILDING, Fishing Tugs, recking, Repairing and Pier Building with Most Improved Facilities. All Work Guaranteed. Correspondence Soli oi ted _N. C. PETERSON -+ Boat Builders, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM Yacuts, YAWL BOATS, SPOON QARS, STEERING WHEEAS, ETC. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, PRESLEY & CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- pairing and Spar Making. FOR SALE, Wew Iren Tue. ‘LSDAVANOD “‘LSIAVS Approved and adopted by the United Stater Board of Supervising Inspectors ;also by the rincipal Ocean, Tas and River Steamer ines, ag the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Circulars. . D. KAHNWEILER 146, 148 & 150 Worth St Near Center St., New York. KATZENSTEIN’S SELF-ACTING METAL PACKING FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Eto. r nies within the lasteight | bunkers, water water tight hon eek forming the floor of afte: yearsin this and Forelgn | tron decks, bulwarkeand dock fy 4 countries. For full, paxe aft. Heavy be este frames, with reveres hors oe ale rnate frmes; late, steel fi ; - ticulars and references gine and bearing Toundation fir plates; boiler on sldrees when machinery can be completsa te salo cheap L. KATZENSTEIN & CO 100 Christopher 6, near West street N.Y. | GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO CAPT, THOS. TLSON, Cleveland agent. 2 BUTTS COAL CO., |ForSaleorExchange, | }/DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. (uimitTED,] Only Miners or BUTTS CANNEL COAL, aod dealers In Gas Coals, Nut Coals, and Steam Coal for Tugs, Barges, eic. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND, 0. General Manager. Tug Annie Robertson. Her length over all is 61 feet, breadt depth of hold 6 fect; draws 534 fort of vce, foot, and atid machiner thoroughl. jaxid boven of oughly overhauled, ine eet long and 4 8-12 in diameter and al FOR SALE. Quarter Interest inthe large Tog Samson, DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio Boat washing and general laun- 0 : dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND builtat St Catherines Go. Seems lakes: She was STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water | sna messures ist (now) tonnage, sho in atraight aa, Street. Telephone 118. atce of easy ferme Aaeens or $2,400; part caah, bal- SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-marine Drilling and Blasting. STERN BEARINGS REPATRED WITHOUT GOING TO DRYDOCK. Wrecking Expegitions accompanied. Contracts Made for all Kinds ef Diving. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAPTAIN DRISCOLL, CLEVELAND AGENTS. Fi CLEANER AND UPRIGHT BOILERS D To 168 INCHES Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINE LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts —ON —— FOR SALE STEAMBARGE MILWAUKEE, Her length is 185 feet, beam 26 feet, and hold. 10 f et nee: wollen ay feet long, 7 feet diameter; three ues, two neh and one 17-inch. Engin 4; Carries 240,000 feet of lumber. ngine Wixi. p= Speed, 11 miles light, Sennen Owners aud 2 oadeds Insurance valuation, $15,800. Ad- ress MARIN ECO xf Si Freights, { Charters, Cleveland. ve RD Office, No. 144 Superior street, Townge, /y Registry, pasate © Enrollments, Common Carriers, Masters & Owners, Collisions, General Average, Duties of Seamen, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c, The volumn is handsomely bound in stif’ Board covers, and line English cloth binding. Sent to any qi FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of hull 65 feet over all, 16 feet beam, 8 TUBE SCRAPER address postage paid for $1.00. T wanted for The Lives of ll the Presidents AG N of the U.8. The largest, handsomegt, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. the fast- est selling book in America Immense profits to agents, Allintelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful regent. "Terma free, Hannan Bode Co., Portlend,, Maina ~ | feet hold, and measures 46 tons with 7 feet draft; can be made 6 feet draft. The engine, 18x20, is in first-class condition, with all new brasses, new rings in cylinder and turns a six-foot wheel, which was new last season, The boiler is one year old, is large enough to burn wood or coal and is allowed 100 pounds of ateam, Price $4,500, and must be sold inside of thirty days, Addreea Marine Record OFrFicr,