5 nnn EEE THE MARINE RECORD. LAKE ERIK, | LAKE MERCHANT MARINE. = a = Ty = a AT CLEVELAND. Date. | Rig. Name. Port of Hail. there: Nature, | Cargo. poss Bees, Tnsus- Rube Richards, Sronert. i Bhatous Selah Chamberlin, R. J. Hackett, 2..)8tmr. K.-B. Hale, John N. euaden, St.c 5 Henry Chisholm, Continental, . (L, Be ea porines Forest City, Colonial, . jtron Chief. Superior, Rupublic, . | Wocoken. A. Everett, Vienna, Hf. L. Worthington, Sparta, Siwith Moore, Cumberland, Business, H. C. Schnoor, H. B. Tuttle, Otego, 0 ; Havana, Good Hit, . Againstlt k}. 700 Jarvis Lord, Point Abino, Fst Valley Mills, Hiawatha, 12,000) George Spencer, Cyclone. 10,000 Tugs. 7s Samson, Anna Dobbins, “400 Quayle, S. P. Bradley, 1,000 Constitution, Record, bye W. D. Cushing, Dreadnaught, P 10,200 Forest City, Ida Sims, }| Monticello. 3.100}. Starkweather, Patrick Henry, “Brie Belle... Fy Florence, James Amadeus, "500! 5. S. Stone, Charles Henry, 400 L. P. Smith, Mary Virginia, pe Maggie Sanborn, C. E. Bolton, 2.200) W. H. Doan, Chas, Castle, 4,500, Worswick, Florence, te American Eagle. 1,800]. Schooners. 2 3, b..| Prop. |James ..|Sehr..|Pelican 5..|Sehr..| Eri Fortune* N. Domini ura*... . |H. W. Hoag. . Mayflower... |W. H. Oades. ..|Saveland, Raleigh... ..|Plymouth Rock, ig... Phenix*.. ..|T. Gawn, A. E. Vickery 5..|Prop..|City of Dul’t Schr..| Bi i |G. Sherman F. B. Gardner. ...|Stmr..| Fessenden. .../Schr..| Hercules. .|Prop..iG, Li. Colwe ..|Two Fannies +hr..|Garibaldi eorgian ..| Victoria Matilda . hr..| Ahira Cobb ..|Plym Rock. . P. Sheldon. tarling* ..| Georgian Cormorant. .|J. Steinhoff. Sparta... J. M. Osb’no' | AT . A. B: .| Wocoken .-|Menchant | Detroit “lAnna P, Dorr... Burwell. Port Bay City. Milwaukee,. Oswego Milwaukee . Chicago... Waukegan Montreal Buffalo. Sand Beach. St. C Sand Beach.. Midlake Midlake Sault Ri Detour... Fitz Wm I Detroit Kingaton St Catharine Chicago Detroit Detroit Marque’ .|Clevelan -| Detroit. -|Marquotte. -| Detroit .|Cleveland .|Colling wo. -|Buffalo.. -{I € t.Catharines|Ceorgian Bay. Georgian Bay Wallaceburg. Georgian Bay Kettle Poin Detroit ... jeorgian Ba: Crawford’s Q. Michipicoten Grand Island Michipicoten Ashland . Whitefish Whitefish P LAKE HURON, Middlelsland. 40-Mile Point. ‘Thunder Bay. AAir......44. Georgian Bay. BoisBlancL‘d. Point roquoles: ./Stranded .{Stranded Queen City, Cc, H. Johnson, A, C. Maxwell, John O'Neil, John Martin, G. H. Warmington, Fayette Brown,. Alva Bradley, Negaunee, Sandusky, J. U, Marrison, 8. P. Ely, : ‘Thomas Quayle, S.J. Tilden, 3. H. Kimball,. David Wagstaff, J. F. Card, George W. Davis, Kate Richmond, 000 | H. H. Brown, Erastus Corning, _| M. &. Warner, _H.G. Cleveland, Eliza Gerlach, Francis Palme, H. J. Webb, Nellie Reddington, Ishpeming, John Burt, Zach Chandler, Helena, OC. G, King, Frank Perew, Kingfisher, Theodore Voges. 