[INGWOOD BUL PAY #, 1897. -- 2°) the NEW TARIFF A GOOD ae a louR OTTAWA TEEBR RS agate hen toe | e for par- j ling it with a Lint maskan™ "hae ewing | 41 gies are. No one wi bermel Bx m rajotaed than he hea sence r going reform been TS atanie just ane l FORTHE PARMER. But he was face to face with such con- Lessa na these i j ~ A de Tain ot a zor mandlog. fo (meses poh rpaed : oN bes SRE "4 bite ard i ch' ith 'Th ro | Ff aaseeiee 3 nih azhly Piston Paty ae é ve ; (2) The imipoealbiiity for the present Quarrel The Tupper Dynasty. 4s at Jeaxt,.0 E beral treaty of | [From Our, Own Correspondent. a) Freciproc rocity in manutactures and natural t | products from the United States, the Re- i | Ott wa, April 27.--The new tariff is | eared =e dave just come in,- being. | 1 |on the "Bhile satistietory to Liberala | geval t the farmers a the | t | the ship' shead isatany rate pointing | LRoutice and crite ho real itrot of | br. the right direction. The farmer, to begin | beter be Badshy Fis Babe tert the reat} « | With, gets cheaper implements. Theduty | there is an unfriendly feeling at Wash- | § [orf reapers And binders remains at 20 per') ington toward Camula, the outeame of | fF leent.,6ut that on the smaller Implements Dorr eieirdty bs gtoe ip of enters 2 | Pp Aine and Sie Julian Pauneefy Lj be. bern reduced from 35 to 25 per cent. | jo) and of their dealing with American ' The 20 on binders is practically reve-) giching vessels in the North Atlantic on e |nue duty, The tax on pig iron has been © the strength of their harsh interpretation | cut from 4 to $2.50 per short ton. The cost of a long ton of implyeent pig iron at Chicago or Pittsburg 811, so that the reduced duty is "equivalent to over Fea eas Canulian implement maker is still pay- ing s higher duty on that part of his raw 7 nuichine, étill, so far as pig To put it different, there is iron 5 concerned, ° Coe FT; petitor, "his ix true also of the new ditties on'hia stecl aud other articles. 'That being the case, there Is no justice in the Patron resolution, to be moved in hecielead to the taritf futi 20 per cent. ad val; in other words, the .4 nuiterial than the duty on the finished" lepisdation dn favor of his American com- | of an old parchment, which jnterpreta- tiog England repudiated as inhumane and contrary to the spirit of modern civilization as long ago as IST. It will > take time for the Liberal Government * to: all other raw material {a cheaper in the "States n 4 \o ond that in-consequence of their ininense ome market American manufacturers have been able to carry process of specializing labor and machinery to ex- lengths, so that their one: | Epis et should be placed on the fees list. The only fair atl reasonable yer of secnring free dinplements would begin by maar ings inom amd steel free; " that is wo say, by abandoning the at- ri "tempt to erentedin Tron Jodustry in Can- g ada. A good many persons are persuaded | that the experiment which has been geo- ing on since ISsT is not likely, do what * Iwe may, to suceoml. Corl ond tron are | found together only at the extremities of "the Dominion, _J.2u0 to 53,000 miles "dis- . tant from the chief manufacturing prov- ip imcef amd Gt xtands "fa cninmon sense ds that, so Mines as wre protect the industry, ti jase I so dirranged 'muse a is be ws trcmendons handien bai of the Ontario manuf. eurce, But this is a "not an opportune tine for dropping the 1+ sinelting: industry, 1} 'The farmer alse gets the benefit of free sf 2 : ' e F- barb wire and free bindings twine, The ¢ @uty on coal oil is "reduced from six to no five cénts, which, «with the changes as o reganis tank oil, really amounts to cut- oO ting three ewnt=, or 0 per cent, off the b-wuld- protection. Aare saiuetion ism inthe woollen duth ereat m: iny cuses the former spvitlealuties have been ¥ abolished and at valorem duties sub. u ostituted. This of iteelf inn fimpeortant to gain, expeclally to the consmmer of chea e gira on which specitic duties fall heavi- s est. he ery that some oof the cotton duties have been ineteased is trae and yet not true. Where inercases have been 'trade itis merely_to provide a fair mar- gin of revenue duty after a reduction of ® 20 per cent. of the duty hy us been mide in favor of the Hriti<h gnanufacturer, tls nota _--, of herole reform, such & mensure under kien now = existing--the Ss detinconledl trade, the critleal candition a of many Industries, the ene with which n they could have been closed by Amert- e can "slaughtering had the dutles eee " he u rely revenue basis, Novw, n the Torles cry "You have etolen our \- clothes." Then, they would have declared doowith a show of reason that the country's 8 clothes had been stolen and it left -- to its enemies, . i i The Preferential Trade Scheme, ir! The proposition to give prefere ntial treatment to Britain by taking gore cent. off the duites wher her conker: ware in, and to grant the sane treatment to other countries that wdmit our products » has rigs the wind -Tannot. any longer claim to ae " monopoly of all re loyalty in the ntry. t the same me It is romew hs 'ounttal Mm present arp if the scheme can be carried out. ; The Imperial Government has not heen heard from up to this time, but Is sure to have something to say on the matter er may perhaps der line to aéeept prefer. if ential treatment on the Liga Tlrat, that ie would invelye her ¢ a tn eunmplications with tiirmanr, 'Helguime and other countries over the favored nation unilerstancding; secondly, Chat ie welt kaedf Conmada were diseriminating againet the Unite! states with her con- nivatiece. Hor prose trade (imports anid exports) with thuse counteles in PS05 was us follows din pornits sterting A With the Vr nite tates Peaety, Ptelpittna, id s it i CCT, Lee AU Lu te | £220,000, 00 Her gross trade with Conala was £1%,- None Stheoeenhd not afford te run the risk af fojurings her conmunerce with then iL for the sake of neceptiow preferentio! * treatrment fren ie, " Ainixter that the Governordseneral brstrorthons net to sdpn a tariff bi fae oring Britain ever ether countries As Mr. Foster showed the other night, the Dieperial tiorernment held In Pst, when the mater woe browght up inthe Beltieh Tarlkiment, that the Hritish treaties with (oorniiamiy iene Lab abit -- us Bort Grapesinge bigher cloth their. ala Chon yee fepeue ony liritish. Then ad are hennd by our arrangement with France te. heron on favand-nation footing Yootves fey fet Wf on the favo rive don © endertaodiops ome taken diate aeesunt [owe py hare te wlve fhe poole of some: i thingy like we mts twee eotntcles the eave [treatin thee wlver fo Ueitheh, threbeapeh peed ede thine fren theme con parebde with whet owe get. foo Mette frobewh Dn gest qopees geteiog moehinge bat hard Limorks fre their anerowadieths on by unex nr Wits Plie Co aebtidt toutes warded Poe thie cs eserpoiew et Lnepeertvmiee willing ' experts entering Cimka svelte seals sca tne | if tt de' spoctia ot omer cae Bee ebrneete ont the for rhotf sertoaf oumnmrerclal warfare Unineal Atntes j Ve Will ber soem toe the Dhami report ! jof his speech, Mr Bietting bs aeteertain 4 | thrat this Terteiers ef thy mew tach? ie fpervetioalte. Eee btisty geoeata rem Deedinge aed "initted wt this time ef writing at prefers . entied Guties, Mit, as anid, the Hritheh Government has not yer hewn fom. Some dar we shall claim the treaty. making pewer for curedeoa, Then we can daas we please about teeing biporta and give Heitain minimum duties, If we like, without regant to her entanglement 1 ) with other nation Sir Riehard Cartwright« Pealiton, Sie Richard Cartwright will Ln & | Mr> Foster thia afternoon, He re. ported] hy the Tory papers early last, week to be on the eve of resigning. There w no foundation whatever for - the pity Sir Richard te ne resolute a tariff reform er and aa pronounes trader aa ever, but he reengnizes what Gladstone | called the "elreumecribing power of tem- porary or special conditions." There ia a = -- or ze to | E0100, nen sat competition With our industries ould be far more merciless now than a foriner thr | (4) The nceeesity, owing to the Tory | pelicy of piling up the expenditure and cca ee the cou uniry to pel se ets of tuising # revenue of no Tess Me $40,000,000 a year without resorting. _ to direct taxation Under these cirenm stances, ernment has gone ax prudence would allow and. contented itself with | making a beginning of the work before it rather.than of essuy to carry the work to completion all at once, ut bee cause conditions over which you have n control prevent you for the time being from doing all'you would like to do, it does not follow surely. "that you have deserted your principles. Above all, it? does not follow that you should abandon | Four post and let rty that does not belleve In reformation at all core or something like this, d¢ what r Richard Sys ta his pirty friends and the Gor- the jrrowlng army of independents, -- Soselnile amore Che faring class, who regan hin as their friend ane leader in: tariff matters and. in other matters as No wider influence or is more looked up to, and his speech to-day I< eagerly awalted, The Tory Quarrels, he is obvious, to change the subject, | that the 'Tories are not making prog in healing their internal dixsensions, + 'sir Mackenzie Bowell and his friends ore Da rasa energy the ntague "reac out." Th. 