Sa INE ERING AND SCIENCE. ~ CLEVELAND, O.. DECEMBER 18. 1884, 2.00 Peg ANNUM SincLe Copies 6 Cents AROUND THE LAKES. ; CLEVELAND. , Captain Hastings, of the N. K. Fairbanks, who has been quite ill at Duluth, has finally arrived at his home at Milan. ‘There were 1,883,117 tons of iron ore re- ceived at Lake Erie ports during ‘the late navigation season, against 1,692,689 tons last season. Holiday excursion rates will be made to all points on the C., C., C. & I. railway from December 23d to Jauuary 2d, inclusive, the rate for children being reduced fifty per ; cent. Charles Goodwin, con of U. C. Goodwin, Captain of the life saving crew at this port, has returned from Erie, where he has been a member of the lief saving crew during the two last seasons. : The iron ore men of this port are taking measures to memorialize the Senate in oppo- sition to the treaty with Spain, on the ground that the Cuban ores, duty free, could be laid down here cheaper than American ores. Captain Joseph Todd, has gone to Ports- mouth atthe end of the canal, to tuke . charge of S. V. Harkness’ yacht ‘I'wilight. She is on the way to New Orleans, via. the Ohio river. Mr. Harkness and family will join the boat at Cincinnati, The Twilight will: probably be left at New Orleans, ifa satisfactory sale can be made. The Cleveland life savers gave their fifth annual ball Inst evening, at Lang’s hall. An enjoyable time was had, under the man- agement of Captain C. C. Goodwin, presi- dent; G. L. Lyon, vice president; L. Distell, Secretary and ‘Treasurer. The floor direc- tors were J. Rive and A. G. Regan, and the floor managers, J. L. Everly, W. H. Good- win, W.I. Caddick, F. T. Hatch, J. Good- roe and D, Hayden. The olegant stenm-yacht Laura M., owned by H. L. Shaw, et al, of East Saginaw, is offered for sale. The following is a good description of her: Length, 28 feet; beam, 5 feet 6 inches; depth, 31g feet; draws 26 nches aft and 8 inches forward; is bnilt of oak, cedar aud pine; is furnished with a 3-horse power engine of improved pattern, which drives a 20-inch Buflalo wheel. The boiier is of the best quality of Otis steel, 65,000 tensile strength, size 30-inch shell by 44 inches in height, with sixty 2-inch flues, which are submerged. Government inspec- tion, 180 pounds of steam. Is fitted with common and government pop valves, pony pump and injector, tools, lamps, life pre- servers, colors, embossed cushions to seats, carpets, etc., all combining to muke one ot the safest and most complete steam yachts of its size ever built, Speed, ten miles an honr on fifteen pounds of coal. Capacity, fifteen to twenty persone. Can be chartered for fishing, hunting and pleasure parties day or night. ERIE. The United States revenue cutter Perry Was put out of commission on the 11th, her Lieutenant ordered to Washington, and her crew, excepting four men, discharged, Cap- tain Hodgson has taken up his residence at Erie. The lights will burn until the lake closes, OWEN SOUND, The schooner Scotia urrived from Michi- Pieoten river, Lake Superior, to lay up for the winter. Her Captain reports the steamer Ocean at Sault St. Marte. She is going to make another trip to Michipicoten this fall. CHICAGO. Special to the Marine Record. The steambarge Charles Rietz, Captain D. Curran is laid up at this port. She made fifty trips to Manistee and back between April 25th and December Ist. She towed the barges Florence, Agnes L, Potter and John Mark forty-eight trips out of the fifty. Graham & Morton’s steamer Lora, Cap- tain Stines, is laid up at Benton Harbor. J A. Baldwin, her engineer, has been ap- pointed chief engineer of the company’s steamers. He will superintend the repairs to the machinery o the City of St. Joseph damaged by fire recently at Benton Harbor. The Ford River Lumber Company’s schooner’s Ford River and Resumption will recieve new decks this winter. The steambarge Albert Soper, Captain J. Hogan, has made 93 round trips between Muskegon and this port during the past sea- son, and conveyed 83,865,000 feet of lumber, which isthe largest quantity ever carried by a steumbarge in one season. The eteambarge ‘Pempest, Captain A Gallagher, made eighty-nine trips between Grand Haven, Muskegon, and this port dur- ing the season. She is laid up at Grand Haven and