22 252 Ashore Dianbled, 8,000 59,600 Potomac, 8s. C. Hall, Colorado, Conestova, |B. W. Blanchard, | Waverly, M. I. Wilcox, John S, Richards, William McGregor, James Couch, Constitution, S. L. Watson, Champion, Magnetic, Specular, Grace Holland, Montana, : Monterey, Verona, Genoa, Helvetia, Leonard: Hanna, Lucerne, Shawnee, Pelican, Kate Winslow, Mary Lyon, George Sherman, Lafrinier, Southwest, Phineas S. Marsh, ‘Thomas Parsons, Sophia Minch, J. E. Gilmore, John J. Hill, Teutonia, Ger. Franz Sigel, H. D. Root, Monitor, . Vernie M. Blake, 500 Barges. 0100 Commodore, A. Walton, aoe seetseasscs Transport, Sassacus, 5,000] DETROIT. © Bae Special to the Marine Record. 400] Sidewheel Steamers. 700 W. D. Ward, Alaska, 000! Keweenaw, Manitoba, 5 Pearl, Flora. Steamers. Warrington, Dahlia, Pastime, ‘Trnant, Island Belle, Fortune, Gazelle, Empire, Alcona, Manistique, St. Paul, A. Weston, Anna Smith, C.N. Pratt, Germania, Westford, Passaic, Mineral Rock, Osceola, Don M. Dickenson Justice Field, Toledo, 4 Schooners, Unadilla, Ganges, John Magee, Consnelo, Niagara, W. iH. Rounds, Belle Hanscom, G. G. Benedict, od csacssaoesee 1.000} _ 3,500 | Rose Bud, Mona, Sup'lies $ 7,600| $27; Adventure, Nevil Hubbard, Perey 7,000) 7,000 | Onward, Germania, red 28, James U. King, Samson, aac | Pegny Rueben Doud, Smith & Post, 1,800] 71,000 | Meare, St. Joseph. A bed 13 Thomas P. Sheldon, Venus, 2,900] 30:00 | Canton, George Irving, 9,000] 20, Mary Garrett, Comanche, ann -. | George M. Case, Ino, As) a BO0U5 5 Bhd x; thency Ames, ashing Wave, 6,000 Mary Pringle. 2 ie 740 Barges, 50,000} A. H. Moss, Jenette, Lar 1 W. B. Ogden, George Worthington, 3,000) Senator, Bolton, 10,000 500 | Oliver Cromwell, Hattle, ane Superior, Elma, 7/000 Prince Alfred, Virginius, 8,000 Plymouth Rock, Dakota, ho os Mary Stockton, Clinton, 5°50 Michigan, Dashing Wave. ions AT BUFFALO, 30,000 Steamers. “S706 Russia, Montana, Sup’ Y Australasia, Japan, Ligl Araxes, J.B. Lyon, Sumata, J. Fisk, Jr., St. Louis, Alaska, Winslow, Vanderbilt, Badger State, Conemaugh, D. W. Powers, Empire State, Avon, City of Rome, Annie Young, C. J. Kershaw, Wallula, Idaho, Nevada, Kasota, Wissahickon, Hecla, Wocoken, Nyack, Oregon, Clyde, China, Alpena, Fred Mercur, D. Richmond, M. M. Drake, Portage, Fountain City, ~ V. H. Ketchum, Oceanica, Boston, Buffalo, Egyptian, Schooners. Saveland, Groton, L, W. Drake, Redwing, [da Keith, Banner, G. W. Adams, J. F. Joy, Wenona, David Dows, J. G. Masten, R J. Carney, Ironton, J. M. Hutchinson, Golden Rule, G. G. Houghron, Cyclone, Star of Hope, Guido Pfister, John Breden, Little Jake, F. M. Knapp, Journeyman, Sunshine, F. B. Gardner, L. J. Farwell, Minnesota, B, F. Bruce, R. N. Rice, John Wesley, H.W. Hoag. AT SANDUSKY. Special