AI : ‘DEVOTED: TO ee ee as “COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCrENCE. VOL. VI. NO. 50. $2.00 Peg ANNUM Sapte Copixs 5 Canta CLEVELAND. O. DECEMBER 11. 1884. AROUND THE LAKES. CLEVELAND. The steambarge E. B. Hale is having her machinery compounded at the Globe [ron Works. The high pressure will be 24x36 inches and the low pressure 36x36 inches. Matthew Thomas, engineer, has been summoned to Milwaukee to testify,’ as an expert, in the case of collision between the Oconto and Oshkosh, which comes off this week, The River and Harbor Committee of the House have added to their appropriation bill $2,500 for Sandusky and $25,000 tor Toledo harbors, Both Erie and Cleveland have been passed by. The arrival of the steamer H. B. Tuttle and the schooner Lucerne and Zack Chandler ure among the ‘last arvivals of the season. At the Lime Kilns, where the boards showed 14 teet 6 inches the Chandler touched bottom. : Peter Lynch and J. Sweeney are dele- gates from the Cleveland branch of the sailor’s union, in national convention at Detroit this week. It is the intention of the union at this meeting to make an effort to extend their influence along the Atlantic coast. O. N. Steel, engineer of the iron steam- ship Onoko, arrived at this port on Menday. He cites the facts that no head wind or sea prevents the Onoko from ging through to her destination and that the great floating elevator is quite a favorite with grain ship- pers. At the Globe drydock the tug Selah Chamberlain, received iron sheathing for- ward for working in ice. She came down from Lorain for that purpose, ‘The steamer Louise, owned by Post & Co., Sandusky, en- gaged the dock by telephone to have a leak stopped, which was done in good style und she returned on Friday the 5th inst., picking up some fish nets on the Canadian shore. he Secretary of the ‘Treasury, in his re- port to the House of Representatives trans- mitting the estimates tor appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, places the amount needed by the Cleveland harbor at $800,000. 1f the sum is a ap- propriated it will need $200,000 more to com: plete the breakwater recommended by the Board of Engineers and last years appropri- ution may become available. The steamer Schnoor, Captain Burrows, arrived at this port yesterday from the Islands. She was compelled to put into Lorain during the severe snow equall on Tuesday. Captain Burrows, who relieved the wheelaman a few moments, was severely hurt about the head by a lurch of the steam- er, which threw him over the wheel. The Oconto also ran back to Lorain during the same squall. Captain Vader, of Lorain, master of the - schooner Henry A. Kent, while in the woods to procure some timber for axe and adze helves this week, had his ankle bones broken by a blow from a tree which had been cut off and, lodging, swung around, knocking him a distance of twelve feet, ‘The fracture being compound is very painful and will lay him up all winter. The tug George R. Paige, ot Fairport, also engaged a place on the blocks by telephone and arrived in good time for reealking and was put In good condition to go into winter quarters, ‘he tug Mary Virginia, owned by Captain R. Greenhalgh had some smal leaks gtopped and received some new stern bearing brasses, preparatory to laying up for the winter. ‘The tug Bolton also hada leak stopped. ; In regard to Cleveland, the plan of open- ing the old river bed is under consideration by the committee, and it has met with con- siderable opposition, the claim being made that an outlet across the Lake Shore railroad tracke will only accomodate the few vessel owners who dump their ore along the old river bed, and fs, therefore, only a local and not a general work, which demonstrates clearly that if the railroad objects to build- ing a bridge they will not be required to do so. It is tobe hoped that Representative Foran and others who desire this improve- ment will make their influence felt regard- ing the matter. OnE of the first appropriation bills to | come before Congress this winter will be that for the navy. ASHTABULA. Special to the Marine Record. Mr. H. Eseeltyne, of Detroit, of the firin of Merrick, Esseltyne & Co., accompanied by Captain Pete Johnson, of the schooner Mont Blanc, was here in ‘the interest of their vessels laid up at this port, which will receive a general overhauling at Devney’s shipyard. Captain Johnson will superin- tend the work. He is one of our most suc- cessful vessel masters, and with his large: experience in rebuilding vessels, knows just what they need. Their vessels are the schooners M. F. Merrick and Reindeer. Captain Leonard, of the Raleigh, was robbed of $200 and a watch Saturday night. A man named Harry Williams, who was with him at the time, has been arrested as the one having stolen the property. At this writing he has not had a hearing. At presenta gang of carpenters from Dev- ney’s shipyard is working on the steamer Jarvis Lord. She is receiving stanchions, chocks and bulwarks. Your correspondent was aboard of her the other day, and some top timbers and frames were exposed which are apparently as sound as when put in. ‘The genial Captain Neville is looking after the work. The harbor tugs at this port are all laid up for the season. Considerable strife is going on here in re- gard to locating the swing bridge, which will be built across the river next season. Some are in favor of the present site of flout bridge, but at that point the river is very narrow and has a sharp bend,so that by building an abut. ment in the channel it would be almost im- possible for large vessels to get through. he county commissioners were here last week and are in favor of going down the river sume forty rods, where the channel is straight and much broader. At this writ- ing it isnot decided, but will probably be at the latter point. 1884. 1883. Ore, tone received......... 