will decks this season, - The schooner Arundel, Captain Hanson, will go to Manistee to lay up. < The steambarge Maggie Marshall, Captain F, J. Norman, made forty round trips be- tween Manistee and this port this season. She will lay up at Manistee. The case of Guttman against the Ham- burg American Packet Company was re- manded to the State Court because it ap- peared that both parties were aliens, and that being the case, the Federal court had no jurisdiction. The Morford isin Miller Brothers’ dry- dock having her stern bearing fixed and the tng Miller is getting a new stem, stern bear- ing and wheel. The schooner Melvina, laden with pig iron from Elk Rapids, arrived on Saturday just before midnight, in tow of the tug Ad- miral, Captain A. Green, who took her in tow off Waukegon. Some fe ara were enter- tained as to the schooner’s safety, as she had been out co long and must have encountered very bad weather. ‘The schooner U. C. Barnes has been loaded with wheat at 4'¢ cents for storage and freight. ‘The schooners Annie M. Peterson and ‘Thomas L. Parker are loading with flux- seed at 446 cents, and the steambarge D. M. Wilson and her consort, the Manitowoc, with wheat at 41g cente. Captain N. Peterson is doing a good trade in Christmas trees on board his scow Coaster, at the foot of Clark street bridge, ‘The Goodrich steamer Depere, Captain H. FE, Stines, arrived from east side lake ports Saturday. She brought along a Jarge quan- tity of merchandise, a saloon deckload of Christmas trees and 500 barrels of salt, Captain W. Robinson and the officers of the steamship H. J. Jewett, will go to their homes Friday, after completing ihe laying up of that floc steamship at the Union Com- pany’s dock, foot of Randolph street bridge. The Jewett made seventeen trips from Buf- falo to Chicago, and sixteen down trips last senson. The case of Henry Stark and others againet Wm. Mueller was a libel for wages by four seamen who shipped at Milwaukee October 26, 1883, and agreed to goon a round trip to Gill’s Pier, Mich., and thence to Vhicago, for $20 each for the trip. The vessel was lost four days after. she left port, and the libelants claimed five days’ pay at $3 a day. ‘The court held, overruling the report of Commissioner Proudfoot, that the contract was an entirety, and the court could not divide it when its performance became impossible when prevented by peril of the sea. This follows the case of Thorson et al. vs. Peterson et al., 10 Bissell, decided by Judge Blodgett and affirmed by Judge Drummond, on appeal. The present case is the first decision on the books where the question comes up directly, it only being in- cidentally treated in the case in 10 Bissell. The libel was, therefore, dismissed at the costs of the libelants. Wm. L. Mitchell for libelants, and Schuyler & Kremer for the defense. The case of John J. Corcoran, adminis- trator of O. W. Goit, late owner of the schooner Metropolis, against the propeller | Monohansett was one of collision which oc- curred May 26, 1883, near Death’s Door. The schooner was loaded with cedar and bound tor Grand Haven, and having got through the Door, set her course south by east, the wind being light frqm.the south- west. The weather was very foggy. The schooner’s horn was sounded regulary when the steamer was heard over the port bow a long distance away, approaching, and she finally collided with the schooner, striking on the port bow, cutting into her to the windlass. The steamer admits that the horn. of the schooner was heard three differ- ent times before the collision, and that when last heard the steamer’s way was stopped, she running at the time from three to four miles an hour. Judge Blodgett held the steamer to blame for the collision, because she should have stopped entirely when the signal was first heard; but that the shooner was at fault for not showing the propeller a torch, as required by law. ‘The damages, which are about $4,000, are, therefore, to be divided between the parties, showing that the torch, if shown properly, would have been worth $2,000 to the Qoit estate. Schuy ler & Kramer for the schooner, and William H. Condon for the steamer. The case of Reuben Vanderhoof, owner of the steamer Grace Parker, against the schooner Red, White and Blue was to