the position of affaire and concluded | ~~) by reading @ letter from Mr, D' Alton McOarthy who recommended: thata deputation be sent to Ottawa on Tues . day. If the council did so, Mr. Mo {Carthy sald he would for an interview with the t on Wednesday. Messrs. Guilfoyle and Reidarenn moved that the depatation be ed of Mayor Ohamberlain, * Resta Churchill, Mesars, T, Long, E. Stewart R. Emerson, J. Hirnie, jr., J. Guilfoyla, H. Y. Telfer, O, Stephens, D, Wilson, - veka teak get EY? The motion was ly. A motion placing furids at the dis- posal of the deputation was also passed and the council adjourned, the businees being completed in lees than -- half an hour..