650,000 670,000 Coal, tons shipped. « 450,000 200,000 Making a gain of 250,000 tons of coal shipped over last season, and a logs of 20,000 tons of ore received, ‘The steamer Leland was expected from Buffalo here Saturday, the 6th, to load coal, Cranes that were laid up, were fitted out for that purpose. At this writing she has not arrived. It could not be learned where she was to load for. A heavy gale from the westward probubly caused the delay, P. TOLEDO. Special to the Marine Reord. The case of Jobn Jones, master of the barge City of the Straite, who was recently held in $500 by United States Commissioner Almou Hall, of Toledo, Ohio, to appear at the December term, A.D. 1884, of the United States District Court and answer the charge of perjury, in swearing that he bad paid certain money due Robert A. Mor- rison, one of the seamen on board said barge, was presented tothe grand jury and they returned no bill against him. It is expected that during the present ses: sion ot the United States District Court at Toledo, the cage of the United States against Edward MeNelley will be tried by Judge Welker. ‘The action was brought to recover $80 penalty cluimed due from MecNelley as master of the steamer Chiet Justice Waite, tor failing to take out clearance papers for four trips of the Waite from ‘Toledo to Put- in-Bay, during the season of 1882. It is grounded upon a controversy between the inhabitants of the respective customs dis- trictaof Miami and Sandusky, over the boundary line between them, thereby in- volving in the controversy the question as to which district the Islands belong andin which situated. Section 2,603 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, provides as fol- lows: ‘There shall be in the State of Ohio three collection districts, as follows: First, the district of Miumi, to comprise all the wa- ters and shores of Lake Erie within the juris- diction of the United States,from the western cupe of Sandusky Bay to the western banks of the Miami river, in which Toledo shall be the port of entry. Second, the district of San- ‘dusky to comprise all the waters and shores of Lake Erie, within the jurisdiction of the United States, from the western banks of Vermillion river to the western cape of San- dusky Buy, in which Sandusky ehall be the port of entry. ‘The point in dispute is, what constitutes the western cape of Sandusky Bay. The Toledo people claim Marblehead as the western cape and assert that it is the only cape of the bay. The old inhabitants of Sundusky City and its surroundings claim that for seventy years what is known as Slades Point has been admitted to be the western cape of the bay, and that a line drawn from the extreme outward point of this cape directly north, brings the islands in the Sandusky district, where they have been considered to belong for so long a time that the mewory of man runneth not to the contrary. In the case in the United States District. Court, at Toledo, of Thomas F. Shaw against the ecow Pidgeon, a decree was entercd on the second instant in favor of the libelant’s claim for wages for $62.50, and an order made for the distribution of the proceeds of the sale. ‘The proceeds amounted to enough to pay the costs tn full, and about $55 on the libelant’s claim. The cases of Win. H. Radcliffe and others and Upson & Walton against the schooner Arabia and the barge Gaskin, having been settled and the costs being paid, entries of dismissal were ordered and entered. FRANKFORT, Special to the Marine Record. The steambarge Hilton, schooners Glad ‘Tidings and Graham Brothers sailed on De- cember bth; this will probably be the wind up, unless some late bird will seek shelter. A sail vessel bound south passed Saturday noon, The steamers George D, Sanford and Weston still run on the route between Man- istee and Frankfort and will continue until the freeze up. Our harbor, which was frozon over a week ago, is all clear of ice again. The weather is remarkably mild tor December. Point Betsy life station closed down De- cember Ist. Captain Thomas E, Matthews isthe keeper, and is the right man in the right place. He has a good record in the service and has made many friends. Many ot the lake mariners will remember the cap- tain. The Frankfort pier head light is still shining its bright red light over the waters. Keeper Vorce is an old and tried mariner and knows the use of a good light. . Captain Peter McGregor, who has been running the tug Hunter Savage, at Manis- tee, has laid up his tug and returned to Frankfort for the winter. Cc. B ; CHICAGO. Special to the Marine Record. The propeller H. J. Jewett arrived from Buffalo, and is the last boat from the lower lakes. All the others which left ahead of her have arrived and wil! be laid up for the winter when they are. unloaded. , the object of the line managers to have the boats in position where they can easily reach elevators should there be a demand for storage room. It isa little early as yet for a demand for storage, but it isexpected that the elevators will be filled with-grain before January 1, and that lake vessels will have to be used to hold the surplus grain. ‘The rates however, will not be as good as they have been in past years. ‘The tug Brothers was damaged by fire to the extent of some $800 last Sunday while lying at a dock near Harrison street bridge. The vessel business at this port is virtually closed for this season, and almost all the vessels expected have arrived, and sailor men residing away from here have nearly all gone to their homes. The steambarge Daisy Day will run be- tween Milwaukee, Ahnapee and Keweenaw all the winter in the grain trade. At Miller Brothers’ drydock the steam- barge A. R. Colborne, is in drydock and will have a thorough overhauling, refasten- ing and calking; the schooner Lottie Wolf was in for calking and the tug Alpha was in for a new shoe; the barge Rutter is get- ting a new mizzenmast. At the Chicago Drydock Co.’s yard the schooner John B. Wilber, Captain ‘Travis, went into drydock for some new plank in her bottom and calking; the propeller In- ter Ocean was in for new brasses and calk- ing, the steambarge Swallow for a new wheel and new stern Learings, the tug Al- batross for calking. Alexander Keeler, aged fifty years, a deck hand on the propeller Argonaut, was killed about 6:30 p. m., Monday. The poor fellow had just come up from supper and was about to help some of the other men put on the hatches when he accidentally fell headlong down one of the hatchways into the lower hold, and sustained such fearful injuries that he died before medical ald could be procured, Keeler shipped on the Argonaut at Erie on her last trip up. ‘The body was taken to the morgue to await an inquest. T. W. PRESQUK ISLE, Navigation is now closed at this port, the Inst boat known to be out having arrived, The light was extinguished for the winter on the 5th,