Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 22, 1885, p. 3

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“cipally in operating expenses, the sum 0 is 70,146.79 neates 450,000.00 Total ....5c.e¢ sssseseetie-ssesessses + $520,146.79 but are in entire ignorance as to the amount obtained from the hypothecation of the $8,800,000 mortgage bonds, and expended on the canal, Still, from all the vestimony, and especially that contained in Mis. Doe. No. 50, House of Representatives, first session Forty-eignth Congress, the probability is great that the aid supplied from all sources and applied to the construction and repair of the canal, and in opérating it down tothe ning of 1884, amounted to fully $8,000,- 4. It will be seen from Appendix ( that the two compnnies controlling this water- way are practically one, as the parties in interest are theeame, It ix proposed to con- vey tothe United States a clear title to both canals and all their righte, privileges, and appurtenances for the sum of $350,000. Fave endeavored to ascertain whether, in case of purchase, this ¢um would cover the entire cost to the United States, and am assured that it would; that all indebtedness by mortgage, or otherwise, existing prior to May 16, 1877, on the property of the Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal Com- was canceled by the sale of that date, and that none has accrued since; and that there is not now, and never was, any bonded debt or mortgage 0: the Porvage Lake and River Improvement Company’s property. It has not been practicable for me to ob- tain a statement of the receipts and expend- itures of this latter company, on account of construction, maintenance, and operating, but I think that it can be safely assumed that the construction account\alone would amount to fully $300,000. If the above esti- mate of the minimum cost of the property of the Lake Superior Ship Canal, Railway, and Iron Company ($3,000,000) and that of the: Portage Lake and River Improve- ment Company ($800,000) is war- ranted by the facts disclosed, then the price asked for the two ($350,000) may be stated as only one-tenth the original coat. And if by the payment of that sum by the United States to the companies in question, the ownership of this. important water-way, clear of all ineumbrances, can be vested in the Government, thus rendering navigation free to commerce, then there ean be no ques- tion but that the price is reasonable and the purchase advianble. In conclusion, [invite attention to the readiness with which the canal companies gave me such information as wae iv their power. Without this commendable action upon their part, T would have been utterly unable to obtain any information of value tor the purposes of this inquiry. The delay in submitting this report hae arisen from the faet that the president ot one of the companies was absent from the country, so that it was not practicable to get from him replies to my interrogatories of; the 10th July in time to prepare it earlier, The papers referred to me are herewith re- turned, TUG WANTED! 50 t0 60 FT LONG; ENGINE ABOUT 14x14 Large boiler to burn wood or ooal; all in first class or- der, suitable for fishing purposes, Will pay eash. _R. Connable & Son, Petoskey, Mich, January 6, 1885. Vesselmen SAOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points of MARINK LAW as de- termined by the United States Courts DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC & STEAM COAL Clevelend, i lopedia of No. Broadway, N. Y. AT EN T Munn & Oo. haye also LS Seven © Yeara’ preot ioe [4u ri fore sie Fatent Rion repared more an n une nd have prep nd applications for pat- ents in the lea tates _and foreign countries. Oaveats, Trade-Marks, Copy- rights, Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany and other foreign conntries, prepare at short notice and on reasonable