amt "3 ase Hodge meetings. In the office Mr. | Hamilton has added a number of 'modern conveniences which will assiet }mails, MARINE. The fug, Wright which came here} ¢ with-the dredge D'Alton McCarthy, has been laid off fora few days. In | the meantime Capt. J. Morrow ia doing the towing with his powerful tug, W. J, Aikens, | 'The steamer E.B. Hale, while bound from Lorain, O., to Milwaukee, found | ered on Like Huron on Friday night, when half way across Saginaw Hay. | The breaking of the main steam pipe left the steamer help'ess in the trough of the sea and ashe finally filled and sank. the «teamer Nebraska which aleo at- tempted totow the helpless steamer. The Hale was owned by M.A. Deadley | and owas valued at of Cleveland, at), ane Oe SES Oe BIRTHS, ~ At tol Ling, Jono Ferguson, a Frerareon } to Mr. and Mra, | «aughter. ---------- - - ---- in the delivery and deapatch of the' » eo mii The crew were all picked up by |} on Oct. Oth, pe 4 W th en 1A th all pre