Around the Waterfront, News of the Harbor and Elsewhere, The steamer H. -B. Tuttle was cold by Marshal's sale at Goderlch . Capt. Mitchell of © Cleveland. The is sald to have been #4100. . The first steamer to hove in sight at .Port Arthur was the Theano the A.CSS. Line. This wae ou ao day, bat the harbor . then by 'lee. _ Mr. Geo. To Marks of ee Arthur has let the Seiten for 2 opened of 125,000 busbels toe Glaagow firm The hpamcion will oly bet ween Bort: Arthur ane Georgian, - seventeen trap nets between Owen Sout! and Penetang. . & Treasury Department im- a fine of 350 on the Cana- dian steamer Donnacona for falling © to report her preseoce lo Amer tean | waters at the first port after leav-,¢ lng Cinada, whieh was Chicago. PF of the fishery service cruiser Gliphle captured -- = ws A | eee. pe oo Goverument, dled in the ancient Seat r ital a few days.ago. The devea wel ale owned hes Str. fr Lied' Strathcoaa. 4 The second boat of the grula fleet, ¢ the Lucy Neff, arrived In port on, Saturday afternsova, having on board '|55,000 bushels of corm 'The grata' was discharged at the G.T.K. eleva- tor atid the satleamer cleared for;! Parry Sound to load lumber. i Pr. Cannlingham"s launch = Euvereon* j is in commission at Parry Sound, be-** ing the first of the fleet of gaseline j laucches to take to the water thin © oats Already there ure four of 4 hese boats owned here nud several } persons are talking of purchasing. | ' The Str. Telegram left on Thurs | day afternoon to take her place, on 3 the route between Cutler and the @ Manitoulia Island ports. Capt. tle ¢ land thoroughly overhauled lls boat 4 ; ore leaving. The Interior and ex- 0 terlor were painted and several " changes made which will add to the convenience of the travelling public, 7 The ferry #leamef Maorwppa of t' « Toronto Ferry Company's firet, tg t merly owned nnd operated at Ow en|* Sound by Mr. McLauchlan, laa teen ¢ 'chartered by Marks & Wiley of .Port | n Arthur, and willl leave Toronto' on * Saturday for that point. The Magep- {| pa will be used an ferry steamer, * running to several plices he a * Mort distance of Port. Arth | The blockade of the ieth chaanel & waa such on Friday and Saturday Fr that the Northern Navigation GQ, * were compelled to agaln cancel their " flrat aniling to Sault Ste. Marie and © Intermediate ports, consequently the ii Germaole hd not leave on Saturday © Jafternoon, 'The City of Colllngwoodt, © howerer, mot away on Tuesday nfs | terpoon with a goo! load of freight I pnd quite a lange Het of passengers. u In referrlog fo the eancellation of © "the ailliogg of the City of Collingwood ™ on Tuesliy, of Inst wrek the Mea- © ford Mirror amiyse:--It Is ascertained Y om rellable authority that the first 1 _jilate of walling was cancelled owing to the Jack of mufficleat freight lo ik Pollingwood to load the boat, Of covree tt ie well known here | that the change was made owing © to the North Shore ports veing © a blockade by tee, The officers of the new steamer * Maoiton are; Capt,, ff, - Raxter, of 4 Owen Souml: mate, W.-J. Gerbett,of 4 Owen Saul; chief engineer, alah, 8 Simpaon, of Winrtons: second en t gineer, J. A. McLaren, of Owen ! Sond: purser, Michael MeAuley, of * Sonthampten; chef, Dransumbh, of ¢ Owen. Soam) sand the crew and offf- 3 cera will number abqut seventeen or ! eighteen, The steamer will moke @ | regular 'hieweekly trips nroaned the 7 lSwanitouwla Latand, commenelig oat)" Whitton, - ! The lurge ateel frelghter Rokedale,) © Cypt. Wright, steamed Inte the lar. al hor on Sumlay afternoon Crom Cl. ' CaRD. having.on board 80,000 tmathele T core. The cargo was shippel by. J te Reger, Bncon & Co, nol was" conalgnet for seqjboard ports, tn Monday moraing the ateomer Charles t Neff arrits! with 506,000 tishela of cotn, The Rosetale took hee pitye | ! neder the leg-of the eletator im- mediately after the departure of * the Lucey Neff and was followed on"! | Tueslay br the Charles Neff. The pee hae elenred for Pariy Sean, where ahe willl take on a carr of lumber. Parry Senne Star :--The ateamer; [Ueromole called here yeaterting imorning on her do@n trip) from ! ion Rieer and Byng Inlet. A fet { ' ef the olf hoya who did not sce the ! feerel or ter drew on the up trip * j were at theakek to alake lionede 4 j with akipper "RIN MeQuale and & , Puree "Torry" Acnol!, as well as! j the reeteo! the crew. The Qermink 4 thoeoke well and her offlenrs were nfl | ppteaarl to extent the glad band te pereryberly, Cupt. "Sim Wilson, the . | Gram Trestient of the GAM, pe Inet ane pula the belle om 1 the Germanic ja fiom Oemorndere of, | tie Coliingowen? Meet cant pulle the, [hella on the ble City of Collinigeenes?. | (tiie old Frtenels here ofe proad of j hts exoceees! eepeelilly becanee he pe yan ol? Porey Senne bee, | 'The Trlaod Lakes Transportation: Gy, hell on omeretiog fia Toroste on | Sertumtay afterneen when fnether \ prrangenfents were maile for the | perch weoof the steamers whith the jeemgeny propose to tring fe thle Leomntey and pines an tne freighting etree of the Copia lykea, The eotmpiny hate ofrangcel that Capt. i Ponoetiy of Kingston, 1. 4. Malin. of | 1 tye Polaon tro Works, aml Mf | St tanes mW Chicago, are to ce toa the pou Caurtry io a abort thee UL \ eehye two or pore steomere, Ad, lpr viewstiy noted hy the Ralletin, tere, of the atenmere are already ander. canines and the chief business of the! feommittes owlll be ote elnge Ue | eos vane cee om thled boat. iy j Perv hte The company hope to hare! jtte Heete In Canadian waters In) . | Ture, Pot ae they hage te he enol In! jtwo to permit of thelr Posing, j through the locke, It will he eome! | jtime ino tole, poseitte Aneinet, ae | "1 fore 'tps rene) the Georgian Rar