| Ave 3g2 ite w-asis FSsPABS IF & > _--_-- So Jand E, King, shovelling snow $2. ANOTHER SIDEWALK BOOM. Council Four Hours In' Ses- "sion. '| REPORT OF DEPUTATION THE PRINTING CONIRAUT AGAIN Although the council commenced business about on time Mo ing, an adjournment waS not arrived at until gfrer midnight, All the ora- tors were present od the audience being large, they took a whirl at al- most everything which tame up. The reports afforded the speakers grand opportunities which were taken advan- tage of on every occasign. = - The opening formalities beingcarried out, the reporte were brought up for discussion. - There was nothing alarming in the report of the Finance committer, as it was brought before the council. The committee distributed the "town's funds in this way: Mr. E. Stewart, $50 for plans of water lots facing on streets; Bell Telephone Co., rent of {instrument $22.50, and mersoge 60c,; and A. & H. Foreman, supplies, $1.91. Regarding the accounts of the audi- tors for $65 each, the committee lopped off $15 each and recommended the pay- ment of $50, which was adopted. The committée recommended that the rebate of $13 be given Presbyteriat church, being wrongfully charged against some lots they own, The letter regarding the Police Magistrate's salary, and the letters of Messrs, Moberly aud Birnie were left over until the next meeting. During the intermission since the March meeting of thecouncil, a change has been made in the chairmanship of the Board of Works, Mr. Emerson, who held that responsible position last year and was re-elected in January, resigned last week, and Mr. Chamber- lain was unanimously chose Mr. Chamberlain appeared in the nAw role Vonday evening for the first time, when he presented the monthly grist of the committee. The pay. roll for the month amount 'ped to 8171, which appears to have been well distributed among our working men, Theother accounts were: G, T. Foulis & Co., pike poles, etec., $1.75: Jas, Reid; work, 83; W. Dance, shovélling snow, $1: Jas. Gardiner The account of Mr. Urry which was sent in at last meeting for si2 for improve- ments on the snow plow, again bobbed up, and the committee recommended that 85 be paid to settle the account. The new sidewalk boom has again struck town, and the Board of Works made a long list ¢f recommendations. Brick walks are r commended on west St. Paul street from First to Hume streets, on north Hume street to Horontario street south side of: Fifth | street between Hurontarioand Maple Fifth to First street, north Lhirdstreet from Hurontaric to Cedar street, on north Fourth street from Hurontario to Maple street, on west Pine street from Fourth to Fitth street, on west Pine street from First to Third etreet, on west Ste. Marie street from Ontario to Fourth streets, and cement walks on north Huron street from Manitoba House to St. Paul street, and on east Hurontario street from Simcoe to Fourth streets. Mr. Obhamberlain. stated that the committee had decided to recommend brick walks for the side streets for several reasons; first, they were cheaper; secondly, that the walks would be broken up from time to time and with brick thie could be don better than with cement, and thirdly, on various streets there are trees, the roots of which would destréy the walks, A long and swearisome discussion followed, in which nearly every mem- ber of the council took Mr. Guilfoyle inquired if the chair- man had made any estimate of the cost of the proposed works ? Mr. Chamberlain--#10,000, > Mr. Guilfoyle--What proportion of }that would the town have to pay? Mr. Chamberlain replied that he did not know. Deputy-Reeve O'Brien thought that tenders should be asked for the work. He was of the opinion that it wasa one horse way of doing business. = "We drive a fall team 'in our com- mittee now," retorted the chairman. streets, on west Maple street from! rast year $600 was spent'in repairing { walks. In this casa the cost to the Geta would be $4,000, the interest on which would: be about $200 per year If the town would: stop repairing | money would be saved. ; Mr. Henderson advocated the walk for St. Pani street. 'The Mayor asked if the committee had examined the present walks ? Cries.of no, no! Whatis brick to cost ? "Don't know," some person said, Cor- were' no petitions for the proposcd walks, and therefore no need of push- @ the matter. Heis apparently unawar? of the fact. that petitions are an unnecessary trimming In such as the Board of Works have the power to take the initative, Mr. Emerson thought the committee had spent time enough considering this question. It was-time for the council to do something. Mr. Hughes congested that a portion be done in each ward + Deputy-Reeve Danesn approved of the recommendations but was of the| opinion that estimates should have| been prepared and submitted. He -would suggest that the report be re- ferred back and tenders asked. Mr. Emerson advocated immbdiate action, as last year the committee was humbugged by delaying. Mr, Witliame supported the adoption of the recommendations. .Mr. Henderson asked if the com- mittee was going 'to build walks or not. In reply to the Mayor's argu- ment that there were ho petitions for these walke, he said bis worship took the same ground last year against the walk on east Pine street and killed it. Mr. Guilfoyle inquired if the chair- power to goon with the work under the recommendation presented. Mr. Chamberlain affirmative, . Onamotion of Deputy-Reeve Dun, can, the report was amended, giving the committee power to advertise said wolks, and instructing them to ask for tendere and submit same. to the conncil, This, wae adopted and. the talking WAR cat, off for a few minutes," - The accounts of the Town. Property committee, which were small, were passed without objection. The committee recommended that an appropriation of %59 be made for planting trees in the park. In reply to letter of Mr. Thos, Robin- #on reinsurance, the committee report- ed the following division