THE MARINE RECORD. DETROIT, Apeotal to the Marine Record, December 2.—There are at present quite a number of craft on the home stretch, two or three a8 far away as Lake Superior, and asthe present cold wave has apparently passed over there need be no uneasiness felt for their safety, or that they will not reach their respestive destinations. The last of the grain vessels to leave here have, with one exception, reached Buffalo, and the Blazing Star, for Ogdensburg, is at this writ- ing in the Welland canal, and will doubtless pull through safely, also, The steamer Alaska, of the Detroit and Sandusky route, retired to winter quarters Saturday, and the Northwest has laid up here, leaving the steamer City of Detroit to cloxe up the route to Cleveland, leaving here in future on alternate days at 10 p. m. The riverside, which plies to Malden, it is expected will continue running until: im- peded by ice. A list of vessels Juid up at this port has appeared ina morning paper here, but as navigation is not yet closed and other craft likely to winter, which have not yet arrived, the statement can not claim pertection. ‘This will be sent the Reconp at the proper time, and will be the largest for some years. ‘The revenue steamer Fessenden retires to- day. The other government steamers have been laid up sometime. The propeller Cleveland and consorts ran hard aground yesterday on the St. Clair flats near the Clubhouse. She was released. The propeller Missouri, bound up, ground- ed at Herson’s island. The steamer India, from Lake Superior, passed down on Saturday, having had, since her departure from Buffalo, not only a pro- tracted, but an unfortunate voyage. She en- countered ice in Mud lake from four to five inches thick, since which time it has become much stronger, and the steamers yet due from that quarter will find it no easy task to effect a passage through, and probably may be defeated in their purpose, should the weather not sotten. The steambarge Alcona ie undergoing some improvements at this port and will be made a double-decker. The schooner Grace Murray is another craft that would like to reach Buffalo yet this fall, but at present her chances do not present a very favorable aspect, for on Sat- urday she was reported at St. Ignace load- ing wood for that port. ‘Yet, there is noth- ing like perseverance, and there is an old anomaly that some things can be done as well as others, and it is hoped she may suc- ceed. The steamship H. J. Jewett passed, on Friday, for Buffalo, and it was announced she would return to Chicago and lay up, which no doubt she will accomplish. The schooner Annie P. Grover left here Saturday, for Toledc, to load wheat for Og- densburg. How she is to effect this would be hard to divine, as the superintendent of the Welland canal said it would positively close on November 80th, to all comers. On her recent trip down from Luke Su- perior, the propeller St. Louis had on board a cargo of copper valued at $168,000. The tug Quayle had a rough experience the other day, in reaching this port. She left Cleveland with the schooner R. B. Hayes and Gen. Franz Siegel in tow, and on reaching above the dummy the Hayes was discovered to be leaking badly, and came to anchor. The tug came on here for assistance and extra pumps and returned to the dis- abled vessel. She was brought here and placed in drydock. She is coal laden for Milwaukee, but it is doubtful if she arrives there this fall. She was towed by the tug Quayle as far as Port Huron, and from there will try the gale and the ice alone in her at- tempt to reach Milwaukee. ‘I'he Siegel had coal for Detroit. The schooner Starling has not yet showed up, after her unfortunate experience in not getting released by the tug Winslow, as no- ticed in my Jast, and nothing at present writing is known of her condition or pros- pects of release. The propeller ‘Toledo, ot Ward’s Line, will not return here to lay up, as was an- ticipated, owing to her machinery gettting out of order, but: will lay up at Hancock. The steamer C. H. Merritt, of the Detroit and’Chatham route, has Jaid up for the sea- son. Aside from the wood trade, there is but little encouragement for a passenger boat to that place,, which at one time sup- ported a large trattic, Mr. Oadeg, of this city, who is the owner of the schooner Mineral State, stranded at Green Bay, is hopeful of her rescue yet thia fall and getting into some Lake Michigan port for repairs, although he had much rather have her brought to Detroit and re- paired at his own shipyard. The propeller Arctic arrived down yester- day (Monday) afternoon, on her Jast trip from Lake Superior, en route to Buffalo. She reports no change in the condition of the Ice on Sault river. The steamer S. F. Hodge is yet expected to arrive, and will possibly reach here to-morrow or next day. The Arctic reported ice eix inches on Mud Lake. Should the Hodge reach here it will be the latest arrival on record from Duluth, A very heavy fog hung over the river last night and until a late hour this morning, and the sound of steam whistles from pass- ing boats was frequently heard. The schooner A. E. Vickery, which met with disaster on lake Michigan some days since, and made repaire at Cheboygar, isen route, it is reported, with lumber for ‘l'oledo. From this point she will be towed directly through to her destination. Captain Morley’s new steamer has been taken to Marine City