‘THE MARINE RECORD. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., mi ee OAR FACTORIES, . MONTPELIER, Ot1lo DE GRAUW, AYMAR & 60,, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, Chains, Aeiahote. Oars Blocks, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, Fags, Buntings, Cotton and Flax Ducks, MARINE HARDWARE, SHIP CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. Ar ST. MARY’s OHI MARY’S OHIO, Builders of ran rid Steel Ves- sels of every Description. Builders of the lron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, lron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE-AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, WM. NNER Ll gs: cA TLS SONS, Warranted Twenty-four Lbs, Buoyancy AND FULL WEIGHT OF CORK, According to Requirements of U.S. Inspectors. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS, ALSO RING BUOYS. ——-MANUFACTURERS OF—— CORDACE & OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN,: RUSSIA and ITALIAN vee of the very beat qua'tty made to order AT ONE : DAY'S NOVICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWIN Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N.Y. WORTHINGTON | | STEAM PUMPS AND INDEPENDENT CONDENSING APPARATUS. _- MAIN OFFICE, NEW YORK CITY. “LST AVANOD “LS@avs - BRANCH OFFICE, 225 River Street, 3 Cleveland, O. Manager, Approved and rare et by the United States Board of Supervise Inspectors ;also by the 4s incipal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer fines, as the only ‘Reliable Life Preservér VESSELS ,AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER 146, 148 & 150 Worth 8t Near Center St.. New York. KATZENGTEIN'S % SELK-ACTING METAL $y PACKING FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Eto. Adopted and in use by |) the principal Iron Works and Steamship Compa nies within the last eight THE ETNA GRATE. G. 6. BARNES, Agt This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Works, Mannfac’s., Office mand nd Found goxnor of of Bm an yearsin this and Foreign countries, For full par- ticulars and referenees address L. KATZENSTEIN & CO ee nas "Gloves agents” THE MARINE LAW BOOK, |207Ts coat. co. Of which we have a few copies on hand, ail only Miners os be mailed to any address, postage paid, BUTTS CANNEL CO FOR ONE DOLLAR. eo SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. ae : YA yr : ent. T E. | LS OC N, DOMESTIC & STEAM ee SUB) My WIy DIWKR. Boat washing and general laua- na few hours. CLEVELAND All Kinds of Water Work STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Telephone 18. DONE PROMPTLY TO Per 2 bas’ 4" U FOR SALE. Quarter Interest inthe large Tog Samson, One of the most powerful tugs on the lakes. She was built at St, Catherines by Shickluna, rebuilt in 188] and measures 181 [ne ow) tonnes Sho fs straight A, with jogarance A Li tebeg 000, and can be insur for $19,000, et quae by eh $3, 400; anee on easy ddress Marine READQUARTERS, Unson & Walton’s, River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. art ie) bal- ‘teoo 34 and 35 South-st, New York. N. C, PETERSON Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAILING AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OARS, STEERING WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater st.. meer Riopelle, PRESLEY & Cco., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- _ pairing and Spar Making, CLEVE! AND, OHIO. ° WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam and Sail Yachts, Hunting, Fishing and Pleasure Boats, Shell Boats, Spoon Oars, Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y WwW. W. LOOMIS, irie, Fa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Fishing Tugs, Wrecking, Repairing and Pter Building with Most Improved Facilities. All Work Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited ‘FOR SALE, iwew Ircn. Tus. Dimeosions 2 font Jom 17 fone beam, 1] fee! bunkers, water tight bunkhend afta at shaft, 2. t iron deck the floor ts pe Ol Iron ded » bulwarks and desk howee neces iron aft, Hea vy angle, le iron fram: tornate fram plat, oe steel floor gine and bea: a sepa ee toh. when machinery can oe aS GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Vesselmen sdOULD .HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINI LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts: ON 2 aies, Owners, Freights, Charters, Towage, Regtstry, Collisions, Enrollments, General Average, Common Carrtera, Duties of Seamen, Masters & Owners, Bill of Luding, Wages, &c. The volumn {s handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, and fine English cloth binding. Sent to any address postage paid for $1.00. A PRIZE. Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. AlLof either 5 sex succeed from the first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, Absolutely sure. At once address TRUM & Co, Augusta. Maine for workin t HELP and we wil tat Sip res, a royal, vluabie sample box a goods inet evening. ree all who want work may, tee the “punk ke. this unparalleled offer; all who aro not well tatisfied we will send 8] to pay for the trouble of writing us. Faull articulara, directions, ete, sent lutely sure for all’ who start olay, Address Srinson & Co,, Port- free. Immense atonce. Don’t tard Matne