Maritime History of the Great Lakes

A Satisfactory Interview, p. 4

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at -- ae se letin A SATISFACTORY INTERVIEW. ] | === |so THE DEPUTATION TO MONTREAL RE- sd PORT.--GENERAL MANAGER HAYS --_--_---- GIVES NO DEGIDED ANSWERS, At the moeting of thé town fathers there lon Monday evening the deputation til 37 Jappointed to visit Montreal to inter- 'uring | view General Manager Hays, present- there led their report. It read this way : 1475} yy compliance with your order-in- tothe/council a deputation consisting of ounty | Mayor Chamberlain, Reeve Foreman, \ days Mogers. T. Lone CE Stephens, and The |W, T. Toner, President of the Board in the |of Trade, proceeded to Montreal on poor| Wednesday to interview Genera | cost} Manager Haya, of the G.T R. We When | were granted a lengthy interview with id by | Mr. Hays, at which the several ques. gance |tioms im connection wiih our harbor, ost of |such as its importance asa lake port, 1 tWOfand ite geographical position, being ted to lon the direc: highway for the transit ct Of lof produce from "the east to the weat OX land vica versa, were discussed, It se Of |was plainly shown by the use of Bay- field's chart that the pert of Colling- [84 wood was the most easy of access and | bi better located than any other on 'the | #¢ lake. Mr, Hays acknowledged that | 0] the positica of Collingwood was such |#° as to demand a large portion of the | y¢ lake and rail trade, and that it would | de be the policy of the G. T. R. to try ne clen* and divert the trade that has been; St < = ts of going by other channels through ports! hi oorjon the Georgian Bay. He thought ould /that our location was such that the fai to be le awn would jhe largely benetitted by '00, euch policy, Mr. Hayes also said that | *" T8 tO lth» G. T. Ri had recently constructed {°° re of | at Portland, Me., an elevator of one * '8 bY land one quarter million bushels capac- tn | We lity which it would be necessary for ), U |them to keep supplied through points - hate lon the upper lakes, and that our port}, erity | wonld commend itself for a large share |" OUF lof this trade, and so soon ag the harbor i was placed in such « condition as -to |"! permit the entranc® of cargova the a van- | Present elevator plant would be placed | "> nent |2° active service with a larger capacity ani had |r the handling of grain. Mr. Hays ani se of [214 _ provision would be made to 5 ater, | Handle all the basiness off ed, tary Ve aleo pointed out to Mr. Hays he: | J the advantages of through passenger pane aor and package trade and he assured ua | °" ved "|that it was his intention to look fall ie on into that matter et an early date and cer vy when we had the neceasaty depth of ' orn. | water the position of our harbor would im tion cimmand a large portion of the trade, | po they | S70 farther explained to Mr. Haya, do that owing to the municipal council | a. Tor: | M8¥ing expe uded large suma of money |", in harbor improvements and the eon- Sn struction of the dry duck which are of Pri agimuch benefit tothe G,T R, ag tof 4 the town, that the town was not in ea pasition to grat any further monetary nt we | id. (by way ot bonus), bur if addition. aga sl buildings were cunstracted to in-|" ereare the lake trade the conneil would f sy ha prepared to treat them leniently iP)". the way of exemptiona of municipal Bf taxes, yoo) Me.SHays assured as that he per- win <onaliy was very pleased with the! | + interview and the information present. | Sl ed, and that he wonld in the nvr | fatu-e, pay Collingwood. a visit. He i nN S eoclt like ta 'ave a decided angwey | 7*" ac [after the contract was signed for the | 2a¥ the |harhor work to enable him to tuke| gh-|retion. In conn ction therewith your ed | depatation dermed it advrable to cmin) py Ottvea to endeavor to have the mattet | epipy settled. On our arival in Ottawa we | teny, ten Joou'd not get an interview 'ith the! ony he Hon. Minister of Palic Works ti they... wh [afrernoen: In the meantime we yn vill |teretowed Me Coete the Gaverniment the un | Eegineer, and he gave ua sone wala a ee na fable information and showed use the 'did nes est fie ®& al) [olan oof the werk which Cee me wa, 'h hannel of from 300 ta ft tepe 1) the te width ard wll af the inner tarbort. a! hej depth «f 9s fees, therety allowing oh ™ ret [Target vesarla th diecharge on ene side of the elewater, railaasy wharf <4! town wharf The de periment can ered the tender Very (OW incor papi te thelenpineer's eacimares, im Ferro mach ower than the reat tender ths are they hdertated ahow' aigning the ors U1, ; 2 . 710) tract. » We aceured Jim thar on th the spare ee ¢onnected bad each "hres or knowledge ef the harhor that Ueoy t aed ow | tear he able tn carey out th. onstea-+ rhs wo He expreseed a wih that the taw: : hp would a-sist the cartractore yes ries h | ge | eR feeQathle, ae it wae the ontentian of Jr » [the Department te rffer errs hemjet- Braél f yaoce "nd regammen| the frover onan | < j- [te atlow then, to bring in ther place le rs ' . _ | Ge toe of duty Th the aftersnon we | wa had g ehort interview with the Has? Winder fF Butte Wok nel ch de - ' Mayor thanked him on behalf +f the [ Redp town for the vers pe Mpt manner ® | E a } " shich the preeen CGearernment has i . . ss 7 te | tealt with she imoprovem nts te nar! "S™P 1a harhoe and the cery Irbersi any ant Maced In che extimates For the panned r gear to carry on the wk The Slee | The eff 7. Tarte aeanted ne that he =*: | for M nlegeed tn know that rhe effort wac lect, e[apprectated br the town, and if wedy yy [had any sugpestions ta make new oF | hell. ¢ djanr other time he wonld ne pleas dtel A Ca conmder them. Mr arse intencde . : ) Samp: Psy Collingswood a vier ag arin ae \"arrie moasble eafrar the preaent FeRdiO Nn nf | Lewis Iie on int J , | Parliamen: l Camp On nor retmen ta Toarontn, Mr »| White, District Freight Agent, met ne: SS Sy appsintment and wae pleased wits, Bo Me the report afore intepciee wirh Mr , Pentla if faye He informed ue that if wae if "an sfhim invention te do all he eonld ref Hong, lhring trate ta lingwned D. Me, When the report washrought hefape Greer I*he conncil Reeves Foreman endo-sd jit ae fallows i Your depntation teks great. yp) as. Ri fare im intefining you 'inet trom ir Lorn [fermatins received from the Han <aye:- | Winester of Potlie Work ixthet poe Syrup jcontract fe the harbor weeks. wad very h for the enm of 2144.06 contd 4 ' CE EE one he | WORK AND WORRY. wae oT! } Owe work, worry and mental o> air eongh 1 tlast epring canaed heart t-onghle.. perc. PonsTeet, gtt--lateg: «. pty Michrasn'e Heart and Nerve Pile helped me at pang jo-ee ged finally cured'm-, Ifce like

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