to the Marine Record, Following is a complete list of the vessels laid up for the winter at this port, together with the porte of hail of the craft and. the names of the masters in command at the close of the season: Propellers. Ohio, of Sandusky, Capt. John Estes, Huron City, East Saginaw, Capt. Jas. Ben- net. Yosemite, Sanduskv, Capt. Wm. Neill. Steamers. Jay Cooke, Put-in- Bay, Capt.Geo.A.Browne, B. F. Ferris, Put-in Bay, Capt. Arthur Fox. R.B. Haves, Sandusky, Capt. Wim. Slacktord. Bessie, Sandusky, Capt. Geo. Geisendorfer. Philip Walter, Sandusky, Capt. Jas. Wei- denhoefer. J.V.Lutts, Sandusky, Capt. Dan. Courchaine. Red Jacket, Sandusky, Capt. Capman. Josephine, Sandusky, Capt. D. Dessault. Norma, Sandusky, Capt. Christ. Sith. Tugs. Myrtle, Sandusky, Capt. Wm. Wheeler, Mystic, Sandusky, Capt. Jos. Whe'stoue. Cal. Davis, Sandusky, Capt. Chas. Vessey, Annie Robinson, Sandusky, Capt. Geo, Dayton. Steamyacht, Wilson, Sandusky, Capt. John Hanlon. : Schoonerse Serman, Detroit, Capt. Chas. Nichols. John R. Noye2, O3wege, Capt. Jno. F.Cavlin. Penokee, Oswego, Capt. Frank McGuire, A.J. Rogers, Sandusky, Capt.Amil Reymers, J. D. Sawyer, Buffalo, Capt. John Flor, Irene, Sandusky, Capt. Wm. W. Collins. Julia, Cleveland, Capt. Spooner, Barges. John Sherman, Bay City, Capt. Pette Fort. Buckout, Bay City, Capt. McFadden, J.A. McDougall, East Saginaw, Capt, Pat- rick Bowen. Conrad Reed, Lorain, Capt. Conrad Reed. B.B.Icaman, Sandusky, Capt.G.W. Reynolds, C. N. Ryan, Sanda-kv, Capt. N. Walker, 8.H.Walbridge, Sandusky, Capt.Chas.Miller. Emeu, Sandusky, Capt. Christ Smith. Wend-the- Wave, Sandusky, Capt. Jas. Ellis, J.T. Johnson, Vermitlion, Capt. J.C. Garry. Scows, i Mary Ellen, Suudusky, Capt. Geo. Burger. Mornfng Lark, Sandusky, Captain Walter Wilds. AT BELLEVILLE. Tug—Bonar. Schooners—D, Freemnn, Geo. Suffel, L. D Bullock, Mary Foster, A. G. Ryan, Bell. Sloop--Glasgow. AT SAUGATUCK, Steamer—Alice Purdy. Steambarges— Douglass, C. Suet, G. P. Heath. AT KENOSHA, C. W. Moore, J. Tug—Ida. Schooners—-Two Fannies, D. 8. Austin, Lookout, Gilbert Knapp, Pride, Narragan- sett, Contest, AT PORT HURON. Steamers—Burlingtor, Quebec, Hall ie ted Empire, Ontario,” Q , » Uni Sehooner —Himma L. Coyne. Barges—Hercules, W. W = Ste Fillmore, ‘Todman, Keating, E. oe é éi se rte cee arges—Charles inekley, Lightgu M. R. Goffe, E. Harmon, Ruestan, Lathrop. AT EAST TAWAS, Tug—John Hill, Schooners—Democrat, Nellie May. AT MARQUETTE, Schooner—Starke. AT MT. CLEMENa, Steamer. Ida, passenger, Capt. Albert Tucker. Seambarges. City of Mt. Clemens, Capt. G. Lac Handy Boy, Capt. Robert Barten. J.S. Ruby, Capt. J. S. Ruby. Ida Burton, Capt. John Tucker, Florence, Capt. John Distrese. Windsor, Capt. Scott, Tug. Una, Capt. John Duprey. ‘Towbarge Nellie, Capt. James Pelter, royx.