re- cover for damages sustained by the steamer by being run into while lying at a dock at Ludington, Mich., by the schooner, There was a heavy gale blowing at the time, and the echooner’s towline from her tug parted, and her sails being mostly set she became unmanageable, and hence the accident. ‘The defence was that the dock was an exposed place and an improper one for the steamer tolieat, Judge Blodgett, however, found for the steamer, and gave her owner ade- cree for $410. Messrs. Schuyler & Kremer appeared for the libelant, and William H. Condon for the defense. (We will, at the proper tlme, give the opinions in full on the above cases.—Ep. } J.S. Dunham’s wrecking tug, T. I’. Mor- ford, arrived on Sunday last, from Good Harbor. Captain Franklin, inspector for the Boston Marine Insurance Company, states that Immediately after rescuing the schooner Mineral State, at Ford river, and taking her to Manitowoc, the Morford went to the asstatanco of the echooner Three Bella, ashore at Good Harbor, and arrived there on the 5th Instant, and found that the Captain was having the schooner’s deck load of cordwood lightered. After a consultation with the captain the remainder of the deck load was thrown overboard, in order to get the pumps on board as soon as possible ;two pumps were placed on the schooner’s deck and pumping commenced. But as no good result could be obtained orders were given to get the pumps on board the tug as soon as possible, as it was blowing hard and the weather was looking bad. The pumps were got off, after considerable difficulty, owing to the heavy sea, but they were compelled to leave the boilers behind and wait until the gale subsided. The gale, however, in- creased, and the schooner went. to pieces, and the boilers left on board went to the bottom. After a delay of eeveral days the boilers were got up and put on board the tug on the 12th, when they left Good Har- bor for this port. ‘The Three Bells was in- sured for $2,300. Captain Franklin speaks in the highest praise of the Morford and her captain, Charley Roach, and the officers and crew, not even forgetting to eulogize the cook. The. propeller Argonaut, Captain R.. Wy Hayes, is in one of the Chicago apany’a. d drydocke, alae harem kin her bottom, a piece of ga1rbo 1 strake anda piece of new keel. She struck a rock on the 9th.of October, when about one-half mile off the northeast end of Hope Island, Georgian Bay, which tore up her bottom badly on the port side. She then went to Midland, and when in the. center of the bay, about one- half mile from the elevator,she went aground on a shoal of about twice her length. She was drawing fifteen feet of water, and after backing and going ahead for half an hour, Harbor Master Polkinhorn shouted to the captain to know if the vessel was really on the ground, as he was not aware of any shoal being there. He did not, however, omit to charge $7 for harbor dues, although he tried to straighten things up by writing along letter to the authorities, urging on them the necessity of having a buoy placed thereon. Noone at Midland had any know]- edge of the shoal until the Argonaut brought up on it. At the Chicago Drydock Company’a yard the steambarge Maine is in drydock getting a new stern post, new dead wood, stern pipe, a piece of new keel and bottom calking. The tug Satisfaction had a new etern post and some repuira to her machinery, the schooner Golden Fleece got new hatch combings, the schooner Annie M, Peterson some minor re- piirs, the schooner William Jones had her cabin deck calked. The schooner R. B. Hayes, Captain W. F, Morris, coal laden, which arrived from Cleveland on the 7th, is not yet unloaded, The delay has been occasioned by the brenk- ing down of the machinery at Corcoran’s coal dock, near Van Buren street, where she is unloading. The Hayes will be docked for repairs of damages sustained through be- ing towed on the middle ground off Point Au Peleo Island by the tug Quayle, on her last trip up. The schoonor Morning Star left Monday morning for Kenosha, where she will go in- to winter quarters, T. Ww. MANITOWOC, The Government tug Dione Is at the dry- dock and will be overhauled and repaired this winter, James Cumberlidge will do the boiler work. 'Contnued on 4th page, i = ‘nee: ™ he