Maritime History of the Great Lakes

The Atlantic's First Trip, p. 1

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I es evo" - rr + |e = we - e | : | lake and river steamship system: She a, ie a 'Jally that we have in our midst, The *' fine passenger boats between Erieau .|colmeon, N, W. Ford of The Banner, -{ tic arrived in Cleveland atGa.m, She Lreturned leaving there in the forenoon | Roes, MalcolmsonJand Hadley «emain- .| lingwood to the' Soo, companion.boata "| Chief Mate, F. Moles; Chief Magineer, _ | Passengers are well looked after, The THE ATIANTIC'S FIRST TRIP. | 'The Chathem Evering Banner says : The city and county are to be congra- tulated on the establishing of what may be one of the most successful en- terprises, both socially _ and commerci- Great Northera Transit Company has "been persaided to put on one of -their and Cleveland. Manager Cameron was brought hort by Manager J. J. Roses, of the E. & H., and Hugh Mal- colmson and others, Afterlooking over the the prospec's, Mr. Cameron decided to bring the Atlantic here, He came there a few days ago and ordered the | boat to leave Collingwood on Thurs- day evening. She arrived at the Eau at7 p.m. Saturday, and took an ex- cursion party to C'eveland. Messrs. Cameron and Ross invited a number of citizens to accompany them on the Atlantic's trial trip. Among those who accepted the invitation were Hugh Malcolmson, J. A. Walker, Dr. D. G, Fleming, W.E. Rispin, W. H. Harper, Chas. Hadley, Geo, Mal- and FE. McKay of the Ridgetown P.ain- dealer, The party -leff the KE, & H. depot.at7 p.m. and found the Atlantic at the piers. The evenibg being delightfully cool at the piers it was decided not to leave till about midnight, which was done and after a cool night's sail the: Atlan- 'and arriving at the piers about 2,30 p.iu., having on board a good number of Cleveland peoply> Messrs, Cameron, ed till today. The Atlantic will leave the Eau every evening during this sea- , son and returning every day leaving -| Cleveland about. 9 a.m. | + "The Ationticisowned-by the well- known and popular Great Northern Transit Company runnirg from Col- being the Majesticand Pacific. She is 150 feet long and 75¢.tons burden. She is one of the strongest and best sea going propellers on the lakes, She is absolutely tafe and fast. She can make the trip from the Eav to Cleve: land in from four to ffre hours, She -is fitted' up with all the modern im- provements in: machinery, compound engines, lighted with -- electri¢ity thronghout; fine dining room, with the best cuisine, equal to any of the steamship lines, oshevetything is. ob- tained daily fresh and clean, The staterooms are large, well ventilated, colcely furnisbed with electric Fight in each, The s:eamer has a license to fearry three handrel passengers and will tam on important link in our ia commanded ty Capt. J, Wilson: 7 i J, Aston: Parser, S. MeClelland, all of Collfegwood, andold employees of the Great Northera Transit Co. There is ayo d staff of assistants in every de- | par tren ni so that the wants of all the ladie« cabin is nleely Parcished ¢on- tainiog a fine piso The boat is well painted throughout, inside and out side, sothat everrthing is ina neat, clean and inviting. condition all of which assist in making atrip on the Atlantic ujost pleasant. Many Chat- tio col bei Th me wa pri an nie Co ne Qu be: be: thi toj ham peeple will remember with er] pleasure Purser McClelland, as he has d, Ri wishes the new enterprise complete on Imire erwin 5 Captain Wilson in bis private roomie, E boar and took in the Cleveland trip. been on the Soo Line for many years, Mr. McClelland will be pleased to re- new former acqraintances, A vey pleasant evening was spent with Mr. and Mra. J. Brydon, of Rank of Commeree, Coflingweed, came on the The proxpects are lrighit for w good passenger and freight business hetween here and Cleveland. Much credit ia due to Manager 4, J. Rose, of the EK. & H, In securing such a fine outing for our people. The Banrer Sic Chess. RnRa>24 2

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