of premiums in 1895: F. W. Churchill, $195.15; W. A. Hogg, $39; D, Williams, jr., $27; J Robinson, $39.50, ¢ The insurance in force is: onthe Opera House and contente $16,800; electric light installation throughout town §2,314; pumping house station $2,000 ; boilers $3,000; hose reels $300 ; chemical engine $1,500, The committee recommended that the insuring of the different properties be placed under the direction of the different committees having control of the property insured. In the past this portion of municipal businers has not been under the direct control of any committee, hence the recommendation which-was adopted. The accounts of the Firs & Police committee amounted to $26.27. Deputy-Reéve Duncan has evidently heard something about the actious of certain metnbers of the fire company, as he inquired fora list of members who are in active service, and a report on the fires they bad turned out. He surprised the council by making the statement that a number of the mem- bers ofthe company had substitutes and rately turned out to fires themeelvés. He understood the members who were appointed by by-law received their ealary of $35 per year, and paid the enbstitutes who turned out, forty cents per hour. He knew of cases when the replied in the substitutes were very scarce. If such was the case he could see no reason why the substitutes should not be'ap- pointed firemen and thereby receive Mr. Carmichael promised a list of names and the information asked-at '| the next meeting. The committee recommended that the request of fire company for ruttber : ' boots and coats be granced, the firemen paying $2 each towards cost. This was adopted. One account for 99 cents from E, &: Brown and another for 25 cente from A.J. Levis, the 'presented by Deputy-Reeve Duncan in the absence @f Ohairman Finlay. ' At this juncture matters took an- other turn. Mr. Henderson, who made paceman neta tag Se ee tenders received know and adhere to, ga tions of Mr, H tinuing, his worship eaid that there ; regulars had not turned out and the/ ry Nothing. appears . ; mentacy the whole salary. | agg rm Meh harbor; p ead erent fsappot awe me that Chinrach. wt will be given irmmediatelPafter paesing estimates." Mr. Onimet replied : a patting nt! estimates now be- fore House only for current yea to firet Jaly gin Rw new work in of exo: members of the comeslitea one' m showed the in that figures Fame "black 'and white" of which Mr, Hend r tender, figured. the statutes, as. they have so frequently .done 'in nthe: past." Continuing, Mr. Henderson mid at that meeting of the council there was no reporter. of that paper present, and he, wanted to know who were the members of the. council who had furnished the information, and if it~ was not members of the council. was it an official? T will wait for the parties " to make their statement. No person spoke, and Mr, Henderson rose again and said that regarding the jstatement, "We have the supporting authority of two members of the com- -- mittee," michael, and myself are the only mem- bers who took the trouble" to. take ~ down the figures, and they are "in -- black" and white" and bear out my statements, A etc. Messrs. Guilfoyle, Oar. In the amounts I gave the vaihll ts stated that in' the Enterprise tender ~ were three sets of debentures, $19, and the question rose was that $19 for the three, or $19 per set. As Mr, Hogg bad stated on a previous occasion. when he printed one set for $10 that he -- had lost money, it wae natural to pose he would not do three sets for $19, If we had taken his tender and reckon. man. considered the committee had ry $19 for three sete, would he hang to No: Again when Mr, A. Dy. Knight got the debentures done for $20 and lost fifty dollare per year in, salary by it. we coneidered it cheap, I. have the figures in "black and white," and the tender of the Ent higher than Tar Bouietin.- fit any official gave the toformation, I wrong. * Mr. Gnilfoyle leo took a sae mn the | discussion, tefiera were opened I met Mr. WA. Hogg who asked what was the result: | I told him timt the contract imd been' awarded to THE BULLETIR, and Mr, Hogg replied that he had looked into -- 'the matter and found that $205 wan more than was paid Iaet year, Lin. formed him that the committee fad -- figured it out differently and showed -- hiurthe figures the same as Mr. Hen-- derson gaye to the council which thowed the tender of the Enterpriseto & be higher than that of Toe 4 The expenee account of 'the W. W, & © FE. L, committee contained between thiriy and forty accounts The items -- paid for includedafuel, wages, and sup. plies. light constriction amounted to $98.08, and for water works construction $2.30, In reply to Mesers. W. Tobey & Oo.'s request for price for 5000 'gallons of _. water for six days, the committee re-- commended that the price be fixed on the basis <6f 7000 gallons per Gay at $125 per year. The petition of the G, & M. Hospital for reduction in electric light rate, was not complied with, but they were al- lowed the. customary discount on ac- counts of February and March which were not paid before the 15th of each month. dollar on electric light account. The govering of the.steam pipes at the water works, came up again, this, time in the form of a recommendation empowering the committeeto have the werk done, At 'the last meeting of the council an offer of $75 for this work > was rejected | The Mayors report of the trip of the recent deputation to Ottawh was pre sented. Nothing more than what was - published in Tre BuLueri lact week -- appeared, Two telegrams were attach- ed to the Mayor Callary to Hon. Mr. Ourmet. It ane He said the day afterthe | fx Og ee echoed 2 cs TIN, The accounts of the electric Mrs. Lett was aleo remitted a One wae. sent estimates grate i ny yor nted next | mates for The documents were fyled without -- (comment. The cost of the Jarint was $8 Letter and accounts of nightwatch-. -- roen were read and referred to the Fire & Police committee to