Maritime History of the Great Lakes

The Week's Commercial Summary, p. 2

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a ' - : Te os oe el The Week's Commercial Summary. : "g " aes Minneapolis is showing enormous ship- | ments of flour, S The world's visible supply of wheat at decreasod about 4,000,000 bushels last | of | Week. . | ~The trade returns for nine months of | es the present fiseal year were $184,734,000, s nearly ten millions better than last yeur. j pC | Statistically, the wheat' situation is , "| very strong. There is a decrease of about 750.000 bushels in the visibly supply in | United States and Canada, and a decrease of 1,440,000 bushels in the amount afloat | we 0. 'luken together the total is ee SS SF Pa >--=s -~ ew t- et we eee oe 6 oe $8,500,000 bushels, or about 32,000,000 | al )--s bushels less than a year ago, er a Of the 482,300 square miles which form | the area of the Paciile Province, about | 255,000 square miles of these are wood n | lamts, In her timber wealth, British Col- ee Unibia hus almost at rich an asset ns in inineral resources, There are forty vari- | " vties of timber in the forests of British | l~ Columbia. The Douglas fir bas obtained | ~the-widest-fame of the British Columbia » |) Woods. Dr, Nansen, whose veseel in the hy reewnt famous Arctic expedition, the do) ** Fram,' was constructed of Douglas gr, ¥ ) gives to this wood the highest encorhi- | ums for strength and elasticier, The ned i: ¢edauris another famous wool of the 7 l- | Pacifie coust and fs used chiefly as an in- f terior material. The yellow cedar ts also" a Staple product. Cypress is grown on + ) Vancouver Island and the North Casst., | White sproce finds a use fn wood pulp 'f manufactures, os well as in making > packing cases, of which the salmon can- ' hers use, each year, an enormous supply. » Among' the many excellent cabinet woods | Sin the province are white pine, maple, - K ioakler and the arbutus. It is unfortunate | [- that so much of the woml is sent from " Britivh Columbia--and this applies al- | © most equally to other parts of Canada-- || © dna eunparatively unmannfactured con. | + - dition. 'limber suited to the construction of buildings. public works and other Similar uevsmust of neevssite be exported | | ina reugh condition, But there are | ¢ many wood products which Gould be rede advantageously in Canada if manu- » facturers could obtain the neeessary in- formation of the market's requirements, \ -- Monetary 'Thies, ae Foe The temorkable licht which, hasbeen |! brought forward in Germanyaind known | oas the Durr light is declared to be equally | 'aywble of use for interior ilumination. | It is originated hy. automatic evaporn | tien and overheating of the vapors from ordinary lunp petrolenm, The vapors, being converted inte gas, when burned | ylehi a light of from 5,500 to 14,000 can. | le power, The apparatus consists of a- tahk-containing the supply of petroleum, | ] Which is removed satliciently from the burner to avoid all danger of fire from, the fame, The ail ls conducted by drops | into nw turner of special construction, after the latter has been heated fdr about -- five minutes by means of ofl which. is ' burned in sinall heating pans furnished + with the apparatus. Behind the burner , from which the flame issues there is a: second burner, which, after the heating . ' | of the pans has heen removed, continu. | ally produces the vapors and heata- them | too high temperitune, at the asme time - completely sarroumiiog the flest burner | . With a strong fame. This arrangement: -- , is said to minke the extinction of the) light are impossibility, even in the strong: | [ ast Wind. Freeh air ix drawn in between' » the burner and the external eylinder by | the force ef the dame rushing out, and | I by tsing this alr im the burner a sinoke- | h | less flame pesults on aecount of the alr) supply beings: heateal The olf need ts ordinary Hh) proof coal oil, the consump. -- ') tiunm of which Is about Pty pints per 1,000 camdle pawer, = "e * 2 2 3 oo ear 7 --- i @ .3 -- le A a ll i Human Oddities,

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