terma, Information ag to obtaining atenta choerfally ven without charge. Hand-~ ooks of informa~ ion sent free, Patents obtained through Munn & Oo. are noti in the Bolentific American free. The advantage of such notion js wal understood by all Dern} 10 wish to one of their patenta. As reas MUN & CO., Office SCIENTIFIC AMERTOAN, 2%) Broadway, Now Yo pos 79| OF Sale or Exchange, i rfHE MARINE RECORD. Tug Annie Robertson. Her len, h over all is 61 feel, breadth 18 feet and fp th of hold 6 feet; draws eet of water; measures 4-100 (uew) tons. and he Bird Built in 1880 and rebuilt this dag, now deck frames and cal and machiner: roughly srennabien, Engine 4x14. boiler feet long and 4 8-12 in diameter and a wed 96 pounds of steam Warranted in No. 1 edn- tion mnd subject to inspection, ee, 23,300 cash. Inquire at MARIN® RecorD Ovrion. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug, jensions of hull 65 feet over all, 16 fest beam, 8 feet fioid, and measures 46 tons with 7 feet draft; ean he mage 6 ipet draft. The engine, 16x20, is in first-class cotton, with all new , hew rings in cylinder and turns a.six-foot wheel, which was new last season. er is one year old, is large enough to burn or coal and is aHowed ve Faw of Steam, Price 5, an youst be sok inside o: days, Adress RI EOORD Orvicg, FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND ND TUBULAR FOULS B: 44 inches di- ameter, 48 8 3 inghes diameter and 12 feet long, steam 80 inches diameter, 40 inches high; froat grates, filtings and breechings; good order. SECOND HAND MARIN# BOILER, in good order; 7-16 imch iron plate; diameter, 9 feet 6 168, Totigth, 48 fegt; 129 tudes 4 {aches in diameter, 11 feet 4 int long, three flues 18 inches diameter; two flues 16 inches diameter, two flues 10 1-2 inches diameter; five box, 6 feet long, 4 feet high; steam chimney, 7 feet high SECON D HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wite, 6 1-2 feet long, 6 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-2 imeh twbes 60 inches long, erst iron breeshng, good as new. 1ND HAND MARINE ENGINE; deuble dir Po seapals inch cyHnder, shaft and wheel for yactit tug; good as new’ BOTTS COAL CO; (uimirED.] Only Miners oz BUTTS CANNEL COAL, ‘asd dealers in Gas Coals, Nut Coals, and Steam Coal for Tugs, Barges, ¢.e. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND, 0. General Manager. POSITION New Oxlenns. Opening December 1, 1884; Closing May 31,1888. — UNDER THE AUSPICES OP THR — United States Government, $1,300,000, Appropriated by the General Government, . $500,000, Contributed by the Citizens of New Orleans, $200,000, Appropriated by Mexico, $100,000, Appropriated by the State of T-.ouistana, $100,000, Appropriated by the City of New Orleans, From $5000 to $25,000, Appropriated by Innumerable States, Citles and Voreign Countries, Every State and Territory 1n the Union represented, and nearly allthe Leading Nations and Countries of the World. Tho Biggest Exhibit, the Biggest Bullding and the Biggest Industrial Event In the World’s History. APPLIOATIONS FOR RXHIBITS ALREADY REORIVRD COVER MORK ¢PAGR AMD 4 GREATER VARIRTE or THAN THOSK OF ANY ON KVER HKLD, ‘The cheapest rates of travel over known in the annals of transportation secured for the people everywhere. 4 information, address al "R.A. BURKE, Director General, W. I. & C, C, E., New Orn.mana, La, fa THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Btreet, Cleveland, Ohio. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Clair Street, Room 27. CLEVELAND, : OHLo. CAPT. D. M. BECKER. CAPT, HENKY BROOK D. M. BECKER & CO., Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Vessels chartered, purchased and sold; contracts made for <i and heavy freights, Lake Superior and Escanaba iron ove chaxters for aiv- or season a specialty. Ofilcs, ices Cleveland, 0 *Relephone, Ne 983. mene H. J. WEBB & CO., Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. (ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) H. J. Wess & Co., will charter Vessels for Lake Trade. Special attention given to Chartering Vessels in the bce ou ‘ior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and igie trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE { Kosldence, Nez 1328, SCOTT & BERRIMAN.— Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers, Attention also given to the purchase and sale of Iron Ony, Telephone, No, 18. flee, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland, O. 3 The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. The passenger equipment of this New Tru teal no an ie cont ‘i oA ie H supplied with the latest ap; necessdry to safe, apedlly and couforteble tmvy. Trains Jeave and arrive at the Union Van Buren street, Chicago, and N Y, LE & W By depot at Buffalo. , Following is the time in effect Oct, 6. 10#4, and un- til further notice; GOING BAST. /LY. Line nees AR |GOING WEsr, > = on Fort Wayne . M 50) . 45)... My 1 0} .. 2 06) New Haven... 8 56 5 44 a 5 00) 50 Ee ‘a 2u)}. 7 86 9 02) 6 OL 8 44 2 6h 220 | 1 28 A.M. 11 24 a. M. 9 50 boints are on sale at prioviaal offices of the company at LOWES? RATES for any « of tickets desired, iggage checked to destination For information, call on nearest agent of the Come pany, or address B. F, HORNER, Gen’l Pa: i, LEV'IS WILLIAMS, os rare General Manager. Cleveland, 0. BEE LINE —_— CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI ANAPOLIS, Commencing Sunday, November 28, 1884, trains of the Bee Line—Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indien- apolis Railway —will leave and arrive at Cleveland dh follows, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland time: No. 8. Columbus, Cincinmati & Inc No. 28, Galion & Wheeling Express... ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, OC we oe be Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes of grain from this port will do well to confer with me. (iil be glad to furnish information im regard to car- ed algo in relation to «docks, depth of water, etc., at aluth, Agate Bay (new iron ore por a Port Ar- ‘s Ws urn, Ashland, and all points near the west end of Lake Supevior. Good gangs of men fur- nished on short notice for trimming cargoes of grain, loading and unloading all kinds of freight, JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1616, DULUTH, MINN. Late Gon, Ag’t for Collingwood Line of Steamers |’ Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, CAPT. J. W. MILLER. UAPT. R. B. MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTAGUE, DULUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Weighmen. Special attention paid to Charterin Vessels; also weighing and ‘Trimming cargoes of grain. Correspon- dence solicited. ROBERT RAE, Acmiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Merchants’ building, CHICAGO, ILL. A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, i5 Exchange st. Buffalo, N. Y. IF YOU DO NOY’ RECEIVE MY "-MONTHLY LIS? OF VESSELS ‘OR SALE. SEN FOR OL LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN, tine gen Sunday, May 2, 1884, at 12 o’clock naon the time giVen in the figures below is the new stan (Ninetieth meridian) time, whieh is thirty-three min« utes slower than Cleveland time proper. No 14, No2,N No 4, | eee West win. | Depart, No > [Paz 05 AM No *2 85 AM No 6 80 AM fs 10AM D D, 8 20P mM No 6, St Louis Ex via Sandusky 5 2600PM ae pee tS tony oe mu a 40 PM oO ac to B OTM |e cessereneene 80 P © oan. oneaut demuncauhcs 18 10 A ae sarsetas Sunlay train for Nottinghbam— Depart 8:30 a. m, and 1:45 p, m.; returning, leave Nottingham at 9:05 », m, and 8:45 p. m. samerence Parke -* Daily, t daily, exeept A a on . t rt ae ae o Shore Uirateots, Laks Sunday, to tring and connections ap- office, corner Seneva a’ i. Mock, No. 9, Col., Cin., Ind & St. Louis Ex 6:50 P No, 5, Col. Cin., Ind. & St. Louis Express.../"12 25 PM No! 27, Gallion & CL & W. Age... sasseeeen| 3°80 P No. 20, Massillon & Ulrichsvilte ‘ii""""") 4.89 P Arnye, Ho; § Fal, Cin, ind. & 8t. Louis Ex > . ricsville E; No. 2, Col. Cin. & ada Ms Eoep 260 P Rot i Lous » Cin. & Cdl. E: 4:45 P 0. 