'vy are cca poe to Mr. Foster, but he is intizpensable aaa debater and for that raison " not agro Amongst those who "ynust goo! Mr. Bowell's vers | } stom of the Resi e? has ceek iven in one of these Jets The version of the bolt- ers is briefly as : follows i-- When sir John 4 hompeon left for England he bans made up his mind to shelve Mr. Bowell, to give him some. thing op the ut gutside but to put him out of the Cabinet. The reason" for thia was that Mr. howe ine: sooty. coupled with his cert blgndend had t coine intelerable. When Sie John died ae | Windsor, the Governor: Getseal sent for | Mr. Howell as senior member of the | opens to have no talk about reconstrie- on, Mr. Bowell suggested that Sir | Frank Smith should be consulted. Sir | Frank was ecousylted secordingly and. at his suggestion, liut without the know. ledge or eemsent af the other members * of the Cabinet, Sir Mackenzle was offered the Premiership which he aceepted, or, | lospak imore accurately, jumped at. Hence Minister who | been retiwd because his joume became the head of the Government * hy see hing Uke a triek on his col- | lagu Hie colleagies or seme of them would have resigned there and then had been for his threat) to pecommend re iowernor-General to send Mr. jer, He was determined to rule or ruin, Lhey agresd therefore to let him rule for awhile, Lut ther Pegline ir destecying Cheje chances of SHO ss the approaching -- elections, Caren aed Jost his hold of Quebee and Howell was moking bt lipossitle for the party to keep the Inulish speaking prov Inve), or ides lio foee the conntry at whl" Phe Dana oe veri ae foithathve of his "wn, Was lost In the position to - whieh be. hawt been called, and, like Miest stuall men sa efroumstanced, ed that everrialy was hie enemy, that if be wis unable to sathefy hie nedoelates ft was because ther were leagued against him, whervas in truth what alled bi was his watural aniitness for so big wjob At lest he pwreed red promieat to tesign make war Lupper or aomaone oe baer, for bring hlnself to rethe, and wenk on going fom tl to worse until nothing i rernadtied for bia collengnes but to blincewe by preventing balay hs The hey any, rove fram the fiopesdhilire of making : sk puree octet a swe cor--of trans "hee ning man oof small calibre, who ate hopassable enberiioate cl age and fewspaper fLattery turned hile head, Inte he Priow Minister of a country eo dl cult to govern os this pe Deere yver Dyonatyr, The Witiealiy with the isiake al pres sures, ie that who fe acting 04 warteli pon fer con neath ir eon eret that Sie Charkea 'Papper ts Fat shower when he can dostal Sir Hibbert 'Tagaer Itne Sie Hilbert, theash met without abilite af ma coeratn -- kore? bere nee fir for the laerstip than Howell woe. The has not the same Pefiendthes exaethe * u young where Mowe Iwas old. Phat he is tre monitously, "Sreh' and bumpeiis and utterly lack ing Joe jadement herawee without know1- ele cot haan notiee, Tf he were shored on the party bt weld orto plooes in no thee. Sie Joht Macdonald's con would make a better tet of ie if ae hereditare pein Hoag fa te prevail In the selection of wh Teanel Sir iti bert ns ie wer in pe ed went lait te tarry Sova No Soothe few pepitdkatovt Infrn writ bila tether alernge woebtte beien uppertom fs dene thervy, how shall Jt be made alive In On- tairhe? When Sir Charles stepa down, Mr. Foa- ter 1 more Ikely to suceerd = him Hile | judgment is not nlwars good mor ia he | Poesia but he ie the best epeaker cn that side of the House and perhaps the est all-rovnd man ther hate, Mr. Hag- | gart will, f snppose be his fleet Houten: pant, Heggart bel © retapes, but without doubt isa man of | very considerable ability. haye reason be belleve that when he got Into the tapes he could have cleared his reputa- ten hod he felt diepoeed to lay the blame where It really belonged, but ia a Sivt soon aaw that this. thie and ~ Hut his vanity -- was «o overwhelming that he could never la "nN N eo Peat at ea ) bs Ts bast rte & H p man in publie life exerts a | 'D - t Lied th pl Ji Ww cl w cr be it fi h e iT] P b fe ob tn WwW " " rr 2 a h 2