for finishing up, hav- ing received her machinery here. She isa fine looking craft. ‘The steamer Kalkaska left here on Saturday, to lay up at the above port. J. W. A. : DULUTH. The steamship N. K. Fairbanks arrived at this port from Cleveland at 9 o’clook Mou- day night. Her captain reports having seen the Canadian steambarge Erin on the rocks at Keweenaw Point, near the spot where the steamer Scotia became a total loss. The Erin was loaded with long timber, and bound from Barraga.for the north shore of Lake Superior. Her cargo is consigned to the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Fair- banks was unable to render any assistance to the Erin on account ot shallow water. The Erin’s crew has succeeded in reaching the shore, and were huddled together around a tire which they had built on the beach. The weather was extremely cold and a heavy gale of wind was blowing accompanied with flurries of sleet and snow. The steamer was pounding badly on the rocks and is thought to have gone to pieces by this time. She is owned at St. Catharines, Ont., and ts valued at about $80,000. Her cargo of tim- ber is worth about $5,000. Only two weeks ago the Erin’s consort, schooner Mary Battle, broke away from her during a snow storm and was wrecked within fifty miles of the place where the Erin went ashore. The Fairbanks will be stripped at once and go into winter quarters at this port. The tug Merchant sunk at her dock, last Saturday night by the weight of ice aceumu- lated on her hull. Harbor Engineer Wells will soon make his annual report of work done in the har- bor for the last year. The figures for dredg- ing are not yetin but the pier work at the canal bulkhead has cost $2,500, and at Su- perior $6,000. TORONTO. Captain Harbottle, government hull in- spector, has returned from the upper lake ports where he had gone to inquire into and report upon the cauee of so many wrecks in the last. year. He attributes the majority. of the disasters to overloading and badly stowed cargoes, OWEN SOUND. The Canadian passenger propeller City of Owen Sound is ashore at Michipicotin river, Lake Superior. She lett Collingwood on No- vember 12, witha full cargo of merchandise for Michipicotin. She is owned by A. M. Smith and others, of Toronto, was built in 1875 at Owen Sound, measures 598 tons, and rates Al. She is insured for $30,000, halt of which is in the hull pool, The Canadian Pacific Railway steamer Algomah arrived on the 29th from Port Ar- thur, having made a fine run. She brought down about twenty of the crew of the steam- er City of Owen Sound, stranded on Michi- picoten beach. The Captain reports that the City of Owen Sound had discharged her cargo previous to going ashore, and that her furniture and all movables have been taken off, The vessel was made snug for the win- ter In case the tug fails to take her off this season, BUFFALO, Sheriff Koch’s inventory and schedule of the property of the Union Insurance Com- pany, of Philadelphia, attached by him a few days ago to satisfy a claim of the Continen- tal Insurance Company, sets the value of the property at $14,292.06, The schooner J. G. Masten wae towed to Buftalo last Thursday from ‘Tonawanda by the tug Fiske. George L. Colwell, her own- er, intends during the winter to give her a rebuild at the Union shipyard. It is reported that the schooner Grace Murray has been chartered to carry a cargo of ood trom St. Ignace to Buffalo, at $4.50 per: cord. According to the latest advices there was no ice in the Erie canal, and boats were moving along satisfactorily. The canal will be officially closed on Monday. The revenue eteamer Commodore Perry will keep a lookout for vessels in distress. Quite a number of five day extensions from the noon ot November 30th, in marine insurance have been made by different com- panies. Ata meeting of the hull pool un- derwritere, held here, it was decided to give vessels a second extension ot five days, to noon of December 10th, for 2 per cent pre- mium, but this latter extension would not be given in cases where the first had not been procured. The tugs Smith, from Marquette, and Gladiator, from the Sault, have been sent to attempt the release of the schoooner Erin, which is ashore at Gull Island, near Kewee- naw Point, with a cargo of timber. ‘The schooner Mary Battle, the Erin’s consort, went ashore a few days ago, _ Captain S.-A. Murphy, of Detroit, tug owner and wrecker, was in port to-day. He reports that the schooner Harvey Bissell is still ashore at Marquette, and in all proba- bility will have to remain on all winter. ‘The tug A. J. Smith dredged a channel 500 feet long and got a line to the Bissell, but could not budge her, as she is on the rocks. The job was then abandoned. Captain Murphy says the tug W. A. Moore has been to the Morley at Grand Maraie, but could do nothing on account of the heavy sea. The propeller is said to be behind a sand bar and in fair shape. ‘Chere is danger of the swelling of the wheat burst- ing her hull. ‘The large steel steamer, built by the Union drydock company, was launched here yes- terday afternoon, the 3dinst. The event was witnessed by thousands, including all the vessel men of the city. She is the largest vessel ever built at this port, either ef iron or wood. Her length is 274 feet keel or 301 feet over all and her depth of hold is 1714 feet. She will carry three spars. Her fit- out will be furnished by D. S. Anstin & Co. and will include a Providence windlass, trom the American Ship Windlass Company. The craft is owned by the Union Steamboat Jompany, and will go into the Luke Su- perior ‘'ransit passenger service. Her cabins will accommodate two hundred first-class passengers, They are finished in cherry and mahogany, and her furnishings are ‘all of first-class. The steamship cost $225,000. Further details will be given at Another time. ERIE, Charles D. Coyle, the newly appointed keeper of the Preaque Isle beacon light, was installed on the 29th of November, vice Frank Henry resigned. Coyle was a veteran in the Eighty-third Pennsyivania Volun- teere, and left a leg at Gettysburg. The propeller Delaware arrived to-day from Cleveland with package freight, and will lay up. The propeller Lycoming arrived to-day from Chicago and left for Buffalo to lay up. The Arizona came in from Buffalo to lay up. ‘The revenue cutter Perry returned to-day from Buffalo, where she went under the su- pervision of an engineer on an experimental trip. The life saving crew is ordered out of commission on the 13th of December, SAULT STE, MARIE, There were four inches of ice in Mud lake on the 28th., and vessels encountered con- siderable difficulty in passing through. Navigation on Lake Supertor is almost closed, The propeller India, had a hard time with the ice. There are still quite a number of propellers to come down, but if the ice gets much thicker they will not be able to do 8o. 5 MILWAUKEK, The insurance companies have ordered Rand & Burger’s tug John Gregory trom Manitowoc to the schooner Christina Nils- son, ashore at Bailey Harbor. Shippers were offering 4 cents on wheat for winter storage and delivery at Buffalo at the opening of navigation. Vessel own- ers, considering this equal to only a 2-cent rate at the opening, refused to charter. “The steambarge Northerner, coal laden, arrived December Ist. It isthe schooner Three Bells, and not Three Brothers, as reported by the daily papers, that is ashore in Good Harbor. She has been abandoned to the underwriters, and from that it is inferred, in the absence ot other information, that her condition is very serious. A message was wired to Cap- tain Franklyn, who is superinteding the ex- pedition sent to the schooner Mineral State, to take the tug Morford to the ‘Three Bells as soon as she can release the former vessel. The Bells, was built in 1854 and is now one of the oldest boats on the lakes. She measures 179 tons, was built at Buffalo by Jones, is owned by Pauley of Milwaukee classed B1 and is rated for coarse freight only, a with valuation of $3,000. The tug Morford has gone to her but she is reported as guing to pieces. TOLEDO. Captain J. A. Jones, master of the barge City of the Straits, was before United States Commissioner Hall recently to show cause why he should not pay one of his seamen certain money due him for services. Jones swore that he had paid the money, and soon after produced articles signed August 6, showing on their face that his claim was true, and the case was accordingly dismissed. Later in the day he was arrested by Deputy United States Marshal Moore on the charge of perjury, and was compelled to give bail in the sum of $500 to secure his release, it having been made evident to the com- missioner that he had perjured himself. Four witnesses were sent to the workhouse, be- ing unable to furnish $100 bail each for their appearance. The revenue cutter Fessenden ran into this port on the 29th for a supply of coal. The schooner City of the Straits haa gone to Oscoda, where she will winter. In the bay the ice is from two to three inches thick. The steambarge William Cowie,. with schooners Maize and Lyman Casey in tow, will lay up at Marine City. The schooner Anna P. Grover arrived here on Saturday, and was loaded with corn on a7 cent charter for Ogdensbury. The steambarge Graves will have her woodwork and engine repaired this winter. The steambarge Rhoda Stewart and con- sorts E. E. ‘Tyson and Sonora will go into winter quarters, at Alpena. and Port Huron respectively. Mr. A. W. Colton, manager of the Wabash line of steamers, has received the following dispatches from Captain Stoddard: SEeNEY, November 80. The steamer Mary came ashore last even- ing; passengers landed sufely. ‘Tug Moore is not at the ‘‘Soo.”) Cannot board the Morley, a heavy sea is rolling. Gale blow- ing from the northwest. Senry, December 1.—10 a. m. Will send crew home this afternoon; have not heard from the tug Moore; shall remuin here all day. ‘I'wo dangerous snags have been discovered in the Maumee on the track leading direct to Toledo. Vessels bound for that port would do well to keep a sharp lookout and thus avoid disaster, as no stakes or buoys are p'aced at either place. We are not advised of their exact location. Captain James D. W. Neat, one of the oldest steamboat captains on the lakes, died in East ‘l'oledo, Monday, at. the age of 91 years, EAST TAWAB, The propeller Sanilac arrived from Cleve- land and left for Bay City, and the propeller Oconto has cleared for Cleveland, both to lay up. ‘The shore line steamers made their last tiip on Saturday. The tug John Nico has disvharged her crew and is laying up here, Navigation ts closed here. The propeller Yesemite cleared with lum- ber Monday night for Cleveland, the last boat of the season, A southwest gale pre- vails, and there are indications of snow to- night.