22, ion Ace....... A No, 26. Wheeling Accom 5 Col., Cin Be N.Y. Ex; ei Trains mar! * ditly, Sunday E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, - General Passe Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO, pe New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST, a eet cea The Shortest and Quickest Route to Pitta- burg, Washington and Baltimore and the Southeast. Central or Ninetieth Meridien timo, 33 er a fucrelana. gity Ens. mnales dow n er notice trains will leave from th Centrtfl Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol. lows: ATLAN' P. 7.20, a, Tl. iman‘steeping ant Hote Got, RUM Legvittsbur 9:10 a.m. to New Y Al Boston without change. Arrive at M ‘st ile He td City 1m m. (dinngr) Franklin at 12:08 m, Pp. m Cong 1.14 p.m, Jamestown (Lake Chautauqug) 2.12 p. m_, Buffalo 5:50 p. m. Rochester 8:20 Pp. m3 forndiie. ville 00 p. m. [su 8:05 r]; Corning 7:25 p. m, Ekmiea m. Binghanton 10:05 p. m. ‘Alban B00 -m. Bostoa BoB cm.farriving at New York 6:54.20, on PITTSBURGH EX@: 1:2 d. ih. Through without eee A Ye town 9.55 a.m., Sharon 10:55 a, m, ve vite ii: i m. eet: s a, ‘Through ~ 2:30 dD I. man sleeping coach from Cloveland to New York, Arrives at Meadville at 6:30 p.m _, Jomes- town 8:47 p. m., Salamanca 9:45 Pp. m., New York 1025 a. m. PITTSBURGH, WASHINGTON A 2:30 DI, savrmokr: ‘gxeanss oe a stad without change, Arzives at Youngstown §; Pp m, Pittsburg 8:00p. m., Washington7:09 a. ™., Baltignore al 89 a, m. ' MAHONING AOMMODATION — 4:00 D. ih. Stopping at all way stations, artwing at ‘Youngstown 6:55 p. m., Sharon 7:60 p. m., Sharpeaviite 8:60 p.m. Daily except Sundav. 1 0 NIGHT EXPRESS—(Dally except f }. Nl. Sunday) Seoping coach from Cleveland to Hornellsville. Arrive at Meadville 8:25 a. m., Corry 4.59 a. m, Jamestown 5,97 a.m, Salamanca at 7.10 a. m™., Buffalo 9:20 a. m,, Niagara Falls 11.50 4 m., Rochester 12:58 p, m., Horneliaville, 11:00 a m., Corning 12:07 p. m, Elmira 12:40 p. m,, Binghampton 2:19 p m,, New York 9:10 p.m. ll 00 PITTSBURGH, WASHINGTON AND D. I, Bacrimore ‘express Wagner Sleeping Coach, Cleveland to Pittsburg without cha: Arnive at Youngstown at 2:00 a. m., Pittshuagh, Washington at 7.30 p m, Baltimore at 890 pm, Trains arrive at Oleveland, 6:20 a, m., 10:08 p. m., 12:50 pe my and 4-15 p.m, b hich aa This is eonly route by whic can reach Corry Elmita, Binghampton, Now Your Oh and intermediate points without ¢hange. No cheb to Boston and New Kogland Cities, Bos ge checked t' ne . all points East row tickets and information regardii the ry 184 Bank pies f aod route can be obtained at the o at new Depot of N. Y.,P &O.R R., South Water st@bt and Viaduet, Cleveland, O. A. E, he RK, Gen’) Pass’r Ag’t Cleveland, O. IMF ifn Gon’l Man’gr, Cleveland, 0. M.L, FO Passenger Agt, 181 Bank St. Cleveland. WIN more money then at anything else by taking an agency for the best selling book out. Beginners Succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. HALLEerr Book Co., Portland, Maine. = $ x in presents given awey. Berd us 5 cents ly 200,000 postage, and by mail you will get free a pack age of goods, of argo value, that will start you in wotk that willat once bring you in money faster than anything else in America, All about the $200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted every- where, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us At their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don’t delay. H. Harrere & Co,, Portland, Maine.

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